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Innisfail Probus Club’s 37th birthday celebrations



LAST month, forty-two Innisfail Probus members and their partners attended a luncheon to celebrate the club’s 37th birthday held in Kurrimine Beach Motel’s function room.

Innisfail Probus choir members Richard Rees, Francis Lagana, Geoff Duffield, Judi Rees, Col Ritchie, Katie Finitsis and organist Shirley Nayler in full voice.

Proceedings started with seven members singing a selection of well-known songs led by organist Shirley Nayler.

Appetites were satisfied with a great main meal, including sweets.

Laughter filled the room with jokes from Alan Curtis, followed by very amusing entertainment, a rendition

Innisfail Probus Club members Shirley Nayler, Frances Lagana, Joyce Said and Betty Westbury had the honours of cutting the 37th birthday cake.

of ‘Senior Moments’ by Lance and Marianne Pearce, where forgetfulness of names and events were the order of the day.

The highlight was cutting the birthday cake by four of the longest current serving members, Frances Lagana, Betty Westbury, Joyce Said and Shirley Nayler, with a combined service to Innisfail Probus of 90 years.

It was a wonderful day to renew friendships and make new connections, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

A special thanks to Judi Rees and Frances Lagana for organising the day and hosts Yvonne and Merv for their hospitality.

Meetings take place in the Russ Hinze building at the Innisfail Showgrounds at 9.00 am on the 4th Thursday of each month, where morning tea and guest speakers are highlights.

Dine-outs, trips, movie matinees and other social events are always being organised, so come along and be part of the fun, with new members always welcome.

For further information, please get in touch with the Secretary on 0429 653 775, or via email probusclubofinnisfail@gmail.com.

What’s happening at Tully Nursing Home?


IN my previous article, I mentioned that only 20% of our population will end up in an aged care facility. In fact, I often hear people say that they never want to end up in a Home! That is understandable, as they may have heard negative stories in the media or from others. However, there are circumstances where people require specialised care, which is not available at home or with family members. This is the reason nursing homes are essential!

Our Home expects that all staff are professional in their responsibilities. And are kind and respectful to residents, families, and peers. We also expect the services and facilities to be excellent and meet Federal Government standards. If there are any complaints, these are handled promptly and confidentially, and the Director of Nursing takes appropriate action.

This looks like fun!

We have many happy residents in our Home at present – as you can see in the photos! Our activities team does a wonderful job providing a program of mu-sic, fitness, bingo, craft, gardening,

Lorraine looks excited about Easter!

cooking, and eating. If you want to see more photos, look up Tully Nursing Home on Facebook. And don’t forget to visit family and friends at the Home (you must provide proof of covid vaccinations and not be sick). Our residents really appreciate your visits!

Our ladies created this beautiful wall decoration

Tully Support Centre News

with Shane Greenwood

54 Bryant Street, Tully - 4068 1004

Domestic and Family Violence Month

The month of May is Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) Prevention Month. This month seeks to promote healthy relationships and the right of everyone to feel safe in their own home.

This year the TSC is encouraging the Cassowary Coast to go Purple for the month of May, wear purple on May 24, and enjoy a girl’s night on either May 24 or 26.

Cassowary Coast Goes purple

Now in its 5th year, Cassowary Coast goes purple raises awareness of DFV in our community by encouraging businesses and individuals to wear purple and decorate their homes and businesses in purple during May. Over 40 businesses participated in the 2021 event throughout the Cassowary Coast and Cairns.

While the whole month may be difficult for some, we encourage everyone to join in purple week from May 21 to 27, and wear purple on Tuesday, May 24.

Please show your support by taking a photo and sharing it on Facebook #cassowarycoastgoespurple #tullysupportcentre

Girl’s Night In 2022

The TSC Girl’s Night has grown in popularity over the last four years. This year to allow as many people as possible to participate, we are combining our virtual Girl’s Night in with two activities held in Cardwell and Tully. In 2021 people connected virtually throughout Australia, including as far away as Brisbane and Tasmania.

The virtual Girl’s Night in can be done on either May 24 or 26. The TSC is asking you to join us in putting your feet up, enjoying a cuppa or glass of wine, putting on a movie, taking a photo and posting to Facebook using the hashtags #DVawareness #Girlsnightin #tullysupportcentre

To register for an info pack, contact Maxine on 4068 1004 or maxine@ tullysupportcentre.com.au and post to Facebook to be in the draw to win either a $50 or $25 local shopping voucher. 2022 will also see the return of small face-to-face Girl’s Night in activities in Cardwell on Tuesday, May 24, conducted in partnership with Cardwell Care Incorporated – who have kindly donated $750 to run the event, Cardwell Hair and Beauty, Queensland Police Service and Cardwell Country Club; and Tully on Thursday, May 26, conducted in partnership with Julies Beauty, Queensland Police Service and Tully and District Red Cross.

DV in Australia

Unfortunately, Australia experiences high rates of DFV, with one in four women experiencing DFV in her lifetime, and around 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year. The TSC is also receiving increasing requests for support from male victims of domestic violence.



DFV also includes; physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, psychological and financial abuse. It also consists of any threatening and/or controlling behaviours, including using spiritual or cultural beliefs to justify violent or abusive behaviour.

DFV involves an ongoing pattern of behaviour aimed at controlling the other person through fear. It can occur within any relationship, towards any person, at any time.

Cassowary Coast Domestic and Family Violence Service

This program provides Court Support, Child and Adult Counselling services delivered by qualified and experienced staff.

Important numbers

In an emergency, dial: 000 DV Connect: 1800 811 811 (24hrs) Lifeline: 13 11 14 (24hrs) Men’s Line OZ: 1300 364 277 (24hrs) Men’s Line QLD: 1800 600 636 1800 Respect: 1800 737 732 (24hrs) Parent’s Line: 1300 30 1300 Kid’s Helpline: 1800 55 1800 Legal Aid: 1300 65 11 88

The TSC is funded by the Queensland Government and has been servicing communities throughout the Cassowary Coast since 1991.

The Tully Support Centre is located at 54 Bryant Street in Tully, opening hours Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9 am to 1 pm & 2 pm to 4 pm, and Wednesday from 9 am to 1 pm & 2 pm to 6 pm.

To register your interest or more info about groups and other services, please call 40 681 004, check the Tully Support Centre online at www.tullysupportcentre. com.au or follow us on Facebook “Tully Support Centre Inc.”

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