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Musical drama
CONGRATULATIONS to our 2022 Australia Day Award winners as follows:
Junior Sports Award
Lachlan Buckman – Nominated for his achievements in many sports, but particularly javelin. Lachlan has been ranked number one in Australia for javelin since 2019. He also received the Most Proficient Junior Sportsman Award for representing his school in swimming track and field and cross country. He was the Under 15 Javelin Champion with a personal best of 61.75 metres. He also played in school Senior Firsts Football and was Captain of Ipswich Grammar Bill Turner Cup team. Lachlan won the North Queensland Sports Foundation Junior Sportstar of the Year in 2021 and was a finalist in the Queensland Junior Sportstar of the Year.
Senior Sports Award
Sarah Sheahan – Nominated for her contributions to Herbert River junior sports. Sarah was the 2021 Herbert River Junior Touch Coordinator and encouraged a record number of players to compete in 2021, encouraging parents to assist with coaching and training. Sarah successfully coaches school Junior Touch Football and Soccer teams taking the Senior Lourdes Girls team to win the Romanello Shield in 2021. She assisted with marshalling competitors at the 100 year Barnes Cup and City Country Swimming Carnival. Sarah has gone above and beyond to ensure the youth in the district have sporting opportunities.
Junior Cultural Award
Dana Kaurila – Nominated for her contributions to the community through performing and volunteering at the Australian-Italian Festival and Maraka and other local events both individually and in groups. Dana also volunteers coaching assistance at Ingham Gymnastics.
Senior Cultural Award
Vera Di Bella – Nominated for her cultural contributions to the community over many years. Vera excels in music and entertainment and has volunteered her time from a young age to many community activities, including Australia Day, Maraka Concerts, Debutante Balls, Community Carols, School Musicals, church functions and morning teas. She has also been a member of the Ingham Arts Festival for almost 30 years, most recently as President of the committee. Vera’s willingness to share her talents with all ages, especially children, gives her a high level of respect in the music fraternity.
Individual Achievement Award
Guido Giliberto – Nominated for his contributions to the community through his volunteer involvement over many years with the Rotary Club of Hinchinbrook and the Australian-Italian Festival. Guido has worked on many projects through his involvement with these organisations, including the Ingham Show and Maraka setting up stalls and running them.
Re-discovering Buk Ti:
Chinese Settlers in the Lower Herbert Valley – In June 2021, the Ingham Family History Association Inc displayed at the TYTO Regional Art Gallery showcasing the early Chinese settlers to the Herbert River Valley and the impact they had on the community through business and farming. The highlight of the display was the recreation of the Buk Ti Temple, which was located in Halifax. Over 1,100 people attended the exhibition opening, which was also live-streamed and recorded over 6,000 views. The display won the 2021 Gallery and Museum Achievement Awards (Queensland). It will be displayed at the Cairns Museum for three months.
Beryl Prior Memorial – Service to the Community Award
Brenda Oats – For her volunteer contributions to the community, mainly through her involvement with the Herbert River Athletics Club since 2009. Brenda has held the position of President, Treasurer and Grants Officer since 2009. She is a qualified athletics coach and coaches in track, jumping and throwing events, encouraging several Hinchinbrook locals to progress to State and National Titles over the years. Brenda has been a willing and enthusiastic community supporter for many years, assisting schools and sporting clubs within our community to access available grant funding.
Shire Young Citizen Award
Sarah Castles – Nominated for her contributions to the community, mainly through her involvement with Crushers Rugby League Club. Sarah was announced Herbert River Crushers Club person of the year in 2021 and has been instrumental in putting the women’s team together to compete in the Townsville and District Rugby League competition. She also coordinated the highly successful Herbert River Crushers ladies day and presentation night in 2021.
Shire Citizen Award
Joseph Devietti – Nominated for his many contributions to the community through his commitment to National Service, becoming an Inaugural Member of the Ingham Branch when it formed in 2001, he remains a member. Joe has been a Justice of the Peace since 1961 and has served as Secretary/Treasurer of the Herbert River Farmers League for 43 years. Joe was also Secretary for both Lourdes Convent and Gilroy Santa Maria College Parent and Friends Associations until all 8 of his children completed their schooling. He has also served as Secretary for the Hotels Association and Ingham Jockey Club. Joe was Principal of Devietti Holden for many years and recognised throughout Queensland as one of the most respected dealerships in the State.