Cassandra Courtwright Interior Design Portfolio

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Cassandra Courtwright Interior Design Portfolio

I believe design should be efficient and purposeful. Moving across the Midwest has made me more conscious about what a person truly needs. My philosophy is to be clutterless, and I believe it is through good design that a space can positively affect the mood of a person. My inspiration comes from items of the past, whether artwork or design. It is through learning art and design history that I discovered the ideas that best suit my philosophy are the revival of the craftsman style through the Arts and Crafts movement and the furniture design of midcentury modern movement, specifically through designers like Charles and Ray Eames. The thought process and ingenuity that went into designing Eames furniture, I feel parallels my thought process of how design should be. Through embracing my true artistic feelings, Charles Eames couldn’t be more eloquent in expressing his ideals and my personal philosophy that “the role of a designer is that of a very good, thoughtful host anticipating the needs of his guests.”


Table of Contents

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Kitchen Remodel Residential 2014

The Mill Commercial + Branding 2014

Greenerstock Commercial + Remerchandising 2014

The Queen City Key Wayfinding System 2015


Artwork Past + Present



Kitchen Remodel Residential 2014


The Newcomer’s are remodeling their kitchen, and are seeking design help to carry the feeling of their home aesthetic into a new kitchen. Currently, the kitchen is the neighborhood hang out, where their teenage son and all of the neighborhood kids congregate. Mrs. Newcomer is an avid chef that likes to interact with her guests at a kitchen island while she cooks, as a result the family spends a lot of time socializing and interacting in the kitchen.


The Newcomer kitchen will complement the existing home design, carrying the honey wood commercial grade floor and neutral hues and blue green accents into the kitchen remodel. To provide contrast and interest in the space the cabinets will be a medium dark walnut stain, with dark granite countertops. The kitchen will maximize seating by incorporating a kitchen island to accommodate four, and a corner seating nook with a large comfy chair to provide a secondary seating arrangement. The kitchen keeps in mind the need for the Newcomers to age in place with three feet or more clearance around the island and all areas in the kitchen.

Programs Used

Revit + Photoshop

Samples of actual existing flooring. (pictured above left)


Image of actual mistletoe hanging in their kitchen. (pictured above right)






Kitchen Remodel

Newcomer Kitchen Remodel

Avid chefs, bakers, and entertainers the Newcomers are a quirky bunch with fun family traditions, specifically the mistletoe that they hang year round in their kitchen. This remodel expands their entertaining possbilities by allowing for additional seating for potential guests. The kitchen selections, to the left, provide a cohesive extension of the extisting aesthetic of the home. (rendered above)



The Mill

Commercial + Branding 2014


The Mill

Commercial + Branding Opportunity

The Mill is a historic building located in Bellevue, Kentucky that will be a collaborative team renovation to feature three businesses on the ground level that will cater to the local community along with luxury condominiums on the upper two floors.

Solution This historic building will be rehabilitated to include “The Mill Catering Company,” “The Mill Cooking Classes,” “The Mill Trading Post,” and the “Lofts at the Mill.” All three businesses and upper lofts will provide a cohesive look focusing on an industrial design aesthetic to complement the exposed brick, bringing in the warmth of a variety of wood finishes and floors will create a warm, inviting space that embraces a sense of community.

Programs Used

Revit + Photoshop

The Mill Branding Branding and marketing was a key component to the success of the businesses and residences available at the Mill. Throughout the space, in order to increase brand awareness, consumers and residents will have a coehsive experience asethetically as well as through marketing. The branding of the business will be found throughout the building on all floors via names of the designated areas, signage, and products offered at the Mill.


“The Mill Trading Post” is a gift shop that ties the whole space together. A wide selection of cookbooks, aprons and unique kitchen accessories will be available for purchase along with gift cards for catering and cooking classes.

“The Mill Catering Company” will service the local community by catering weddings, parties and community events as well as lunches for local businesses. A menu of freshly made selections will be available to order along with elegant, custom made wedding cakes.

“The Mill Cooking Classes” will offer a variety of cooking lessons to the community in its state of the art facility. Individual cooking stations will include all that is required to learn a new skill, or expand on your cooking talents. A professional chef and his team will be on hand to teach a variety of cooking techniques from rolling sushi to homemade baby food.

“Lofts at the Mill” are luxury condominiums located on the second and third floors will also celebrate the historic elements of this beautiful building. Exposed brick, wood floors and the original metal railings will be complimented with clean lines and smooth finishes. Expansive windows allow sunlight to flood the spaces and each condo will feature its own balcony, private bedroom and views of the city.




Commercial + Remerchandising 2014


Greener Stock

Commercial + Remerchandising Opportunity The purpose of this project is to remerchandise Greener Stock. Greener Stock is a retail store that offers eco-friendly building options, with a design center atmosphere. The objective is to enhance the layout of the store in a way that it increases designer and potential consumer participation. The project will attempt to attain the client’s aspirations for the Greener Stock store, presently and in the future.


The purpose is to remerchandise Greener Stock to be a user friendly and engaging facility for designers as well as consumers. Rectilinear elements will be repeated throughout the space to create a sense of rhythm. To execute the flexibility of the space displays will be moveable vignettes to showcase the top products. The merchandise will be located on the showroom floor with remaining stock in storage. The materials used in the space will be a lighter value with dark accents. The color scheme will be greens, whites and browns. White LED track lighting will create a harmonious environment that highlights Greener Stock’s core values.

Programs Used

Revit + Photoshop


Greener Stock Branding Throughout the space, we also increased brand awareness. Greener Stock is a unique up and coming business, therefore needs to have no disconnect between the exterior and interior as far a branding is concerned.

Greener Stock Storefront Greener Stock is located on Columbia Parkway in Cincinnati, Ohio. The store has a prime location as Columbia Parkway gets considerable traffic, most people drive past the store because of its lack of signage. In order to increase curb appeal and traffic to Greener Stock, for our client we suggested a signage solution, all remaing within the signage codes for the area.The solution is to add decals to the tinted windows as a means to draw viewers in from the street by stating items that can be found in the store. This was solution was derived from extensive research on green and sustainable home building stores, specifically The Green Depot.

Greener Stock Cash Wrap To provide the best solution for the cash wrap design as a team we decided create a more design center feel, allowing clients and designers to use the cash wrap a collaborative space to review samples, design books, and complete the sale with a sales associate. (rendered above) As customers approach the cash wrap they will see an recycled window partition. This partition provides visual appeal, mean while providing slight privacy to the cash wrap, all awhile letting natural light to reach the back of the store. (pictured to the right)


Greener Stock Paint Station Greener Stock’s paint sales provide the largest revenue for the store. Currently, the store lacks a centralized paint center, causing the sales associates to go from one side of the store and to the other just to get paint, mix the paint, and clean the can. As a result, our team determined the best solution for the client was to make one zone for the paint. Here in this zone, they can assist clients in picking a paint color, mix the paint, sale paint accessories, and clean the can in the sink is located in the hallway directly behind the paint station. (rendered to the left, elevation below)


Greener Stock’s is a LEED platinum store that sales

Greener Stock an extensive amount of green products. Currently Merchandise the store is in desperate need of clear organization to provide the a shopping experience that accomplishes Displays the needs of the store. In order to provide product flexibility, we suggested the use of slat wall to hang flooring and hard surface samples as well as movable displays.

A component that the store needed to include was practical application of some of its home improvement and building products. In order to explain these products without signage we created small vignettes to display its blue jean insulation, rain barrels, and shingles. (rendered to the right elevation below)



The Queen City Key Wayfinding System 2015


The Queen City Key Wayfinding System Opportunity Cincinnati is a a cultural melting pot of traditions, entertainment, and history.The purpose of this project is to address a lack in Cincinnati’s tourism industry through analyzing the wayfinding system to make travel easier.

Solution The purpose is to upgrade the wayfinding system to incorporate a series of pods that will address any need that a traveler might need through real time updated digital directory, bathrooms, and vending machines.

Programs Used

Revit + Illustrator + Photoshop

Comparatively speaking, Cincinnati has a rich culture and tradition, which fostered developments of amazing entertainment, food, and family fun providing plenty of sights and activities for locals and tourists alike. Whether getting lost and stumbling upon adventure is your quest or finding a special destination in Cincinnati is your desire, the Queen City Key provides way finding to all people allowing them to better discover what Cincinnati has hidden.


For some, getting lost is just what they want, whereas for other travelers that provides a level of stress. The Queen City Key surpasses the average smart phone map. With real time updates and advanced technology, the Queen City Key will better navigate through the one way streets and various elements of revitalization that can often trouble even the most seasoned Cincinnatian.

With better direction, travelers will be able to take in the city with ease. This ease will translate into a positive experience for the urban traveler, therefore bringing a heightened awareness to the assets Cincinnati has to offer. A positive travel experience will provide repeat business and a return from word of mouth advertisements. Through this return, the projects to revitalize the city will without a doubt boost the local economy and further the rebirth of Cincinnati’s tourism industry.

Discover Cincinnati.

Finding Nearby Location Screen


W he n re d di re c t i on a l i c on ha s a ppe a re d on t he m a p, us e r c a n use a pi nc hi ng m o t i on t o zoom out a nd f i nd ot he r l oc a t i ons of i nt e re st . Pods will be done in first phases throughout OTR, Mount Auburn, Mount Adams, Pendelton, and the Central Business District. The pods will be located based on need with RedBike and Streetcar locations.

Options for Directions Screen

THE QUEEN CIT Y KEY APPLICATION Q u e e n C i ty Key is a way fin d ing system whi ch i n c o r po r ates d ig ital ap p lications to ai d Ci nci n n a t i a n s an d visito rs alike to navi gate the ci ty wi t h e a se. T h is system u ses smar tphone ap p l i c a t i on s, d ig ital d irecto ries, pods, and smal l st o re f ron ts to d istrib u te way f i ndi ng i nf or ma t i on .

Us e r s c a n se l e c t a popul a r poi nt of i n t e re s t . T he poi nt of i nt e re s t w i l l t he n e x pa nd a nd provi de t he m w i t h m ore op t i ons . O nc e se l e c t e d t he opt i on w i l l zoom t he m a p out a nd show us e r t he di re c t i ons f or t he poi nt of i nt e re s t .

Points of Interest Expanded Screen O pt i ons f or di re c t i ons w i l l a ppe a r a nd use r c a n s e l e c t de s i re d rout e . T he opt i ons f or t r ave l w i l l be re l a t i ve t o t he ava i l a bl e t r a ns por t a t i on opt i ons a nd c a n r a nge f rom w a l k i ng, R e dB i ke , t a xi , c a r, st re e t c a r, a nd bus.

ThingsNear Me

Entertainment Festivals



Live Music Aquarium


Red’s Baseball Sta-


Bengal’s Football -

Museums . . .





At the helm of the Queen City Key way finding system, Pod A is the digital directory component. Think mall directory mixed with smart phone maps intertwined with city construction plans, and that best explains the function of Pod A. Pod A will provide real time updated directions to anyone interested in navigating their way through the city via foot, bicycle, car, or streetcar. This pod incorporates digital directory, WIFI hotspot, charging station, public communication, and call for help (911 button).




Traveling in an older city, like Cincinnati, can be difficult for people with disabilities when it comes time to needing a restroom. Pod B is a free standing public restroom which will incorporate Pod A’s digital directory, WIFI hotspot, charging station, public communication, and call for help (911 button). This restroom service will be offered at a nominal fee. It will be serviced twice a day, and include efficient amenities to better accommodate ADA compliance.



When traveling, people often times need a place to collect their thoughts, retrieve basic supplies, determine their next move, and charge their smart devices. Pod C uses existing store fronts as shells to house amenities specifically Pod A’s digital directory, WIFI hotspot, charging station, public communication, and call for help (911 button). Pod C will include a public restroom and a digital vending machine. In the vending machine anything one might need while out on the town for the day will be available like first aid kits, pain medicine, chap stick, bottled water, and universal chargers.




Magazine on Cardstock 8.5 by 11

Visual expression through a multitude of media.

(top) Sharp Objects [2010]

Pencil on Paper 5 by 7

(bottom) Bronze Rendering [2012]


Marker and Colored Pencil on Paper 4 by 6

Wedding Flowers [2014] Acrylic on Canvas 5 by 7

Perspective of Pillow [2012] Pencill on Paper 8 by 10

King of Cowboys [2014]

Newspaper + Magazine on Cardboard 24 by 36


Cassandra Courtwright Interior Designer 937.408.8534

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