Conversation 1 Gal: Hey, Domino’s at home. We were wonderin’ if you’d be able to go let him out at all, ‘cause Mom’s in jail ‘till at least tomorrow. Guy: Yeah I could, what time? Gal: Anytime this evening would be great, he just shouldn’t be inside all night by himself. Guy: Ok, well if she’s gonna get out tomorrow he could just spend the night with me . . . probably. Gal: Oh cool! Although actually Otis might go get the bail money from my sister and get her out today so if that happens you wouldn’t have to go at all. Guy: That’d probably be best. How much is it to get her out? Gal: I’m not sure he’s gonna be able to but if he can it’s fuckin’ $2000! We think she should just stay ‘till court tomorrow but she’s freakin’ out. Guy: I’m in the process of creating an elaborate prison break scheme as we speak (chuckle) so no worries mate. Gal: (Open laughter) Nice! Maybe save that for when she actually gets sentenced though, she’s most likely getting jail time. They have six counts against her! Guy: That’s no good, if she’s goin’ to jail regardless isn’t that a waste of two grand? Gal: Yeah, that’s what we were sayin’, but she says she can’t stay there all night. Plus I don’t know how fast you get sentenced.
Conversation 2 Guy: Hey! How you doin’ today Miss Green? Miss Green: Not too bad! How are you? Guy: Not bad, homecoming was tonight at the school but it wasn’t too bad. Miss Green: Oh God, homecoming, that must’ve sucked balls. I worked today too for once (chuckle). We’re about to all go smoke and watch Tosh. Guy: (Chuckle) Niiice. I’m probably gonna go smoke myself.
Miss Green: (Laughter) Good idea. We’re gonna order some Mother Bear’s later, and I got a jar of pickles so we have somethin’ to munch while we wait for it, you know you gotta have some munchies. Guy: Heh, yeah, for reals. Miss Green: So I saw your status about movin’ to Dayton, that’d be pretty cool. Guy: Yeah, nothin’ personal against any of my friends, but I feel a change would be good. Miss Green: No I think it’s an awesome idea, fuck your friends! (Chuckle) You’d be so much happier! Guy: Yeah, I really think I would. Miss Green: Would you live with your brother there or get your own place? Guy: I’d like to get my own place, but Luke offered for me to stay with them ‘till I get a job and my own place and everything. Miss Green: That’d be some sweet shit. Guy: Yeah. So how was your work today? Miss Green: It wasn’t bad I guess, same as ever. I had to wear a nametag that said Julie, it was fuckin’ stupid. Guy: (Chuckle) That’s pretty lame, sorry. Miss Green: Yeah, but my torture’s over now. I’ve been surprisingly not sad today so I call it a success. Guy: Well that’s good, you should be. Not sad, I mean. Miss Green: Yeah, thank goodness for pot! (Laughter) I just realized I won’t have a dealer when you move! (Chuckle) Guy: (Laughter) Well I don’t deal much anyway but Bloomington’s like dealer city. Miss Green: You do to me! I can’t just go meet some stranger and buy drugs from him! Guy: Yeah, I know, it’s pretty hard to set that kinda thing up. But a lot of people around here have hook-ups already anyway. Miss Green: Well maybe, I think Jerry’s friend deals a little. I don’t really hang around a lot of people who smoke anymore, there’s some kinda prude infestation goin’ on.
Guy: (Serious laughter) Miss Green: Are you hangin’ with Mike tonight? I’m gonna have to come hang with you guys some more before you move. Guy: Nah, I’m gonna be hangin’ alone tonight. You definitely should though. Miss Green: Ok well I’m gettin’ off here, have fun! Guy: You guys too.