Introducing the CDA Cross Stitch Cushion Collection Beautiful Decorations for Modern Interiors Dear Valued Customer, Over the last year we have noticed a steady increase in the demand for embroidery on printed canvas. This demand has encouraged us to become even more dynamic in terms of New Product Development. After a very positive response to our initial launch of Cross Stitch Cushions, we decided to increase the design offer
generate extra sales in your business. ! " !
shading. In other words, these designs exude innovation, creativity and charm. Add to this the fact that these kits are beautifully packaged and contain excellent quality materials, and you have a truly World Class Product. In terms of price, the range offers genuine value for money that the Consumer will readily respond to. # $ %&
Sincerely, CDA Team Each carefully packed kit contains: ' ( & ) ' ) * + " - & /
Large colour picture of the completed, stitched cushion. Recommendations for complimentary designs in the series to help you plan your dĂŠcor.
COLLECTION D'ART vous prÊsente sa COLLECTION de COUSSINS POINT DE CROIX De belles dÊcorations pour des intÊrieurs modernes Cher Client, L’an dernier nous avons constatÊ une croissance rÊgulière de la demande de broderie sur canevas peints. Celle-ci nous a encouragÊs à être encore plus dynamiques dans la creation de nouveaux produits. Le succès de notre première collection de Coussins aux points de croix nous a determinÊs à augmenter de façon 1 2
1 3 ' ( dĂŠveloppement de votre activitĂŠ commerciale. + 2( 1 4 ! 4 "$ 5 " $ ( 45
* 4 1 $ ' 2 2 &$ 6 5 5 ( ! $ "
2 ' 1 2 1 ( 2 6 2 " 7 3'
3 4 ( 5 ( 4 4
+ 1 ( 2 6
%& 1 1 ' 9:2( %& Chaque kit emballĂŠ avec prĂŠcaution contient : 8 2'
( 2 2 ( permettent une très grande prÊcision. 8
2 ) * (
" 2 % - ( ( 4 4 % 4
Une large vue en couleur du coussin achevĂŠ. % 2
5 2
3. Carnaval de Venise Masque art. 5170
2. Fougères vertes art. 5171
3. Coccinelle art. 5172
, 2 cushions in 1 kit
, 2 cushions in 1 kit
The CDA Cushion Finishing Kit contains 1 piece of 100% cotton fabric complete with zipper. The size of the fabric piece is 45.5 x 45.5cm. * " "
N° 5.999 Kit DOS DE COUSSIN Le kit DOS DE COUSSIN de CDA contient: 1 pièce de tissu de couleur crème pâle, en 100% coton, de dimension 45.5 x 45.5cm, 5 1 ( G 2 2 ( 4
42 9