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New state queen crowned
Written by Tonya Bagnell
The Hereford Women of Missouri crowned our 2023 Missouri Hereford Queen at the Missouri Hereford Banquet on Saturday, December 3, 2022. Taylor McGlothlin was crowned. Lance Fort was 2023 Missouri Hereford Women scholarship recipient.
We would like to say a big “Thank You” to everyone that donated items to the Silent Auction. Also, thank you to those of you who donated items for the social hour. A big “Thank You” to Natalie Reed and Kyla Waters for providing the table decorations.
We are always looking for new members to join our organization. Some of the things we support are the following: the
Hereford Queen, a $250 annual scholarship award, sponsorship of the showmanship junior show at the Missouri State Fair, the social sponsorship prior to the State Hereford Banquet and Meeting, and table decorations for the banquet. If you are interested in joining, please send your dues to Marijane Miller; 20500 Sioux Drive, Lebanon, Missouri 65536. Dues are $15 per year.
Please watch our Facebook page to keep up with all our activities during the year.
President – Kyla Waters
Vice President – April Miller
Secretary – Tonya Bagnell
Treasurer – Marijane Miller
317-341-3846 millerherefords@yahoo.com
Mail $15 Hereford Women of Missouri dues to 20500 Sioux Drive, Lebanon, MO 65536
Queen Co-chairs –Shelby Bagnell
Anna Roth
573-579-7424 anna.roth15@gmail.com