Winter holidays in Romania ‌are carried out between 30 November and 7 January and central points are the days of Christmas, New Year and Boboteaza(the Epiphany). Their most important feature is an unparalleled repertoire rich in traditions and customs, artistic achievements as literary, musical and dance. Carols, wishes of wealth and rich harvest plow(Plugusorul, Sorcova, Vasilca), games with masks (Goat, Deer, Weathercock, Turca), are some of the events of the winter holidays, are some of most spectacular spiritual manifestations of our people.
Day of November 30, is the celebration of Saint Andrew and marks the beginning of winter holidays. Also on this day, in some areas are established relationships between groups of lad and host house where they are to gather to repeat the texts of carols.Obligations of the group are diverse: carry water, breaking and carrying wood, clean the household and animal stables. On this day, all Romanians put wheat germ in several saucers , the number is like how many family members and the New Year luck is interpreting depending on the height of the blades of wheat of each one. People are told that winter begins to Saint Nicholas, on 6 December. Saint Nicholas is old and has a white beard, and on this day, he shook his beard, so it need to snow. It says "Saint Nicholas rejuvenates�. Usually, on his birthday, Saint Nicholas appears on a white horse (an allusion to the snow that falls in December)
In the night on the eve (December 5), children with great care , clean and put their shoes in the house’s hall. In that Saint Nicholas will put various gifts: candy, toys, small items of clothing. In some places he put a stick-rod having a moral course.
Saint Nicholas
Christmas Eve is personified in the face of little Santa , younger brother of Santa Claus, who tradition says was ascending sheep: Santa Eve. The novel begins spending since Christmas eve, children walk with Santa Eve ( "Trick or ...?") we give and receive, especially nuts and pretzels. It's good to share dishes, for the dead and as a sign of affluence, the while, the excellence. In some places, it is believed that those who do not want to share, will collects penalties from Santa Christmas Eve (the worst being given to those who do not get in the house Carols singers).
Christmas is the feast of angels and Carols singers, The feast of the children and parents, families. Then heaven and earth were united, then the angels sang with joy. It is one of the most important festivals of the Romanians. Singing Carols is one of the most spread habits of Romanians Carols for all houses is an ancient custom. Songs that attract good fortune and blessings on all people and households for the coming year. In the past, carols were "special"-sang by priest, by pastor. About the same time, the boys walk with "The Goat" (Turca, Weathercock) or "The Bear", in colorful and noisy horde. Carol songs that are familiar today (especially “Star is rising up�) have religious origin.
Capra/ The Goat
The Masked Men
All the people in town come to Central Market to attend the "lighting" the Christmas tree and then, night after night to attend concerts of Christmas carols, traditional artistic moments, full of fun memories about all was happened during the year, meet with acquaintances.
We decorated Christmas trees in the past with apples, nuts, pretzels and candles whose light banish evil from the house and soul. Today we put colored balls and garland and colored lights keep evil away from home. At doors and gates we arrange garlands of pine, decorated with pine cones and bows and silver bells, which drive away evil and announces Carolssingers arrive to our homes.
We produce Christmas cards that we send to those who are dear to us but are far from us, but in the same time, we offer these cards to people who have made “today” more beautiful throughout the year. We write best wishes, such as "health and prosperity”.
We wish you “May your heart be light and your soul be bright!”
Sausages, Leber, Jelly pig, “Caltabos" (a sort of sausages from the lungs, liver, rice), “sarmalute" (minced meat with rice wrapped in sheets sauerkraut), meatball soup, roast pork tray ,streaky pork .... are some of the traditional foods that cook for Christmas dinner-the familly dinner!
In the last day and night of the year, we have PLUGUSORUL or the little plough.This agrarian tradition, is found at almost all peoples of the world. The Romanian one is the expression of the desire of rich harvests, in the form of hyperbolized description with mythical events. " Plugusorul" –Little Plough consists of plough, whip, bells, bull. Children are the first who starting “Pluguşorul” and begin to walk at the houses, wishing good health and abundant harvest for the New Year , receiving in exchange gifts (breads, fruits or money). Next procession is form by bands of young men who go at night to the homes of unmarried girls and relatives. Typically, the chief of " Ceata" is a nice lad, named journeyman, a young man with a worthy and moral conduct. He bears the traditional peasant costume and on the head have a hat decorated with strings of beads and colorful ribbons. During the game ,show up bands of masked men , representing the "ugly" and the "beautiful", which making jokes provoking much laughter. The "Ugly", running after women and children, removing animals from stables, hiding under beds and tables, climbing up in trees, on houses and stoves. The Little Plow tradition has its correspondent in the ancient practice of welcoming the New Year, marked by events not necessarily grandiose, opulent, but the facts necessary for working specific agro-pastoral, who were added in time in to a bunch of festivism and ceremonies. He symbolizes the main occupation of our lands from the peasants. The custom is called Little Plough, With ugly,Great Plough, Slugged it, depending on the different areas of the country and those who participate: children, young men, married people, the elderly.
Once upon a time.... had used a true plug with four or six oxen, decorated with pine branches , ribbons or colored paper, drawn by two oxen or four decorated too with ribbons and mirrors on top of the horns. It was used only by lad and married people. When using a true plug in household yard people draw a furrow, a laborer came after, wearing a large bag of seeds resembling autumn wheat and barley. Plugusorul ended with the same gifts as carols - breads, nuts, apples, pears, money, etc.. Tradition requires that, when you receive money, you must to pay "hora"-a romanian traditional circle dance) to celebrate, for five times. Food is only for the elderly and children receive apples, walnuts, carob and small coins
In the first day of the new year we have SORCOVA.
Another custom practiced by children individually (most of the time) on New Year's Day is a "SORCOVA". This is a small branch of green tree or a stick adorned with different artificial coloured flowers. The children repeat an easy touches to the elders , in lazy rhythm, while congratulating them and wish them a long life and and a happy new year, in a recitative composed by forty words . Sorcova (from Slavic. soroku = forty), which runs somewhat as follows Merry Sorcova , to live has flourished as an apple, as a pear, as a strand of rose Solid as rock, fast as arrow, hard as iron, hot as steel next year and many others happy years! Happy New Year!
By students of Comenius team Teacher Mihaela Dan Teacher Dan Bejan
Once upon a time, Augustus, the emperor, wished to know the population of Palestine. So, everybody had to register for a census in the town where they came from.
On that time, in Nazareth lived Virgin Mary and old Joseph. They also had to go to Bethlehem, where King David was born, because Joseph was a descendant of the king. When they arrived, it was late in the night and there was no room for them to rest. So, Joseph brought Mary to one of the many caves around Bethlehem and then the child Jesus was born. In that moment, a big and bright star shone on the sky and angels sang joyfully: „Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth and good will among people”. In fact this was the first carol sang for Jesus. Around the cave was a fild, where the shepherds used to watch over the animals. They saw the great light, heard the angels singing and they werw the first to come to adore the newborn Child. Three wise men, comming from East, saw the bright star, and came to adore the new King, also. They brought Him gold, incense and smyrna. Since than, all the christians, from all over the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, every year, on the 25th of December. During this time, children singing traditional carols announce the good news that our Saviour is born. Mihaela Turtureanu-Religion teacher Craciun Marilena-translator, Romanian/English teacher
Romanian Colinda ….(carols) are some traditional songs wishes which includes congratulations , epico-lyrical type, with generally between 20 and 60 verses. Carols are linked to custom "CAROLLING” perpetuated tradition since preChristian period. Carols songs should not be confused with the STAR-SONGS, specific Christian winter holidays, or CAROLLING not to be confused with “going with the star”. Carols are sung around Christmas. Some of them have a lot of variants and versions according to different regions. Origins: Initially, carols had a ritual function, namely the wish for fertility and abundant fructification. This was usually related either early agrarian (the spring) or its end (autumn, to collect the harvest). Furthermore, a goal often
met the carol was to drive out evil spirits and reunite with those who go on "other land". Over time, the original meaning was preserved only carol festive atmosphere, the ceremony, party and wishes. Romanian ethnologist Doina Bocsa divide carols in: • Carols host • professional Carols • Carols by June • Carols girl • Carols by wooing • Family Christmas • Christmas cosmogony, mito-religious • Religious Carols, apocryphal • Religious Christmas scholary • Carols different (from other classes or fun-satirical folk) Some of these "carols" meet in the area where we live: The Goat, The Bear, Masked People ,Viflaiemul. MASKED PEOPLE Represents the old cult of the ancestors , are social masks. "Ugly masks" are expressions of historical time, of the troubles in the past people. In contrast to these, are the "Beautifuls" group ( "Emperor", "ministry", "General", "policeman" and "Herod"). Young people dressed in "Beautifuls" must be distinguished by exemplary conduct and good qualities of the dancers.
THE BEAR The "Bears game" is the most spectacular game of all animals encountered in Romanian tradition. Bear plays commissioned by “ursari”, handsome boys, dressed in colourful clothes, on the back wearing a robe on which are glued spheres decorated with mirrors and globes. ”Ursarii” command, bears playing in a circle, roll, hit the ground with his feet and, eventually, die. Then miraculously revive, since the play metaphorically seasonal succession, succession which, in ancestral faith, is placed under the heading of this animal, able to defeat the winter which coming but nobody knows when, really, it will be replaced by spring. It's a cult Thracian-getic.
VIFLAIEMUL OR IROZII ( The HERODS ) Besides games with masks and carols, especially in Transylvania, during Christmas, it's a manifestation of popular theater, known as Viflaiem or Irozi. The subject of this drama is a religious event of the birth of Jesus, as he was represented in popular medieval literature. Although a religious topic,
Viflaiemul interacting with the other games with masks, types of masks and modes of operation. Moreover, Viflaiem "group", walking from one house to another,like other bands of "masked men " for 2-3 days around Christmas. The characters are numerous and vary from one area to another. Main masks which are found in all cases are: Herod, Three Crai from the East, soldier, priest, shepherds, angel. The actors are masked entirely, have some colorful cardboard wreaths on the head, long cloaks and wooden swords as accessories. It is noted that each suit has a single color: Herod is dressed in red, the priest in black, white angel etc.. The piece consists of texts recited and sung, religiously inspired, sometimes slow dances in a circle.
By students of Comenius team‌. Teacher Mihaela Dan Teacher Dan Bejan Romanian Christmas, one of the most important Christian holidays Christmas – when Jesus was born is a holiday celebrated on December 25 every year. An important tradition of Christmas are the trees ornaments. Families gather together and decorate the tree with lights, baubles and tinsel, under which they will find Christmas gifts. Christmas celebration is announced by children who go in the Christmas Eve caroling.We have a nice tradition. We go carolling and yell at the dor:
"Good morning on Christmas Eve! ‚’ Trick or treat!’’ and if the door opens the children recive: fruit, pretzels, candy and even money, begin to sing on: "We came and we once In a year with health, And next year to come You will find healthy. Trick or treat!” Another tradition is : “ Capra’’ ( The Goat). The boys are going singing a bout a goat, being dressed up like a goat. This usually symbolizes fruitfulness coming year, growth of household animals, plenty to harvest. All these habits are done by the youth and the old people are enjoying them! Lorena Cosulet, 6th grade Kiduletz, 5th grade Christmas in Romania The religious significance of Christmas is the celebration of Jesus Christ birth, the Son of God sent to earth to help people to become better and more faithful. Christmas have and another meaning: Santa Claus. Children are waiting eagerly for him in front of which recognize no fear if they were obedient or have made some troubles. They know that Santa Claus brings gifts and is forgiving, especially if they say a poem or sing a carol. For me is the most wonderful time of the year: joy and happiness all around, gifts, Christmas tree, carol. At Christmas morning we go to the Church in a small village near Codlea ,named Dumbravita, with all family and relatives. After the Christmas mass we assist at an ancient tradition called: Christmas tree raising. All the boys who have completed military service, named “vatafi” have to find the biggest and the most beautiful Christmas tree in the forest. After that, they have to bring it into the village and decorate it, helped by the young boys, named “penasi” and young girls. All of them are dressed in traditional costumes. Vatafii wearing a hand-made apron with an inscription with date when they have completed military service: for them this is the date when they become men. Penasii are dressed in traditional costumes too and they have a sheep fur hat decorated
with peacock feathers. They are around 18 years and they are the future men of the village. The tree raising is not a very easy job, especially when all community assisted and accompanied with applause or laughter, depending on participants' skill. All this action take 1or 2 hours, maybe more, but in the end they succeed. All the participants are dancing traditional dances and wishes to each others Happy Holydays. Ioana Bodean -7th grade
Christmas in my family Christmas is very important in my family and in my country. In my family Christmas is important because of the birth of Jesus Christ , being together and giving with love. In my family, at every Christmas we pick a tree and we decorate it, we give each other presents and most important, we read the text from the Bible where it says about the birth of Jesus Christ. My sister and I help mother to bake sponge cakes, crackers and different cakes. To me, Christmas is a celebration of happiness and thankfulness because Jesus was born and that because of him we live and we have families that love us. In the village I live, since a long time ago, young boys dress in the national costume and go singing carols on the Christmas evening. People give them
money, nuts, apples , sweets and cakes. It is very important not to forget that Christmas is not only about Santa Claus because he represents giving with love, so it's about the grace that we have to be alive, about thanking God for everything that we have and we receive. So remember always be happy and thankfull on Christmas!!! Cristina Neculoiu 8th grade
The Christmas The Christmas is the most important winter holiday. In Romania we celebrate Christmas in a special way. In my family for example, we prepare traditional food and almost the whole family gets together and we have a family dinner. We talk about what happened during the year and say jokes. In my family, on Christmas, the fruit cake is never missing. Me and my mother deck the tree in Christmas Eve and in Christmas evening we give presents to each other. The Christmas is a celebration that make us better and kinder and when we show all our love and good thoughts‌you all should do that too :)). Madalina Savin, 7th grade
The Christmas is a very important celebration
For me and for my family is an occasion to get all together and to have
On Christmas my mother is preparing traditional food from Moldova: sarmale-made of meat, rice and condiments ,rolled in cabbage leaves ,cozonacis a cake with nuts and a cocoa, racituri -made of gelatine ,meat and garlic. This year we will go at my grandparents. There we will help our grandparents to prepare the Christmas dinner and we will go to sing carols. In Christmas Eve we will make the Christmas tree and we will wait for Santa Claus to come and bring us presents. PaulaTrefas, 7th grade
Getting ready for Santa Christmas Ovidiu Cirimpei, 8th grade Simona Ciobanu, teacher Adina Streza, teacher At the North Pole everybody is working hard: the elves are building the toys which Santa will deliver to children in the whole world. Mrs. Christmas attends carefully the first ...technical checks of the sleigh which will carry Santa in that magical night when the souls are filled with joy. Santa Clause has also many irons in the fire , making the veterinary check of the reindeer, repairing the assembly line of the toys ...and many more stuff..! He is the one who checks and fills in the lists: „nice or naughty child”. This is a difficult task because there are many children in this world but not all of them are nice and not all of them deserve what they want. And Santa feels sorry for that. They want guided car toys, dolls, computers... children from the Blue Planet want all kind of games. Santa has in his bag gifs for everybody. He also has some sour oranges...for those who disobeyed their parents, those who didn’t wash their teeth, for the boys who pulled the girls by theier hair, for children who cried too much, for the prankish ones. Hard work at the North Pole.. Father Christmas is getting ready to reward all the parentss for their kindness and their efforts to raise their children healthy and beautiful He would like to give them health for the years to come, strenght to get through all the hardship , understanding and love. Love meaning the care for theier children, lack of oblivion; santa knows that sometimes , having too many worries, parents may forget to comfort and cuddle the souls of their children with a smile.. And for the teachers and elementary teachers in our school, and the whole world Santa has great gifts in his bag: health, patience, and youth in their souls. Hope... With great love and eagerly, of course, we’ll be waiting for our dear, kind Santa Clause. We thank him from our heart for everything we received these years : the joy we have meeting each other at school and playing reporters writing a Journal, writers or „storytellers” of thrilling news. We are grateful for the enthusiasm with which our dear editors write article after article , without neglecting the ”duty” of being pupils. Let all be healthy and grow up!
Now, waiting for Father Christmas, We tried to reveal the best within us And in the Journal’s pages, joyfully We put down a thought , a poem..
Ovidiu Cirimpei 8th grade
I disposed the nature I disposed the stars To hide a flake of snow To put my hands on my eyes And find me And the snow to hide And he found me Alike for the snowflakes On a star. But I found them in my soul I disposed the weather To melt the snow And find me But she found me Within a tear.
Nicoleta Lupu, 6th grade
The flakes flow from the sky in the daylight Then when the night comes Everything seems steel like We would stay within the house; But when the dawn appears We would fly by sleigh: Pretty Snow arrived!
By Nicoleta Lupu, 6th grade
A flake fell on my eyelashes White and soft, full of laziness But when I tried to pick it up He told me just like that: Don’t get mad at me The frost is coming I want to get warm with you But don’t you know silly flake We will get melt at once Because you’re a flake?
With golden stars Small, nice and sprightly The chilly winter comes White-white and fluffy. Small sleigs are sliding down the hill Burning up all the way out Children go wassailing Cling-cling, the bell rang Children start reciting The host delighting They get nuts and sweets Wishing more daughnuts and pies.
Mihai Lupu 6th grade
Cirimpei Ovidiu, 8th grade
I was staying inside the house in a grey rainy day. That monotonous dance of the blue-grey drops didn’t bother me, I was even listening carefully the wonderful game of the rain, being charmed by the magic created by dance. The dark sad clouds give birth to a lot of beings, each with its story. In the distance , a mountain strikes all the dreams and the feelings of a big cloud. At that time , the cloud cries even harder. There’s no one to save him. His brothers, which once played with him , now steer clear from one another. The convoy full of ash begins to clear up, here and there some rays flash of hope. The sun with his holy golden rays washes the sky who seemed to be heartsore.
MY SNOWY TOWN Radu Gologan, 8th grade Teacher Simona Ciobanu My town is snowy ... it snowed abundantly, snow with flakes, hopes and good thoughts.. Children stay inside, anxious , happily waiting Santa’s arrival. Sure! They are waiting for Santa Claus. It’s Christmas.. it snowed beautiful and immaculate town seems completelly asleep. But children..aren’t sleeping. They are waiting. ...Quiet. Outside snow is tall… The story begins again tonight..
Holly night
Nicoleta Lupu , 6th grade
Peace descends from heaven Over the village caught bye evening All is white and shining And holly Christmas arrives.. Today Christmas is heralded By a carol in the distance, Proclaiming the great night! The holy baby was born‌ Messiah is on earth He came to shield us And conferring peace. The child we love Let’s honour Him!
We have a lot of holidays but none of them opens the Romanians souls as Christmas. This is because the big celebration teaches us to believe, to share , to trust even when you are weak but moreover to enjoy your soul mates, and when I say soul mate I refer to your friends, family, the people who are close to your soul. Our faith it doesn't stand on what we can see, it stands on things that you have inside, the things you have in your soul. These things make us stronger, faithful ... Romania is the country of Christmas! Romanian friends