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Frustration of

ART By Gwen

Art is like water with ebbs and flows. Somtimes I have it and sometimes I dont. Like a storm at sea I lost my way. A calm and soothing passtime or a infuriating wall that wastes the day!!!

I furiously beat aganst the wall. BANG! BANG! BANG! My hands hurt with the pain of cramps from holding that wand of creation. My mind a mess of unexpressed Ideas. A rabbid whirl pool of swirling water! The darkness at the bottom grows taller and taller...

Swirling and weaving down in the dark, things remembered thing I forgot! I keep drawing things again and again. Scratching, Scritching itching of pencil. Nothing feels right. Things start to change...

Im stuck, my mind feels like its in sticky black tar and I keep struggling to break free. But the more I move, the more I draw the deeper I sink.

So I stop struggling, beating on the wall. Flailing the Wand around. I find the calm. Letting it all flow, I stop thinking and just do. I let it all go.

The darkness fades, the water flows. The storm is over and I fly free! No more sticky tar for me! My wand is back to is creative purpose no longer a hammer beating a wall.

The block is broken the mind is clear, sun is shining and I let out a cheer. I can draw and do, create and make. All those drawings were not a mistake! Im free and flying and laughing with glee. I can now go forth and just be me

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