Csponsler magazine

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Arts and Crafts A Compilation of Artwork

Edited by Cassidy Sponsler Nov. 2013 Graphihcs of Computers - 1

100 Lines

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of Continuity

During this week I’ve created 5 pieces of 100-stroke drawings. These drawings are inspired by vessels, such as a wine bottle, teapot, and a jug. I thought it was very interesting that these pictures could be created from drawing and placing simple lines. Below are the drawings that I created and the label of what inspired them. Nov. 2013 Graphihcs of Computers - 3

Craft, Concept, Composition

The three elements used to create this art are spelled out in the tet below.


raft: Each of these illustrations were created by Adobe Illustrator CC. I used a Bamboo drawing tablet and pen. I started off with a warm up, this warm up is to get used to the different drawing style you have to get aquatinted with in order to draw via computer. This consists of me writing my name in different brushes, styles, and sizes. After this I looked for five different objects that can hold liquid. The objects that I chose were: A Hookah, a guitar, A hand, Ice cream cone, and a regular bottle. Several of these illustrations focused on a shadow that would be made by the object. For others, suck as the ice cream cone and the guitar, there was a little bit more detail put into the drawing. This was so that one would be able to tell more easily what the objects were.


oncept: The point of these illustrations is to draw something that can hold a liquid. Almost everyone would be drawing pots and cups. I thought that it would be nice to think outside of the box and pick Somethings else other than cups and pans. The first illustration is a bottle with is something that you would expect. I drew this to warm up, its one of the first things that you see when you thing of something that can hold a liquid. The next object is an Ice cream cone. Some people would consider custard ice cream to be some sort of thick liquid, therefore the cone serves the purpose and would fit the guidelines. For the next object I chose a hand, hands were used to scoop water up before the time of pots and pans. A guitar is something that you normally would not put liquids into but this does not excuse the fact that it is capable of it, depending on the type of guitar and the brand. I chose the Hookah because of its many curves and lines. This object has the ability to hold a liquid because there is a special compartment made for the water.


omposition: If you were to look at this entire post as a whole, the main attraction would be the Hookah because of how curved it is. Then the guitar because of where it lands outside of the box. After that the hand, then the ice cream cone and finally the bottle which is what you would expect. These are listed in the order I deem most interesting. Written By: Elisa Gonzalez

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Images By : Elisa Gonzalez

Image By: Cassidy Sponsler

Image By: Dan Cordes Nov. 2013 Graphihcs of Computers - 5

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Do you love teapots as muich as Fall 2013’s Computer Graphics Class?


D O U B T F U L.

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HEY! HEY! Disclaimer: This image is the logo for and belongs to the Detroit Redwings.

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How to create

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n this article you will see side by side comparisons of pieces of artwork, the original and the variation(s). You will also learn how to create variation of line, color, and shape through Adobe Illutrator.

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Through using Adobe Illustrator tools, such as the “color” menu and “swatches” menu. These menus allowed me to change the color ad shades of each project. The most interesting tool that I used to created variations of previous pieces was the “Stroke” menu. This allowed me to change every stroke used to create the image and change it to such things as arrowheads, or banners. This gave each project a completely different feel than the original. 12 - Graphics of Computers Nov. 2013

Images By: Daniel Cordes

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raft:this week we decided to change our latest project, my album cover, and one of our old projects, my coffee cup. We used Adobe Illustrator to accomplish this task. We learned that we have a utility belt full of brush strokes at our disposal. These strokes range from splotchy paint style to banner/image style. This technique only adds depth to your message of concept and composition. We also learned how Adobe Illustrator uses swatches can make color schemes to change the look of your piece.


ompositon:For my coffee cups, these techniques to change the overall look of the piece. Except for the pink, the coffee cups have a more of a mellow mood which the cooler hues combination and ink or watery brush strokes. These photos make it seem like a dreary cup of coffee. For Clouds to Roots, i didn’t really change the color scheme cause i like the monochromatic green look. However, the brush strokes really make a difference. For starters, it really blows up the background of the album cover. The one I think looks the best is the second one. The watercolor brush stroke gives it a more of a misty feel as if the world in the photo is mysterious and foggy and not clear yet still detailed. As you can see, jsut altering the stroke changes or enhances your feel.

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oncept: The concept is pretty similar to the original Clouds to Roots album cover. It has pretty aggressive vine and plant surroundings but now the watercolor strokes ones it down a bit. The weather message is still be revealed. It would probably be even easier to distinguish this if i changed the color of the strokes, but i think this still works.

Image and Text by Vincent Canino Nov. 2013 Graphihcs of Computers - 15


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Home to the Winner of the Cy Young Award:



And of the MVP Award:


EL Ca brer a! Disclaimer: This image is the logo for and belongs to the Detroit Tigers.

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Images by Daniel Cordes

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...And Alteration.

Images by Elena Russo 24 - Graphics of Computers Nov. 2013

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Detroit. Rock City. Nov. 2013 Graphihcs of Computers - 27

When You Look to the Sky, What Do You See?


n assignment that our class worked created were such things as posters, album art, on was a project centered around a and flyers. If a type of art was chosen, it was to ground-breaking idea: incorporation of have the appropriate requirements that are typart and text. Throughout this ically seen. In this article you assignment, my classmates “The theme was to be sky...� will see several of my classand I chose a theme and type mates work on this project as of art we would be creating. The theme was to well as some variations of art and text. be sky, and the types of artwork that could be

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Image By: Adegoke Isreal

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Storm Kite , by Daniel Cordes 30 - Graphics of Computers Nov. 2013



raft I made this picture using Adobe Illustrator. The steps that I took to make this picture were: 1. I found a picture of a tornado and traced it like I did when I did the coffee cup. 2. I used the eyedropper tool to color the tornado. 3. I filled in the background behind the tornado gray and I filled in the bottom half of the picture black. 4. I drew lightning using the pen tool and colored it in with white. 5. I used the brush tool to write the name of the band. 6. I used the text on a line tool to type the name of the album in a curved fashion in the center of the page.


oncept This is a picture of an album cover for the made-up band Storm Kite. This is an album cover for their new album called Armageddon. I chose to do an album cover because I thought it would be fun and interesting.


omposition The first thing that I see when I look at this picture is the name of the band; Storm Kite. I look there first because it is so large and it has the most contrast in the picture. I also look there the longest because the o in storm is so interesting because it is drawn with a kite.

Images and Text by : Daniel Cordes

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TO wildness of the vines makes you wanna follow where they lead to in the piece. Next you realize the vines start forming letters, and later on picturing the name of the piece within the art. It is quite entertaining i believe and that part of my goal for this picture. Yet, looking at the surroundings of the words, there is a decent representation of a jungle giving it a small piece of realism. Concept: As a class we decided to make the theme involve weather. However, i thought we said also nature was apart of the theme. Because of this idea I came up with Down To Roots. Obviously with the name it involves nature. As for weather, I was going to incorporate a murky, cloudy background to give more emphasis of a dark jungle. After talking about my first draft, I had to change

Craft:In all three photos I used Adobe Illustrator to construct these pieces. I made the font myself by drawing the shape on the screen to fit the letters of the description. I used the swatches to make a combination of many green hues. They varied to saturated highlighter green to pale green or and even a dark turquoise. So there is quite a range of green within this monochromatic piece. I also drew the trees, vines, shrubs, etc to form a jungle. Composition: This piece is suppose to be an album cover for a punk/hardcore band that I named Avenge. With the words looking much like the vines in the background, you can tell the art has a more of a contemporary feel. This abstraction promotes intrigue to viewers because it is not something people see. The 32 - Graphics of Computers Nov. 2013

the name to Clouds to Roots to have more of a weather theme. To be honest, I like both names but Clouds to Roots seems to work a little better. When I think of this name, I think maybe this album was made to give a story. A story of how this fictional band started out on the bottom and now they flourish and are flying high into the clouds with success and recognition. This could even fall into a greatest hits album to portray a similar feel of a story. As for the jungle, wet weather theme, this could represent the music style. The crazy looking vines and plant life stretches everywhere and fills the whole piece. It gives a sense of irritation to the eyes because it is so overwhelming. This irritation could represent how their music is loud and crazy and may be annoying to some people but appeals to a certain persona because of their energy. I also picked a

ROOTS jungle because it is so detailed into the landscape that you can get lost into it. This meaning could show how listening to the music and lyrics would let your mind wander out of reality to a new world, perhaps the one in the picture, or any world you choose.

Images and Text by : Vincent Canino

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DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY night DAY DAY DAY DAY nightnightnightnight DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY nightnight nightnightDAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY nightnight nightnight DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY nightnightnightnight nightDAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAYnight nightnightnight night DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY nightnight nightnight nightDAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY night nightnight night nightDAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY nightnight nightnight nightDAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY nightnightnight night night DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY nightnightnightnight nightDAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY night nightnightnight night DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY nightnight nightnight nightDAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY night nightnight nightDAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY nightnightnight nightDAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY night nightnight nightDAY DAY DAY DAY DAY night night night DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY



nightnight nightnight night


Millenium Park When?

34 - Graphics of Computers Nov. 2013

Tuesday March 17, 2014

DAY AND NIGHT Have you ever wondered how someone created a work of art? Have you ever wanted to be in their head while they were working? This article gives you an insight of the work that went into this piece of art.


ing, so there is no question as to why my eye would be drawn directly to this orb in the sky. Coincidentally, the I made this image through tracing, using object of the Sun/ Moon is also where I look the longthe skills we had acquired using the Pen est. The detail of the letters that are filling in the space tool. This is the same tool that we used of the sun and moon are very attractive, and make me in Week 5, while creating the teacup. Like the project want to look closer and read each little word that makes up the space and color of the sun and in Week 5, I used a picture on the bottom layer, and traced over some of the parts The concept of day moon. I wanted to use - layer by layer. I had to and night actaully start with the background of "Day" and begin to create and Composition "Night" by creating the blue and orange embody the orb in the For Week 7 of this semester, I have skies, then I created the Sun/Moon and the sky. island, and finally I integrated the text into posted the progress that has been made spaces on the finished painting. on my poster. I have gone through several different ideas of what I want this poster to look Concept like and how I want to embody the concept of text integrated with picture. As of now, this is the piece which I When I look at this image, I see the Sun/Moon first. It believe to do the best job of that. is the most outstanding, and brightest part of this paintraft

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Care for a cup of tea?

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Lions and Tigers and Redwings, OH MY!

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Disclaimer: This image is the logo for and belongs to the Detroit Lions..

Ford Field... The home of Megatron! Nov. 2013 Graphihcs of Computers - 39

This magazine was made for my Grandmother.

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Thank you for reading!!

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