Rate My Horse PRO 2014 Media Kit

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© 2010 - 2014 Rate My Horse PRO

Rate My Horse PRO® is revolutionizing the way the horse industry does business. News combined with equine legal resources, ratings & reviews of horse professionals, criminal background checks, and victim resources drive new and repeat traffic to Rate My Horse PRO®.

Establishing a trusted network can take time, but Rate My Horse PRO® takes away the guesswork.

Publishing all the cases is the best thing that could ever happen to the horse world, so necessary and long overdue. I LOVE it !!! You guys are my heros.

Olympic Eventer Samantha St Jacques


As a business owner, I know what it takes to be successful. I also know there are things I could be doing better. That is why I am using RateMyHorsePRO in my business. Through the honest feedback of those who place their trust in me, I can continue to build better relationships and help them and myself become even more successful. Sean Cunningham, Owner STC Dressage

I LOVE what this site is about. TRUTH and HONESTY in the horse world, what a concept and one that I have harped on for so many years. Laura Lehster, Champion AQHA Breeder

Reach the decision makers who live the affluent equine lifestyle. They engage with Rate My Horse PRO’s cutting edge content.

100,000+ Monthly Unique Visitors 160,000+ Facebook Fans 60% of members are consumers; 40% are horse professionals 96% of Rate My Horse PRO® consumers are women Women make 80% of the household buying decisions Average income of consumers $205,000 8% of consumers have income over $500,000 44% of consumers own a farm; average farm size is 5 – 15 acres Consumers own an average of four horses 92% of consumers ride; 66% of those consumers compete 28% have children that ride; 50% of those children compete 65% of consumers keep at least one horse at a boarding facility / stud farm Consumers attend an average of 9.6 horse shows / competitions a year Sources: Rate My Horse PRO Demographics & The TrendSight Group Sources: Google Analytics January 2014

BANNER ADVERTISING Advertisers benefit from value, innovative ad solutions, and unrivaled selling power.

180 x 150

160 x 600

468 x 60

Size of Ad

3 months

6 months

9 months

12 months

468 x 60





180 x 150





160 x 600





P re f erred paddo c k Only the best service and product providers, chosen for their quality, ethical business practices, and commitment to the horse industry are included in Rate My Horse PRO’s Preferred Paddock. Stay in front of your most important customers for one year. All Preferred Paddock levels receive: • Clickable link on scrolling carousel (coming soon) • Customized micro-site at RateMyHorsePRO.com • Premium placement of 160 X 600 advertisement • Two press releases issued monthly on our website and one issued monthly on social media

Platinum $9500 • Exclusivity in brand category • Page Ad Block – 468 X 60 ad synchronized with 160 X 600 ad for maximum pull through

• Up to 2 Monthly Facebook Giveaways • Three Custom Email Blasts to 5K+ users



• Up to 2 Monthly Facebook Giveaways • Two Custom Email Blasts to 5K+ users



• 1 Monthly Facebook Giveaway • One Custom Email Blast to 5K+ users



• Basic Package Offerings

CORPORATE SPONS ORSHIP Sponsorship allows a limited number of top equine companies to partner with Rate My Horse PRO® for maximum exposure. Customize a sponsorship package that achieves your product goals while speaking to your company’s commitment to excellence. Site Naming Rights Sponsorship $38,000 (1 Available)

Equine Court Sponsorship $12,000 (1 Available)

• Naming Rights (Rate My Horse PRO powered by… ) • Your messaging featured on a 640 X 480 ‘Road Block’ ad

• Equine Court Powered by… • Clickable logo included on Equine Court pages (120 X 40)

• Platinum Level Preferred Paddock Offerings

• Silver Level Preferred Paddock Offerings

News Sponsorship $28,000 (1 Available)

Rating Category Sponsorship $8,000 (3 Available)

• News Powered by… on front of site • Clickable logo on every news page (120 X 40)

• Choice of current rating category • Rating Category Branded (Powered by…)

• Platinum Level Preferred Paddock Offerings

• Bronze Level Preferred Paddock Offerings

New Rating Category Sponsorship $17,000 (5 Available) • Choice of new rating category to align with your brand’s goals • Consultative role in ratings build out • Rating Category Branded (Powered by…)

Compliment your advertising or sponsorship campaign with these additions: • • • • •

Advertorial Custom Email Blasts Facebook Giveaways Facebook Page Management Social Media Promotions ( 3X | 6X | 12X )

• Platinum Level Preferred Paddock Offerings

For more information: Katie Grzybowski, Account Manager | 757-414-3060 | Katie@ratemyhorsepro.com

AD SPECIFICATIONS • All ads are click through. • No flash or auto expanding banners. • ACCEPTED FILE FORMATS: gif, jpg, jpeg, and animated gif. Animated gifs should be no longer than 6 seconds. • Banner ad placements run in rotation with multiple campaigns and have full run of site. • All ad dimensions are width x height. • All advertisers must sign an advertising contract and payment must be received before ads run.

A D D E S I G N AVA I L A B L E Design


Vertical Banner


Square Banner


Horizontal Banner


E-Blast (No HTML)


Katie Grzybowski, Account Manager Email: Katie@ratemyhorsepro.com Phone: 757-414-3060

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