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We work with the national governing bodies BTF, TI and FFTRI, and host many qualifying races and championship events. We also actively encourage more people into the sport.


Wetsuits will usually be advisable but, depending on the water temperature, can be mandatory or forbidden. At Lough Cutra Castle wetsuits are compulsory for all triathlon and multisport events. A wetsuit will not only keep you warm, but may help you swim faster as it provides you with extra buoyancy. Swimmers will be electronically counted into and out of the water for additional safety.


Your race number should be worn on your back for the cycle leg of your race. Race labels must be attached to the front of the bike and front and back of the helmet. We recommend either a road bike or a hybrid as adult courses go out onto the open road. All cyclists must wear a cycle helmet (British/Irish Safety Standard) and will not be able to leave transition without one properly fastened.


Your race number must be worn on your front for the run leg of your race. Adult runs courses start within the castle estate, with some longer runs exploring the local area. Although road running shoes are adequate, adults may want to wear trail shoes (especially if the weather is bad) as much of the routes are off-road.

Junior Races

One adult per child may go through registration and children in the 10 years and under category may be accompanied by one adult in transition. The swim includes boat safety and swimmers with floats, so if a child wishes to rest with them for a minute, they can do so. The bike and run courses are within the castle grounds (with the exception of the Cholmondeley Castle drafting race) and are heavily marshaled. Bike recommendations depend on the venue and and can be viewed on our venue papes. There are plenty of places for supporters to cheer around the course.




– DUATHLON Run/Bike/Run




– Race licence

– Race belt

– Bike

– Cycle helmet

– Cycle repair kit

– Cycle shoes

– Run shoes

– Bottled drink

– Bike pump

– Trisuit/clothing

– Towel

– Socks

– Sunglasses

– Gloves

– Visor/hat

– Wet gear bag

RACE PACK (not all items are applicable to all races)

– 1 race bib

– 3 numbered labels for your equipment

– Swim hat

– Chip-timing device

– Event wristbands

Governing Body

The country you are racing in will define which governing body are overseeing the race.

Please make sure you are familiar with all relevant rules and regualtions before race day by visiting their websites:

British Triathlon

Triathlon Ireland

Federation Francaise de Triathlon

For 2023, Castle Race Series has been awarded the following races:

Cholmondeley Castle

– 2024 Standard Distance Duathlon

World Championships Qualifier

Castle Howard

– 2024 Standard Distance Triathlon European Qualifier

Hever Castle

– 2023 Standard Distance Aquathlon British Championships

Lough Cutra Castle

– 2023 Aquathlon Sprint Championships

– 2023 Youth Series

– 2023 Mixed Team Relay Championships

Race Licence

To compete in a triathlon or multisport race you must have a valid race licence. Please visit the specific event page on our website and if necessary follow the link to buy one:

Lough Cutra Castle

Cholmondely Castle

Hever Castle - Festival of Endurance

Castle Howard

Château de Chantilly

Hever Castle

Water Temperature

Regular water temperature tests are taken in the upcoming months, weeks and during the event. These are shared on venue specific competitor information pages as they go live closer to the event day.

Race Etiquette

It is the responsibility of all competitors to keep our sport tidy, any littering on the course will result in a disqualification.

Please stop if you see an injured fellow competitor and find help from the nearest marshal. Please report their number, location and nature of the injury. We know it is a race but

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