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Starting The Cycle Leg

Once competitors have finished the swim leg, the route to transition is 400m across grass on the north lawn of the castle. The “Bike Out” will be at opposite ends of transition and competitors out of the Castle Howard estate via the main avenue and a metaled estate road.

At The End Of The Estate Road

At the end of the estate road after approximately 600 metres, you will reach a roundabout and the huge obelisk at the entrance to the castle. You will turn right onto the cycle course and a minor road called the Avenue (which is a beech and lime tree lined 5 mile straight). Once out on the public road, cyclists are reminded that the roads are not closed to traffic and that they must follow the rules of the Highway Code at all times.

Slingsby Bank

The first 5K is along the Avenue which has a series of blind summits at the top of ever increasing humps. The last hump takes you up onto what is called the Slingsby Bank which on a clear day affords a great view of the North York Moors. At the end of the Avenue turn left at a traffic managed crossroads in the village of Slingsby and head along a flatish B-road for 3K to Hovingham.

A steady climb of a couple of K will then take you into Sherriff Hutton. Head south downhill out of the village for 1K, turn left onto Goose Lane and continue for 3K before turning left onto Moor Lane for a relatively flat 4K. Pass through the village of Foston before rejoining Mains Lane which is the main access road for Castle Howard. After a steep (category 5) 1K climb up to the impressive war memorial you will hit The Avenue again and have a final rollercoaster cycle back to the front entrance of the estate, via 2 impressive gatehouses and the striking obelisk.

Hovingham Estate

The next 2K is uphill through the beautiful Hovingham Estate on newly made road before a brief respite and fast decent to the Coulton crossroads and then a 3K ascent to the high point of the course at the top of Black Hill. Both of these climbs are Category 4 in difficulty. A left turn at the top and a couple of K of undulation will see you rewarded with a 5K descent from the village of Brandsby to the village of Stillington.

Second Lap

Once the first loop has been completed, cyclists do not re-enter the castle estate but carry on for a second lap. After the second lap cyclists should then turn right at the obelisk roundabout and head back up the estate drive towards transition and the de-mount point.


At Stillington turn left and descend for a few hundred metres to the Rover Foss before climbing back up through Marton-In-The-Forest and descending to Farlington at 26.5K.

Beware at this very fast crossroads. You have right of way but there will be cyclists on the Olympic distance

44 & 44.8K

Take care at both Gatehouses which have single track entrances. Both are traffic managed but please listen to the instruction

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