Hever Castle The 50 Miler Course Guide

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The inaugural Festival of Endurance (FOE) 50 mile/ 80km ultra run is a wonderful amalgam of a number of local running routes. The linear route climbs 1,143m and takes in the South Downs, the Sussex Ouse Valley Way and the Ashdown Forest, finishing on the idyllic Hever Castle estate.


The race route travels from the start at Eastbourne Pier along the promenade to the start of the South Downs Way (SDW) path. It then follows the SDW path to Birling Gap and then up and over the Seven Sisters to the Seven Sisters Visitor Centre. From here, still following the SDW the route tracks north to Alfriston and then heads west almost to the Firle Beacon before descending to the Ram Inn and the quintessential village of Firle. From here, the route heads north through Glynde and at Barcombe Mills joins the Sussex Ouse Valley Way. Once the rural idyll of Fletching is made, competitors are on the home stretch. A stiff challenge up and over the Ashdown Forest brings participants to the ancient parish of Chiddingstone and finally the back gate of Hever Castle with a well-earned trot around the grounds and the Finish Line as the prize. Read detailed route description here.


Runners will form up on the Eastbourne Promenade and the start line will be immediately in front of the entrance to the pier. On the klaxon runners head off down the promenade in a westerly direction for 2km. At the Italian Gardens take the path uphill to the right and then pass Bede Prep School on your left hand side before heading off-road and steeply uphill onto the South Downs Way (SDW) proper. A 3K climb uphill takes the runners to Beechy Head and a stunning view of the Channel, Eastbourne and The Seven Sisters. At 7.5K you will pass the Belle Tout Lighthouse (now a B&B) and then descend downhill to Birling Gap at 9K. A 4K stretch on the stunning Seven Sisters will see you descend to Cuckmere Haven and then make the 1st Feed Station at the Seven Sisters Country Park Visitors Centre at just over 14K.


Pass through the Friston car park heading to the NW corner to pick up the public footpath. After a 100 yards take the left hand fork of paths and this will descend down onto the Litlington Road Follow this lane with Friston Forest on your right hand side for just under 3K before turning left onto a public footpath just after the village signpost for Litlington. Cross over the River Cuckmere and then head uphill to the 5

group of houses that are roadside on White Way. Turn right and follow this road into the village of Alfriston for 2K. Once on the High Street take the first left on Weavers Lane heading uphill and then taking the 2nd left onto Kings Ride. This tarmac road becomes track at the edge of the village and continues straight on. Head uphill for 3K on the SDW path and then another 2.5K on the top of the downs before descending at a right hand fork downhill to the village of Firle and the second feed station at the Ram Inn at 26.5K.


Head North out of the village for 500m until you hit the A27 and then turn left on the footpath adjacent to the road until you get to the traffic island that provides the safest place to cross. Having crossed over the main road, turn left and continue on the pedestrian footpath for a further 300m before taking the first right turn that is a minor road. This will take you into the village of Glynde at 29K. Follow the road (Lacy’s Hill) through the village and onwards to the north for 3K passing the Glyndebourne Opera House on your right in the process. At the high point of this road and just past a layby, turn right onto a public footpath heading North East. After 50m pass a large wind turbine and then look out for the kissing gate on your left hand side that puts you into the adjacent field but travelling in the same direction. Follow the path around the edge of the field and then descend via a series of stiles to the town of Ringmer. In the town follow Springett Avenue until you arrive at a row of shops and then cut diagonally through the car park before crossing over the B2192 and following the path to the church. Pass through the churchyard and then follow Ham Lane out to the A26. Go straight over the A26 and continue straight on for 30m until you pick up a metalled road called Old Uckfield Lane. Turn right here and follow the road for 100m before taking a pubic footpath adjacent to a row of conifer trees off the left. Pass through 2 fields and then turn right on Wellingham Lane. Follow this road for 100m or so and then just after a right hand bend in the road and in amongst a small group of houses take a public footpath off to your left. Follow this for approx. 700m and this will bring you to Barcombe Mills Road. Turn left on the road for 100m and then take a right turn just after a public car park and head towards the mills themselves. Just before the first bridge take a right on a footpath and this is you on the 6

Sussex Ouse Valley Way. Follow this path, crossing over the river on a footbridge after 1K, until you arrive at the Anchor Inn, the third feed station, at 38.5K.


Continue on the Sussex Ouse Valley Way for a further 3.5km before turning left on a footpath at 41K and heading towards a couple of farm houses. Circumnavigate the farm houses in an anti-clockwise direction and then continue on a footpath across a large field heading for a small wood in the distance. At the wood you will arrive at a metalled road called Sharpsbridge Lane, turn right here and follow the road for 2K, crossing over the River Ouse once more. On a right hand bend take the public footpath off to your left and follow this for 1K passing two fields before making your crossing of the A272. At the crossing take the left hand of the two driveways directly opposite which is also a public right of way, Follow this around the back of a house, cross a grass airstrip and pick up the obvious footpath that will take you through 3 fields and into the village of Fletching. Circle the cricket pitch and then turn left on the metalled road that will take you past the church and into the village high street. 200m up the high street on your right hand side is the village hall and your 4th feed station at 47.5K.


Head north out of the village for approximately 800m before coming to an offset crossroads where you head straight on up Bell Lane. After 500m turn right onto a track called Clapwater Lane that twists and turns before passing a group of houses and then turning into a footpath across fields for 800m. At Down Street turn right for 200m and then left onto Picketts Lane for 1K. At the A22 turn right for 100m and then immediately left onto Tylers Lane for 800m. At the next T-junction turn right onto Cackle Street and then after 100m follow the obvious track off to the left that leads you up onto the Ashdown Forest. After 100m pass through a gate and then soon after take the left hand fork in the track and follow this path for 2.5K, keeping the large valley to your left as you ascend to Hollies Car Park. Once in the car park cross over Crowborough Road and then take the path off to the 7

left keeping Ellison’s Pond on your right hand side. Head uphill to the prominent Camp Hill Clump at the top of the hill and then take your second left heading due north for a further 1K and passing through Bushy Willows Car Park. Cross over the B2026 and then head north for approx. 20m before taking the right hand fork in the paths and following this for a further 600m to Black Hill Car Park and the 5th Feed Station at 58K.


Exit the car park and turn left for 20m on the B2188 before turning left and regaining the track heading north. Descend for 3K on a mix of tracks and paths before reaching a metalled road and a short and steep climb. At 61.5K you will come to a fork in the road, take the left hand fork and then pick up the footpath that handrails a driveway for approx. 300m. Back on the metalled road head due north for 2K before passing a church on your right hand side and descending steeply downhill to the Withyham Road. At the T-junction turn left for 30m crossing over a bridge and then take a footpath off to the right that heads in a straight line across two open fields. At the Hartfield Track (old railway line) take a right and follow this for 500m before turning left onto Beech Green Lane. Cross over the River Medway and head north for 500m uphill before turning right at a large pond just before 66K. Follow this track/ road for 1K due north until coming to a footpath that takes you to the right and side of large barn, This footpath will become road again after a further 600m and lead you to a T-junction on the A264. Take a left here and head uphill for 500m before turning left down Ironchurch Lane (signposted to Blackham). A further 500m on this road will lead you to the 6th and final feed station at Blackham Church just over 69K.


Head west on Sussex Lane for 200m before turning right down a road that leads to a farm. Just before the entrance to the farm turn right on a footpath and then cross a railway line at a pedestrian crossing point. Follow the footpath to the north and then keep a small valley on your left hand side as you continue to head north, passing over a couple of stiles and keeping a building on your left hand side. Join this building’s 8

driveway to make Bassets Lane and turn left. After 30m take a right hand path and head steeply uphill into an open field. Pass through a series of fields, cross a minor road and then, after a further flat field turn right onto Rywell Road and follow this downhill to the Rock Inn. Continue down this road for 1.2K and then turn left onto a footpath. Follow this footpath for 300m before taking the right hand fork just after a kissing gate. This fork will lead you on a path, up through a field and then alongside the Chiddingstone Recreation Ground. Continue straight on down a narrow path before arriving on Chiddingstone Road. Here take a right and then almost immediately a left onto a public footpath and follow this for 1.3K crossing over the Rover Eden in the process. As the track flattens out take a left onto a footpath that passes through a field with a large oak tree and swing in the middle of it. Descend to the river again, cross over and head across a large flat field for 400m. At Mill Lane take a left for 400m and then a right at the crossroads. Follow this road for 1.2K and then turn right just before a row of houses and just after a left hand bend. Follow this for 40m before turning right and entering the Hever estate at Park Wood. Follow this track downhill to the lake before turning left onto Lakeside Walk and then follow this for 600m to the finish.









View maps online here

Festival of Endurance 50 Mile Run Route

Key 50 Mile Route FEED STATION 6

Feed Station






The timings you need to know pre, during and post race.




Registration check-in takes place at Hever Castle on either Friday evening or on Saturday morning at the start of the race, adjacent to Eastbourne Pier. Exact times will be shared in the Race Information Pack two weeks before race day.

The Start is at Eastbourne Pier. Grid reference: TV 61757 98907. What Three Words: Curvy/ Housework/ Await.


Finish Line Bags can be deposited at registration, please attach the extra wristband provided with your bib number onto your bag. These will be transported to the finish for you. Your finish line bag may be a maximum of 50 litres in size. You will need a complete change of dry clothes to put on once you have completed the race. We also suggest you pack some warm clothing including a good jacket and a bobble hat as the wind can whistle through the finish area!


The race finishes at Hever Castle in Lake View field overlooking the lake and Italianate Loggia. Grid reference: TQ 48315 45061. What Three Words: Twice/ Star/ Silk.


The race will start at 06.00hrs and the start line will remain open for 1 hour after that for any latecomers. Your time will only start when you and your tracker crosses the physical start line of the course.


Runners must finish the course within a 17 hour time limit. There are additional cut offs at each feed station on route. See the feed station table here for full details.

For those staying in the campsite or in other accommodation near to Hever there will be coach transport to the Start Line in Eastbourne. This transport will leave from Henry VIII pub outside Hever Castle at 0415hrs on race day.



TIMING & TRACKING GPS trackers will be used on this race to help participants see their time, organisers see their whereabouts and supporters to follow their athlete.



All competitors will be issued with a Geo Tracks GPS tracker which will also act as their timing device. This must be kept with the athlete at all times either on their person or in their backpack.

To download the Geo Tracks iphone app please click this link You will need to enter the event no. 633 and your bib number (issued at registration).


This GPS tracker has three uses; 1) it will provide the participant with an overall time and various split times for their race; 2) it will provide the race organisers with the ability to track each participant and know their exact whereabouts on the course at all times;

It is highly recommended that participants download the GPX file for the event and upload to an electronic navigation device such as a GPS watch. The GPX file can be downloaded from this page (scroll down to the find the 50 Miler Ultra Run.

3) it will provide supporters the ability to track their athlete, via a Live View URL, along the route to make support and logistics for family and friends a lot easier. Please ensure you return the GPS tracker at the finish point. If you retire early please also drop the tracker of at the finish or at a feed station. Geo Tracks also provide an iphone app that is the perfect aid to navigation. The app centres on your GPS tracker icon and shows the route to follow. Live View Tracking route maps can be seen here (Please note tracker icons will appear on the day of the event)




The Castle Race Series will be working with nutrition partners, HIGH5 to provide you with comprehensive food and drink stations.




There will be 7 feed stations, including the finish, along the length of the course. Hot drinks are available at the Seven Sisters Visitor Centre, Fletching Village Hall and the Finish. Hot food at the finish only.

The team of volunteers will have a selection of food and drink available for you including the following:

27K The Ram Inn at Firle

Drinks from these stations will be prepared in High 5 paper cups bottles.

– Water – Salted nuts/ biscuits – Jelly Babies The feed stations are at the following – Coca-cola (flat) locations: – HIGH 5 Zero Tablets – HIGH5 Energy Source Isotonic Drink – HIGH5 Energy Gels – HIGH5 Energy Bars 14K – 1/2 Bananas (peeled) Seven Sisters Country Park – Sandwiches and wraps Visitors Centre

39K The Anchor Inn, Balcombe Mills 48K Fletching Village Hall 59K Black Hill Car Park, Ashdown Forest 70K All Saints Church Blackham

See feed station table for full details here

Hot drinks are available at the Seven Sisters Visitor Centre, Fletching Village Hall and the Finish. Hot food is available at the finish only. Due to COVID protocols, competitors will serve themselves from the platters provided. Social distancing and standard COVID protocols will be in operation at all of the feed stations. Feed Stations and their associated toilets to be accessed only by competitors.


No litter to be dropped anywhere on the course.



THE COURSE & SUPPORT All you need to keep you on track on race day.



The course is marked by a mixture of signs, some permanent, some Castle Race Series (CRS) branded and also some orange tape. South Downs Way marker posts, which are fixed, come in different forms but always displaying the acorn which is the key symbol and guide on this part of the route as with all National Trails. In addition to the fixed markers as above, the course will also be marked with orange or white tape and CRS marker arrows. There are a number of road crossings to negotiate, some of them are extremely busy and will NOT be marshalled. It is the responsibility of the runner to negotiate all road crossings safely. It is ultimately the runners responsibility to navigate the course successfully, with or without course markings. We strongly recommend that you take the time to recce the route before race day & carrying a map and compass are highly recommended for the event in case of an emergency.

their behaviour does not adversely affect any of the other participants in the race. You may run the course with different pacers on different legs if you choose.


There will be a dedicated team of race medics available throughout the duration of the weekend including static first aid teams and race ambulances. If you suffer an injury or accident that requires direct medical attention, the medics will be on hand to assist you. Contact numbers and full details of what to do in an emergency will be given to you in the Race Information Pack and 50 Mile Ultra Run Instruction again at race registration. Due to the nature of the course ie. often remote and far from roads, the medics may take some time to reach you, or potentially be out of contact tending to other runners. In those instances you should contact the emergency services on 999. Full instructions on what to do in an emergency can be found in your information pack.


Runners are allowed to have a crew support and there are a number of excellent points on the route for this. However, the support you receive at the check points will be enough for any runner, and a crew is not essential. Runners are responsible for their crew and must ensure that

Sports massage provided by Six Physio will be available at selected feed stations. This will be provided on a first come first serve basis. See Feed Station list for their location.




Here we have detailed the required and recommended kit for race day.



90% of the course is on trail, therefore trail shoes are advised. There are sections of trail which can become very muddy in wet conditions. The South Downs are formed of chalk and are composed of significant sections of exposed and slippery chalk bed and rocks. These sections must be negotiated carefully in both the dry and the wet. The South Downs ridge is very exposed and in wind and rain runners can become cold quickly. Visibility can also be extremely poor under cloud cover.

– Warm Hat - Beanie Hat or Buff (either are accepted) – Gloves – Long sleeved base layer or fleece top - This must be carried separately from the start and kept dry, for use only in an emergency. Starting in 2 layers is not a substitute.

There will be kit spot checks prior to the race as well as during and at the finish. A time penalty of one hour will be imposed for any item found to be missing at any point on course.



Runners must therefore carry the following mandatory equipment at all times:

In addition, we strongly recommend, the following items:

– Fully Charged Mobile Phone with the numbers for the Race Medic and Race Director (these will be provided at registration) – Water Bottles/Bladder capable of carrying a minimum of 1 litre.

– Route Map - Should be a hard copy that you are able to navigate from and not a map on your phone – Compass - This should be a separate physical compass and not electronic/ on your phone.

– Survival Blanket: 1.4m x 2m minimum – Waterproof Jacket: Gore-tex or similar, minimum 10000mm+ & must have sealed seams. – Whistle – Headtorch or Primary Light Source – Back Up Light source - Minimum 25 Lumens 21




There is no requirement for qualification to enter this race but participants are reminded that the course is over arduous and hilly terrain. The organiser has implemented cut offs at each of the feed stations and, due to the welfare of staff out on the course, will have no hesitation about pulling anyone from the race if they fall behind these set times.


Finisher Medal Finisher T-Shirt Camping Pitch for 2 Shuttle from Hever to Eastbourne Hot meal on completion with a pint of beer or glass of fizz Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed male and female runners





We look forward to seeing you on race day and wish you luck for your final preparations. If you need further infomation please visit our website: castleraceseries.com


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