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Scentsy Club
Add Whiff Box (and so much more) to your Scentsy Club subscription!
Get your bar. Forever. (Just join Scentsy Club!)
Always Get My Bar
Never say goodbye to your favourite Scentsy Bar again! Just add it to your Scentsy Club subscription, and we’ll keep making it just for you even if it’s discontinued (as long as it stays in your order).
Fragrance on your schedule. Keep your favourite Scentsy products well stocked!
Scentsy Club is a convenient monthly subscription service that lets you schedule regular shipments of Scentsy consumables (aka the stuff that runs out), so your favourites are always on hand.
Check out these perks:
Orders of $40 or more get 10% off. Orders of $79 or more get 10% off and another Scentsy Club product (including Whiff Box!) at half price.† Add a Scentsy Brick in select fragrances to any Scentsy Club order.
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How it works:
1. Sign up and pick your products. 2. Choose how often you want it. 3. Enjoy your favourites!
it's free to join!
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