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Crime Wrap
Wednesday, June 17
Registration reminder
Police would like to remind motorists that it is their responsibility to make sure that their vehicles are registered and insured.
With people staying home more in recent months, vehicles haven’t been driven as much and people may have forgotten to pay their registration.
Remember, it is your responsibility to change your address with the Department of Transport and Main Roads so that you receive reminder notices for your registration and driver licence.
A quick look on the QLD Rego app will let you know that your registration is paid and you don’t run the risk of receiving a fine.
Unfortunately for a 32-year-old Bowen man and a 39-year-old Vasa Views man they both received Traffic Infringement Notices for $533 for uninsured and $320 for unregistered vehicles yesterday.
The Bowen man was intercepted on River Avenue at about 4.35pm and the Vasa Views man was intercepted on the Bruce Highway at Fitzgerald Creek at about 5.25pm. DRINK DRIVING, INNISFAIL:
Police have charged a local woman after a traffic intercept in Innisfail on Tuesday evening (June 16).
The woman was intercepted on Ernest Street at about 9.10pm and as a result of a roadside breath test, she was transported to Innisfail Police Station for further testing.
Tuesday, June 16
Police are calling for witnesses in relation to a white Holden Commodore ute Queensland Registration 977ZAU that was allegedly driving dangerously within the Tully and Innisfail area over the weekend.

It will be alleged that the pictured vehicle was observed doing burnouts and driving dangerously between Friday night and Sunday morning.
The vehicle allegedly did a burn out from the Bruce Highway on to Rockingham Road around 8pm Friday night (June 12)
It will be further alleged the vehicle was doing burnouts on Feluga Road and other streets around Tully at approximately 1pm on Saturday afternoon (June 13).
Around 1.20am on Sunday morning (June 14), it will be alleged the vehicle was driving dangerously on Dalton Close, and Flying Fish point road, Innisfail.
The driver an 18-year-old Tully man was charged with three counts of dangerous operation of a motor vehicle. The vehicle was impounded and he is scheduled to appear in Tully Magistrates Court on July 16.
Police are appealing to anyone who witnessed the incidents or anyone with dash cam or CCTV footage that captured the driving manner of the ute, or anyone else who may have information in relation to this matter, to contact police and quote QP2001230722.
Monday, June 15
Police have charged a local man after a search warrant was executed in Eubenangee on Friday morning (June 12).
It will be alleged that police attended the Dinner Creek Road property at 9am, and located the man in possession of about 36 cannabis plants and 7.2 grams of dried cannabis.
The 63-year-old man in expected to appear in the Innisfail Magistrates Court on September 14, charged with producing dangerous drugs, possess dangerous drugs and possess anything used in the commission of a drug offence. DRINK DRIVING, MIGHELL:
Police have charged a Nanum man after a traffic intercept at Mighell on Sunday morning (June 14).
The man was intercepted on River Avenue at about 10.35am, and as a result of a roadside breath test (RBT), he was transported to Innisfail Police Station for further testing.
Friday, June 12
Multiple charges, Wongaling Beach

Police charged a 36-year-old Park Ridge man with drug, counterfeit and fraud charges on Thursday afternoon.
It will be alleged that he attended a Deeragun business on May 28 and purchased items from the store with counterfeit money.
At about 7.30pm on Thursday night, June 12, the man was located on Banfield Parade and taken to the Mission Beach Police Station. It will be further alleged officers located a number of drug utensils in his possession.
He was charged with one count each of Fraud, uttering counterfeit money, possess drug utensil and offences involving registration certificate.
Police urge all businesses where employees handling cash to ensure their staff are familiar with how to identify counterfeit currency.
A quick guide to ensure the currency is legal tender:
Is it plastic? Australian banknotes are printed on plastic and have a distinct feel. You can try scrunching the banknote in your hand – a genuine banknote should spring back.
Look for the Coat of Arms: If you hold the banknote up to the light, you should see the Australian Coat of Arms.
Look for the star: Diamond-shaped patterns are printed inside a circle on both sides of the banknote. If you hold the banknote up to the light, the patterns should line up perfectly to form a seven-pointed star.
Check the clear window: The clear window should be an integral part of the banknote and not an addition.
If you suspect that you have received counterfeit currency, handle the note as little as possible.
Take note of any relevant information regarding how it came to be in your possession and contact police.
Friday, June 12

Police are investigating the reported theft of the above black and red Giant mountain bike from a Rankin Street address.
Initial investigations suggest that the bicycle was stolen around Tuesday, April 21.
Anyone with any information in relation to the stolen bike is encouraged to contact police and quote QP2000914296.
Thursday, June 11
A 34-year-old Cairns man was charged with high range drink driving and driving while court disqualified.
On June 4, he was intercepted on Knowles Street at about 3pm for a roadside breath test.
As a result of that test, he was transported to Babinda Station for further testing. It will be alleged that as a result of this test he returned a reading of 0.156 per cent BAC.
It will be further alleged that the man was driving while his licence was disqualified by the court.
He is scheduled to appear in Innisfail Magistrates Court on August 3. SPEEDING, MISSION BEACH:
A 25-year-old South Mission Beach man was issued with a $444 traffic infringement notice this morning.
He was intercepted at about 6.35am on Seafarer Street, allegedly travelling at 80km/h in a 50km/h zone. TRAFFIC OFFENCES, BARTLE FRERE:
At about 10pm Wednesday night officers intercepted a 48-year-old Yorkeys Knob woman in relation to speeding on the Bruce Highway.
It will be alleged that as a result of that intercept, the woman’s vehicle was unregistered and uninsured and she returned a positive roadside breath test.
She was transported to Innisfail Station and as a rest of further testing it will be alleged she returned a reading 0.178 per cent BAC.
She was charged with one count each of drink driving, disobeying the speed limit, driving an uninsured vehicle and unregistered vehicle.