GSNMT Spring 2015 Newsletter

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Connections Newsletter Contents

Spring 2015 Edition

Upcoming GS Dates Great Outdoors Month 5th Annual Camporee GS Cookie Challenge Program Camp CEO Day Camp & Outdoor Programs Camp: Choose Your Adventure Recognition Ceremony Cookie Wrap-Up Board of Directors Alumnae Corner Sponsors & Donors

Council Contact Info & Hours Council Headquarters (Albuquerque): p: 505.343.1040 f: 505.343.1050

Business Hours (Headquarters): Mon-Thurs: 8am-5pm Friday: 8am-12pm Office Closure Dates: 5/8,5/25, 6/12, 7/10, 8/4, 9/7, 9/11, 10/9, 10/12


505.923.2522 Shop Hours: Mon-Thurs: 10am-5pm Friday: 9am-12pm Select Saturdays from 9am-2pm: 5/16, 5/31, 6/13, 7/19, 10/3, 12/5

I continually am amazed by the time, talent and commitment our volunteers, Board of Directors and staff provide to this great organization we love. While everyone works with great zest and passion, we are all equally rewarded by the looks on the girls faces as they learn new skills, by their growing confidence in themselves as leaders and by their endless love for Girl Scouting. We can give a great deal when we know we make a huge impact on a girl’s life. This past weekend, I joined with our board Chair, Marti Fournier Revo and honored many of our extraordinary volunteers and community supporters at our Award and Recognition Ceremony. Every year we honor the best of the best and it is astounding to hear what these individuals do for girls. We enjoyed a lovely reception at the Pueblo Indian Cultural Center and celebrated our volunteers and board members many successes. I thank each of our volunteers and supporters for choosing to support Girl Scouts. We know that you have many choices but we are grateful you volunteer at Girl Scouts. Our girls rely on us as adult role models to support their journey toward adulthood. They count on us to be the best we can be to help them on that path and truly we had extraordinary talent in the room that evening that provide the role models for girls. I recently spent the day with dozens of Daisy Girl Scouts at their annual Daisy Tea Party. We all dressed in our “tea dresses and hats” and enjoyed tea and lovely, beautifully prepared sweets and treats. Nothing inspires me more than to watch a young girl beginning to enjoy, embrace, and become part of the Girl Scout family. Our young Daisies are our pipeline for our future. I could actually imagine sitting in a rocking chair when I am older and retired and know which girls would be out their changing the world for the better in 20 years! We now turn our view toward our summer programs, Roar ‘n Snore, camp, Camp CEO, Camporee, and many troop and family weekend opportunities. We have a full and very rich summer planned. New this year is day camp which we are offering at Camp Elliott Barker in Angel Fire and in Albuquerque at the Council Office. Please explore this newsletter in full for all of the exciting opportunities. And take a look at our website for our Camp Program of activities. Thank you for all that you do for the Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails. It is through the generous support of donors, the tireless efforts of volunteers and the community that our girls can experience Girl Scouting at its best! Peggy Sanchez Mills

Training Dates

First Aid / CPR (Albuquerque) August 15, September 19, October 3, November 21, December 12 Outdoor Core August 22-23 Camp Elliott Barker August 29-30 Farmington September 12-13 Clovis October 3-4 Santa Fe/Los Alamos October 17-18 ABQ Service Center Train the Trainer (Albuquerque) August 8, 9am-6pm

Early Bird

Have you re-registered for next year’s membership? Re-register by June 15 and receive a patch! Troops renewing 60% or more of their existing members will receive a 15% coupon to use in La Tienda. See website for details.


Use your 2013-2014 GS$ by May 30. GS$ can be used for camp registration, programs like the Camporee, and La Tienda.

Support the Isotopes!

Help us cheer on the Isotopes with our special GS discount. $15 per person includes admission, hot dog, animal crackers, and a small drink. Game dates are: 5/1, 5/16, 5/30, 5/31, 6/19, 6/20, 7/3, 7/18, 7/25, 8/8, 8/9, 8/29, and 8/30. Friends and families are welcome to join us at this special GS rate! Go ‘Topes!

Upcoming Program & Event Dates Spring Volunteer Expo

May 2

Volunteers. Grace Church.

Rancho Spring Clean Weekend

May 15-17

Families, Troops. Reg deadline 5/5.

Barker Spring Clean Weekend

May 29-31

Families, Troops. Reg deadline 5/19.

Rancho Open House

May 30

Open to public. 10-1pm.

Camp Elliott Barker Open House

May 31

Open to public. 10-1pm

Cliff’s Event

June 7

By invitation for top cookie sellers.

June 8-12

CSA. $100 for week-long session.

Innovate & Create Camp: Designing Your World, Abq Barker - Great Outdoors Day

June 11

Roar ‘n Snore, Rio Grande Zoo

June 13-14

Rancho - Great Outdoors Day

June 16

Public. RSVP required.

GSNMT Board Meeting

June 20

Board Members. Council Office.

June 22-26

CSA. $100 for week-long session.

Innovate & Create Camp: Engineering My Future, Abq

July 6-10

CSA. $100 for week-long session.

Family Climbing Adventure, Camp Elliott Barker

July 17-18

Families. Children should be 7 years old or older. $150 per person.

Innovate & Create Camp: Gaming My Way, Abq

Camp CEO, Camp Elliott Barker Camp Adventure, Rancho

July 31-Aug 2

Sept 4-7

Public. RSVP required. BJCSA with adult supervision. $40. Reg deadline 4/28.

SA. Apply by 6/2. Children 5 and older ($75) and adults ($100). Reg deadline 8/21.

5th Annual Camporee

Sept 12-13

Families, Troops. Day $5, overnight $20.

Family Rafting Adventure, Camp Elliott Barker

Sept 12-13

Families. Children should be 6 years old or older. $100 per person.

Rancho Fall Clean Weekend

Sept 18-20

Families, Troops. Reg deadline 9/8.

Barker Fall Clean Weekend

Sept 25-27

Families, Troops. Reg deadline 9/15.

D = Daisy, B = Brownie, J = Junior, C = Cadette, S = Senior, and A = Ambassador.

For further information, visit our website: -> Program

Great Outdoors Month Celebrate Great Outdoors Month with Us at Rancho and at Barker!

June is Great Outdoors Month across the nation. Governor Martinez has adopted a Proclamation, naming June as “Great Outdoors Month.” Why is this important? Children across the nation aren’t spending enough time outdoors. Great Outdoors Month gives us the chance to raise awareness of the benefits of getting outdoors and of all of the amazing opportunities across our council and across our state. Join us as we celebrate the Great Outdoors Month at each of our camps:

Great Outdoors Day at Camp Elliott Barker

Thursday, June 11 5:30 - 7:00pm Learn about Camp Elliott Barker and local outdoor initiatives. Tour the camp, have dinner in historic Hoffman Hall, and enjoy s’mores and songs around the campfire. Free.

Great Outdoors Day at Ranchodel Chaparral

Tuesday, June 16 11:00am-1:00pm Learn about Rancho del Chaparral and local outdoor initiatives. Tour the camp and have lunch in Casa Grande. Free.

To join us, please RSVP to

5th Annual GSNMT Camporee September 12-13, 2015

Outdoor Education & Activities STEM Girl Scout Traditions ... and more!

New for 2015: Outdoor Program Workshops - Engage in activities that will explore outdoors activities through hands-on programs. Learn about Girl Scout traditions.

Registration Deadline: Tuesday, September 1, 2015. $20 for day & overnight. $5 for day only.

Save the date: Event details and registration forms coming soon. Check for details.

Thank you to everyone who attended the 2015 Girl Scout Cookie Challenge! Thank you to our creative chefsa, our sponsors, and our fearless judges who tried each and every one of the sweet and savory creations! Congratulations to the winners of our awards:

Best Sweet: Zinc Best Savory: Bravo! Cucina Italiana Most Creative: Osteria d’Asisi Best in Show: Bravo! Cucina Italiana People’s Choice: Frost, A Gelato Shoppe

2015 Participating Restaurants

ABQ Grill at the Sheraton Uptown Bravo! Cucina Italiana Frost, A Gelato Shoppe La Montanita Co-op

Meals on Wheels M’tucci’s Market & Deli Meals on Wheels M’tucci’s Market & Deli

Q Cakes S’wich It Up Zinc

2015 Event Sponsors & Supporters Bank of Albuquerque Linton & Associates Los Alamos National Bank Century Bank PayDay Max Chavez Construction Creamland AlphaGraphics Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown KASA/KRQE

Thank you for your support!

Program Outreach Programs

Extracurricular activities help young people develop positive life skills like leadership and teamwork, but not all girls have access to and opportunities for enrichment activities outside of school. GSNMT staff are providing the Girl Scout program to girls in underserved areas, girls who otherwise would not receive this programming. An afterschool outreach program at Cochiti has focused on health and wellness activities, including yoga, body image, healthy eating … and “snacktivities.”

Learning and practicing yoga at a young age can help girls with concentration, stress relief, and physical fitness.

Girls are experiencing health problems like obesity at a high rate, and their physical activity levels are low. Health and fitness have been part of Girl Scouting for more than 100 years. Healthy-living activities including physical exercise, healthy eating habits, and sports are woven through our programs.

When & Where: July 31-August 2 at Camp Elliott Barker Who: 10th-12th grade girls teen girls with some of the area’s most accomplished women executives. The program will take place at Camp Elliott Barker, providing Cost: Free! girls a chance to participate in traditional camp activities while getting to Register by: June 2 Questions? Contact Vanessa at 505-923-2524 know and getting career advice from mentors.

Camp CEO is a three-day camp experience that brings together

The mentors at Camp CEO included executives, lawyers, and entrepreneurs. Girls will be paired with mentors. Topics will include leadership, teamwork, budgeting, decision making, and confidence. Camp CEO aims to help build the next generation of leaders!

Apply now to invest in YOUR future!

Also needed: • Female mentors interested in changing the life of a girl • Sponsors of Camp CEO; sponsorship allows us to offer Camp CEO free of charge to girls

NEW Day Camp

Day Camp Adventures

Day camp allows campers to experience the adventure of camp during the day while returning to the comforts of home at night. This year, we will offer day camps in Albuquerque and at Camp Elliott Barker.

Day Camp at the Albuquerque Council Office

June 1-5, June 8-12, June 15-19, June 22-26 For 1st and 12th grade girls Programs include: Color Kaleidoscope, GS Broadway, Doodle Bugs, and Movin & Groovin.

Day Camp at Camp Elliott Barker

June 21-26, July 12-17, July 26-29 For 1st and 12th grade girls Programs include: Spa Barker, Gooey Going Fun, and Totally Tiki.

Work At Day Camp in Albuquerque

This 4 week camp is located in Albuquerque and Program runs from 9:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday. Programs will focus on Arts, Drama, STEM and trips around the city. Staff positions available for ages 16 and up.

To Learn More: / Camp

Outdoor Programs: Families & Troops Family Climbing Adventure Camp Elliott Barker, Tres Pierdras Forest July 17 - 18, 2015

Spend the day on the rocks with your family or troop! Test your skills climbing near Taos while creating lifetime memories. Perfect for the beginner climber, but challenging enough for the more experienced. Registration includes Friday evening accommodations at Camp Elliott Barker, breakfast, bagged lunch, climbing gear and instruction. $150 per person, minimum age requirement: 7 years old..

Camp Adventure Rancho del Chaparral September 4 - 7

End your summer at Rancho del Chaparral. Leave the programming to us. Go on hikes, do some fishing, archery, arts or just relax and take in the beauty and sounds of the outdoors. Sit around a campfire! Meals are provided. $100 per adult $75 per child 5 - 18

Family Rafting Adventure Camp Elliott Barker, Taos & Rio Grande River September 12, 2015 (option to stay at Barker September 11 and/or 12)

End your summer with a thrill! How about enjoying an awesome New Mexico white water river raft trip as a family? Enjoy a full day of rafting down the Rio Grande River near Taos, NM. Spend Saturday night at Camp Elliott Barker telling stories of your adventure around the campfire. $100 per person. Price includes rafting, Saturday lunch, snacks and overnight at Barker. Open to anyone 6 years old or older.

We structure our outdoor experience for not only the girl, but also for troops and families—outdoor activities have health and social benefits for all ages! Family Camp allows families to unplug from technology and find a healthy, positive experience with each other, allowing them to bond, grow closer, and build relationships as a family.

Camp: Choose Y The Value of Camp

The value of an outdoor experience in a girl’s life is beyond measure. It is a time for creating memories that will last a lifetime, and it has been an important component of the Girl Scout experience since the beginning of the organization. The camp experience provides a setting for girls to stretch their minds and muscles, appreciate the uniqueness and beauty of the world in which they live, exercise leadership and learn a wide variety of new skills. Girls are also challenged as individuals and as groups working towards a common goal.

Resident Camp Adventures

Camp is a progression. Girls as young as 1st grade may be ready for Resident Camp, while others may not. But by the time a girl is in 4th to 5th grade she should be responsible enough for herself, and confident enough to take the step to resident camp alone or with a friend.

Rancho Resident Camp (select programs)

Birds, Butterflies, and Bugs (1st-3rd) Where the Wild Things Are (1st-3rd) The Mane Event (1st-3rd) Art Attack (1st-3rd) S’mores & More (1st-3rd)

Tents & Trails (4th-6th) English Equestrienne (4th-10th) Kickin’ It (6th-9th) ProChef Viva Italiano (6th-10th) Magic, Mystery, & Mayhem (8th-10th) Duct Tape Diva (9th-12th)

...and MORE!

Spending time outdoors can have a variety of benefits. GSNMT has two camps where girls, troops, families, and the community can have the opportunity to experience nature in a variety of ways.

Barker Resident Camp (select programs)

H.I.P (1st-3rd) Tie Dye Takeover (1st-3rd) Barker Pioneers (1st-3rd) Camping with Tajar (1st-4th) ProChef Pizza Challenge (4th-6th) Lake Laughs (5th-9th) Backwoods Challenge (6th-8th) Carabiner Craze (6th-8th) Pirates of Barker (6th-8th) Right on Target (6th-9th) Totally Tiki (6th-9th) Archers & Daredevils (6th-10th) Nomads I (6th-12th)

...and MORE!

Girls R.U.L.E.

Both Camp Elliott Barker and Rancho del Chaparral will launch the Girls R.U.L.E. program that will focus on campers being:

Respectful Understanding


Empowering ... to one another. As we hear all too often in the news, girls are experiencing threats to their emotional health such as depression and bullying. We are committed to supporting girls’ emotional health and wellbeing by creating and providing activities that help girls develop selfconfidence, healthy-living practices, and relationship skills through programs like Girls RULE.

YOUR Adventure Troop & Family Adventures at Camp Rancho Family / Troop Camp Weekends Session 1: July 10-12

Session 2: July 24-26

The Cook & Me (Me & My Guy): June 19-21 Daisy Mountain Adventure: July 18 10-4pm Join us for a special day, designed only for our littlest campers, the Daisies! Spend the day trying a little bit of everything at camp. Daisies must come with adult supervision.

Decade Dash (Me & My Gal): August 7-9 Barker Family / Troop Camp Weekends Session 1: June 5-7

Session 2: June 26-28

Session 3: Aug 7-9

Island Girls (Me & My Gal): July 10-12 Paddle Pals (Me & My Guy): July 24-26 May Summer Camp Promotion:

Open House & Big Clean Weekends

Save on Me & My Gal and/or Me & My Guy registration through May 29. See website for more details:

Rancho del Chaparral Open House

Camp Elliott Barker Open House

May 30-June 1 10am-1pm

May 31-June 1 10am-1pm

Rancho Big Clean Weekends

Barker Big Clean Weekends

(Spring) May 15-17


(Fall) September 18-20

(Spring) May 29-31


(Fall) September 25-27

What is the Big Clean Weekend? This is a weekend where families, troops, and supporters of Girl Scouts come to camp to help prepare it for the camp season (in the spring) or prepare it for winter (in the fall). A little bit of work and a LOT of fun! This is a great (FREE!) weekend for Troops to come to camp and do service projects!

Make this a summer to remember! Did you know YOU can:


I can’t wait to ...

GS$ Use GS$

Take a hike Have fun in the mountains Make s’mores over a campfire

Pay for Girl Scout Camp!

Make memories that will last a lifetime Make new friends

Go to Girl Scout Camp!

2015 Recognition Ceremony

April 25, 2015 Indian Pueblo Cultural Center Council Service Awardees IMPACT SAFETY Kevin Barton Lauren Faber Paul Searcy Pizza 9 RealBurger Catering St. Johns United Methodist Church Thomas Allen Duvall

Community Service Awardees 516 Arts Albuquerque Center for Spiritual Living Albuquerque Christian School Analicia Casaus Bloomfield Cultural Complex Bloomfield Senior Center Casey Ahner Cherie Powell Chris Ellison Chris Montoya City of Bloomfield City of Gallup Parks and Recreation Clovis Civic Center Clovis Gymnastics Colinas del Norte Elementary School Community Bible Church Coral Community Charter School Deb Novak Dorothy Noa Felicia Savage First Baptist Church of Bosque Farms Future Foundations Family Center Grace Church High Plain Federal Credit Union Janet Harvey Kristi Sparks Loren Hill Los Vecinos Community Center Maia Snelson Margaret West McGee Park Miles Tokunow Miriam Langer Nambe Pueblo Wellness Center Northeast Heights Self Service Storage Paradise Hills United Methodist Church Public Works Department; Town of Bernalillo Rachael Cutrufello Sacred Heart Catholic School Scott Hyde Serendipity Day School Seven Bar Elementary School Signs by Tomorrow St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church Sycamore Community Center Tara Henderson The Auto Angel The Church of the Holy Spirit Traci’s Greenhouse Tractor Supply Wal-Mart, Belen Wal-Mart, Los Lunas Willinda Castillo & Theresa Gonzales

Why we recognize our volunteers.

Formal awards are offered through GSNMT to recognize exemplary service of adult Girl Scout volunteers and community partners who go above and beyond expectations.

Trails of Leadership Adrienne Appello Amber Richetti Carla Tafoya Charlotte Mangiacapra Colleen Schaeffer Danielle Meyers DeeAnn Briceno Diana de la Rosa-Galey Farrah Hurd James Phillips Jennifer Miller Kaylah Casares Kristin Sillence Lana Rousselle Lara Honeycutt Linda Trujillo Marla Catnach Melissa McKinley Rachael Herrera Sarah Valdez Stephani Kurtz Tammy Sanchez-Godin Tanya Greaser Tiffani Lovell Vikki Brown

Volunteer of Excellence Anne Zupfer Donna DeWitt Eddie Tafoya Jana Lewis Meghan Lyman Windey Leger

Circle of Achievement Carly Burnham

Circle of Excellence Claudette Gentry Monica Lury

Appreciation Pin Betty Colyer Jennifer Wilson

Thanks Badge I Becky Teague

Teola Artman Roberta Snediker

From left to right: Reverend Lynn Perkins (Church of the Holy Spirit), Rachael Herrera (Troop Leader, Troop 10253), Vikki Brown (Troop Leader, Troop 10570), and Clarissa Yatsattie (GSNMT Regional Manager).

It takes the community to make Girl Scouts successful. When Clarissa started working to build up Girl Scouting in Gallup, she knew it would take the community supporting her to make it successful. Vikki came to GSNMT looking for a troop for her daughters. Upon finding out there were no openings in her area, she stepped up to lead for her children. She recruited a co-leader and always accepts waiting list girls to make sure they have a Girl Scout home. Rachael, a Gold Awardee herself, now leads a successful multilevel troop in Gallup. She has been instrumental in running events to keep older girls active in Girl Scouts. The community has also stepped in to make sure that Girl Scouts had the space and local support to be successful. Most notably this year was the support of Reverend Lynn Perkins with the Church of the Holy Spirit and Vince Alonzo with the City of Gallup Parks and Recreation Department.

Becky Teague 2015 Thanks Badge I Awardee As Board Member Maribeth Thorton explains, Becky Teague “has been an invaluable asset to Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails. She provides expert financial expertise, advice and asks pertinent, thoughtful questions to help the board make informed, wise decisions.” Becky’s responsibilities as the Finance Committee Chair encompasses countless aspects of consideration, which she navigates with integrity. Her experience as a teacher helps every Board member understand the complicated nature of her position. Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails thanks you, Becky, for all that you have provided--we are proud to have you serve us on the Board of Directors. Congratulations Becky!

Carly Burnham 2015 Circle of Achievement Awardee Carly Burnham is a name anyone involved in scouting in the Four Corners recognizes with respect. She is an active troop leader, and scouting mom, that has helped create a solid base for Catholic Girl Scout programs in the tri-city area. With her leadership, girls have achieved the Pray the Rosary Patch, multiple Saint patches and the prestigious Catholic Girl Scout Marian Medal. As Carly’s nomination letter emphasized, she forms girls into “vibrant and effective members of a community dedicated to service of God and the community through care for others.” Congratulations Carly, and again, thank you for your service.

Trails of Leadership

The Trails of Leadership award honors those individuals whose performance as a Troop Leader is outstanding. These individuals have helped their troops achieve the highest level of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, building confidence, courage and character in young women around our state. Following are just a few of the amazing endorsements we received for some of our 2015 Trails of Leadership awardees. Farrah Hurd. Farrah’s co-leader writes that “She has made our troop a better place and is helping shape our girls who will go on to make the world a better place.” DeeAnn Briceno. DeeAnn leads her girls by example whether they are working on badges, attending events, or volunteering in the community. Lara Honeycutt. Lara encourages her girls to do things they wouldn’t ever try without her help, according to one of her scouts. Parents and girls notice how Lara emphasizes teamwork and respect within the troop. Linda Trujillo. A troop parent shares: “I am so thankful for the opportunity to say thank you and to bring her amazing self to the light for the remarkable person she is.”

Charlotte Mangiacapra. Charlotte’s troop loves coming to meetings, as a girl endorsement wrote: “I love Girl Scouts because it makes me a better girl,” which surely would be impossible without a fantastic leader.

Kristen Sillence. Kristen’s nomination was unique as she had twelve letters of endorsement, all from girls in her troop. Her troop describes her as honest and fun, but every single endorsement included the word kind. Kristen is a fantastic example of the type of leader we should strive to be.

Cookie Wrap-up! Congratulations Girl Scouts, Troops, Volunteers, and Families!!!

We finished another great cookie season! Here are just a handul of the highlights ... more to come soon!

Top 10 Cookie Professionals! 3405 3004 3000 2116 2100 2062 2041 2000 1900 1890

Alexandria Van Why (Albuquerque) Danielle Kesterson (Aztec) Kailyn Ludi (Rio Rancho) Melia McDaniel (Albuquerque) Emma Kennington (Los Lunas) Cheyenne Edwards (Clovis) Analysa Ortega-Gallegos (Las Vegas) Denika Montoya (Las Vegas) Dezma Guebana (Clovis) Rhiannon Rosa (Portales)

303 troops participated in this year’s cookie sale. 3,295 girls sold cookies. The following 16 of our 25 service units increased their cookie sales this year: Alamosa (ABQ), Angel Fire, Clayton, Clovis, Desert Skies, Dulce, Eisenhower, Gallup, Grants, Jefferson Washington, Las Vegas, San Juan, Santa Fe, Socorro, Taos, and White Rock.

2,645 girls earned GS$ this year. Girls earn GS$ at 50+ boxes of cookies sold.

Top 10 Troops 15,244 13,769 13,156 12,691 11,244 11,242 9,347 8,472 8,322 8,247

Troop 267 (Clovis) Troop 10546 (Las Vegas) Troop 10471 (Farmington) Troop 11680 (Albuquerque) Troop 310 (Albuquerque) Troop10230 (Rio Rancho) Troop10443 (Rio Rancho) Troop 10473 (Aztec) Troop 10362 (Rio Rancho) Troop 10264 (Albuquerque)

GS$ can be used for camp and program registration, or for items in La Tienda!

Our PGA (per girl average) was 281 this year, up from 243 last year 5,085 boxes of cookies were donated to Blue Star Mothers Girl Scouts in New Mexico Trails sold 793,258 boxes of cookies, up from 686,275 last year

GS$ and Financial Literacy What is GS$? GS$ is an individual Promotional Card that allows girls to shop for anything in La Tienda, register for program events or attend summer camp at Rancho del Chaparral or Camp Elliott Barker. GS$ can only be redeemed by the Girl Scout through Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails Council. The current GS$ card features a fox and is valid June 1, 2014 ~ May 30, 2015. Please hold onto your card as you would cash as cards cannot be reissued. 2014 GS$ Cards. 2014 GS$ cards will expire on 5/30/2015 at 5:00pm. Please note: we cannot adjust the expiration date or time of these promo cards. Can GS$ be used on everything? GS$ can be used on almost everything! Use GS$ for camp payments due, event registration, or shop for items in La Tienda! Submit complete orders to La Tienda by noon on May 29. 2015 GS$ Cards. 2015 GS$ will be active starting on June 1, 2015.

Financial Literacy. Surveys find that girls have lower financial literacy than boys, and this persists into adulthood.

We have found that 85% of girls developed money management skills through our cookie program. The cookie sale is much more than a fundraiser, it truly is a financial literacy program. The program is designed to have girls develop 5 skills (even found on the side of the cookie box!): goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics.

Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails Board of Directors Officers

Members at Large

Marti Fournier-Revo Chair of the Board of Directors

Karen Bergren Pamelya Herndon Mary Hockaday Casey Hoyt Charissa Lin Jodi Maheras Delanie Montoya Marny Schantz Don Welker Marian Wrage

Maribeth Thornton Vice Chair Sherry Schulz Treasurer Becky Teague Secretary Peggy Sanchez Mills CEO

Alumnae Corner Did you know ...

One in every two adult women is a Girl Scout alumnae There are currently 59 million Girl Scout alumnae Roughly 5% of Girl Scout alumnae received the highest award in Girl Scouting-the Girl Scout Gold Award

Engage with other Alumnae

Join the GSNMT Alumnae Association: / Alumnae Participate with an alumnae group: Trefoil Guild - this group meets the first Monday of each month. Contact Nancy for more information:

1912 - this alumnae group has frequent outings. For more information, contact Janet:

Join us at some of our upcoming events:

Rancho Spring Clean (May 15-17), Barker Spring Clean (May 29-31), Celebrate Outdoors Month @ Rancho (June 11) , Celebrate Outdoors Month @ Barker (June 16), Camporee (September 12-13)

Learn More about Alum Opportunities: Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails

Alumnae Facebook page: Alumnae website: / Alumnae

Rent Our Properties for Your Next Event

Girl Scout of New Mexico Trails has two camp locations and three service centers that offer a variety of group experiences. Both camps offer Family, Resident, and Troop camping sessions during camp season (June 1 – August 9). In the off-season, both camps are available for rent for all events including, but not limited to troop and service unit gatherings, company retreats, family reunions, and vacations. Properties available to rent: Camp Elliott Barker (Angel Fire), Rancho del Chaparral (near Cuba, NM), Albuquerque Service Center, and Clovis Service Center)

To Learn More: 505.343.1040

Girl Scouts Alumnae Association

Fund Development Thank you to our Sponsors & Donors Individual Donors

Homan, Mary Hoyt, Casey Anonymous Johnson, Barbara Ackerman, Nancy Kaczar, Gregory Armstrong, Ric Kendall, Daniel Ball, Susan Kennedy, Kathryn Batsaikhan, Anudari Koeberle, Jan Bergren, Kenneth and Karen Koenig, Barbara Bingham, Kimberly and Rodney Koestner, Martha Blackmon, Dave Kontny, Rod Brewster-Moritomo, Carrie Krebs, Marcia Bridge, Danielle Duquette Krohn, Burton J. Brock, Inez Krostag, Diane Cardwell, John Garrett Lin, Charrissa Casey, Paula D. Litherland, Joyce Chambliss, Gail Love, Gail Chavez, Amy Lozano, Chris, Anito, Izabella Chrissinger, Jill and C M Lyle, John and Robin Cleary, Meagan Bayless Maheras, Jodi Cochran, John and Carol Marberry, Karen T. Conran, Catherine Martin, Joanne (Jo) Czuchlewski, Kristina and David Martinson, Lesley Daniel, Jennifer Maxwell, Trish Dash, Zora McConaghy, Suzanne Davis, Nancy Michels, Barbara and Gary Dodge, Kym Mills, Jason Drury, Donald and Lois Mills, Jim Dunne, Dan and Susan Milnes, Esther Eden, Lisa and Josh Morgan, Christine A. Elliott, Russell Oldenborg, Richard Ewing, Frances K. Olivas, Itzel, Sonia and Rodrigo Felsch, Colleen and Robert Ormerod, Donna and Kevin Foster, David Ortega, Amanda, Fred and Amber-Jade Fournier-Revo, Marti and Terrence Otero, Madalyn Frame, Wendy Pager, Stu Frederickson, Rosemarie and Paul Painton Swiler, Laura Gallegos, Diane Palomino, Gabriella, Christina and Jesus Graff, Patricia Paster, Janice and Stuart Grose, Vanessa (Shoe) Pennington, Marie Grothey, Mina Jane Peterson, Klaus and Barbara Haines, Nancy Kells Peterson, Marjorie Hall, James and Janet Pickering, Susan Harberts, Megan and Daniel Porter, Debbie Hart, Patricia Reuter, Joanne Hatch, Steven and Annette Rightley, Maria and Paul Haulenbeek, Kimberly Rogers, Lisa Heffron, Warren and Rosalee Herbias, Evangeline, Elsa and Andrew Sanchez Mills, Peggy Saucedo, Alevia, Ava, Danielle and Levi Hirschfeld, Deidre Sauer, Nancy Hirt, Flavia Sayler, Brandon & Angela Hockaday, Mary Y.P.

Scheer, Nancy Schillinger, Leslie Schmidt, Kevin Schulz, Sherry Lynn and George Schumann, John R. Sellers, Elizabeth and Bill Shinholser, Charles and Dianne Smith, Chevelle, Roberta and Jeremy Smoker, Linda Snyder, Nancy Solano, Patricia Stahl, Edwin Strohacker, Conrad and Mary Sugars, Laura Swiler, Tom and Laura Swinderman, Alisa Tarbox, Maureen Teague, Rebecca and Weldon Thornton, Maribeth and Christopher Ulibarri, Kristin and Ross Weaver, Susie Welker, Don and Deborah Wenk, Colleen Wheeler, Vanessa White, Kaniah, Robertina and Nolan Wiggins, Nancy and Bryan Wilkens, Carol Winsor, Suzanne Wood, Margaret Wrage, Marian

Corporations & Foundations

Admiral Beverage Corp. Albertsons LLC Community Partners Alphagraphics Amazon Smile Angel Fire Community Foundation Backstreet Grill Bank of Albuquerque BBVA Compass Bestway Cleaners Brazas Fire & Safety Equipment Co, Canteen Brew House Chama River Brewing Century Bank Chenega Support Services Cliff’s Amusement Park Comm. Health Charities of the West Creamland Dairy Dekker/Perich/Sabatini

Elephant Bar and Grill EvaluMation, LLC Five Star Burgers Great Harvest Bread Co. Harris Jewelers Hotel Cascada IMPACT Personal Safety Isotopes Jinja Bar & Grill Kohl’s Linton and Associates, LLC Listen Up Lockheed Martin/Sandia National Labs Los Alamos National Bank Los Alamos National Security, LLC Massage Envy Max Maintenance & Construction LLC Motorola Solutions Foundation Nambe At Paseo Crossing National Museum of Nuclear Science New Mexico Stars Northrop Grumman Corp. Oropopo Petland RGK Foundation Santa Ana Star Center Sheraton Hotel Uptown Smith’s/Kroeger State of NM Dep of Finance and Admin Sweet Tomatoes Taos Ski Valley TARGET #356 TechSource, Inc. Ten Thousand Waves Texas Land and Cattle Thornburg Investment Management TriCore Reference Laboratories United Way of Central New Mexico University of New Mexico UPS Store Vest Orthodontics, PC Walmart Foundation Wild Birds Unlimited *The Fund Development staff have made every effort to ensure that this list is accurate. The list reflects donations received from October 1, 2014 – April 1, 2015. If you find an error or omission, please contact Charlene Kalbfell at 505.923.2513

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