The idea of perfection comes from what I believe and what I decide is perfect. Nothing in this world besides myself is even close to that image of perfection. Anyone born under the Sun is a complete liar, a fake. They’re animals that only care for themselves or the one that benefit themselves, not wondering about the others feelings. They could never live up to an image as great as myself
Perfection doesn’t exist. It’s just a silly image people created to invention the ideal state that they wish to achieve for whatever reason that they wish. Everyone is perfect in their own way, it’s how you perceive perfection. However, nothing is perfect, only tolerable, or satisfactory to better put. It’s rather the journey to perfection, a nonexistent thing that we hope to someday attain; to spend the rest of our lives looking rather than believe that the idea that perfection is already here…
The days that go by are to be cherished, for we may never see them again. Our friends or the people we hold dear are not to be taken in vein, for we may never see them again in an instant. Let go of your pride and find a balance of peace within yourself, because you are afraid of pain that the negative energy you fear will bring…
No one is at my caliber. For I am stand above all life. You cannot amount to me. You cannot relate to me. You cannot understand me, the weight I carry. You are simply below me. Sadly, in this world, no one is equal to me. Who needs friends? No one truly cares. No one wants to help nor see my way of things. No one asks. I am all that I need, for I am more than enough rather than these humans I call “friends”…
Collectively, these are the personalities I show…
I’m no God, I’m not Pride Incarnate, Nor do I fear anything but myself… I’m me. I put up a front for my safety. I’m scared of emotions… Only for them to be rejected, platonic or not…
“Everybody Loves you, But Nobody likes you… and that is the loneliest feeling of them all…” 3