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Nessie the Cardwell Croc
CARDWELL’S newest resident is causing a stir, and certainly creating ripples in the small beachside town.
Affectionately known as “Nessie” this 4 metre long crocodile bears similarities to the Loch Ness monster, albeit on a smaller scale.
Whenever Nessie is around he’s sure to drag a crowd. Robyn Smith, proprietor Ob La Di in Cardwell, knows when Nessie is out. “You see people stopping and he pulls a crowd, there’s cameras out and a real buzz in the town.
I’ve seen him fairly regularly, and he’s got to be at least 4 metres long, it’s hard to tell, but I’m being conservative here.”
It appears the croc considers the area north of the Cardwell jetty as his territory. Frequently seen by tourists and locals sunning himself on the sand, retreating into the safety of water if the crowd grows to large or moves too close.
Shannon Bussenschott from the Beachcomber Restaurant in Cardwell had the opportunity last week to film Nessie and a ‘close’ encounter with an unsuspecting visitor.
“He was drawing a crowd, perhaps a dozen people watching and taking pics. Someone was walking along the beach so Nessie retreated to safety and submerged himself. The guy walked right past where he was, perhaps no more than 4 metres away, Nessie was hidden from view.
“I think people need to keep a COVID-Croc safe distance, I really do not think he is a threat, he just wants to catch some warmth and relax on our beaches.”
Further along the beachfront, Janet Arnold from the Cardwell Beachfront Motel sees Nessie on a regular basis. “He’s here almost on a daily basis. There’s two of them. I think he has a partner, she’s a little smaller, but they like to get out and about together.”
Social media is abuzz in Cardwell with tales and truisms surrounding Nessie. He is even rumored to have his own Instagram page @NessieTheCardwellCroc.
Whilst the crocodile may have a name, Nessie, he still is a wild animal and needs to be treated with respect and caution. Keep a safe distance, be mindful when walking on the beach and be sure to share any pic you snap of Nessie. Cardwell is a great spot for lunch, and the locals will welcome you warmly.
“Nessie” at the north side of the Cardwell jetty.
“Nessie” catching some rats on the beach.

“Nessie’s” ‘close’ encounter with an unsuspecting visitor.

Published FRIDAYJune 26, 2020