Castle Rock Quarter #14

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Welcome Welcome once again to our Castle Rock Quarter magazine. At the time of writing we were just enjoying the mid-June heatwave and I thought I’d share a snap I took at the back of the Canalhouse, the ideal setting for any sunny day! Let’s hope it is the sign of the summer to come. We have lots planned both inside and out in the gardens of our pubs, and plenty of nice beers, ciders and wines to satisfy any thirsty palate in the months to come. Read more about all these in the following pages of this bumper edition. You’ll also find a review of the focal point of our 40th anniversary celebrations. We held our yard party in the first few days of June and it was an amazing success! The weather was kind, and the bands, the music, the beers, the cider, the food and the atmosphere were all fabulous. It was great to see so many of you there to celebrate with us and fantastic to hear your very positive comments. It wouldn’t have been the same without your support and I’d like to thank you for it, we certainly don’t take it for granted. It was also great to hear some of the funny stories from the past forty years from our founder, Chris Holmes; we keep saying we should write a company book! Perhaps for our 50th… The whole event certainly can’t pass without a note of thanks from me to the dedicated staff of the Castle Rock family, many of whom put in an incredible effort over many months to come up with the ideas, the planning, beer ordering, decorating, designing, ticketing, co-ordinating, clearing the yard/warehouse, gardening, shifting ‘stuff’ and – last but not least – the impeccable operation of the event and the clear up afterwards! It was a fabulous team effort and while the list is too long to mention everyone individually, there were some outstanding contributions from those within our marketing, maintenance, brewing, individual pubs and our operations teams. I’d like to thank you, you did us all proud! So enough from me, plenty to be reading about in the following pages! Cheers

Colin Wilde Managing Director @SheriffTipple

Queensbridge Road, Nottingham NG2 1NB

Telephone: 0115 985 1615

General enquiries: Sales enquiries: Recruitment:

CRQ is edited by Liv Auckland and designed & produced by freerbutler limited •



CELEBRATING OUR 40TH YEAR This year we’re celebrating forty years since Castle Rock began. After four decades running pubs, and two decades brewing beer, we decided it was about time we opened the gates to the brewery. Our Birthday Bash, held over four days, saw an estimated 1500 people grace us with their fine company. On Wednesday 31st May, the biggest and most ambitious event we’ve ever run kicked off with a special night for stockists of Castle Rock beer. It was a chance for us to meet all those great tenants and managers who buy our beer, week in and week out, and say thank you. Thursday afternoon saw our friends, families and colleagues come together for our annual Beer of the Year awards. Directors of Castle Rock voted GMS the Supplier of the Year, after many many years of using their services. Voted for by you, our lovely customers, 1st place Beer of the Year 2016-17 went to Black Iris with Snake Eyes, while Thornbridge’s Jaipur took home 2nd, and Oakham’s Citra 3rd. You also voted for Cider of the Year, which went to Hogan’s Panking Pole. Voted for by our managers, Abstract Jungle took home Local Brewer of the Year, and New Brewer of the Year went to Pentrich. Lastly, taking home the crowning glory of BOTY, Tiny Rebel was voted Brewer of the Year. Finally, with excitement and anticipation, we opened the shutters to our old cold store and welcomed in the public. What followed over the next few days was a celebration we’ll never forget, and for those of you who came, we hope you won’t either. There was a whopping selection of beers served, with forty cask ales and twenty keg beers on at any one time. We must admit, we were pretty proud of what we

managed to source, with well-known reliable names sitting alongside rare and downright sexy beers. Our huge thanks in particular go to Dave James from the Kean’s Head who was instrumental in sourcing some of the best beers we’ve ever tasted. We had tons of positive feedback from the customers and we will continue this trend in year(s) to come. Paired with their beverage of choice, festival-goers tucked into authentic Jamaican cooking from Mama’s Kitchen (brewery lad Marlon Christian’s actual Mama), US-style BBQ food from Smoked, corn dogs, curly fries and doughnuts from Corndog, and classic BBQ grub from the Vat and Fiddle. The slightly peckish had a choice of snacks from Karkli’s spicy crunchy creations, and savoury beer barm snacks from Barmies. Be sure to check these great local businesses out on social media, and in person when you can! Many Castle Rock pubs are family-friendly, so on Saturday 3rd June we held a family fun day, organised by our very own Martin Palmer (full time Castle Rock warehouse manager, part time big kid). Martin’s Mr Minion & Friends were there to entertain the small humans, alongside a real-life Disney princess, bouncy castles and inflatables, face painting, arts and crafts, fun with the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, and music from Disco Entertainments. Well done to our Martin, it was wonderful to see generations of families enjoying the day together.


Castle Rock Yard Party CELEBRATING OUR 40TH YEAR Continued from page 5

All the while, the Maze, Nottingham’s best live music venue, put on a great set of musicians each night. From acoustic folk to blues, to Americana and psychedelic rock, the bands got the crowd moving, from gentle swaying to downright busting moves as the sun set. Our favourite photo from the festival shows two happy festival-goers having a good old hug in front of the stage where, at the time, Fat Digester were twanging out some funk for the crowd. (NB: Is this you in the picture (see page 5)? Let us know!) So, while there were sleepless nights, bags under our eyes, way too much adrenaline, and maybe moments of delirium, it was a very good party. Luckily for those of you who missed it, we’re thinking a one-off event wasn’t enough… This was the first time we’ve ever done anything of this scale at the brewery, and we’re delighted with how it went. However, if we were to do it next year we will make sure we iron out all the creases and just make it bigger and better! If you have any feedback or suggestions, or fancy getting involved next year – whether you’re a brewer, food vendor, band, or kid’s entertainment business – let us know! So, we’ll leave it at that, and with a final thank you to everyone who celebrated with us – we couldn’t do any of it without you. A huge thank you to our family fun day businesses Mark, Aaron, Luke and Claire at Mad-inflatables @madinflatables • Emily from Princess Promotions @prinnypromo Anthony from Disco Entertainment @discoentertain • Our friends at Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust our very own Martin Palmer of Mr Minion & Friends Mascot Hire @MrMinionMascot


Never forget the fun From our founder, Chris Holmes We have been making a lot of noise recently about 2017 being our 40th anniversary. The actual date, indelibly printed on my brain, was August 10th. That was when the Old King’s Arms in Newark opened its doors for the first time under Tynemill’s ownership. My mother, Betty, gave up her house and job in Manchester to come to the pub and take charge of the kitchen (and I mean ‘take charge’). We were the first pub in Newark to sell chilli con carne and lasagne! Without her help, both physically and financially, I wouldn’t be writing this piece today.

Newark when we opened the Fox and Crown in that charming market town. I owe a huge debt to the people of Newark. They were my first customers and employees and gave me many years of fun. I always say to people when they are trying to measure success: ‘Never forget the fun’.

Tynemill Ltd was, and still is, the company that I started all those years ago. We now trade as Castle Rock Brewery because we ended up opening a brewery and it just sounds better to use that name. Some people would call it ‘branding’; I don’t because our pubs do not have a definable style, or a formulaic beer or food offering.

Actually, the business is all about the people – obviously the customers, some of whom from 1977 are still among my best friends, but especially the people who run and work in our pubs and brewery. I don’t want to sound like an Oscar acceptance speech but without them nothing could have been achieved. The point is, I mean it.

All the pubs are in different places, with different histories, and of very differing sizes. “Horses for courses” perhaps best describes our approach. If there IS any company style it is to try and offer the best possible choice and quality of beers, wines, spirits and food in safe surroundings AND make the best beers in the country.

Lots of our employees started as customers, perhaps did a few hours behind the bar and then decided that it was the life for them. You have to like pubs to run them properly (a robust liver and an ability to exist on about four hours sleep also helps).

We no longer own the Old King’s Arms. I sold it to Marstons in 1984 because I needed the money, and ran it as a tenant until 1994 when we gave up the tenancy. We were fortunate in being able to return to

I find it difficult to express my pride in the pubs and brewery and my gratitude to customers and employees. THANK YOU, EVERYONE.

Chris Holmes


Castle Rock Beers

DIALLING BACK THE HOPS FOR A CLASSIC EUROPEAN-STYLE BEER We’re swapping hefty dry hop loading (as with Session IPA and Wheat) with classic German-style hops. Up first is Perle originally bred in Hüll, and a cross between Northern Brewer and 63/5/27M (- codename, pretty cool right?) Perle is renowned for having a delicate florality, which isn’t the right term but we prefer it. We’re also using Hersbrucker which is a little more complex; earthy and maybe a little citrusy. Castle Rock’s take on a Pilsner doesn’t follow all the rules. We’ll be cold conditioning the beer for a slightly extended period, and using Pilsner malt as well as two classic German hop varieties. However, instead of using a conventional Pilsner or Lager yeast, we’re using our house yeast which is a Hardy & Hanson’s strain. It’s a nice, clean yeast so will let the malt and fresh hop to come through unimpeded. As with Session IPA, treating the water is important as well. We’ve gone for a softer water profile to allow for the delicate, fragrant hops to come through.

Pilsner completes year one of our brand new 2.0 range of beers: well considered and modern-style brews more in-line with what some folk are calling “craft beer”. But for us it’s a way to try new recipes and styles and see what our brewhouse can do. As with all our 2.0 beers, Pilsner does not contain isinglass and so is vegan friendly and may appear hazy. It’s available in cask and keg and, as always, we love hearing your feedback so drop us a line on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram or get yourself on Untappd and Rate Beer! At the time of writing, we’ve begun sourcing our hops for next year’s 2.0 beers. While we haven’t confirmed anything officially yet, and the final recipe is still in its planning stages, we’re looking at a Session IPA 2.0v1.8 as a ramped-up IPA. We’ve brewed Session IPA four times now so we’ll take that as a good sign, and if you haven’t already, make sure you give our dry hopped Wheat a try!

2.0v1.7 PILSNER 4.5% ABV Malt: Pilsner | Torrefied Wheat | Lager Hops: Perle (GER) | Hersbrucker (GER) Yeast: CRB House yeast Hardy’s & Hansons (multiple strains) IBU: 33 See: Pale golden Smell: Floral, herbal Taste: Spicy, subtle, citrus, grainy


The 2.0 range – Why are we not using isinglass? Lewis Townsend It wasn’t the most straight-forward decision to make, but in March this year we decided to brew Castle Rock’s new range (currently 2.0v1.7) without the use of isinglass, meaning the beers in this range will present a haze which should clear naturally over time. For those who do not know: Isinglass is a substance obtained from the swim bladders of fish (traditionally sturgeon but no longer). It is used as a clarifying agent in beer and wine usually added after fermentation. Isinglass has a strong positive charge, whereas yeast cells have a negative charge, and so isinglass clumps the yeast cells together and together they sink to the bottom of the vessel. Essentially, isinglass isn’t in clear beer either, because it’s sitting at the bottom of the cask. After additional maturation in cask, as well as stillage rest time after venting, isinglass finings greatly speeds up the process of achieving “bright” beer; the crystal clear beer that many expect and associate with good quality cask ale. Our core and seasonal beers will continue to use isinglass finings, however our new 2.0 beers will not, whether the beer is in cask, keg, or bottle or can. Given the proliferation of great quality keg beers from near and far also not using isinglass finings, it seemed an absolute no brainer to do the same for the keg versions. Cask is a bit trickier however, given the preconceptions (and often misconceptions) associated with hazy or cloudy beer, that is perhaps fallout from the 70s onwards when cloudy beer was associated with poor brewing techniques or poor cellarmanship/ cellarwomanship. Therefore, we wanted to try and explain why we’ve chosen to do this and why intentionally unfined beer is not a bad thing! Firstly, and most importantly, unfined beer does not taste different to fined beer! In fact, there are arguments that unfined beers have pronounced flavour characteristics, including increased mouthfeel and aroma; due to flavour compounds attaching to the yeast in suspension of the beer. Many feel those additional flavours are lost when the yeast sinks to the bottom of the tank. Secondly, let’s not forget that not using isinglass means these beers are now vegan friendly. And why shouldn’t vegans be able to enjoy good quality keg and cask beer as much as the rest of us! There’s also been a change in attitude to naturally cloudy beer. Beer isn’t like it was in the 1970s and I think we can all agree that the standard of brewing in the UK has increased exponentially. Although I am sure there are still some unfortunate exceptions, cloudy beer is no longer “hiding all manner of sins” from a brewer or cellar perspective. It is simply a more natural way to present beer. Let’s not also forget that unfined beer usually clears after a few days anyway. We hope you understand why we’ve made this decision of all cask and keg beers in the 2.0 range, of which there will be three a year for the foreseeable future. We invite anyone who is unsure to just give the beer a go and see for yourself.


Pub In Focus

VAT & FIDDLE Deemed as a “must visit” venue for the visitors of Nottingham, The Vat and Fiddle is a traditional British pub packed full of heritage and character. Adored by the locals, Castle Rock’s brewery tap is well-reputed for its fantastic range of quality beers and diverse range of food from home-made pub classics, vegan, and veggie dishes to freshly made cobs. We caught up with Louise Carlin, new assistant manager at the Vat and Fiddle… Welcome to the CRQ Louise. Tell us about how you came to work at the Vat and Fiddle? After being made redundant from an office job in 2013, I decided to have a change in career. With my new-found passion for real ale and my involvement with the local branch of CAMRA I decided to get a bar job. I started right on the bottom rung at Wetherspoons, but my passion and hard work enabled me to progress quickly and within six months I became part of the management team. After two years, the opportunity to advance took me to Nottingham Brewery where I was assistant manager at the Ned Ludd. Seeking a new challenge and wanting to get back to a pub, where real ale was the main focus and attraction, I applied for the position of assistant manager at the Vat. My desire to progress has not waned since joining Castle Rock and I can see a happy future for myself with the company. On and up! How would you describe Castle Rock’s brewery tap to someone who has never visited before? A true brewery tap! 13 cask ale handpulls showcasing a

Louise Carlin


minimum of 8 Castle Rock beers including the entire core range plus seasonal beers. With the new 2.0 range, we can now also showcase keg beers alongside cask. And I can say that this new range is going down very well in both cask and keg format - we’ve even noticed a shift with many of our regular Harvest Pale drinkers opting for the Session IPA instead! We’re also really excited for our new outside seating area to the rear of the pub which will be a suntrap for lazy summer evenings! What are you up to at the moment? Any events we need to put in our diaries? We're currently looking forward to the T20 cricket starting. We’ll be offering a pre-match BBQ for every match to set you up right for some fun down at Trent Bridge. Expect scrumptious BBQ food suited to everyone’s dietary needs. The start of the new football season is also looming and we always look forward to welcoming back supporters of both of our city's teams and away fans.

Tell us about your beer selection? What inspires you? Being the brewery tap, the majority of our handpulls are used to showcase the best of Castle Rock beers, however there is always room for up to five guests. We love to support local breweries here, so you’ll regularly see beers from the likes of Welbeck Abbey, Newby Wyke, Black Iris and many others. We always have at least one dark stout or porter on all year round, we know that dark ale drinkers don't hibernate over summer and feel it is so important to ensure that there’s something for everybody. We always look forward to the Nottingham CAMRA strolls/trails every year. The IPA Hop is coming up and this is an opportunity for us to get creative with beer ordering. We will have on a minimum of three qualifying IPAs for the duration. And what about the food? You can expect to find something to suit all taste buds. All our food is homemade. This last year we’ve been experimenting with more vegan and veggie dishes, and they seem to be going down a treat with regulars and visitors. We’ve only got a little kitchen, so people might be surprised to find that it’s not just chip cobs on offer. There are some lighter options like Salmon and Dill fishcakes, to an indulgent Roast Topside of Beef on Sundays. Tuesdays are Spice Night, with Indian

appetizers and a selection of homemade curries to choose from, plus a drink, for just £7.95. Bargain. We hear you guys host a pretty good brewery tour too – what can visitors expect? That's right! We organise tours via the Castle Rock brewery website, and arrange for Nottingham’s official Robin Hood to take visitors on a guided tour of the brewery with lots of interesting facts about the company and brewing process along the way. The best bit though is arriving back at the pub afterwards where you get to sample a few of our beers and get the opportunity to pour your own! The brewery tours are becoming more and more popular and we also do vouchers for the tours which make the perfect gift for the discerning ale lover in your life. Thanks Lou! A warm and official welcome to Castle Rock!

Contact the Vat to book a brewery tour or visit the Castle Rock website. FOOTNOTE: The Vat’s new outside seating area at the rear of the building has been quickly created to catch the sunshine while it’s here! We’ll be crafting something a bit more special in time for summer 2018.


Nottinghamian Beers

Stuart Broad This spring, we are honoured to celebrate Stuart Broad, one of Nottingham’s most beloved sporting heroes If you’re born the son of a professional sport star, the expectation of living up to their legacy must be overwhelming.

Fiddle during the Test Match, for a great atmosphere, early-doors breakfasts and lots of special offers on food and drink.

Well, for Stuart Broad MBE that pressure – and we imagine inspiration too – has certainly turned him into a diamond of cricket.


From his test debut in 2007, to his incredible spell of 5/37 against the Aussies in the 2009 Ashes, or even his 8/15 in 2015 during his hometown Ashes test in Nottingham, Broad has done it all. Although he has only made sporadic appearances for Nottinghamshire since breaking into the test squad, his influence for this city and the game of cricket is unquestionable. He has gone on to play over 100 test matches for England, and certainly made his own mark on sporting history. Stuart will be joining us from July-September, not only on our screens and in the sporting section, but with his namesake beer. Number 28 in the Nottinghamian range, this session pale is big on citrus aroma and a great summer refresher.

4.2% ABV July-September Session pale; big on citrus aroma and a perfect summer refresher, with donations to The Broad Appeal. See: Pale Smell: Citrus fruit, pine needles Taste: Fresh citrus hop, refreshing bitterness Hops: Motueka (NZ), Waimea (NZ) Bitterness 4 | Sweetness 2 Pair with: Pair with some delicious fried chicken or fries with a pinch of extra salt

Plus, the man himself will be busy playing for England throughout the summer, including at Trent Bridge in Nottingham. Get down to the Embankment, the Stratford Haven, the Poppy and Pint and the Vat and

Brian Clough ‘The greatest manager England never had’ is again the subject of a summer Pilsner-style pale ale. Clough is undoubtedly one of the most famous Nottinghamians in history; a man who is engrained in our lives – from the names of the roads we walk down, to the city centre statue which is as regular a meeting place as our lovely left Lion, to the football frenzy running in our veins. Leading Nottingham Forest to back-to-back European Cups was the pinnacle of Clough’s illustrious career, as well as great success on home soil with both Forest and Derby. As a true icon of Nottingham, we are delighted to bring back his namesake beer again this year. This special brew won’t be around long – it flies out of the brewery and then off the bars – and is an exceptionally good pint to enjoy in front of the big screen.


BRIAN CLOUGH 4.2% ABV July-September Pilsner-style pale ale. See: Plain gold Smell: Floral, herbal Taste: Clean, grainy, vanilla Hops: Tettnang (GER), Saaz (CZE) Bitterness 3 | Sweetness 2 Pair with: Pair with a beef or veggie burger, or use it to make batter!

Reports have shown humans love their dogs in the same way they do their children, and apparently the feeling is mutual. So, if we respond to our dogs in the same way we do our human family members, it’s no surprise that we see our canine friends as more than just pets. They’re part of the family, beloved creatures of our daily lives, comrades and companions, guiders and protectors, life-savers, mental-health boosters, and our best friends. There are a whopping 8.5 million pet pooches in the UK, with an estimated 1,303 households with dogs in the Midlands alone. Us Midlands folk also have the highest percentage of dogs per household in the UK (both in the East and West), with an average of 1.5, while our pals down in the Capital are at only 1.1 per household…of course some buck those trends, like Castle Rock’s very own Corinne Harwood, purchase ledger controller and doting owner of 3 dogs, while the average is spot on for brewery sales administrator Elin McMahon and her Staffordshire Terrier Taffie and 0.5 size Miniature Dachshund Mr. Frederickson.

We hear stories of folk trekking miles for a night in the pub with their dog, after finding they’re not welcome in their local, or owners simply deciding to stay home instead of suffering the guilt they feel at leaving their companion at home. Really, everyone misses out when a pub doesn’t welcome dogs.

So, if we experience the same kind of love for our furry friends as we do our children, it’s no surprise that many dog owners love a dog friendly pub.

All we ask is that you keep your dog on a lead, ensure they are safely out of the way and aren’t a tripping hazard, and are clean and well behaved.

There’s even a website ( dedicated to listing dog-friendly pubs for your perusal.

*Due to the canal inside the Canalhouse, only guide dogs are allowed inside the pub for safety reasons.

We’re proud to be a dog-friendly pub group, with at least one area in all* our pubs welcoming dogs. To celebrate this, we’re introducing you to some Castle Rock pub dogs and their owners. Wo/Man’s Best Friend will be back in each edition of CRQ for the foreseeable future, so we can continue to showcase the joy of a dog-friendly pub.


Customer Feature

Meet our Castle Rock dogs! Continued from page 13

Pictured above and top left

Barley and Wookie Meet Barley the Labradoodle and Wookie the show Cocker, weekly visitors of the Willowbrook in Gedling. Barley’s ideal day would be a long walk followed by an evening in the pub. He goes straight to “his table” where he’s made welcome by whoever is there – he loves being around people. Wookie has been visiting the Willowbrook since he was 12 weeks old, where Friday night is Pub Night with the lads. He’s a chilled out 1-year-old, who happily settles down in the pub for the night.

Harvey, Phil, Maria and Ben

bottom left Meet Harvey, the biggest 6-month-old puppy you’ve ever seen Favourite Castle Rock pub: Bread and Bitter Phil’s beverage of choice: Preservation Tell us about your pub dog: We bring our St Bernard Harvey to the pub because we can (thank you!). He’s a member of the family, we’ve been bringing him here since he was 16 weeks old. We’re also pleased that the Bread is child-friendly which means Ben (4 and a half) can join us. Our old boy was a Bread and Bitter dog, too – he’s got his place on the wall, he’s a piece of memorabilia. Harvey loves the pub, the people, and the other dogs he gets to meet here.


Flashman (Flash) and Tim

right Meet Flash, the 3-year-old Chihuahua with over 2k Instagram followers Favourite Castle Rock pubs: The Strat and the Poacher Tim’s beverage of choice: Harvest Pale, in a jug Tell us about your pub dog: Flash is a K9-5 (i.e. an office dog) so we often call in after work together. I don’t go to pubs that I can’t take him to. He loves the smells, mainly of food, and likes to sit near the extractor fan. Going to the pub means Flash gets to socialise with other dogs – it’s his main opportunity to do that - and he loved seeing his best mate Trevor, whose owner drinks at the Poacher. Most people mistake him for a rat or micro-pig, but Flash doesn’t care. For him, going to the pub is an opportunity to perform, show off a bit and get lots of attention.

Gus and Rachael

below Meet Gus, the 20-month-old (sweet as chocolate) Cockapoo Favourite Castle Rock pub: Lincolnshire Poacher Rachael’s beverage of choice: Half a bitter or an IPA Tell us about your pub dog: Gus comes everywhere with us, he’s part of the family and we hate to leave him at home. We only drink in pubs that allow dogs which is why we love the Poacher – it’s our regular Saturday stop off. Gus loves the attention and the fuss he gets from the punters and the staff, and is always so happy for a simple bowl of fresh water.

Share your Wo/Man’s Best Friend photos and updates with us using #CastleRockDogs Thank you so much to everyone who got in touch about Wo/Man’s Best Friend! The response was so big that this is the first of many editions of CRQ to feature our four legged friends! If you’d like to tell us more about you, your dog and your Castle Rock local, drop an email with some photos to


The Goings On POETRY TAKES OVER In conjunction with the launch of his celebration ale earlier in the year, the multi-talented Henry Normal delivered a very special performance for a packedout Vat and Fiddle. The launch of his namesake ale coincided with the Nottingham Poetry Festival and those in attendance were treated to not only great ale but great entertainment. As well as Henry, Andrew ‘MulletProof’ Graves, Bridie Squires and Pete Ramskill all performed in the evening which was a rousing success. This wasn’t the only poetry that Castle Rock was treated to recently. We sponsored the Nottingham Poetry Festival in April. The Poppy and Pint hosted one of the many events taking place, and even Dame Carol Ann Duffy, poet laureate in 2009, visited our great city.

THE STRAT TURNS 18 Finally, the Stratford Haven is legal to drink in a pub, an odd sentence considering we are talking about a pub! Over four days, the pub and its punters celebrated the birthday of their local, discounted beer, BBQs and of course birthday cake were on offer. We want to wish the pub a continued success and hope for another great year! We best start planning for a 21st birthday party, hadn’t we?

THE AWARDS KEEP ON COMING AT CASTLE ROCK We want to congratulate both The Horse and Plough and The Poppy and Pint for their successes recently. Both pubs became Pub of the Year in their respective CAMRA branches. Our managers and their teams work tirelessly to put on a good show, and we couldn’t be prouder than when they take home awards as prestigious as these.

AFC GOLDEN EAGLE WINS THE TREBLE AFC Golden Eagle was founded in summer 2016, enjoying a first season in Lincoln Sunday League that dreams are made of: becoming the first ever team to win a Lincoln Sunday League Treble. The team won the Division 4 Championship, Jock Mitchell Cup, and Fred Quibell Cup, with both cup finals held at Sincil Bank, the home of Lincoln City FC. AFC Golden Eagle would like to thank everyone for all their endless support and help this season, as we all look forward to next season!

Real Cider Cider Guru Rachel gives her top two cider choices for summer I had the great pleasure of getting to sit down with Ray Blockley of Nottingham CAMRA a few weeks ago, what a man! It was great to ask him some questions and get some in depth knowledge on the world of cider and perry, so thanks Ray! What with the stonkingly great weather recently (it seems that summer is finally here) I thought I should go with a couple of ciders which would help to enhance that summer feeling… Broadoak: PERRY 7.5% This is the real stuff, not to be confused with brands of a similar name, Brian Blunt has been making real cider and perry for over twenty-five years now – so we’re


in safe hands! This Perry is on the sweet side however it is gloriously refreshing – with a great pear taste and aroma. Snails Bank: ELDERFLOWER G&T 4.0% The aroma of apple is quite subtle however you get a slight bitter tang from the G & T element which is balanced nicely with the sweetness that the elderflower provides. The floral elements make this a great summer refreshment. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook for updates of what is going on in the world of cider in and around the Castle Rock Pubs. @CiderGuruCRB


Street Art

@ecainedesign In the weeks leading up to our 40th birthday yard party, we’d been working hard to gut out our old cold store and clean it up for our guests. It was looking lovely, but one big white wall caught our eye. We decided that, to mark the occasion, we needed a local artist to create a masterpiece... With a little help from our friends, we found Elroy the Artist, the man behind @ecainedesign. We let him loose on the brewery with some tins of paints and spray cans, and hundreds of you saw his work in person: a gigantic Castle Rock-ian creation, there for many years to come. We figured you’d like to hear more the artist himself, who presents his thoughts in a range of techniques and crafts, with an aim to push the boundaries of illustration, typography and graffiti. Hi Elroy! Tell our readers a bit about yourself… I’m a Nottingham born artist and Chron’s battler. I graduated from Leeds with BA honours in Graphic Art, and now work part time in education. The rest of my week is freelance work, which ranges from digital branding and streetwear to large-scale wall paintings. I started doing graffiti illegally – now I do everything I can to be a freelance, independent artist. How did you get into art, and graffiti in particular? I’ve been drawing since before I could walk, so creating things almost comes like second nature. However, the way in which I’ve expressed my artistic flair has taken lots of unplanned twists and turns. It’s built up a broad set of skills that give me the freedom to create almost anything that comes to mind. Graffiti is something I never expected to be into when I was growing growing up. It was accidental but has turned into an essential tool that I use in many projects.

What do you say to people who don’t appreciate graffiti as an artform? Saying graffiti isn’t an art form is similar to saying rap and hip-hop music isn’t a credible form of music. Both derive from passionate people who may not feel heard, and are an avenue of expression for a lot of people from the wrong side of the tracks. Is there a project you’ve worked on that you’re particularly proud of? I am currently working on my biggest project to date at the surface Gallery as part of Nottingham’s street art festival. It involves six artists from across the UK coming together, each painting a section of the wall. I’m already proud of how its developed and cannot wait to see this one come together! We loved having you at Castle Rock. We understand you’re a good customer of ours? I’m an avid Harvest Pale fan, and happy to say my local is the Bread and Bitter in Mapperley. It was a massive pleasure working with Castle Rock and especially for such a big occasion. All the staff were really lovely and made my job even more enjoyable. Having the brewery tap next door was also a treat! Thank you, Elroy the artist! It’s been our pleasure. To those of you looking to nurture and support a local artist, head over to and find out more. Elroy creates logo designs, branding, graffiti installations and large murals, garment ready prints, and illustrations.



DOING GOOD Over the years, we’ve been asked many times about whether – as a brewery – it’s appropriate for us to support certain charities. A handful have made comments that our charity work is for show; a disrespectful marketing ploy. But here’s the truth, to set the record straight. Castle Rock is a brewery and pub group. We’re in the drinks industry, obviously, we both make it and serve it. However, Castle Rock isn’t just that. We’re a group of locals, working alongside our friends and families, and we’re all people. We care, we have causes, and we want to do good. We’ll always brew beer and run pubs, so why not make something else from it? We could spend all our time focussing on only our beer and pubs but, instead, we choose to look outward too. We work to give back, offer support wherever we can, and be proactive members of the communities we are so proud to be part of. All of this is thanks to you, our customer, and your support. Here’s how you’ve done good this quarter… Nottingham Castle Trust In a presentation at our glorious Nottingham Castle, held on the 200th anniversary of the Pentrich Revolution, MD Colin Wilde happily donated the first of three contributions to Nottingham Castle Trust, for the £30 million rejuvenation of the castle. Work to transform the entire Nottingham Castle site begins later this year. From the caves to the Castle itself, the work is intended to reestablish the site as a focal point for civic pride, and create a world class cultural destination. Changes are set to include an interactive ‘cave’, a new welcome area complete with new visitor centre, and the building itself returned to the Victorian splendour of its early days, with amazing collections on display, exhibition spaces, artworks and other new facilities. If you want to learn more about the Castle Trust and their plans for our great city, visit their website and get involved! Gedling Country Park The Friends of Gedling Country Park was formed in 2014 to help maintain and develop the new country park, situated on the site of the old Gedling Colliery. Their aim is to enhance its habitats, flora and fauna, and to serve as an active means of communication and cooperation between all users. To celebrate the beautiful


photographs being captured in the park, a photographic competition was held for members of the public and amateur photographers to enter. The competition was judged by a panel including local photography experts, FGCP Trustees, and park staff from Gedling Borough Council. The top prize, sponsored by Castle Rock, was awarded to Dave Walker for his shot of a teasel and cow parsley, silhouetted against a stunning sunset (see above). He was awarded the £150 Willowbrook prize, from our very own community pub located about 2 miles from the park. To find out more about Friends of Gedling Country Park visit My Sight Nottinghamshire On June 13th, we assembled a Castle Rock team of brains for a charity quiz in aid of My Sight Nottinghamshire. We say brains, because we somehow went and won the quiz! We also handed over a cheque for £900 to the charity; a culmination of a few years of working with My Sight. Formerly known as Nottinghamshire Royal Society for the Blind, My Sight Nottinghamshire (working name) promote greater independence for visually impaired people of all ages. They offer advice and information, and adapted leisure activities, to help visually impaired children and adults realise their true potential. As a local charity, My Sight relies heavily on donations to ensure the continuation of these essential services. It’s a pleasure and honour for us to call the folks of My Sight our friends, and to continue to make donations and raise awareness wherever we can. Find out more at We’re proud to say our work with Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust continues, as does our work with Notts Country Football in the Community. Further charity work continues with the John van Geest Cancer Research Centre, Amnesty International UK and the Royal British Legion, to name a few!

Upcoming Events WHAT’S ON FOR SUMMER Check out what’s happening in our pubs from July-August and get into the flow of 2017. Full listings can be found at -

July WIMBLEDON Monday 3rd – Sunday 16th July @ Swan | Horse and Plough | Fox and Crown | Canalhouse | Golden Eagle Join us at one of many Castle Rock pubs for game, set and match winning combination. As well as watching it on the big screen, the Swan in the Rushes has glasses of Pimm’s and Lemonade for £2.70, while the Canalhouse offers a jug of Pimm’s for £12.95 and pink fizz for £22.95, don’t forget the strawberries and cream as well.

WATERFRONT FESTIVAL Saturday 8th July @ Canalhouse One of Nottingham’s premiere music festivals is back again at the Canalhouse. A combination of summer sun, great music and even better ale. Check out the Nottingham Waterfront Festival on Facebook to keep up to date with all the acts, but get your tickets early before they sell out!

Bitter is whipping up five hot dog dishes. To be in with a chance of winning a free one, bring your dog with you dressed as a hotdog! And remember to use #CastleRockDogs on social media!

COCKTAIL & CASINO DAY Sunday 23rd July @ Golden Eagle Starting at 2pm is the infamous return of the Golden Eagle’s Cocktail Day. Alongside some tasty canapés will be a selection of casino tables for your enjoyment, book your tickets now or you might miss out! Email call 01522 521058 or ask at the bar!

CEREMONY OPEN DAY Sunday 23rd July @ The Embankment An opportunity to come and visit the Embankment and look around the perfect setting for your perfect day. With wedding dresses, make-up and hair demonstrations and our lovely team on hand, it is the ideal day to start planning the dream wedding you’ve always wanted. No need to register or book, just turn up and enjoy.

SCOTCH WHISKY DAY A NIGHT WITH ARKLE - DEREK RANDALL Thursday 13th July @ Poppy & Pint Cricketing legend and local Nottinghamshire boy Derek Randall will be appearing at the Poppy and Pint this July. An amazing opportunity to listen to a talk from the main man himself and a chance to get involved with the Q&A session afterwards. The Poppy is also putting on a delicious curry and all the sides you could possibly want. Book your tickets now for a fantastic evening with a cricketing great – email call 0115 981 9995 or ask at the bar!

HOT DOG DAY Wednesday 19th July @ Bread and Bitter In celebration of Hot Dog Day, the Bread and


Thursday 27th July @ Bread and Bitter | The Swan in the Rushes | Vat and Fiddle | Stratford Haven | Fox and Crown | Lincolnshire Poacher | Willowbrook | Horse and Plough Another exciting event, full of great deals taking place across the breadth of Castle Rock. For starters, both the Willowbrook and Lincolnshire Poacher are offering £1 off all Scotch Whiskies in stock. The Fox and Crown, Stratford Haven and Horse and Plough all have offers on doubling up, while the Cricketers Rest is offering 10% off all Scotch Whisky. The Swan in the Rushes is offering Scotch Whisky for £3 all day, the Vat and Fiddle will let you enjoy 3 malts for only £12. Finally, who could forget the Bread and Bitter? They have an exciting range of drink offers and whisky based food specials. We warned you the deals were great!

August IPA DAY Thursday 3rd August @ Stratford Haven | The Swan in the Rushes | Fox and Crown | Bread and Bitter | The Embankment | Cricketers Rest | Lincolnshire Poacher | Horse and Plough | Vat and Fiddle |Canalhouse | Willowbrook Not that we don’t already celebrate IPAs, but an entire day to celebrate them seemed like a good idea to us. Scrap that, IPA Day actual falls right before CAMRA’s IPA Hop 2017… we aren’t complaining. The fridges will be fully stocked and the drinks ready to flow at your local Castle Rock pub. Most will be showcasing a variety of national and international IPAs, and the Bread and Bitter is hosting a 5 course IPA and food matching night – make sure you pick up tickets soon. Last year’s CAMRA IPA Hop winner, the Kean’s Head, is hosting the same event this year. It’ll be sure to follow on from last year’s amazing successes. Check out your local Castle Rock pub to see just how they will be celebrating with you on IPA Day.

WORLD BEER DAY Friday 4th August @ The Swan in the Rushes | Fox and Crown | Horse & Plough | Vat and Fiddle |Canalhouse If you hadn’t enough celebrating from IPA Day, World Beer Day is hot on its tails. The Fox and Crown will ensure that you’re not paying any more than £3 for a pint, there is 10% of at the Swan in the Rushes, the Horse and Plough and the Vat and Fiddle offer a discount to CAMRA members, and the Canalhouse is offering 20% off all beers, with 10 international guest appearances..

AFTERNOON TEA WEEK Monday 14th August @ Bread and Bitter | The Embankment | Willowbrook Afternoon Tea Week is back at Castle Rock! Come along for a delectable selection of cakes, scones and of course lots of tea. Prices vary depending on the location, so get in contact with your preferred pub and book your tickets now, or we’ll have to eat all the cakes.

August (cont) GOLDEN EAGLE’S MINI BEER FESTIVAL Thursday 17th - Sunday 20th August @ Golden Eagle The team at the Golden Eagle will be holding an exciting 4-day event, which will include A LOT of beer. With real ale, ciders, live music and a BBQ all weekend, the event is sure to be the perfect event for the whole family. Oh..did we mention that entry is free?

happy. So, The Lady Bay Summer Festival is back again and will feature live music, good food, stalls, fun for all the family and a selection of Castle Rock beers, with FREE entry. This event is on from midday until late and is sure to be great fun..


Friday 18th August @ Cricketers Rest This’ll be a first birthday unlike any other. With discounted beer, live music and a celebratory mood, it will be a night to remember, although some might forget the next morning.

Sunday 3rd September @ The Embankment The perfect opportunity to view The Embankment and get some ideas for your big day! Meet our dedicated event organiser and see what the specially selected local suppliers have to offer. There will be a variety of exhibitors, from bridal shops and men’s outfitters, to a cheesecake tasting cart and mobile prosecco bar. No need to register, just turn up, grab a class of bubbly and a canapé, and enjoy! The day kicks off at 11am, see you love birds then!



Saturday 19th August @ The Swan in the Rushes This is going to be one of the events of the summer! With music playing from 2-11pm, with 11 different musical acts, we are sure you’ll be partying all night long. If that wasn’t enough for you, there will a great selection of drinks available, as well as food to keep you going after 8 hours of dancing.

Sunday 3rd - Sunday 10th September @ Bread and Bitter | Horse and Plough | Golden Eagle Much like the Tour de France, only better! Coverage of the race will be shown in some of our pubs, and the Horse and Plough will even be reducing prices during the events.


Thursday 28th September @ Lincolnshire Poacher | Bread and Bitter | Poppy and Pint | Vat and Fiddle | Horse and Plough | Golden Eagle | The Swan in the Rushes | Cricketers Rest Another one of our favourite days of the year. The Lincolnshire Poacher is showcasing 13 local ales from around Nottingham and, as an after work treat, they are taking 50p off a pint after 5pm. If you’re lucky enough to have the day off, the Swan in the Rushes is offering the same deal of 50p off all day! Check your local Castle Rock pub to see what other offers are available on the day and have a beer with us.

MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING Friday 29th September @ Willowbrook In support of an excellent charity, the Willowbrook will be hosting a MacMillan Coffee Morning. It is time to dust off your apron, find your grannies secret recipe, listen to Mary Berry, or simply put just go to your nearest shop to buy some cake. Whatever you do, it is an excellent opportunity for excellent conversation, even better company and a wonderful brew to support those in need.


AUGUST BANK HOLIDAY FUN DAYS Monday 28th August @ Bread and Bitter | The Embankment | Cricketers Rest | Lincolnshire Poacher | Willowbrook Everyone’s favourite bank holiday is upon us once again, a chance for sun*, fun and beer. There is something available across the weekend for everyone in the family to enjoy. The Willowbrook is hosting a charity Teddy Bear Picnic from midday on the Monday, before that we have continued birthday celebrations for the Cricketers Rest, while the Lincolnshire Poacher and the Bread and Bitter are hosting music and BBQs. Be sure to check out what each pub is doing to ensure you don’t miss out. *Sun is not guaranteed, we are in the UK after all…


MONDAY: KEANS HEAD: Pie and Pint Night. Pie and a pint of harvest pale for £10.95, 5pm-9pm. THE EMBANKMENT: Craft & Tapas Night. Two tapas dishes and a half of craft beer for just £10. STRATFORD HAVEN Curry & Pint Night, just £7.95, 5-9pm.

TUESDAY: BREAD AND BITTER: 2 for 1 pizzas, all homemade, 6pm-9pm. CRICKETERS REST: Quiz Night with cash and beer prizes to be won. Followed by game of lucky letters. 8pm-late. THE SWAN IN THE RUSHES: Two meals for the price of one, all day.



POPPY AND PINT: Burger Night. A burger and drink for just £9.95, 5pm-9pm. GOLDEN EAGLE: Open mic night every other Thursday – visit the website for info. LINCOLNSHIRE POACHER: Pie Night. A pie and drink for £8.95 (5pm-9pm) followed by live music.



Saturday 2nd September @ Poppy and Pint Here at Castle Rock one thing comes first… making sure our wonderful customers are

CANALHOUSE: Acoustic Sessions, 6.30pm, free. STRATFORD HAVEN: Burger Night. Burger and any two toppings for £9.95, 5pm-9pm.. THE WILLOWBROOK: Curry Night. Curry and a drink for £10, 5pm-9pm.


Castle Rock pubs Alexandra Hotel T

203 Siddals Road, Derby DE1 2QE • Tel: 01332 293993

e-mail: F: Alexandra Hotel T: @Alex_Pub_Derby

Horse and Plough

Beer Consortium

25 Long Acre, Bingham, Notts NG13 8AF • Tel: 01949 839313

e-mail: F: Horse and Plough T: @HorseandPlough

Bread and Bitter

Kean’s Head

e-mail: F: Bread Bitter @breadandbitter I: breadandbitter

e-mail: F: Kean’s Head T: @keanshead

46 St. Mary’s Gate, Nottingham NG1 1QA Tel: 0115 947 4052

153-155 Woodthorpe Dr, Mapperley, NG3 5JL Tel: 0115 960 7541



Castle Rock Tap Room and Kitchen

First Floor Departure Lounge, East Midlands Airport Operated by Autogrill

Cricketers Rest

Beer Consortium

161-163 Mansfield Road, Nottingham NG1 3FR Tel: 0115 941 1584

e-mail: F: Lincolnshire Poacher T: @lincpoacher lincolnshirepoacher

New Barrack Tavern T

601 Penistone Road, Sheffield S6 2GA • Tel: 0114 232 4225

e-mail: F: New Barrack Tavern T: @NewBarrack new_barrack_tavern

4 Chapel Street, Kimberley, Notts NG16 2NP Tel: 0115 938 3105

Newshouse T

Derby Tup T

Poppy and Pint

e-mail: F: The Derby Tup T: @TheDerbyTup

e-mail: F: Poppy & Pint T: @PoppyandPint

e-mail: F: Cricketers Rest T: @cricketersrest Cricketersrest

387 Sheffield Rd, Chesterfield S41 8LS Tel: 01246 269835

144 West Street, Boston PE21 8RE • Tel: 01205 361116

e-mail: F: The Eagle T: @TheEagleBoston

Beer Consortium

embankment pub

Forest Tavern/Maze T

e-mail: • web: F: The Maze T: @themazenotts themazenotts

The Fox Pub and Bottle Shop

4-6 Appletongate, Newark, Notts NG24 1JY Tel: 01636 605820


Golden Eagle

21 High Street, Lincoln LN5 8BD • Tel: 01522 521058

e-mail: The Golden Eagle Free House T: @goldeneagle001

Lady Bay Inns


Rook and Gaskill T

12 Lawrence Street, York YO10 3WP • Tel: 01904 655450

e-mail: F: The Rook and Gaskill T: @RookGaskillYork

2 Stratford Rd, West Bridgford, Nott’m NG2 6BA Tel: 0115 982 5981

e-mail: F: Stratford Haven T: @stratfordhaven


The Swan in the Rushes

257 Mansfield Road, Nottingham NG1 3FT Tel: 0115 947 5650

e-mail: F: The Fox Pub & Bottle Shop T @TheFoxandCrown

e-mail: F: The Newshouse T: @NewshouseNotts

Stratford Haven

282-284 Arkwright St, Nottingham NG2 2GR Tel: 0115 986 4502

e-mail: F: Embankment Pub & Kitchen @EmbankmentNottm

123 Canal Street, Nottingham NG1 7HB • Tel: 0115 952 3061

Pierrepont Road, Lady Bay, Notts NG2 5DX Tel: 0115 981 9995

Eagle T

The Embankment


Lincolnshire Poacher

Breakthroughpoint Ltd

48-52 Canal Street, Nottingham NG1 7EH Tel: 0115 955 5060

e-mail: F: Canal House T: @canalhousebar



21 The Rushes, Loughborough LE11 5BE • Tel: 01509 217014

e-mail: F: Swan InThe Rushes T: @SwanRushes swanintherushes

Vat and Fiddle (The Brewery Tap)

12-14 Queensbridge Rd, Nottingham NG2 1NB Tel: 0115 985 0611

e-mail: F: Vat and Fiddle T: @VatandFiddle



13 Main Rd, Gedling, Nottingham NG4 3HQ Tel: 0115 987 8596

e-mail: F: The Willowbrook T: @WillowbrookCRB

All of our pubs follow the latest allergen legislation. Further details are available in each establishment.


T Tenanted pub

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