We are talking millions of people. Compare that to the number of people using the following system and it'll be something like one in 3 million! Every Casino has an "Acceptable Loss", therefore giving us all plenty of time to win some serious money before they change the gaming rules! Now for the details on our system. Firstly, we have tried and tested numerous on-line Casinos, and come to realize the same as other 'System Writers' have -All systems work best in one particular Casino. For this reason, we seriously recommend that you only play this system at this Casino. To download the software for EUCASINO and EURO Palace click the images below
Once downloaded, we suggest that you go to practice play and play the system as we explain so you fully understand it and can see how much money you are going to make. Only after you fully understand the system will you will need to transfer money into your Casino account. We advise that to make the most of their introductory offers and transfer $200 to the Casino account. If this seems too much, then we recommend that you transfer no less than $88. Now, this system is based on betting on the Low/Middle/High fields ONLY. You simply bet on the same one, with only a slight rise in stake each time, until it wins. I know that some of you will be thinking "oh no, that sounds dangerous..." but please, read on... These fields have a 1 in 3 chance of winning according to the "Law of Averages" and give a return of 2 to 1. By following our system, you only need 1 in 14 to be a winner! (Depending on your balance) This way, you have more than quadrupled the "Law of Averages" and given yourself an unbelievable advantage!
First of all, you will need to understand what these bets are: 1) This is a bet on "Low". You win if any number from 1-12 (Inclusive) comes in.
2) This is a bet on "Middle". You win if any number from 13-24 (Inclusive) comes in.
3) This is a bet on "High". You win if any number from 25-36 (Inclusive) comes in.
If you follow our instructions, you will gain between $1 and $3 for every winning number, regardless of how many losing ones you have had. The idea with this is to keep a precise record of exactly how the table you are betting on is "Running". There is no point to betting at random, so please, be accurate with this. What you need to do is every time you spin the wheel, record whether a "Low" (L) "Middle" (M) or "High" (H) number drops in. For example, if you are on a table and spin the wheel ten times, and the following numbers drop in: 04, 11, 36, 14, 20, 25, 02, 33, 13, 16, your table would look like this: LLHMMHLHMM
When you begin to play roulette, DO NOT place ANY bets at all. Patience is the key now. Keep spinning the wheel and recording what numbers drop in on your table. What you are waiting for is a consecutive run where 1 of the sections of number has not come in for 5 spins. What I mean is this -say the following numbers now drop into the above line: 32, 17. The table now looks like this:
L MHMMH LHMMH M A "Low" number (L) hasn't dropped in for five consecutive spins. It's
I realize that a few of you may be confused by this, but don't worry, read through it again a few times and it will become clear. That really is how simple this system is!
time to start betting! Place bet number 1 on the "Low" section of the board (if unsure, check diagram above). Bet the board (if unsure, check diagram above). Spin the wheel. If a low number drops in, Stake Gain Number Congratulations! You are now in profit! If not, do not worry. Place bet number 2 on +$2 $1 1 "Low". Again, if you win, well done, you are in profit! If not, don't worry, place bet +$3 $2 2 number 3 on "Low". Keep placing the bets until you win. By doing this, and sticking to +$2 $3 3 the staking plan shown on the left, and you will never lose when your number drops in. +$2 $4 4 You must be precise though! +$2 $6 5 I know that the gains do not appear to be a lot per bet, but as it is possible to lay up to +$2 $9 6 70 bets in an hour, your money will soon add up. Think about it. I bet $70 an +$1 $13 7 hour is a better wage than you are earning at the minute, and all it takes is a bit of time +$2 $20 8 and discipline! +$2 $30 9 +$2
Now, when you will be wining money using system, and you will be wining, don’t try wining all at once. Set your goal for a day, like $100 or $200. Once you reach your goal, don’t play anymore in that casino. Move to other casino. That’s why you will need two casinos. EUCASINO and EURO PALACE are the best for this system. Download the software now, just click the image below.
But that is not all! If you still don't believe how fantastic this system truly is, then find out for your self for free! Read on to find out how! Firstly download the software to play on-line roulette. Then, create a demo play account and you will find that you have $2000 practice money to put our system to the test! Once you are satisfied that it works and you truly realize how much money it is possible to make, then it is time to play for real! Click on the "Real Money" play link in the Casino software, and deposit -but guess what? The Casino will DOUBLE you first deposit up to $200! So if you deposit $200 to your new Casino account, you will receive $400! There you go -$200 up already and you haven't even started playing, or put any of your own money at risk! If you are still not 100% sure about trying my system -how about this?! If you deposit $200, you will receive $200 for free on top. Try the system with the free $200, and if it fails, cash out your original deposit! You truly have nothing to lose!
How To Use This System: - Definitions: - Bet Number: The number of bets you have made. - Amount: The amount to be on the respective Bet Number. - Win: How much net profit you make if you win on that Bet Number betting the current Amount. - Loss: How much you will have lost overall up to and including that Bet Number. - Gain: How much you will win overall when you do win. - Betting Set: The number of bets you make before you win. - Roulette Table: The tables for you to fill in the spin results as a reference. - Betting Table: The tables that have different betting strategies for you to choose from. - Betting Spots: Where on the table to place your bets. - Twelve Set: The spots on the table labelled “1st 12”, “2nd 12”, and “3rd 12”. - Bet on the Twelve Set Betting Spots, find a table without the 00 value for better odds. - The 5 Roulette Tables have 100 squares to write in the results. Useful to view old numbers. - The Betting Tables have 5 columns: Bet Number, Amount, Win, Loss, Gain. - The Win column on the tables is there for calculations, it can be ignored. - Most online casinos have a maximum bet per slot of $100 and table bet of $300 or $500. You may have to place some bets on the side of the Betting Spots. For example $1 on the lines between 36 and the “3rd 12”, and 33 and the “3rd 12”, and 30 and the “3rd 12”, and 27 and the “3rd 12” is equal to $4 on the “3rd 12” . - With enough capital you can earn up to and possibly surpass $500 per hour. - The Betting Tables types in my system range from, the safest & least profitable(top Betting Table allows 17 bets) to the riskier & most profitable(bottom Betting Table allows 14 bets). - Be patient, I have yet to lose when using my system; I have come close a few times but never lost. I have only ever lost when I went away from my system, make sure you are disciplined or do not try this system. - For better odds, start a new Betting Set after a Twelve Set has not appeared over 4 turns, I suggest more for the riskier Betting Tables. - Based on a $500 max table bet and the first Betting Table, the spin would have to miss your bet at least 21 times, possibly more, for you to lose. On every spin you have a 67.5% chance of losing(68.5% on a table with 00). The relative odds of losing on the second spin are 33.8%, the more you bet the more likely you are to win. To see some relative betting odds, see the table at the end of this document. - Before you bet wait for the spins not to hit any Twelve Set at least 4 times. Then start betting on that Twelve Set using one of the Betting Tables. When you win on a Betting Set, start at Bet Number 1. If you lose, bet the next amount in the Betting Table. Every win you make a net profit of the Gain amount. - I am not responsible if you lose, especially if you do not stay with the system. Only put into the system what you can afford to lose. That way if you lose you are not going to be screwed. When you win you will be pleased. I recommend that you withdraw your initial deposit when you have at least the maximum loss amount plus the amount of your initial deposit. That way you get back your own money so there is no longer risk to you and you still have enough money to continue betting. - Untested strategy: create multiple accounts and double or triple up you bets by using those accounts to join a private group table together. - I would like to recommend the following casino sites, there may be more out there which I may not have found so feel free to look around. www.888.com. 888.com Allows for $1 bets which is required. - If you wish to join 888.com then get me to send you a referral which will earn both you and I a small bonus. If you wish to do that send me an email to MyRouletteSystem@hotmail.com and include you first and last name you wish to sign up to 888.com with and the email you plan to sign up with. I will then send you the referral through 888.com to your email account as soon as possible(I check email at least 5 times a day). When you get the referral just sign up with the information you sent to me and enjoy your $30 bonus on top of the 100% bonus you will get on your first deposit up to a maximum of $200 as long as you make a deposit in 30 days of opening the account. By letting me refer you to 888.com you could end up with $230 for doing nothing except sending an email and making a deposit. You can withdraw your money at any time, the bonus money can be withdrawn after you have bet it 20 times or more.
Bet Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Amount 1 1 1 2 3 4 6 9 14 21 31 47 70 105 158 237 355
Win 2 2 2 4 6 8 12 18 28 42 62 94 140 210 316 474 710
Loss 1 2 3 5 8 12 18 27 41 62 93 140 210 315 473 710 1065
Gain 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0
Bet Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Amount 1 1 1 2 3 5 7 11 16 24 36 54 81 122 183 274 411
Win 2 2 2 4 6 10 14 22 32 48 72 108 162 244 366 548 822
Loss 1 2 3 5 8 13 20 31 47 71 107 161 242 364 547 821 1232
Gain 2 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1
Bet Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Amount 1 1 2 3 4 6 9 14 21 31 47 70 105 158 237 355
Win 2 2 4 6 8 12 18 28 42 62 94 140 210 316 474 710
Loss 1 2 4 7 11 17 26 40 61 92 139 209 314 472 709 1064
Gain 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1
Bet Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Amount 1 2 3 4 6 9 14 21 31 47 70 105 158 237 355
Win 2 4 6 8 12 18 28 42 62 94 140 210 316 474 710
Loss 1 3 6 10 16 25 39 60 91 138 208 313 471 708 1063
Gain 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 2
Bet Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Amount 1 1 2 4 6 10 15 23 35 53 80 121 182 274 411
Win 2 2 4 8 12 20 30 46 70 106 160 242 364 548 822
Loss 1 2 4 8 14 24 39 62 97 150 230 351 533 807 1218
Gain 2 1 2 4 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 15 15
Bet Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Amount 1 2 3 5 8 13 20 26 39 59 88 132 198 297 446
Win 2 4 6 10 16 26 40 52 78 118 176 264 396 594 892
Loss 1 3 6 11 19 32 52 78 117 176 264 396 594 891 1337
Gain 2 3 3 4 5 7 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Bet Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Amount 1 2 3 5 8 13 20 30 46 69 104 157 236 354
Win 2 4 6 10 16 26 40 60 92 138 208 314 472 708
Loss 1 3 6 11 19 32 52 82 128 197 301 458 694 1048
Gain 2 3 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 10 11 13 14 14
Bet Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Amount 1 2 4 6 10 15 23 35 53 80 120 181 272 408
Win 2 4 8 12 20 30 46 70 106 160 240 362 544 816
Loss 1 3 7 13 23 38 61 96 149 229 349 530 802 1210
Gain 2 3 5 5 7 7 8 9 10 11 11 13 14 14
Bet Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Relative Odds Of Winning 32.432432 66.216216 77.477477 83.108108 86.486486 88.738739 90.347490 91.554054 92.492492 93.243243 93.857494 94.369369 94.802495 95.173745 95.495495 95.777027 96.025437 96.246246 96.443812 96.621622 96.782497 96.928747 97.062280 97.184685 97.297297
Extra Tips: 1) Create a chart with 4 columns, label 0, 1, 2, 3. Every time the ball lands on a 0, add a tally mark to column 0. If the ball lands on the 1st 12, 2nd 12, or 3rd 12 add a tally mark to that respective column. The law of probability states that if enough random numbers are generated, eventually each number will appear the same percentage of times. This may take millions or billions of times before achieving this perfectly, but once again if a number for the 1st 12 only showed up 3 times in 25 draws, the odds are good it will come up again very soon based on the law of probability. Sometimes my above systems will indicate a bet should be placed on a Twelve Set which hasn’t shown up for 5 or 6 spins. However, that Twelve Set may have 50 results whereas the other Twelve Sets may only have 20 or 25 each. If the tally table starts to disagree with my systems, SWITCH TABLES ASAP. In theory both systems should give a good indication what to bet on and when they conflict you are more likely to lose. 2) Set a goal for how much you want to make at a table when you start playing. When you reach this goal switch tables, or quit for the time being. Make sure your goals a reasonable, for example $50-$100. A common mistake people make is playing at one table too long. By staying at a table you are winning on for too long you may get the false sense of comfort with the table and will likely get away from the system. This is when people decide to make a “one time bet” that when they lose they just have to bet again in hopes to make their money back. If you can control yourself and make a “one time bet” every now and then, by all means hope for some luck. This depends on your self control. 3) Run multiple systems when you play. You have a few options here, pick one of my systems and play it “X times” and then go to a different one. Another option would be to place bets on 2-3 Twelve Sets at once and increase each one that loses to the next value in the system. You can bet on all 3 spots every time (I suggest 2, do not bet on the Twelve Set that just came up). This in theory increases profits at a rate of 2, but increases the chance of losing slightly too. Use profit per spin systems for best results. 4) Play other games the odd time. Playing a single game gets repetitive. I play 21 the odd time with a maximum loss allowance of $10-15 while betting normally $1 at a time. This normally allows you to play 20+ hands if you lose you money and once again set a max win amount to quit at.
0.00 0.00
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0.00 0.00
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FAST Roulette System
FAST Roulette System
“How You Can Play Roulette Like a Pro And Make $326,200 a Year!” The FAST Roulette System Team recommends the 888 online casino
Table of Contents 1. Belief System............................................................................................................... 2 2. Success-Perspective ................................................................................................... 3 3. A Different View........................................................................................................... 5 4. The Activity Ethic ......................................................................................................... 7 5. Law of Cause and Effect.............................................................................................. 9 6. Fundamental Success. .............................................................................................. 12 7. Failure Our Ally.......................................................................................................... 18 8. Positive Mental Attitude ............................................................................................. 20 9. Winning Agreement ................................................................................................... 22 10. FAST Roulette System-Secret Revealed................................................................. 25 11. Fibonacci Advantage ............................................................................................... 29 12. Fibonacci Grouping.................................................................................................. 31 13. Skipping Technique ................................................................................................. 32 14. Fibonacci Advantage Skipping Sequence (FASS)................................................... 35 15. Step by Step approach of the FAST Roulette System............................................. 37
Step 1: Select your Bank Roll and Target profit................................. 37 Step 2: Pre-Qualify Your Game. ................................................................. 38 Step 3: Analyze before putting your bet ................................................ 40 Step 4: Choose Your Fibonacci Advantage Skipping ........................ 40 Sequence............................................................................................................... 40 Step 5: Eliminate the unlikely outcome .................................................. 42 Step 6: Start putting your bet ..................................................................... 43 16. More Illustrations on real life casinos result: ............................................................ 45 Final words .................................................................................................................... 46 Roulette Tips and Strategies ......................................................................................... 47 Tested online casinos.................................................................................................... 48 APPENDIX – Examples................................................................................................. 49
FAST Roulette System
1. Belief System We live in a world in which we have learned to separate our external environment from our internal processes; we view our ‘external’ circumstances, behaviors, failures and successes through a detached mentality that confuses cause and effect in the most bizarre way. Having externalized our world we then proceed to dissect and examine that world as though it were some independent and autonomous creation completely divorced from our own sense of self. The purpose of this manual is to re-establish the correct order of things, to discover that we are at cause and not effect of our life experiences, with the aim of removing the mental blocks we have in place, which limit and stifle our life experience. To recognize that our unique individuality, and the very beliefs we hold, are in control of our entire life experience and determine not only the circumstances we will be faced with, but our reactions to those experiences each and every day. Included in this part of this manual is a systematic method of investment designed for the game of roulette, a genuine and playable system which has been developed from the perspective of a winning mindset, and one which will demonstrate to the user, a tangible example of the theories discussed in this manual. Aiding and encouraging the development of that same winning mentality within you, leading ultimately, to a freeing from limiting concepts and beliefs that we all too often take for granted.
FAST Roulette System
2. Success-Perspective One of the biggest hurdles to success in any arena of life is overcoming the social stigmas associated with ‘success’. This is closely related to our concepts of money as a root ‘evil’ which we will discover later. These aspects are major barriers that the majority of us simply don’t notice as a controlling mechanism in our lives. From a personal point of view, my entire life was surrounded by limiting concepts about success and winning, it still is, though my attention to them these days is minimal. We are all familiar with concepts such as; only the ‘very good’ the ‘very wise’ the ‘very lucky’ dare dream about a rich and fulfilling life, and if you are lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time, they hey, are you in the minority! Sound familiar? We only have to look at our worlds of commerce and media to see how deeply entrenched we have become with a sense of lack and insufficiency. On each and every street corned you will be confronted with that familiar ‘SALE NOW ON!’ sign, or ‘BUY ONE GET ONE FREE!’ Television advertisements bombard us with offers for easy payment plan loans that will ‘CLEAR YOU DEBTS NOW’ and make life less of a struggle. Now I am not suggesting that any of these behaviors is ‘wrong,’ But merely suggesting we would do well to examine our beliefs about wealth, about our own beliefs in this respect, and to examine these so call ‘facts.’ There are also the moral dilemmas we associate with money, and indeed any method of obtaining wealth that is not deemed ‘socially responsible.’ It’s worth remembering that moral codes are nothing more than accepted ways of behaving, but by whom and for who’s benefit? Too often we accept so much less than is available, simply by shutting ourselves in boxes of accepted limiting beliefs or evens worse, concepts of self-righteous poverty. 3
FAST Roulette System
There is nothing righteous about suffering in any of its forms, to believe so is to deny not only your inherent right to happiness, but to deny it to all others equally. It is all a fabrication of course. Your one and only purpose in life is to enjoy every second of it! If this sounds simplistic or selfish consider this; If you spend your life struggling and depressed with a constant air of insufficiency, the ‘life is a living hell,’ approach. What message do you think you are sharing with the world? Just how does this benefit anyone? For this is where thoughts of envy, unjustness and cynicism are born, out of this sense of unfairness. You may think that you display enormous courage and fortitude against all the odds when you display your hardships like a badge of courage. But what are you really doing? Simply reinforcing a message of doom and gloom, and sending it out to the whole world, your world, now that is true selfishness.
FAST Roulette System
3. A Different View But what if you were to turn this view upon its head and open to a different way of being? To see life as benevolent, to be open to allowing true and lasting success to flow to you in whatever way that may be. In so doing you would naturally be sharing that spirit of abundance with others, not because you have some sense of dutiful obligation, but simply because you will be compelled to as a result of your demeanor, which will be transformed into an expectant and upbeat positivity, simply by allowing yourself the freedom to do what you enjoy doing. For the freedom you afford yourself you will naturally offer others. Likewise with limitations. So where does this fit in with our game of roulette? Well, we’re back to those mental associations and connotations of success through righteous behavior. Because the first hurdle to overcome in developing The Winning Mind mentality for any discipline, in any field of life, is to let yourself of the hook. To stop making judgments of yourself and others. In order to really grasp our success we have to banish our sense of not being good enough, not being worthy in some way, or not performing to the accepted ways. We must continually reinforce our belief in our right to success, and in doing this placing all contrary beliefs where they belong, in the mental incinerator. So why is it that this amazing form of exchange we have developed in our society become so distorted? Surely money is just as easily viewed as beneficial as any negative sense. We have so many social attachment to this magical medium of exchange, so many labels and connotations, many of which we are consciously unaware of, but nonetheless beliefs that lie deep within our unconscious forming the structural roots of our life 5
FAST Roulette System
situations, preventing the flow of riches in our direction and tangling our freedom in a twisted mass of conglomerated falseness. It is not surprising therefore, how often worthiness and money are so closely related to one another and how we are our own worst enemies when it comes to creating a life of richness and enjoyment.
FAST Roulette System
4. The Activity Ethic What became clear to me as I wandered mentally through these debilitating concepts, was that these mental attachments and associations regarding how we obtain wealth, are so often based upon the idea that certain types of work were indeed seen to be morally ‘better’ or more honorable than others. Moreover, the very idea that one must toil and suffer, paying some kind of penance in exchange for financial reward, was so closely related to self-worth and how we place ourselves within the world. But just how did these ideas establish themselves in my mind? Why would I, for instance, associate the medical profession or the clergy with goodness yet find it so hard to do likewise for someone engage in a less overtly noble, though perfectly acceptable activity, like estate agency or lap dancing for instance? The word ‘activity’ was a guiding light in this respect. I had to develop the attitude of regarding everything we did in life without the judgmental language and associations that we tend to automatically attach. That’s when it dawned on me that to see the things we do from day to day without this mental luggage was to free myself from the suffocating grip of the moralizing minds that was running my show. An activity, was an activity, nothing more nothing less, pure and simple. That activity may be writing a book, cooking a meal, dancing a jig, tending a wound, catching a fish it mattered not. Take away all the mental overlays and you are left with a great sense of peace, of benevolence if you will. You are well and truly off the hook, and so is everyone else. I realized, of course, that these concepts were my own value judgments – making one activity higher in the pecking order than another - were simply mental stories, my own mental arrangement that fitted together 7
FAST Roulette System
to make a world I could understand and accept. What I mean by this is that they were simply my beliefs that were borne of a mixture of educational, societal, parental and moral concepts that I had taken on board in a kind of automatic unquestioning way since childhood. Yet what I was now confronted with, arising from these very concepts within me, was a world that had grown out of this seemingly ‘normal’ but bizarre catalogue of judgments. Who I was, and how I interacted with my world, was a result of a perspective given birth to out of this conglomeration of craziness. My whole world was colored by this cloud of adopted and accepted norms, that I had accepted a fact. I finally understood what was meant by the statement; “The world you see is the world you be.” But the most important discovery of all was that until I was able to change these beliefs, it didn’t matter how hard I struggled or fought life, the external results of my actions would always remain the same, until I addressed my fundamental inner understandings about life, I would be held in the grip of an ever recurring self generated nightmare.
FAST Roulette System
5. Law of Cause and Effect Perhaps a good illustration for what is being conveyed here is to imagine that you are a projector. The celluloid or film within that projector is running the show (a three dimensional one in our case). Now clearly to try to alter that picture by scrambling at the screen upon which the film is playing would be insane. People would look at you in utter disbelief wondering what on earth you were trying to achieve. Because the only real way to change the appearance has to be made to the celluloid within the projector your beliefs, the very things that shape your world. Simple! Well, lets see? What I learned as I followed this line of investigation, was that our attitude towards money, or indeed any aspect of life, our deepest beliefs, were not only the driving force in our lives, determining whether we were abundantly blessed with great riches or simply survived from crisis to crisis. But that our mentality was at the heart, the very causative process of our life experience. Our mentality was the key! Some may argue that this concept is far too simple, and that our beliefs are not the only consideration to take into account when viewing how our lives are working out. Some may sight opportunity, location, Nationality, environment, health and a whole host of other external factors that will influence a person’s life. This seems undeniable from our present norms and perspectives, but the fact remains, despite all of these outward considerations, the overriding creative impulse lies within you. These externals are always secondary effects. If they are accepted and believed to be causative in and of themselves (which is the predominant present world view), then a persons experience will indeed be influenced accordingly and that person will have a reactive approach to life’s external form. However, I repeat, the causative principle lies within you. 9
FAST Roulette System
What this understanding can develop is a period of confusion. Once one realizes that it isn’t a question of simply facing up and putting up with an ‘unjust’ system of bias and selectivity. That success and luck are interchangeable and attributes one can actually foster and encourage internally. That each and every one of us holds, within our very own minds, the keys to our success. With this understanding, life is suddenly turned upon its head. For if this is true, what now of blame? Who is there I could possibly seek to blame when this external picture of my world that I am viewing is generated from within me. What of randomness and chance? If the roulette wheel of life is not that chaotic bewildering dance after all, then just what are the implications of a new perspective, a new approach to success? What begins to be seen is that any prison of limitation we seem to find ourselves confronted with, is a prison of our own making, and one we may awaken from, discovering a new and more accurate way of understanding life. Now, I am not suggesting or proclaiming that what I am offering here must be adopted as your way of life. What I am simply suggesting is that it would seem a far simpler way of living, and finding ones joy in life. But you can remain where you are and no one will argue with your choice, but just be aware this it is your choice. So, the cause and effect paradigm is a fascinating one. We actually have it reversed when we think that the world is an external that we must ‘react’ to, rather than a world that has taken shape from our very own thoughts beliefs and imaginings. So where does this all fit in with our investment program? Well, firstly, the FAST Roulette System described later on, took shape from a creative mindset. Not a reactive one. 10
FAST Roulette System
If what I am suggesting was true, then in order to overcome what would appear to be a mathematically insurmountable challenge, namely a consistently performing FAST Roulette System, one simple idea is to recognize that the answer existed, and could be greeted by the correct focus of attention. And so the FAST Roulette System was born, and conversely would not have taken form at all, were it from a mindset which accepted failure as a fact of life. But rather from the statement‌
Winning is simply a state of mind. The FAST Roulette System would demonstrate to me the new belief that I had adopted, namely, that I could choose to be successful. It just so happened that it was packaged in the form a roulette gaming system, which in and of itself, was merely the vehicle for that new self-expression.
FAST Roulette System
6. Fundamental Success. What is success? Before we embark upon any business of ‘investing’ we must make all possible preparations for our success, that is; we must cover all options, look at all possible risk areas and ensure than all eventualities are covered, and that we know, and are fully conversant with the actions we will take given any of these occurrences. Now if you are really serious about gaining an advantage over the Casino, let me make a clear distinction as to where ‘gamblers’ fail, and professional ‘gamers’ succeed. It boils down to mentality and self-discipline. In short that winning mindset. I can’t emphasize these points enough. Without these attributes which you can and must develop whilst using the FAST Roulette System as a support, (as well as some easy exercises I will offer you later on), you can count yourself as one of the multitude of ‘hopeful punters’ that will eventually and inevitably be beaten by their own conscious concepts of winning and losing. The first principle is 1.) Do not fear loss One of the biggest stumbling blocks to success is the fear of loss. This is usually generated by a gambling mentality - risk taking. a) Random uninformed betting without strategy. b) Insufficient funds (bankroll). c) Using funds that are not surplus, but critical. d) A victim’s mentality – Seeing unfairness.
FAST Roulette System
All of these issues can be addressed and over come quite simply. This is what and system is really addressing. Firstly, the risks is minimized by formulating a pattern and strategy that can be followed from a given formula, addressing points a and b. Ensuring that the funds are available and surplus is a personal issue, but critical to success, simply because peace of mind is far greater when the funds are surplus to essential requirement. The final point is often overlooked, but constitutes a huge mental block in our ideas of success. Most if not all gamblers believe the house has an advantage and WILL we eventually. My advice to anyone with this mentality is to put this book down right now, and continue to use your own methods. I say this because no matter how great a system, if you are unable to entertain even the slightest possibility that you can be successful, you will not be successful, end of story! But you may say what about random occurrence? Well, this is where a system allows all occurrences to work to our advantage if you allow it to. But again, our biggest enemy is doubt and fear, or lack of faith in ourselves. Expecting to win means just that, holding that unyielding faith in your own ability to bring about your own success. Remember, who can you blame after all? To place your success in the hands of fate is to sever your creative connection to life. 2.) Self-discipline This may sound somewhat elementary, but discipline is without question one of the most important assets the gamer has. Without discipline, we are indeed into the realms of the hopeful dreamer-gambler, and this is not what developing the winning mindset and playing a system is all about. And as a serious investor, it is in your own interest to master this aspect of play 13
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fully. Indeed you cannot play a system without discipline, for the rules must be followed and the analysis performed and adhered to. I will restate once again, discipline is what separates the gambler from the investor. The investor is a shrewd and wily character who plays the percentages and not the wild hunches. But with a sixth sense sharpened by his willingness to grasp an opportunity at the ‘right’ moment and embrace his self-belief. The investor is an investor in his own self-worth and expectancy, ever-eager to strengthen his own inner knowledge and ability to succeed. Though he knows more and more that the results will come his way, he is aware of, and is steeped in knowledge based on mathematically conceived systems and doesn’t waste time trying to second-guess the table, but plies his craft with belief and cool determination. He is deeply focused with a powerful strength of will. Holding fast to patterns and not succumbing to the ‘G’ word – 3.) Greed. Greed is the enemy of the serious investor and destroyer of many a gamblers fortunes. It has no respect whatsoever for your integrity, but dwells in dark and idle fantasies of disaster and failure, for it is the voice in your head that speaks from your externally focused mind. Encouraging doubt, fear and anxiety. It is a voice nurtured within a system of lack and insufficiency, and after many years of dominating your life, it will demand to be heard. For Greed is nothing more than a reaction to a belief in insufficiency, a reactive impulse to an expectancy of future loss. It is the voice of fear and doubt that seeks to undermine your 14
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authority – it cannot do this, unless you choose to succumb to its call of terror.
Remember, every casino in every land was built and funded by the voice of Greed. You don’t have to add to that chorus. 4.) The Right Mentality Before you have absolute conviction and belief in your ability to win outright on each and every occasion, it is prudent to take steps to encourage the growth and strengthening of your current levels of positivity. We can do this through the use of tools that will show us just how successful we can be, which will in turn begin to move those wheels of creation within our mind. This is where system play comes into its own. The player is able to see his own success through using the assistance of a systematic form of play, which returns regular and consistently favorable results. Once more, let us differentiate between what we mean by the terms ‘gambler’ and ‘Investor’. A gambler is a chancer, he doesn’t believe that he controls his own destiny, he is tossed and torn in the tumultuous seas of speculation and crashed against the jagged rocks of outrageous fortune (to coin a phrase), sometimes surfacing with a smile, sometimes sinking without trace. He is the wild card, the non-believer. The Investor knows - he has certainty in his camp. He uses each and every skill in his armory to bring about a result that will lead him in the direction of further success. He is a believer in himself and turns all events to his advantage, because he recognizes that each and every ‘external’ situation is reflecting back to him his own understandings. He uses life as a stepping-stone to guide him to a place where his winning mentality grows ever stronger. 15
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So the correct mentality is to recognize that in order to make a sound investment and lead us to that place of positivity, the investor does his homework, and becomes intimately acquainted with the signs that lead to favorable investment opportunities. He takes his craft seriously, just as any investment banker would do on the stock exchange, He approaches life with the same steely professionalism and ensures that every one of those factors that he can have in his favor is working for him as soon as he hits the tables. He is never less than 100 percent focused on the job at hand, never distracted or allowing his mind to wander. He is neither hungry nor thirsty but prepared both physically and mentally for the session that lies ahead of him. He knows before hand the actions he will take for each and every eventuality, and accepts that whatever the outcome, he will prosper in the long term. Now I am not suggesting any of this is easy. I will repeat, that the problem with playing against the voice of fear is that we are seeking constantly to battle emotions that have been generated from past belief structures and patterns that tell us we are at the whim of fortune. As great as the investor may be, this is always a major challenge. The voice of temptation seeks us to stray from the rules in a passionate plea for the quick hit. But until you have developed a mindset that only knows winning beyond doubt, play to the rules. If you have tried the other ways and failed, now is the time to become resolute and bring fortune into your camp. Now all this talk of self-discipline and the right mentality may make this all sound a little dull, sobering and lacking in fun. That is not my intention. Once you start to lay those chips down your heart will be racing away with the best of them. But the more you recognize this as an old pattern, the more comfortable you can become, the more at ease, and of course, the more confident about the outcome. 16
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If we get the simple things right we increase our advantage every step of the way
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7. Failure Our Ally One of the most important understandings is that…
There is no such thing as failure. This may seem very hard to believe especially if you have just return from your local pit with empty pockets and a fistful of I owe you! So am I making a rather handy disclaimer with this comment or is there some validity to these words? Well, let’s just recap a little here. If we are really taking on board the understanding that we are each creating our own experience through our beliefs, and that in truth nothing ever does happen ‘to us’ but that we are seeing our very fundamental beliefs before our eyes. Clearly what loss or failure is telling us is that we still do not believe in our inalienable right to success. And so from this perspective, the information is to our advantage. The temptation is to spiral into the depths of despair and doubting. This may happen. But the more we pick ourselves up and apply our wisdom to the situation, the stronger our creative muscles become and the deeper our belief can grow. So what to do with failure? Other than what has just been said? Well, within any system a losing bet will be a most valuable source of information. Indeed, it will form part of the structure that will unveil an identifiable pattern assisting us in how we place our future bets. The crucial point is that we either learn from life or sink in a mire of self-doubt and seeming helplessness when things appear to be turn ‘against’ us. We have the choice, always. What I am trying to instill is a winning investor’s mentality. An investor in the stock market, despite all his years of experience and instinct for a good investment, will make a loss now and
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again. But he will use that information to make future decisions all the more effective. It is our aim to turn our losses into our gain. What I do not wish to do is to generate an expectancy of losing, rather, I seek to illustrate that if a loss occurs, we don’t trigger that voice of greed and panic to recover our loss in one fowl swoop as it were. What we need to remember is that we are playing probabilities, not certainties, yet. If you believe it can happen, rest assured at some stage it will happen. So let’s be as prepared as we possibly can for all eventualities. If we can reduce, and hopefully remove entirely the fear of loss, we are in a fantastic position from which to step into a truly powerful belief in our success.
The loss of fear naturally gives way to it counterpart, success. So the way to view a loss is to formulate or factor it into your playing strategy. To work a system which will incorporate any loss within its essential functioning. Factoring in the loss before we start allows us a good level of measured mental comfort that will ensure our equilibrium is maintained and that we can follow the system come what may. Each loss can then be turned to our advantage by careful attention and with a little preplanning, it will serve us rather than being experienced a debilitating blow to our wealth creation. Loss can indeed become our greatest ally. This all comes through the process of instilling measured selfdiscipline, self-restraint and most importantly self-belief.
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8. Positive Mental Attitude The psychology of any game of chance is truly fascinating, and one that I feel we give so little attention to. (Hence this book) The Internet for example, is a hotbed of gaming and gambling chat rooms and forums, often what you find within these rooms and on the notice boards are extremely heated debates (this is putting it very mildly) over current and past systems and methods of play; Arguments rage over which systems are scams and which are not. I have yet to discover a site where a general consensus prevails. So why should this be? Surely a system works or it doesn’t, right? Well, as I said earlier, there are far more fundamental causes for our success than we perhaps realize. What is happening within these forums is quite simply that a group of individuals are looking from their own unique and individual perspective, all projecting a different world, living their own interpretation and experience of that world, and then proceeding to proclaim their truth based upon the assumption that their experience is common to all, and not particular to them. Now, whilst I may find a certain system of play to be amazingly successful, because of my fundamental belief in my ability to win with that system, another person may hold differing beliefs, and consequently fail repeatedly to win with the same system. There may be other factors also of course, but essentially what ensues is a debate as to the effectiveness of the system (the external), rather than focusing where the root of the difference really lies in the primary cause of the experience - the mind of the player. Now you may argue that we live in a world in which there are many ‘externals’ that we can agree upon as a ‘common experience’ and I would once again concede that this would appear to be so. However, if we scratch just a little way below 20
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the surface of these assumptions, we will see a wholly counter argument. As a very simple example; Let us say that you and I share equally the same tuna fish sandwich, it is delightful, we both agree how tasty it is. But my experience of that ‘tasty’ remains uniquely my experience, and no matter how hard I try to imagine your experience, I cannot, because it is uniquely your own. Conversely, and perhaps a more salient example, would be if one of us found the taste absolutely unpalatable. Indeed this is a very common occurrence. So, in our example, has the fish one flavor or two? Is there an external reality that is common to us both, or is a dual experience happening here? Clearly, it is our interaction, our own unique and individual experience, which flavors our world (excuse the pun). For we it not the case, we would each enjoy the same things, dislike identical things. Obviously there is another factor at play – our very own interpretation of how an event or thing should be encountered. Once again I must refer to the cause and effect paradigm. Our internal set of beliefs (cause), structure our experiences (effects).
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9. Winning Agreement There could be an argument to the effect that we each seem to experience certain principles in life in like manner, the fundamentals or frameworks to physical existence for example; Gravity, or the functioning of the body – digestion, breathing, sight, touch and all sense activity. This is a fair comment. As a human race we do clearly seem to agree on certain parameters within which to construct this life experience, boundaries within which to operate in common as it were. We seem to have a consensus reality occurring within which our own uniquely individual reality is framed, or housed within. So does this mean that we are each bound by these consensus realities? No, not at all. Majority acceptance does not equate to absolute authority.
Facts are merely agreed fiction. We agree to the parameters of our game, but always, always, have the sovereignty over our entire life. The snag is, when there’s a whole bunch of the population agreeing to certain principles it can seem an enormous task to overcome even the most minor limitations to our experience, but this changes nothing. One of these agreed consensus realities in the law of random occurrence, or chance. Our gaming world is steeped within this fiction. So knowing this can change everything. What we are in the business of here is an undoing process, - reversing the cause/effect paradigm. Breaking down the concepts that frame our reality. Deciding to alter those aspects that we finally realize we have the ability to switch to our favor. 22
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A gaming system is simply the tool with which we are doing this, by using this external effect - the system, to alter our belief in our ability to win - cause, which is deeply rooted in consensus reality. Repetition is widely understood to be a major influencing factor on the unconscious mind, the part of the mind that constructs our interactions with life. The unconscious mind is like the engine room of a ship, there are no windows, so it has no idea where to go of its own volition, but rather it listens to the captain’s instructions and fulfils them diligently in every detail. However, the only messages that get through are those that are consistent with the parameters that it has been given to work with, name your beliefs. These beliefs are like a filter for those messages. If the messages received are at odds with the overriding beliefs, that engine room will not respond, because it does not fit with its current instructions. In order to get that ship to turn, in order to get that message through, or change speed, that message must be absolutely, undeniably, unquestioningly held as a firm belief. Perhaps you can begin to see why finding a system that can offer us regular and repeated success is not only financially beneficial in the short term, but a belief reformer, which represents a crucial internal shift in expectations, or belief. This is where the true transformation begins. Strictly speaking, the very fact that a ‘successful system’ has come into your awareness in the first place, shows that you are accepting that your ability to win is changing. So you have already begun to change by virtue of holding these words in your hand (or reading from the screen). The next step is to utilize it to further establish and heighten that belief, which is the very aim of these words. The point is that if we can approach gaming with this great advantage, whether it be the system of play or some other way of affecting our expectation 23
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of the outcome, perhaps we have a surplus of cash which eases our fear of loss. Whatever it may be, our internal program that is running as we start playing will affect our experience in terms of our success rate.
Generating a positive mental attitude will greatly enhance your investment.
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10. FAST Roulette System-Secret Revealed The FAST Roulette System grew and developed as a natural bet of the understandings that I have shared in previous pages that we each create our own life experiences from the beliefs and creativity we hold. In order to develop this theory I was drawn to a system of play that took my focus away from prediction and guessing of the number that would show up, instead turning my attention to my individual and particular experience in terms of success rate on game on roulette. In other words I realized that by formulating a system that played the percentages and probability, where the placing of a bet was automatic, following a set pattern, I could concentrate on the most important aspect of the game, my encounter with that game. It had to be a system that gave enough flexibility in other ways to enable me to ‘tweak’ the odds in my favor whilst remaining sound in principle and execution. In this way I could aid and establish a correct focus of attention and avoid speculative and impulse betting. What I needed was a way of playing that would give me the most accurate reflection of my current success rate and allow me to adjust my play to my experience and not to the table, this was the essential ingredient that would maintain my concentration in the direction I sought. So the FAST Roulette System came into being as a strategy of systematic investment and one that did not depend directly on my interaction with process of number selection which was being carried out on auto pilot. The avoidance of trying to second-guess 25
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the numbers gave me great freedom from the mental anguish, dissolving the uncertainty and establishing certain nonchalance with regard to spin outcomes. This is not to say you do not care about the outcome of the spin, of course you do. But with this system you always know where your next winning bet will be placed in a very simple and straightforward manner, there is no guesswork in that area. And unless you are blessed with the gift of clairvoyance or ESP, trying to predict numbers is a lost cause at this stage of your mental development, and has been the demise of many a player. What follows is a system of play that can produce consistent and sustained returns from the game of Roulette, which will in turn, if used wisely and with diligence, represent a wonderful tool in the development of the Winning FAST Roulette System. FAST Roulette System was developed based on the understanding of the startling discovery in the early 1200’s by an Italian mathematician Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci. Have you heard about these “Pharaohs. Pyramids. Sphinxes.” ? The ancient Egyptians, circa 3,000 B.C.E., were part of a rich, powerful and advanced culture. So advanced, in fact, they were way ahead of their time. How so? When Italian mathematician Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci made his startling discovery in the early 1200's, he uncovered a secret about this ancient civilization that would revolutionize the entire mathematical world... ... Including, of all things, today's markets! To his credit, Fibonacci is the person who adopted the decimal system and introduced Arabic arithmetic to the Western world.
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But he's famous for something else... While studying the Great Pyramid "Gizeh" in Egypt, Fibonacci uncovered a unique mathematical sequence of numbers that changed several theories of the day, including algebra, geometry and trigonometry. Now, what does all this mean to You and me? What Does 500-Year-Old "Math" Have to Do With The FAST Roulette System? You may have heard of Fibonacci's formula. It has been used for more than 25 years in the trading industry, and it's also a widely recognized mathematical technique for making market assessments and anticipations. Very few people understand how to use Fibonacci formula successfully in the game of Roulette. Some gamblers use Fibonacci progression. Yet the truth is, the players, we have been in contact with seldom use it properly. Why? Because Fibonacci Analysis is an easy beast to MISunderstand. You see, it has been able at times to accurately predict where the ball’s position land — key turning points for winners and losers — helping some keen roulette players make profit in the process! You possibly can, too... ... But only if you know how to read them correctly. That's the kicker. Read them correctly, and you increase the possibility that you can profit from the games — or minimize potential losses. But read them incorrectly, and you can lose money... Even a ton of money! Let me be open, for a second. Fibonacci is not really all that complex, and I don't mean to alarm you. In fact, it's really easy when you know how. But it's simplicity is also its biggest weakness, because it's also really easy to misuse it, too. That's why you need to learn how to do it 27
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RIGHT. Well, I'm about to teach you how I use Fibonacci Formula correctly in the FAST Roulette System that will give you the knowledge necessary to potentially win at Roulette game. The FAST Roulette System is designed as a Fibonacci Advantage Skipping Technique - in short known as FAST)
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11. Fibonacci Advantage Perhaps the most important contribution to the study of patterns in the roulette game was the discovery that movements of the same degree tend to be related to one another by a specific mathematical ratio, known as Fibonacci ratio, the golden ratio or phi. Fibonacci introduced the Fibonacci sequence in a problem concerning the dynamics of population growth in rabbits. Here, to obtain the Fibonacci sequence, begin with 1 and add 1 to it. Take the sum of this operation (2) and add it to be the previous term in the sequence (1). Then take the sum of his second operation (3) and add it to the previous term in the sequence. Continue iteration in this manner, adding the most recent sum to the previous term, which is itself the sum of the two previous terms etc. This yields the following series of numbers: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597,2584 etc These numbers exhibit several remarkable relationships. o The ratio of any term to the next higher term tends asymptotically to 0.618 ½ =0.5 2/3=0.6666 5/8=0.625 8/13=0.615 13/21=0.619 21/34=0.618 34/55=0.618 etc
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o The ratio of any term to the next lower term tends asymptotically to 1.618 3/2=1.5 8/5=1.6 13/8=1.625 21/13=1.615 34/21=1.619 55/34=1.618 89/55=1.618 etc Golden ratio appears in a variety of natural objects from seashells to hurricane to galaxies. In the human body, the bronchial tubes branch fractally in a pattern that exhibits the Fibonacci ratio. The double helix of the DNA molecule possesses precise Fibonacci geometry. The financial markets exhibit Fibonacci proportions in a number of ways in the wave sequence. From my dealings in the game of roulette through thousands of computer generated spins as well as the actual real life collected casino results of spins, the spin results do exhibit Fibonacci ratio. If what I am suggesting was true, then in order to overcome what would appear to be a mathematically insurmountable challenge, namely an almost guaranteed FAST Roulette System, one simple idea is to recognize that the answer existed, and could be greeted by the correct focus of attention. Our focus of attention on the Fibonacci number is 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 since there are only 36 numbers in the game of roulette.
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12. Fibonacci Grouping European Roulette To apply Fibonacci advantage, I classify the numbers into the following groupings shown in table 3 below. 0 32 15 19 4 21 2 25 17 34 6 27 13 36 11 30 8 23 26 10 5 24 16 33 1 20 14 31 9 22 18 29 7 28 12 35 3 Table 3: European Roulette grouping
There are 19 groupings in European Roulette Game. American Roulette To apply Fibonacci advantage, I classify the numbers into the following groupings shown in table 4 below. 0 28 9 26 30 11 7 20 32 17 5 22 34 15 00 27 10 25 29 12 8 19 31 18 6 21 33 16
3 24 36 13 4 23 35 14
Table 4: American Roulette grouping
There are 19 groupings in American Roulette Game.
1 2
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13. Skipping Technique There is no such thing as "roulette bias". It is pure mathematics! It is amazing how lopsided the skips are. A skip represents the number of steps to move from one number to number. The direction of the movement is fixed towards the right. You will see in the following examples on how to determine skip. The skips can vary between 0 (zero) and 18. It may happen that a roulette number in the same grouping wins in consecutive spins (skip = 0). Many players will jump to the conclusion that the roulette wheel is biased towards that number! Or that the dealer is biased towards that number! The truth is a far cry from that. All the skips simply follow the rules of theory of probability. If, absurdly, a wheel is strikingly biased towards certain numbers, the casino would replace it immediately! The computer program does not use a mechanical wheel. Yet, there is a strong discrepancy among skips. Again, it is pure mathematics... Skips for European Roulette 0 32 15 19 4 21 2 25 17 34 6 27 13 36 11 30 8 23 26 10 5 24 16 33 1 20 14 31 9 22 18 29 7 28 12 35 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 If you move from 32 to 13, you can count from the right column after 32 starting with 1 to 11 (as shown above). This means that skip is counted as 11. If you move from 32 to 18, the skip is also 11. I will show you another example to explain the meaning of skips. If you move from 2 to 19, the skip is 15. Do you get the answer?
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In European Roulette, grouping 0 is not counted. 0 32 15 19 4 21 2 25 17 34 6 27 13 36 11 30 8 23 26 10 5 24 16 33 1 20 14 31 9 22 18 29 7 28 12 35 3 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 You only need the above table to calculate the skips for European Roulette. Make sure you understand how to find skips. Test yourselves again!!! Find the skips? • 4 to 27, skip=7 0 32 15 19 4 21 2 25 17 34 6 27 13 36 11 30 8 23 26 10 5 24 16 33 1 20 14 31 9 22 18 29 7 28 12 35 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 • 14 to 23, skip = 9 0 32 15 19 4 21 2 25 17 34 6 27 13 36 11 30 8 23 26 10 5 24 16 33 1 20 14 31 9 22 18 29 7 28 12 35 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • 8 to 0 32 15 10 5 3 4
4, skip = 6 19 4 21 2 25 17 34 6 27 13 36 11 30 8 23 26 24 16 33 1 20 14 31 9 22 18 29 7 28 12 35 3 5 6 1 2
• 7 to 0 32 15 10 5 5 6
33, 19 24 7
skip = 9 4 21 2 25 17 34 6 27 13 36 11 30 8 23 26 16 33 1 20 14 31 9 22 18 29 7 28 12 35 3 8 9 1 2 3 4
• 33 to 16, skip = 17 0 32 15 19 4 21 2 25 17 34 6 27 13 36 11 30 8 23 26 10 5 24 16 33 1 20 14 31 9 22 18 29 7 28 12 35 3 14 15 16 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 33
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I hope you understand how to determine the skips. If you do not understand, you can refer to my attached FASTKEY worksheet on skips calculation. Skip for American Roulette 0 28 9 26 30 11 7 20 32 17 5 22 34 15 3 24 36 13 1 00 27 10 25 29 12 8 19 31 18 6 21 33 16 4 23 35 14 2 15 16 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Calculating skips for American roulette is similar to that of European roulette. If you move from 29 to 9, the skip is 17. For American Roulette, (0, 00) grouping is counted. If you move from 20 to 19, it can be noted that the skip is 0. If you move from 21 to 34, it can be noted that the skip is 1. FASTKEY spreadsheet shows the skips for European and American Roulette.
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14. Fibonacci Advantage Skipping Sequence (FASS) As mentioned in the previous session, it can be noted that our focus of attention on the Fibonacci number is 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 since there are only 36 numbers in the game of roulette. Therefore, we want to determine the Fibonacci Advantage Skipping Sequence. The maximum number of skips can be determined as 18. So the Fibonacci number of 21 and 34 have to be reduced further in such a manner that the number falls within 1 and 18. Fibonacci Number FASS 1 1 2 2 3 3 5 5 8 8 13 13 21 21-18= 3 34 34-18= 16
Therefore, the Fibonacci Advantage Skipping Sequence (FASS) can be listed as follows: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 16 All skips that have these following numbers (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 16) are called FASS. 1 LOW 2 LOW 3 LOW 5 LOW 8 LOW/HIGH 13 HIGH 16 HIGH 35
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Fibonacci Advantage Skipping Sequence (FASS) can also be categorized as HIGH or LOW sequence. These numbers are very important and therefore, are very crucial for the success in game of roulette. FASS will be used to identify the numbers to be eliminated in the roulette game. As you know, the critical success factors for winning roulette depend on the determination of skips, selection of FASS, initial bankroll and target profit and the amount to bet. The trend of the skips over the past 13 skips will determine what you should NOT bet. 13 is used because it is a Fibonacci number. This system of using skips is very unconventional and has become the most effective way in ensuring the success in the roulette game.
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15. Step by Step approach of the FAST Roulette System Now you have understood the theory behind Fibonacci Advantage Skipping Technique. In this session, I will show you how to make use of this technique. The FAST Roulette System is a process that involves 6 steps, namely called SPACES in order to decide what and how to bet automatically. Select your Bank Roll and profit target Pre-Qualify your Game Analyze before putting your Bet Choose your Fibonacci Advantage Skipping Sequence ( FASS ) o Eliminate the unlikely outcome o Start Putting Your Bet
o o o o
Below is an example of real life casino results, to illustrate to you how I use SPACES. European Roulette Game 1 Initial bank roll = $1000 Past results: 10,32,16,7,33,25,29,30,19,18,19,22,20‌‌ You have to use the cheat sheet for the FAST Roulette System. The key to success with this system is to follow the rules, which are presented in a clear, easy to follow, step-by-step fashion. Step 1: Select your Bank Roll and Target profit Having an adequate Bank Roll is very important step before you even think of betting. I will show you a guide so that you can feel more comfortable in winning the game of roulette. 37
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Initial bank roll (recommended) $50 below $50 to $150 $150 to $250 $500 to $2500 $2500 above
Minimum Bet 0.10 0.30 0.50 2.00 5.00
Maximum Bet 1.50 4.00 6.50 26.00 65.00
If you have limited Bank Roll, make sure you follow this rule religiously. You can slowly build up your Bank Roll first before going for a higher betting level. Since the initial Bank roll is $1,000, the table above shows the following: Minimum Bet is $1. Maximum Bet is $13. As a rule of thumb, your target profit should be 20% of your initial bankroll. Once you hit your target profit of 20%, stop playing, even though you play only 5 spins. Well, normally roulette players do not follow my advice. That’s the reason why they lose money and lack discipline. To help those players to limit their losses, I recommend them to continue playing but with minimum bet of $1. Step 2: Pre-Qualify Your Game. In order to pre qualify your game, you have to collect and first fill up the previous 13 results (hits) on first column “RESULTS” of the Cheat Sheet. Results Skips Sequence FASS Bet HIT W CWin Results Skips Sequence
10 38
W CWin
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32 16 7 33 25 29 30 19 18 19 22 20
0 9 10 9 2 6 2 6 9 9 8 14
13, 16 13 13 39
Next fill up the second column “SKIPS”. I have shown you how to calculate skips previously. If you are not clear, please refer to the previous chapter. Alternatively, you can refer to FASTKEY Spreadsheet for European Roulette to determine the skips.(Chart 1 ) How do you pre qualify the game? A word of caution!! You have to pre-qualify your game after each spin. To do that, you have to calculate the number of Fibonacci Advantage Skipping Sequence (FASS) appearing in the column ”SKIPS”. 2, 2, 8 are FASS. There are 3 out of 12 skips. If there are less than 5 FASS out of 12 skips(less than 50%), this game meets the pre qualification criteria. That means you can play this game to win. If there are 5 or more FASS, the game fails the prequalification criteria. Avoid playing the game or table that fails the prequalification criteria. If you play this game, there is a high likelihood that you may lose this game. However, that does not mean that you cannot win in this game. If you still want to play, then you can always play at a minimum bet. 39
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Step 3: Analyze before putting your bet Once you have pre qualified the game, you are ready to fill up the next column “sequence�. You have to fill up either High or Low. In order to select what to fill up, you have to look at the last previous skip which is 14 in this example. If the skip number is between 0 and 8 inclusive, the sequence is LOW. If the skip number is between 9 and 18 inclusive, the sequence is HIGH. In our example, 14 is considered as HIGH. Step 4: Choose Your Fibonacci Advantage Skipping Sequence In this step, you have to choose only 2 FASS. As a reminder: Never, never choose more than 2 FASS. There are many smart aleck who do not follow my advice. These 2 FASS are very crucial for your success in winning the roulette game. These FASS numbers will be converted to actual roulette numbers by counting forward using table 3 for European roulette. If the sequence is LOW, the FASS you can choose from is 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 If the sequence is HIGH, the FASS you can choose from is 8, 13, 16 Which of the two should you choose for your Fibonacci Skips?? o Always choose the Fibonacci Advantage Skipping Sequence(FASS) that have not appeared over the last 13 numbers
FAST Roulette System
o Analyze the trend of the previous FASS that have appeared over the last 13 numbers and take action by choosing the correct FASS for the next play. Possible trends and actions taken are as follows: - Non appearance: Choose the FASS that have not appeared over the last 12 skips. o Example 1: Skips 3, 5, 6, 8, 12, 17, 4, 6, 5, 8, 11, 13.. If sequence is low, choose 1, 2 If sequence is high, choose 16 o Example 2: Skips 1, 3, 5, 2, 13, 13, 7, 6, 11, 15, 10, 9… If sequence is low, choose 8 If sequence is high, choose 8, 16 o Example 3: Skips 3, 5, 5, 7, 0, 12, 17, 18, 3, 5, 6, 7…. If sequence is low, choose what now? 1, 2, 8 have not appeared. You can choose the 2 largest skips. In this case, we have to choose 2, 8. If sequence is high, choose 13, 16. - Full Appearance: If all skips have appeared, then you choose the FASS that have appeared the most number of times over the past 12 skips. o Example 4: Skips 3, 5, 16, 7, 12, 3, 2, 1, 8, 13, 16, 16…. If the sequence is low, choose 3. (2 times ) If sequence is high, choose 16. (3 times) o Example 5: Skips 2, 3, 13, 16, 8, 1, 5, 4, 11, 17, 9, 10… In this case, the number of times that FASS have appeared is the same for both low sequence and high sequence. Choose the 2 largest FASS. If sequence is low, choose 5, 8 If sequence is high, choose 13, 16.
FAST Roulette System
- Partial appearance: If some FASS skips have appeared and some have not appeared, then your priority is to find the non appearance first. o Example 6: Skips 2, 5, 12, 7, 8, 8, 13, 13, 15, 1, 9, 2‌ If sequence is low, choose 3 (non appearance) and 8 (2 times, largest) If sequence is high, choose 16 (non appearance) and 13 (largest FASS among 8, 13). o Example 7: Skips 7, 11, 3, 1, 3, 13, 8, 1, 9, 10, 15, 2.. If the sequence is low, choose 5 (non appearance) and 3. If the sequence is high, choose 16 (non appearance) and 13 (largest FASS). In our example, 13 and 16 have never appeared even once. Non appearance trend exists. Choose Fibonacci Advantage Skipping Sequence (FASS) of 13 and 16. Step 5: Eliminate the unlikely outcome Under this step, you are supposed to find 4 numbers to be eliminated in relation to its selected FASS. Once you have decided the eliminated number, you are required to BET All Numbers 0, 1, 2‌..36 except eliminated numbers. From 0 32 10 12
table 4 for 15 19 4 5 24 16 13 14 15
European Roulette 21 2 25 17 34 6 27 13 36 11 30 8 23 26 33 1 20 14 31 9 22 18 29 7 28 12 35 3 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
By starting from the last outcome hit, which is 20, you make 13 and 16 steps towards the right. By moving the necessary skips, you will find the pairing for each corresponding FASS. Skips 13 corresponds to 15 and 5. Skips 16 corresponds to 21 and 33.
FAST Roulette System
In the Cheat sheet, you will fill up 13, 16 under column “FASS”. The corresponding numbers to be eliminated are identified as follows: 5, 15, 21, 33. These numbers (5, 15, 21, 33) will not be played. You can also refer to the FASTKEY spreadsheet to identify the eliminated numbers (Chart 2). Step 6: Start putting your bet The critical question here is “How much to bet?” o If you are not familiar with the method or still learning how to test using “fun money”, then bet the minimum. In this case, the minimum bet is $1 depending on your initial bankroll. o If you want to be a professional and has confidence in The FAST Roulette System, then use the Mini-Max Method. o Bet minimum if: ⇒ Sequence is “low” ⇒ Profit target of 20% of initial bankroll is met (very important). o Bet maximum if: ⇒ Sequence is “high”. However bet minimum if all 3 high FASS ( 8 , 13, 16 ) have already appeared. o What happen if you lose ??? ⇒ Scenario 1: If you lose at minimum bet, your next bet will be Maximum bet irrespective of the sequence. Some adjustments need to be made on what not to bet. You bet maximum on all numbers except the eliminated numbers that are determined from the 2 recent skips. For example: Skips 3, 7, 12, 8, 1, 2, 9, 11, 10, 10, 15, 1, …. Assuming that the current spin numbers are 20, 14. The skip from 20 to 14 is 1 which is low sequence. The chosen FASS is 5 (non appearance) and 1. You bet All 43
FAST Roulette System
numbers with $1 except 31, 34, 29, 36. You spin and the result is now 29. Thus you lose!!!. So your next maximum bet is on all numbers except eliminated number derived from the last 2 skips, namely 1 and 5. 0 32 15 19 4 21 2 25 17 34 6 27 13 36 11 30 8 23 26 10 5 24 16 33 1 20 14 31 9 22 18 29 7 28 12 35 3 1 2 3 4 5 You have to use this table to select your eliminated numbers. Here I will show the method. Starting from previous hit of 29, you have to find the eliminated numbers corresponding to skips 1 and 5. The eliminated numbers are 7, 11, 3, 26. ⇒ Scenario 2: If you lose at maximum bet, stop playing today. Today is your unlucky day. Take a rest and come back later. Over the next 2 to 3 session of 13 spins, you will recover back. Don’t worry. This scenario seldom happens unless you do not follow my instruction to stop once you reach your target profit of 20% or not to bet if the pre-qualification criteria fails. o When to stop ⇒ Stop betting after target profit of 20% are met ⇒ Stop betting if 5 or more Fibonacci Advantage Skipping Sequence (FASS) have already appeared during your game. ⇒ Stop betting if you make a loss at maximum bet. Bad luck because you choose a wrong FASS or you continue playing after hitting target profit or you do not follow instructions. In this case BET maximum, that is Bet $13 each for all numbers including zero except the eliminated numbers (5, 15, 21, 33). Total bets = 33 X 13 = 429 If you win, total payout = 468 44
FAST Roulette System
Winnings is 468 – 429 = 39 Under column “Bet”, fill up amount 13 (maximum bet) The actual outcome, HIT was 13. Column “W” shows winning amount. Column ”CWin” shows cumulative winnings amount. 16. More Illustrations on real life casinos result: Results Skips Sequence
13 4 2 14 28 17 10 5 27 2 26 3 3
5 Low 10 High 2 Low 2 Low 7 Low 11 High 11 High 1 Low 9 High 5 Stop or Low 2 Low 0 Low 0 STOP
1, 3 13, 16 1, 3 1, 3 1, 3 13, 16 13, 16 3, 2 13, 16 3, 2
1 13 1 1 1 13 13 1 13 1
2, 5 13 3, 8 1
W CWin
4 3 2 39 14 3 28 3 17 3 10 39 5 39 27 3 2 39 26 (33) 3 3
39 3
42 81 84 87 90 129 168 171 210 177 218 221
When do you stop? You stop playing when the following conditions occur: o First call to stop: Already achieve 20%=$200 target profit o Second call to stop : 5 or more FASS have already appeared.
FAST Roulette System
Final words Some Practical Considerations Now that you have gained a basic understanding of what it will take to win at Roulette, let’s give some thought to a few practical things. First, it’s never practical to bet simply with your low initial bankroll. You will need to make sure to have enough bankroll to decide your minimum and maximum bet. This is very crucial to ensure you can play and win confidently. It is more appropriate to have a higher bank roll to make you look live a professional player Recalculate your funds (bankroll) as it varies up or down. You won’t be able to calculate your optimum bet while at the table otherwise. Finally, it is important for you to know that you will sometimes have to stop playing when you are making losses. Don’t chase for the lost money. When you know the conditions that will cost you money, it will be easier to use the necessary strategies to avoid them and lessen the impact on your profits. Winning and taking home the money is the main reason that you play Roulette or any game of chance for that matter. Never lose sight of this fact. It is your whole reason for learning how to play like a master. The only way to come out a WINNER is to understand the game thoroughly and learn as much as you can about it.
FAST Roulette System
Roulette Tips and Strategies Here are some tips and strategies for Roulette for you to use as you like. 1. In order to win you must understand the game. 2. You will need to practice for many, many hours to be any good at playing. 3. Remember to manage your money, not only for the sake of pacing yourself, but for optimizing your bet. 4. Always, always… remember the basic FAST Roulette System of the game. 5. Never be afraid to ask question and learn all that you can about the game. Then master that information. By following a strategically well thought out plan, you can improve your chances for beating the odds at Roulette immensely. Without such a well devise plan and good solid playing strategies, you will never gain the advantage that you seek over the casino. With a little patience, a lot, and I mean a lot of practice and of course the luck of the game on your side, you could well be on your way to saying the most important phrase in the world ” FAST Roulette System”, now wouldn’t that be music to your ears? Good luck and WIN big!
FAST Roulette System
Tested online casinos This is a list of online casinos where I have personally tested the FAST Roulette System. If you like to practice, every casino offers a “fun mode” where you can play the games without depositing any money - some online casinos even offer lists of spins to download. Every online casino has some kind of promotional program for new players. Join the casino and get a free bonus, either fixed or matching your first deposit. Online Casino 888 Casino
Software Proprietary
Initial Bonus $88 No Deposit
William Hill EUCasino
Microgaming Boss Media
£150 $750
Casino-on Net
Random Logic
EURO Palace
Boss Media
€ 150 +
75 spins Prestige Casino
Note the bonus might not be very high but this casino has one of the best selection of roulette tables and table limits UK online casino One of the highest bonus offers: in addition to the $750 welcome bonus, up to $1000 this is simply the biggest online casino (and the oldest one I believe) – they claim to have over 7 million customers! a european casino, no high bonus but always loads of people at the multiplayer tables. And they offer spins to download a well known casino. I don’t like the software very much but the bonus is great This casino offers instant-play, you do not even need to download & install software
FAST Roulette System
APPENDIX – Examples Example 1 Results Skips
25 6 8 31 23 14 25 5 35 30 27 17 8 33 30 31 16 30 10 10 26 8 29 13 15 31 8 20 18
3 low 6 Low 11 High 8 Low 9 High 17 High 13 High 15 High 16 High 14 High 15 High 8 Low 7 Low 10 High 12 High 13 High 11 High 4 Low 0 Low 17 High 16 High 15 High 17 High 8 Low 7 Low 7 Low 9 High 5 Low or stop
2, 5 8, 16 8, 16 13, 16 13, 16 3, 5 3, 5 13, 16 16, 17 13, 16 13, 16 3, 5 3, 5 3, 5 13, 16 1, 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
W CWin
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -33 39 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 -12 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48
First call to stop because of meeting 20% target profit. Always bet minimum if you want to continue.
FAST Roulette System
Example 2 Results Skips
22 2 2 27 35 26 12 6 9 16 14 25 3 3 9 22 34 33 21 19 18 33 24 20 2 6 20 28 15
13 0 5 6 1 16 12 0 12 4 17 11 0 Low 10 High 1 Low 16 High 14 High 0 Low 16 High 9 High 11 Stop or high 16 High 4 Low 17 High 4 Low 15 High 8 Low 5 Low
3, 8 3, 7 13, 8 8, 13 3, 8 8, 13 8, 13 8, 13 8, 13 8, 13 3, 8 8, 13 3, 8 8, 13 8, 15 2, 3
1 13 1 13 13 1 13 13 1 13 1 1 1 1 13 1
W CWin
3 39 3 39 39 3 39 39 3 3 3 3 3 -33 39 3
3 42 45 84 123 126 165 204 207 210 213 216 219 186 225 228
First call to stop because 20% target profit met Under third last row, he lost at high but at minimum bet. Luckily he follows my instruction. For the next bet, bet maximum on skip 8, 15 based on the last 2 skips.
FAST Roulette System
Example 3 Results Skips Sequence FASS Bet HIT
2 12 13 10 14 18 8 29 7 24 2 31 22 33 26 18 33 31 33 12 22 18 16 8 18
10 14 7 7 4 4 15 1 7 3 3 2 12 13 12 11 4 14 11 13 1 10 12 14
High High High High Low High High High Low High High High
8, 16 8, 16 8, 16 8, 16 5, 8 8, 16 8, 16 8, 16 5, 8 8, 16 8, 16
13 13 13 13 1 13 13 13 1 13 13
W CWin
39 39 39 39 3 39 39 39 3 39 39
39 78 117 156 159 198 237 276 279 318 357
FAST Roulette System
Example 4 Results Skips Sequence
2 17 19 2 17 27 24 14 17 13 25 28 25 14 21 17 11 15 32 12 30 8 35 17 13
2 13 3 2 3 10 5 0 4 13 8 10 1 15 3 6 6 17 15 17 1 1 9 4
High Low High Low Low Low High High High Low Low High Low
13, 16 2, 3 13, 16 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 13, 16 13, 16 13, 16 2, 5 2, 5 13, 16
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36
Analysis of the game: 1. For the first 13 spins, there are 8 FASS out of 12 numbers. Based on my prequalification criteria at step 2, you should not play this game. 2. If you are playing online, you can play if you are en expert like me. 3. To play this game, you need to bet minimum only. 4. Even if you follow my mini-max method, you will not lose. The winnings will be 292 when compared with 36 for minimum method.
Hot Casino Roulette Winning Method! Roulette and stroke methods in gambling Roulette as we know is a game that borders the realms of probability, at any moment things can move either way and direction is unknown. This type of game requires control at the betting level in order for any advantage to be made. Stroke method requires using two bets in succession, used in either odds or evens on roulette numbers, it's designed to reduce the impact of a losing scenario. The odds and evens track in roulette gambling Tracking is the intention of following numbers in a roulette system, it can be done simply when playing odds and evens because the numbers fall simply into either one of those divisions. The average track is around 2.5 bets, that means for every 2 and half spins of the roulette wheel the number will change from an odd to an even. The upper value is around four, that on the highest occasions at average, the odd to even ratio can be as great as four bets before changing, we now average to a 3.2 reversal. We must be aware of the track and using it to our advantage, the best way of doing this is to draw a line on a piece of paper with odds on one side and evens on the other. Now in all your following bets, add whether the resultant is odds or evens, then you can begin your assumptions. The evens stroke method This can be achieved in odds stroke also, yet for this tutorial we will use evens for training purposes. Now here is the betting commitment, regardless of your results, if you choose a method you must stick to it. Therefore if you choose to observe the evens stroke, you never bet on the odds, here is why.
The method revolves around patience and balancing on fluctuation, this means that by switching between odds and evens, you'll end up tilting and this variance will eventually unsettle your balance. So this is where your loyalty is rewarded, but control on your part is inevitably required. You bet on even numbers only, whenever you win, you double the next bet, if you lose you halve the bet that follows, it really is as simple as that. Now a settling period will begin to take place, this means that a slight variance will occur, you'll win some lose some, but the winning amounts through doubling will eventually catch a return that pushes you into the quarter profit margin, and this is when you can leave, your work is done and then you are at profit. Good luck
My advice: I have often great success with this Casino: CLICK HERE - US Players Welcome
Incredible New Roulette Systems: Three Great Roulette Strategies
The game of roulette is often thought to be unbeatable. Then there are some who believe the key to winning is in money management - that is finding a way to produce a profit despite losses. Yet others have not given up on beating the game altogether. Here I will attempt to show you that this is just not the case. Some roulette systems play “cold” numbers, or numbers that have not shown for some time and felt to be “due.” Other systems play “hot” numbers, or numbers that have repeated and occurred regularly over a short period of time. They have it partly right. To beat roulette, you must combine both methods. It also doesn’t hurt if the zero(s) is included to beat the house edge. One of the systems included in this document does just that. Before I share these strategies with you, let me explain why they work. I have discovered that the numbers of the roulette wheel occur in cycles of 21 spins and create what can be called patterns. In addition, certain sets of numbers tend to trend together thus creating the hot numbers seen so often. These numbers will run for an indeterminate period of time, then stop and not come up again for another indefinite length of time. This is where cold numbers come in. The key to winning roulette is exploiting these short-term patterns, then stopping, and waiting until they re-appear again. Makes sense now that you know the “secret” right? The challenge is locating the patterns and knowing when to start and stop. Here I offer you 3 ways to do this! Here’s how they work -
European Wheel: Zero Bet The following roulette system bet is for the European wheel only and plays the basket bet, covering the numbers 0 through 3. This is generally considered to be the worst bet to play in roulette; however, this strategy makes the basket bet profitable. As mentioned, this bet plays the basket bet which covers the numbers 0-1-2-3 and pays 8:1. When you see any 2 numbers from this set (0-1-2-3) appear together within 10 spins, play the basket bet for up to 21 bets. This is because numbers come in cycles of 21 spins. To clarify when you see any of these pairs of numbers within 10 spins play the basket bet: 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, 1/2,1/3 and 2/3.
European Zero Basket Bet:
Example 1: 32 3 (win) 11 16 28 25 1 0 31
Reading from bottom to top, the 0 and 1 show within 10 spins. You play the basket bet, covering the numbers 0-1-2-3 as shown above. The fifth spin brings a win with the #3. Example 2: 2 (win) 29 18 5 1 7 12 2 31 The numbers 2 and 1 have shown within 10 spins. We wager the basket bet, which wins on the fourth bet with the #2. Important Rules: Make sure the bet hasn’t already “hit” before betting. Already hit means that before you place the wager make sure it hasn't already "hit," or won, in the series of numbers. Do this by making sure the numbers you are playing have not shown 4 or more times in the last 10 numbers. If they have, do not bet. Since the numbers for this bet also trend with the numbers 4, 5 and 6, include these numbers when making sure it hasn’t hit. Again, hit is 4 showings in 10 spins. A Zero Bet that has already hit looks like this: Example 1: 0 6 22 1 1 23 1 14 15
Example 2: 6 36 15 6 4 3 13 8 3 1
From top to bottom, you would not play because looking back this bet has already hit. It has shown 6 times as we count the numbers 4 and 6. Note: This bet works online but if you plan to test in real money mode, due to the way RNG software works, make sure you have not played the basket bet or lines in the last 6 sessions AND keep sessions within 15 minutes or less. Also, after you use this bet to win in a session, you can’t use it again for the next 5 sessions! A session ends when the software is exited for at least 20 minutes, not if you restart the numbers. NEVER play at Flash casinos. The numbers do run the same way when playing for fun because software only reacts when playing for real money, so you can verify that this bet works in fun mode. When playing for real money, how you play will have to change but I can’t go into full details in this short document. Of course, live play does not have these restrictions. European Zero Bet Progression: 1111111 2222 4444 6 6 7 9 9 11 12 50 units for 17 bets 91 units for 21 bets To reduce bankroll, skip first 4 spins, then play using 17 bet progression. Note: This bet has a higher win rate on the American wheel due to the fact there are two “zeros” to cover. The indicators for the American wheel are slightly different but generally works the same.
Quick Profit Roulette Strategy: High Roller Lines I call the following roulette strategy my “high roller” bet as it requires a bankroll of 112 units. Although not for everyone, it works on the European wheel only, as well as online and makes a nice addition to the professional roulette player’s arsenal. It requires no tracking of numbers or special preparation. Here’s how to do it High-Roller Line Bet:
This special bet plays the first and last lines simultaneously. Place one chip on line 1-6 and one chip on line 31-36. Sit back and watch it roll with the progression provided below. This works on both wheels. This bet takes a bankroll of 112 units (which is $560 using $5 units). This is great for fast cash and short-term play. Tip: If winning numbers are running far apart don’t play this bet until they are running closer together.
Note: This bet works online but if you plan to test in real money mode, due to the way RNG software works, make sure you have not played lines in the last 6 sessions AND keep sessions within 15 minutes or less. Also, after you use this bet to win in a session, you can’t use it again for the next 5 sessions! A session ends when the software is exited for at least 20 minutes, not if you re-start the numbers. NEVER play at Flash casinos. The numbers do run the same way when playing for fun because software only reacts when playing for real money, so you can verify that this bet works in fun mode. When playing for real money, how you play will have to change but I can’t go into full details in this short document. Of course, live play does not have these restrictions. I DO NOT recommending playing this bet online unless it is STRICTLY used ONCE every SIX sessions AND lines are not played in ANY of the other sessions. Do not use this bet online if you don’t know what you’re doing. High Roller Lines Progression: 1 1 2 3 4 6 8 12 19 – Each Line 112 units total
The following are two highly profitable outside betting strategies, in particular playing red and black. The only drawback is that they use a 5-step Martingale progression but that is because of how the patterns work. The win rate more than makes up for it. Here’s how they work -
Red & Black Roulette System: Pattern 1 This is an AMAZING bet with a high win rate!!! When you see 5 black or red numbers in a row, you bet the SAME color to win using a 5-bet progression. If a zero occurs in the series, ignore it, and count the numbers as if it weren’t there. It works on both wheels as well as online. Examples: 25 1 14 5 27 27 5 31 After you see the fifth red number in a row, you would then bet on RED. You would’ve won on the first bet. 17 0 35 20 15 17 5 22 You ignore the zero. After the 5th black number, #17, you would’ve started betting on black and won on the second bet with the #22.
Other Even Money Wagers: You can do the same for all other even money wagers. Wait for 5 high/lows or 5 odd/evens in a row then bet the SAME, not the opposite, to win! Example 1: American Wheel 23 33 19 33 23 28 7 In this example, odd numbers are highlighted. After the 5th odd number (23), you would start betting odds and win on the 2nd bet with the #7. Example 2: European Wheel 19 33 35 27 29 25 16 35 33 21 30 33 19 29 It is okay to play the same even money bet twice in a row given that the bet selections are separated. Here it would’ve been okay to play high back-to-back because there was a low number separating the selections.
Pattern 2: Here is another outside bet pattern that occurs frequently. It also plays Red (R) or Black (B). When you see the pattern BBRB bet on Red. When you see RRBR bet on Black. Ignore zeros in the sequence. Progression is also 5 bets. Example 1: 6 26 15 22 6 28 9 28 21 17 3 10 Highlighted in yellow, reading from top to bottom, this example shows the BBRB pattern winning on Red (#21).
Example 2: 25 34 -- -- -35 12 31 21 5 4 4
1 8 24 31 19 35 11 30 8 32 Reading from top to bottom, this example shows RRBR winning on Black (#31). Highlighted in green is a BBRB pattern winning 2 spins later on Red (#30) Example 3: 25 19 18 0 31 21 20 This example demonstrates ignoring the zero in a sequence. The zero interrupts a RRBR pattern but still wins on Black (#20). Note: This bet works online but if you plan to test in real money mode, due to the way RNG software works, make sure you have not played the Red or Black in the last 6 sessions AND keep sessions within 15 minutes or less. Also, after you use this bet to win in a session, you can’t use it again for the next 5 sessions! A session ends when the software is exited for at least 20 minutes, not if you re-start the numbers. NEVER play at Flash casinos. The numbers do run the same way when playing for fun because software only reacts when playing for real money, so you can verify that this bet works in fun mode. When playing for real money, how you play will have to change but I can’t go into full details in this short document. Of course, live play does not have these restrictions. Red/Black Progression: 1-2-4-8-16 31 units
Testing Fast: You can go to the Spielbank website of real European wheel spins to see how these “patterns” win. These are just a few of the ways to beat the casino game of roulette. In addition, there are several other profit-producing, high win rate bets that are designed to work in conjunction with these 3 strategies.
1. WilliamHill Casino 2. 888 Casino 3. EURO Palace Casino
“You shal l remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth” – Deut 8:18
Betchips.com proudly presents: Law of Averages - Beat the odds in online roulette You're going to start earning tax free money in less than 15 minutes so get Ready! Before giving you any instructions to follow, please take a moment to read the following information to give you a better idea on what we are going to accomplish for you! Please remember that you MUST follow these instructions exactly as they are explained, that is the whole point of this system. To make any deviation of these steps would be a waste of your time, as it will not work. You may as well quit reading this now if you cannot click where I ask you to click, and do what I ask you to do. If you do not follow these steps precisly our system will not work. Please ensure that you read all the way through this eBook before attempting ANY betting. It won't take too long I promise. All of the odds on a Roulette table are based on the “Law of Averages� minus one or two points. This is so the casino can only gain money from you playing the table...Until now! This eBook explains how to blow away this "Law of Averages" and use this to your advantage. I am sure the casino will catch on eventually, but when is a different matter. There are literally millions of people playing at these online casinos, with our targeted casino being the largerst. So the odds that they will see the few of us using this system against all of the other players is very minimal, we are talking like 1 in 3 million. Every casino has an "Acceptable Loss" policy which gives us plenty of time to win some serious money before they fix this! If you spent an hour a day doing this, you would make more in a week than most people do in a month. Now, for the details on our system. We have tested numerous online casinos, with different methods. We have found that this method works best with our targeted casino. We recommend that you use this specific casino to maximize your winning potential. You can now download the casino software at the link provided. Remember to download the CASINO and not the poker (Click on the orange 'Play Now' Button in the middle of the screen) Click Here to Download it Now!
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Now, this system is based on betting on the Low/Middle/High fields ONLY. You simply bet on the same one, with only a slight rise in stake each time, until it wins. I know that some of you will be thinking “oh no, that sounds dangerous…” but please, read on… These fields have a 1 in 3 chance of winning according to the “Law of Averages” and give a return of 2 to 1. By following our system, you only need 1 in 14 to be a winner! (Depending on your balance) This way, you have more than quadrupled the “Law of Averages” and given yourself an unbelievable advantage! First of all, you will need to understand what these bets are: 1) This is a bet on “Low”. You win if any number from 1-12 (Inclusive) comes in.
2) This is a bet on “Middle”. You win if any number from 13-24 (Inclusive) comes in.
3) This is a bet on “High”. You win if any number from 25-36 (Inclusive) comes in.
If you follow our instructions, you will gain between $1 and $3 for every winning number, regardless of how many losing ones you have had. Now, print off the attached spread sheet document, and keep it next to you, with a pen. The document should look something like this:
The idea with this is to keep a precise record of exactly how the table you are betting on is ‘Running’. There is no point to betting at random, so please, be accurate with this. What you need to do is every time you spin the wheel, record whether a ‘Low,’ (M) ‘Middle’ (M) or ‘High’ (H) number drops in. For example, if you are on a table and spin the wheel ten times, and the following numbers drop in: 04, 11, 36, 14, 20, 25, 02, 33, 13, 16, your table would look like this:
When you begin to play roulette, DO NOT place ANY bets at all. Patience is the key now. Keep spinning the wheel and recording what numbers drop in on your table. What
you are waiting for is a consecutive run where 1 of the sections of number has not come in for 5 spins. What I mean is this – say the following numbers now drop into the above table: 32, 17. The table now looks like this:
THE FREE BETTING PRINCIPLE! Once again, you have to follow my instructions to the exact letter! Click where I say, and please use the exact same promotional links, as otherwise this will not work! Now that you have the system to use, you will need money to use it – and why should you use your own? Follow my instructions to the letter, and bet for FREE!
Now that you have installed the software and logged in you will need to transfer money into your Casino account. Continue to read and you will see there is no risk involved. I advise that to make the most of my betting system you transfer $200 (£107) to the account. If this seems too much, then I recommend that you transfer no less than $88 (£46). THE CASINO WILL MATCH WHATEVER YOU BUY IN! $200 gets you $400! 1) Deposit money into your Casino On Net account. Make sure that your first deposit is as high as you can possibly manage, up to a limit of $200 - roughly £105 (Although you can deposit ANY amount above $50, the choice is yours! To play the system above correctly, $200 is recommended). *Note* If you are depositing with your bank/ATM card I suggest that you use Neteller.com because a lot of banks will block online gaming transactions. Neteller is like Paypal where you can use your card to buy into your account, then use Neteller as your payment method with the casino to make the deposit. 2) Once done, you will notice that you have twice the amount you deposited in your on-line account! So if you deposited $200 you will have $400 dollars in your on-line account. Now Click On 'Cashier' in the lower left corner
Now Click On 'Deposit'
Fill out your payment details. The easiest way to pay is via credit card. This is totally secure. You can also pay by switch card, cheque / bank transfer , neteller, etc. Note that all deposits and bonuses are instant. BONUS ADDED! The Casino will now match your deposit. You will now have up to $400 in your casino account.
Many Thanks for your purchase! Before giving you any instructions to follow, I would like you to take a moment to read through the following information, so you can get a better picture of what we are trying to achieve for you! Please remember, you MUST follow these instructions to the letter, that is the whole point of this system – any deviation, no matter how small or trivial can spell disaster! Do not even attempt anything in this package unless you can click where I tell you and bet where I tell you – that is how this system works. Please ensure that you read ALL THE WAY THROUGH this text BEFORE attempting ANY betting. It will not take long as is very important! All of the odds on a Roulette table are based on the “law of averages” minus one or two points. This way, the Casino can only gain money from you playing the table. Until Now. We have blown away the stupid “Law of Averages” and turned it to the players’ advantage. Yes, surely the Casino will “Cotton on” eventually, but when is a different matter. If you think about it, how many people are there playing on on-line Casinos? You wouldn’t believe me if I told you! We are talking millions of people. Compare that to the number of people using the following system and it’ll be something like one in 3 million! Every Casino has an “Acceptable Loss”, therefore giving us all plenty of time to win some serious money before they change the gaming rules!
Now, for the details on my system. Firstly, we have tried and tested numerous on-line Casinos, and come to realise the same as other ‘System Writers’ have – All systems work best in one particular Casino. For this reason, we seriously recommend that you only play this system at this Casino. Click here to download the software now. (Using this EXACT link also has other benefits…more on that later) (IF WHEN YOU CLICK THE ABOVE LINK AND NOTHING HAPPENS HOLD DOWN THE “Ctrl” BUTTON AND THEN CLICK THE LINK)
Once downloaded, you will need to transfer money into your Casino account. We advise that to make the most of our free betting system and transfer $200 (£107) to the account – don’t worry, you will be able to transfer it back out again within a few minutes! If this seems too much, then I recommend that you transfer no less than $100 (£53). Again, you will be able to withdraw your original deposit within a few minutes! (READ ALL THE WAY THROUGH THIS BEFORE DEPOSITING ANY MONEY) Now, this system is based on betting on the Low/Middle/High fields ONLY. You simply bet on the same one, with only a slight rise in stake each time, until it wins. I know that some of you will be thinking “oh no, that sounds dangerous…” but please, read on… These fields have a 1 in 3 chance of winning according to the “Law of Averages” and give a return of 2 to 1. By following our system, you only need 1 in 14 to be a winner! (Depending on your balance) This way, you have more than quadrupled the “Law of Averages” and given yourself an unbelievable advantage! First of all, you will need to understand what these bets are:
1) This is a bet on “Low”. You win if any number from 1-12 (Inclusive) comes in.
2) This is a bet on “Middle”. You win if any number from 13-24 (Inclusive) comes in.
2) This is a bet on “High”. You win if any number from 25-36 (Inclusive) comes in.
If you follow instructions, you will gain between $1 and $3 for every winning number, regardless of how many losing ones you have had. Now print off the attached spread sheet document, and keep it next to you, with a pen. The document looks something like this: 0
The idea with this is to keep a precise record of how the table you are betting on is ‘running’. There is no point in betting at random, so please, be accurate with this. What you need to do every time you spin the wheel, is record whether a ‘low’ (L) ‘middle’ (M) or ‘high’ (H) number drops in. For example, if you are on a table and spin the wheel 10 times, and the following numbers drop in: 04, 11, 36, 14, 20, 25, 02, 33, 13, 16, your table would look like this
0 L L 25
5 H L 30
When you begin to play roulette, DO NOT place ANY bets at all. Patience is the key now. Keep spinning the wheel and recording what numbers drop in on your table. What you are waiting for is a consecutive run where 1 of the sections of numbers has not come in for 5 spins. What I mean is this – say the following numbers now drop into the above table: 32, 17. The table now looks like this: 0 L L 25
5 H L 30
10 H M 35
A ‘low’ number (L) hasn’t dropped in for five consecutive spins. Its time to start betting! Bet Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Stake $1 $2 $3 $4 $6 $9 $13 $20 $30 $45 $67
Gain +$2 +$3 +$2 +$2 +$2 +$2 +$1 +$2 +$2 +$2 +$1
Place bet number 1 on the ‘Low’ section of the board (if unsure, check diagram above). Spin the wheel. If a low number drops in, Congratulations! You are now in profit! If not, do not worry. Place bet number 2 on ‘Low’. Again, if you win, well done, you are in profit! If not, don’t worry, place bet number 3 on ‘Low’.
Keep placing the bets until you win. By doing this, and sticking to the staking plan shown on the left, and you will never lose when your number drops in. You must be precise though! I know that the gains do not appear to be a lot per bet, but as it is possible to lay up to about 70 bets in an hour, your money will soon add up. Think about it. I bet $70 (£36) an hour is a better wage than you are earning at the minute, and all it takes is a bit of time and discipline! I realize that a few of you might be confused by this, but don’t worry, read through it again a few times and it will become clear. That really is how simple this system is! But there is still more valuable information to be had….. Please also remember, for the best chance of success, we only use one casino, it would appear that it is the best one for this system to work on. Click here to download and join now…and get other benefits too…read on.. (IF WHEN YOU CLICK THE ABOVE LINK AND NOTHING HAPPENS HOLD DOWN THE “Ctrl” BUTTON AND THEN CLICK THE LINK)
THE FREE BETTING PRINCIPLE! Once again, you have to follow my instructions to the exact letter! Click where I say, and please use the exact same links, as otherwise this will not work! Now you have the system to use, you will need money to use it - and why should you use your own? Follow my instructions to the letter, and bet for FREE!
What you need to do is simple; 1) Click on the link below to be taken to the casino site EuropaCasino
2) Download the software, install it, and then create an account. 3) Deposit money into your Casino On Net account. Make sure that your first deposit is as high as you can possibly manage – up to a limit of $200 – roughly £105 (although you can deposit ANY amount you want below $200, the choice is yours! To play the system above correctly I recommend you deposit $100, just over £50) 4) Once done, you will notice you have twice the amount you deposited in your on-line account! So if you deposited $100 you will have $200 in your on-line account! 5) Now deposit the original amount back into your bank account. 6) That’s it! You have your money back in your account and however much you deposited on your on-line account now you can bet WITHOUT RISKING A PENNY!
Thats all you have to do to get your money - and it really is that simple.
Find Your Winning Roulette System Here! Ok, so you've tried all the Roulette systems and found out how to lose money quickly! You may have also bought some Roulette system, Roulette strategy or Roulette cheat software and found another way of losing money! Oh well, we live and we learn. I've put this site together for you to learn how I have managed to beat the casinos. Trial Systems
Let's try and turn the situation around and start making money instead, and show you how to win at roulette. The systems I am going to show you are based upon online European Roulette. I'm going to carefully explain each system. The important rule to making money is to stick to my rules! If you start getting greedy, the chances are you will lose. As long as you stick to the rules, you'll easily make £300 to £500 a day, every day, tax free! The Key Rule : When you choose a Roulette system, stick with it until you quit a table. Do not change to a different system half way through. Why do I know this? Because I worked as a software consultant for many of the major casino sites that used to be based in Costa Rica, and I'm still in touch with the majors that have relocated to South East Asia. A very important factor to remember is that when you make your cash deposit into a casino site, you will probably be given a bonus. So if you put in £20, you might get an extra £20 bonus bringing your total to £40. That give's you a better chance of winning, every time. (I've had a few emails from the casinos saying that I should not market that fact too much, so get in there while you can!). Use this bonus to your advantage. The best way to pay money in and take money out from the casinos is to apply for a free moneybookers account. All of the casinos I list use moneybookers. It'll take a couple of days to fully register, but it's well worth your time to get this simple step done and dusted. You could use a debit or credit card, but some credit cards do not allow payments to or from casinos. Some will allow payment to a casino, but not back from a casino (strange but true). In the meantime, you can play the casinos in 'Fun' mode where you'll get up to £2000 fun money to practice with. Practice each of my systems until you are happy with the one you want to use. Please dont jump to system 4 until you have at least read all of System 1. Use this link to take you straight to the moneybookers registration page: Click here Let's just run through everything step-by-step. Click on the 'step-by-step' button and let's get started with a Roulette system that will become your personal cash-cow! Good luck!
Please note, all my systems are tried by myself personally, and all of these are completely free to you. I will not condone or sell or advertise any system that requires any payment what-so-ever. The systems I use are yours for life. And they are all here. Never buy any system/strategy or Roulette cheats software. If you come-up with a better Free Roulette Strategy, please be sure to let me know. It's also important to remind you, and I know it sounds boring, that you are gambling, no matter what. So only play with money that you can afford to play with. ALWAYS try the systems on the casino's 'free-play' option before you place any money in. It's free and only requires your accuracy.
Step By Step
How To Beat The Casinos! It's important to stick with the rules if you are going to have any chance at winning. Here is your simple and easy guide to getting some extra cash. Always remember one thing: no matter what, you are still gambling. Always think about how much of your money you are prepared to risk. Trial Systems
1. If you haven't done it already, get your free moneybookers account sorted out, so do it now as it will take a a bit of time to verify. You can click here to register.
2. Download and register on at least two of the casino sites listed. The reasons why will become apparent very soon. You'll be playing for 'fun money' and practising on two of these to start with, before you commit a single penny of your cash.
3. While you are waiting for your moneybookers account to be fully active, play European Roulette on each casino on 'Fun Play', with each of my systems, until you find a system that suits you. Read each system from top to bottom first. It'll take you no more than 5 minutes, but it's well worth the time.
4. Once you have a moneybookers account, deposit at least £40 and pick your favourite 2 casinos. Then deposit £20 in each. In the casino 'menu - options' screen, turn off all animation and select the playing time as 'fastest'. Do not play in full screen mode.
5. VERY IMPORTANT! Use the system you like best on just one of the casinos. Make your money, then exit the casino in the time/money scale shown in the system. Go and have a well deserved beer! Do not log into that casino again for 24 hours. The next day, do exactly the same on the other casino. Don't get greedy! There are a lot of people that would give an arm and a leg to earn £300 in an hour (tax free, from home!) Make sure you read all of System 1 before proceding to the others.
6. Keep doing this until you have built up a good balance. Don't change systems half way through a game. Stick with the system and stick with the time-scale. The casinos have a constant eye on you!
7. Now go for it! Your balance is getting huge so, 5 casinos one day, the other 5 the next day. Money money money! Yes, it will get boring, but you can have fun with your cash! (I've just bought an Audi A5 from these systems at £31,500 cash! Approx. 3 months.)
8. You've got the hang of it. You're not being greedy, you're not changing systems half way, you're making heaps of cash, you're considering packing in your job and you might want to consider something else...
I have brought to you this information free-of-charge. However, it has not been so 'free' for me. I wish you all the best with my systems. In return could you kindly forward this pdf to a friend please.
Using a System
How to use The Systems Most important: Play the 'Play for Fun' option and try a system out without paying any cash out first. This will give you a good chance to test the systems first without paying a single penny. You've also got that moneybookers account ready...? No!? Then do that now so click here. Trial Systems
1. Open up your casino of choice and on to European Roulette (usually found under the 'Table Games' option). Put this game window to the far left of your screen. 2. Either open up a blank notepad document (Start - All Programs - Accesories - Notepad) and move it to the right of your Roulette window, or, you could just use a pen and paper! The rest really is far more simpler than it sounds. 3. You can see that the Roulette table is split into 3 main parts. The numbers 1 to 12, then 13 to 24 and 25 to 36. We are going to call these 1, 2 and 3. In the images below, you can see the split and where to place a bet (where it says 1st 12, 2nd 12, or 3rd 12). Using my systems you will be placing your bets in only one of three places. Here are shots of where you will be placing bets:
4. Don't put any money down for at least the first 5 spins. Record each spin on your notepad. So if the ball lands on any numbers from 25 to 36 (3rd 12), put 3 in your notepad. Keep doing this until either 1 or 2 or 3 does not come up five times in a row. (If the casino does not allow a 'free-spin', simply put £1 on red and £1 on black, this will win you £2 back.) As an example, your notepad record after 5 spins might show '1 2 1 2 2'. In other words, the ball didn’t land on the 3rd 12, five times in a row. So now it's time to bet on 3rd 12' because the 3rd 12 hasn't shown in 5 spins. So, you would place your first bet on the area where it says '3rd 12' in the image above. This is quite simple, but please read this step again to make sure you know what you are doing. Some sites will not accept a stake of less than 50p, so use the next number up on the system grid. 5. If you win, well done! If not, use the system grid to show you how much you need to bet next. Keep doing this until you win. YOU WILL WIN! 6. Hey presto! You've got it! Just look at that balance grow and grow! Ok, now it’s time to have a look at the system grids, so click here and let’s have a look at the grid for System 1
The Systems
System 1 System Ratings Making Money : Trial Systems
Risk Factor : Time Scale :
« « « « « « As long as it takes to make £100 profit! (Don’t play for more than £100 at a time on each casino)
Recommended Casino to play using this system
Click Here to download 888 Casino now and test System 1
This is without doubt the most boring system, but will gain every time! Realistically, you should be making around £25 an hour with this system, which isn't bad as it's tax free and you are not commuting into an office. Also, it's way above the national minimum wage. It's a good way to build up your balance if you have very little to invest. Don't go over £100 winnings per casino a day with this method. As I keep saying, stick with the rules! The Grid Let me explain the workings of the grid. If you place 10p on your first bet and win, you will win 30p and profit 20p. But if you don't win, you need to place another bet (Bet Number 2) at 11p. If this wins, you will profit 12p. This ensures you make a profit and cover the previous bet. If you are still unsure, try the system on the casino's 'free-play' option before laying out any of your money. Due to demand, I have been asked to increase the length of the grid. (It seems that this system has turned into a home-based day job for them!), but you should be making gains within Bet Number 8. Bet Number
Your Bet
You Win
Your Profit
Bet Number
Your Bet
You Win
Your Profit
The Systems
System 2 System Ratings Making Money : Trial Systems
Risk Factor : Time Scale :
« « « « « « 60 Minutes (On some sites you can go to 90 mins - at your own risk!)
Recommended Casino to play using this system
Click Here to download William Hill Casino now and test System 2
Now we are getting into the realms of making some big money fairly quickly, but with a bit more at stake. You've come to this system because you no longer want to play in your pyjamas all day and want a bit more of a social life! As you can see, the grid is now different in terms of the stakes and the winnings. But for this to work out well, you may need to put in a deposit of at least £50. This is not a scary system. Systems 3 and 4 is where I make my cash now! But I went through the boredom of 1 and 2 first. The most important lesson I learnt...patience. Oh, by the way, I have been asked to work out the grid beyond my original 11 stages as some of my winning friends have built up balances over £12,000, and they now prefer to ignore the decimal places on the grid! If you are a beginner, please do not do this. Patience really is a virtue! The Grid Bet Number
Your Bet
You Win
Your Profit
Bet Number
Your Bet
You Win
Your Profit
The Systems
System 3 System Ratings Making Money : Trial Systems
Risk Factor : Time Scale :
« « « « « « The first of either 20 minutes or £100 (Either hit 20 minutes or £100. Don’t go over these limits.)
Recommended Casino to play using this system
Click Here to download EU Casino now and test System 3
This is where I make most of my money, but I have built up a float of over £1000 per casino, so it's no more jangling nerves for me! This is similar to System 2, except we have just moved the decimal point over a notch. If you have clicked on this system without reading systems 1 and 2, stop reading and go back to system 1 first. Don't rush! Always remember that this is extra cash for now and the real money still comes from a real job! You shouldn't be on this page unless you have made at least £200 on each casino as your float. Once you've passed the mark, here is the bible of all grids for you;
The Grid
Bet Number
Your Bet
You Win
Your Profit
Bet Number
Your Bet
You Win
Your Profit
The Systems
System 4 System Ratings Making Money : Trial Systems
Risk Factor : Time Scale :
« « « « « « « The first of either 30 minutes or £50 (Either hit 30 minutes or £50. Don’t go over these limits.)
Recommended Casino to play using this system Up to you!!!
In a way, I didn't want to put this system here, because I have seen so many people crash and burn. The main reason they slump on this system is because of greed and bad time management! This works great for newcomers to a casino, as the casino will try to entice you with big winnings on your first go. The method is very simple and does not require a grid or your notepad to be open. Just put down £1 on black (the black diamond) and spin. If you win, you get £2 (£1 profit). If you lose, put down £2. Lost again? Then double your next bet to £4. But stick to black. Only double your bet, so your simple grid is 1,2,4,8,16,32,64, etc. If you really want to go down this line, then I would suggest putting on 7 blank spins (no money) first and then betting no more than £1 on the first bet. With this system, it's easy to get carried away because it is so fast. I made £980 one night with a deposit of £20, within 20 minutes. My greed took over and I lost the lot! Please don't go down the same road. If you are doing well on this system for the first time you are on a casino site, make your money and then revert to the other systems shown here.
Don't forget, this is still gambling. Only stake what you are prepared to lose.
Casino Sites
Download your Casinos here Click on the banners below and register with the casinos. These banners will take you directly to the casino software downloads instead of wading through some welcome / animation / flash screens.
Trial Systems
Personally, I just use a total of 10 casinos, so I can play 5 casinos one day and a different 5 casinos the next day. Winnings work out at an average of £100 per hour. I know it sounds boring, but I don't have a boss anymore! Time to make a heap of cash! I can already hear you saying that you can easily play more than 5 games a day, so I have included a few others. Test the systems first on 'fun play' before putting in real cash to play. I've also broken these down into the 'A-Squad' and the 'B-Squad' with ratings on my site, but here’s a simple version to get you started. Just click the banners to download each casino. Good for using System 1
Good for using System 2
Good for using System 3
How to Play 1.
First of all, you will need to download at least one of the following casinos. The system shown has been tested in over 22 casinos and these three work the best.
Click Here To Download William Hill Casino
Click Here To Download EURO GRAND Casino
Click Here To Download Casino Red Kings
Make your deposit into the casino. I would recommend at least £30 to start with.
Grab a pen and paper. In the casino, head to ‘Table Games’ and ‘European Roulette’. This system will not work on American Roulette.
Take time to read the next very carefully until you fully get to grips with. It is important to stick with the system to make your winnings.
Back to the Casino. Click on the ‘Spin’ button and wait for the ball to land. It will land on a number between 0 and 36. If it lands on a number between 1 and 12, it has landed in area 1. If it lands on a number between 13 and 24, it has landed in area 2. If it lands on a number between 25 and 36, it has landed in area 3.
Write down which area it landed in and spin again. Keep doing this until the ball does not land in one of the areas five times in a row. So you’re note paper might end up looking like this as an example : 2 2 1 3 2 3 3 2. In this example, the ball did not land in area 1, five times in a row.
In the example, because the ball did not land in area 1, I will place my first bet in Position 1 on the Roulette table (refer back to the table pictures). The amount I will place is what is shown in the grid below (Bet Number 1). Spin.
If I win great! But if I don’t win, I will place another bet on Position 1. The amount I bet is shown in the grid below (Bet Number 2).
Keep doing this until you win. Also make sure that you are keeping a record of every spin result (Area 1, 2 or 3), regardless of whether you are betting or not. If it lands on 0, write down 0. Simple!! Once you win, you need to start again and also check your notes to see if an area has not come up in five goes. Then start betting again from bet number 1! Each next bet amount covers the last amount you put down. If you stick to the system, you’ll greatly increase your chance of winning every time. But the key here is to not get greedy. Have fun!
Bet Number
You Bet
You Win
Your Profit
How to Play 1.
First of all, you will need to download at least one of the following casinos. The system shown has been tested in over 22 casinos and these three work the best.
Click Here to Download EU Casino
Click Here to Download Casino Redkings
Click Here to Download CauCasino
Make your deposit into the casino. I would recommend at least £30 to start with.
Grab a pen and paper. In the casino, head to ‘Table Games’ and ‘European Roulette’. This system will not work on American Roulette.
Take time to read the next very carefully until you fully get to grips with. It is important to stick with the system to make your winnings.
Back to the Casino. Click on the ‘Spin’ button and wait for the ball to land. It will land on a number between 0 and 36. If it lands on a number between 1 and 12, it has landed in area 1. If it lands on a number between 13 and 24, it has landed in area 2. If it lands on a number between 25 and 36, it has landed in area 3.
Write down which area it landed in and spin again. Keep doing this until the ball does not land in one of the areas five times in a row. So you’re note paper might end up looking like this as an example : 2 2 1 3 2 3 3 2. In this example, the ball did not land in area 1, five times in a row.
In the example, because the ball did not land in area 1, I will place my first bet in Position 1 on the Roulette table (refer back to the table pictures). The amount I will place is what is shown in the grid below (Bet Number 1). Spin.
If I win great! But if I don’t win, I will place another bet on Position 1. The amount I bet is shown in the grid below (Bet Number 2).
Keep doing this until you win. Also make sure that you are keeping a record of every spin result (Area 1, 2 or 3), regardless of whether you are betting or not. If it lands on 0, write down 0. Simple!! Once you win, you need to start again and also check your notes to see if an area has not come up in five goes. Then start betting again from bet number 1! Each next bet amount covers the last amount you put down. If you stick to the system, you’ll greatly increase your chance of winning every time. But the key here is to not get greedy. Have fun!
Bet Number
You Bet
You Win
Your Profit