Alex Burns, senior 1. Where do you row? “I row at The Milwaukee Rowing Club, and we row in the Milwaukee river downtown.” 2. How long have you been rowing? “I started rowing last summer.” 3. Why did you choose to start rowing? “I wanted to start rowing because it is a unique and challenging sport. I have always been very curious about it, and I have always wanted to try it.” 4. What are the advantages of rowing? “There are several advantages that come with rowing. It gets you in really good shape, and it makes you stronger, too. There are also a lot of scholarship options available with rowing.” 5. Why do you think it is that rowing has grown in popularity lately? “I think that as more people have learned about rowing, they become more interested in it, and want to try it as a result.”
Lily Zall, sophomore 1. Where do you row? “I row at The Milwaukee Rowing club.” 2. How long have you been rowing? “I started the summer before my freshman year, but officially joined this summer.” 3. Why did you choose to start rowing? “My older sister's friend was on the team and told me to join.” 4. What are the advantages of rowing? “You learn what it is like to work with people on a team.” 5. Why do you think it is that rowing has grown in popularity lately? “As more people join, their friends decide to join too. Also, people want to try something new.”
Michael Leykin, senior 1. Where do you row? “I row at The Milwaukee Rowing Club.” 2. How long have you been rowing? “I am in my second year of rowing.” 3. Why did you choose to start rowing? “A family friend recommended it as a rigorous sport that would be very beneficial for my personal health, as well as a great college opportunity.” 4. What are the advantages of rowing? “Personal Health, since strength and endurance are stressed in this sport, college, since this is a very respected sport among colleges, and social opportunities, since you make a lot of friends in this sport because it depends so much on teamwork and cooperation with the rest of your boat.” 5. Why do you think it is that rowing has grown in popularity lately? “This could be for a multitude of reasons, such as the efforts of teams telling their athletes to go into their schools and inform their friends about the sport.”
Benji Gelfand, freshman 1. Where do you row? “I currently row at The Milwaukee Rowing Club.” 2. How long have you been rowing? “I have been rowing as of this past summer.” 3. Why did you choose to start rowing? “I decided to start rowing because I wanted to play a sport that keeps me in shape prior to the start of hockey season, as well as to ‘play’ a sport that not everyone necessarily does.” 4. What are the advantages of rowing? “I think one of the biggest advantages to rowing is not only the physical aspect of it, but also the the way that it develops your mental toughness.” 5. Why do you think it is that rowing has grown in popularity lately? “I think that rowing has grown so much because people have started to realize that it is not only a very good workout, but that it’s also actually quite fun. From land it may seem pretty boring, but when you are actually on the boat, it can get very intense.”
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