Castle Rock Quarter Issue 2

Page 1

All the latest news, views and essential information from Castle Rock Brewery

All-ne w mag azine!

No:2 Summer 2014

See pages 2 & 3

Welcome Another warm welcome to Castle Rock Quarter!

In Focus

Castle Rock in

We’re grateful for the amazing feedback you gave us about our launch issue and I hope you enjoy our summer issue just as much. We’ve enjoyed putting it together and it’s packed with news of the things we’ve just done and what’s coming up soon. I can be fairly confident that by the time you read this the England football team will have already been eliminated from the World Cup, but just in case my crystal ball was having an off day when I penned this introduction, don’t forget that plenty of our pubs will be showing the remaining games; enjoy the social vibrancy of watching the later stage games in your local Castle Rock pub. I’d also like to highlight that, where facilities or enthusiasm preclude it, we have several pubs declaring themselves World Cup Free Zones, so please take advantage of these if you want to avoid the hullabaloo in other pubs. More details can be found on page 7. With this being our July issue, and as our front page suggests, it’s the time of year that the hard work our pubs have put into hanging baskets, troughs and general garden areas finally blooms. We hope the weather is good enough for you to get outside and enjoy the flowers at their best; we hope too that the water they need comes from the tap and not the sky, but that may prove to be a bit optimistic! Thanks for reading and thank you as always for your custom, we sincerely appreciate it!


Colin Wilde Managing Director

Castle Rock Brewery Queensbridge Road, Nottingham NG2 1NB

Tel: 0115 985 1615 General enquiries: Sales enquiries: Recruitment: Castle Rock

is produced by freerbutler limited


When the sun shines and summer finally arrives, there is no better way to while away an afternoon than in a pub garden. You know how we do it; sunglasses on, t-shirt sleeves rolled up, a cider over ice, a refreshing pint, or a bottle of chilled wine, and our friends for company. This year, everyone at Castle Rock has been working hard to ensure we are the ‘Best in Show’; painting decking in the early hours, fixing up our furniture, and most importantly dedicating some TLC to our hanging baskets and flower displays. We hope you appreciate the difference it makes to enjoy beautiful flora and fauna in our outdoor spaces. We’ve teamed up with the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust to put on the most charming feast of colour and nectar, for bees and other essential pollinators. Our good friend Erin from the Wildlife Trust explains ‘by choosing plants which are rich in nectar you can make any garden, no matter how small, into a haven for beneficial insects such as ladybirds and hoverflies. If you haven’t got much space you can create an oasis for ‘mini-beasts’ by planting nectar-rich flowers such as alyssum,

verbena and sweet William. Visit to learn more. Throughout May, Castle Rock’s managers battled to be crowned as winner of our ‘Outdoor Space’ competition. As always, things got pretty competitive and the results were outstanding. ‘Many of our pubs have excelled,’ says Vicki Saxby, Operations Director. ‘A visit to the New Barrack Tavern in Sheffield is always a delight, and how an urban space has been transformed into a technicolour dream garden is amazing.’ The New Barrack dedicates a lot of time to the garden, building and restoring furniture, re-touching paintwork and lovingly watering plants and flowers. The care and time given to outdoor projects is commendable, and it is for that reason that Kev and Steph Woods were crowned the winners.

Hot News


The Left always get it right Every five years, colleagues at the Left Hand Brewing Company of Colorado in the USA take a trip together, and Castle Rock pubs ended up as the destination of choice for April 2014! The Vat & Fiddle and The Canalhouse were on the itinerary and the group (pictured right), cowboy hats and all, took the pubs by storm.

Wise after the event! The Men’s team at Beeston Hockey Club, of which Castle Rock is a proud sponsor, was crowned NOW: Pensions Premier League - the top league in England - Champions for the second year in succession after beating East Grinstead in a shoot-out in April. In addition Sam Ward, Beeston’s top scorer, has raised over £12,000 for teammate Martin Scanlon who was diagnosed with Lymphoma cancer last year. You can donate at

Tavern is tops for the third time

Main Picture - The Willowbrook Above (from top): New Barrack Tavern, Canalhouse, Vat & Fiddle Although some of our pubs are restricted in what they can do with their outside area - a couple of them are adjacent to the pavement - they have still managed to make their frontage as attractive as possible. The Derby Tup and the Kean’s Head are fine examples for utilising what you have and running with it, plus, when the rain comes, they also offer excellent shelter. And ‘running with’ is just what CRB does best. Ever the optimists, when a glimpse of sunshine appears, some of our pubs fire up the barbecue to offer you the complete summer experience. The Bread and Bitter and The Golden Eagle are always ready to grill up some grub to satisfy your hunger. We hope whatever you do this summer, you find those moments of calm and relaxation that you seek in our outdoor spaces. They’re bloomin’ lovely after all.

'The New Barrack Tavern has been voted by members of Sheffield CAMRA as their Pub of the Month for July 2014, the third time this Castle Rock pub has received the honour under the guidance of hosts Kev and Steph Woods. There’ll be a presentation event at the pub on Tuesday July 8th which as Steph points out is also World Cup Semi-final night, so if England are involved - and this was obviously written well before the football competition began - it should be a ‘reet champion night’ as they say in Yorkshire. The New Barrack Tavern is also to be featured in a book about historic pubs in Sheffield, being produced with the help of Sheffield CAMRA.

Other News We’ve just launched our Employee of the Quarter scheme, which has been instigated by Chairman Geoff Newton and Canalhouse Assistant Manager Ruby Chapple. The first winners of Castle Rock’s first Employee of the Quarter are Tanya Moroz-Wilson from the Bread & Bitter, Michael Brown from the New Barrack Tavern, and Nicole Pearce from the Swan in the Rushes. Congratulations to all of you! Back in March, Operations Manager Steve Bramley stepped down from his role. After twenty years with Castle Rock - and on celebrating his 55th birthday - Steve had a proper send-off with a gig from Surreal Panther. Although Steve is still a big part of Castle Rock he is now very much ‘behind the scenes’ where only we office staff members get to enjoy his ready wit and banter! The first BII level 2 award for personal licence holders took place on Thursday 5th June. Good luck to the Castle Rock staff who took it! Our second Nottinghamian Celebration Ale of 2014 was George Africanus, named after Nottingham’s first black entrepreneur. Working with the “George Africanus Project” (directed by the Belong Nottingham charity) the beer has helped to raise the profile of this previously unsung hero of Nottingham.


News focus

Robin Hood Beer and Cider Festival 2014 It’s the highlight of autumn and one of the biggest beer events in the UK… Castle Rock gears up for the Robin Hood Beer & Cider Festival 2014 Pictured (l-r) 'Robin Hood' (Tim Pollard), Castle Rock's Sarah Halpin, Lewis Townsend, Anthony Spalding, and Matthew Turner sup the first of the many

Wherever I lay my Vat.... The Nottingham Post sent me to my first beer festival in 2003. Nottingham CAMRA still held its annual festival at Victoria Leisure Centre, and I walked into the sweaty little building completely clueless. I had moved to Nottingham from Kansas City just two months earlier, and I knew nothing about English beer. As in, somebody had to explain to me what a hand pump was. In the subsequent decade, I filled in the knowledge gaps thanks to, ahem, tireless research. By the time you read this, I’ll be back in America, my 11-year adventure in Arthur Seaton country finished. If I sit down to think about my favourite memories and best times, I inevitably come back to pubs.

It’s Aunit at the Dragon, smiling and sticking a pint glass under the Harvest Pale as soon as she sees me walk in. It’s a day off work and spent at Trent Bridge, with a swift lunchtime pint (OK, two) at the Stratford Haven with the old boys happily talking about how everything that happened in the morning session was absolute rubbish. It’s finding myself in Mapperley, stopping into the Bread and Bitter for definitely just the one, then hearing the familiar voice of former BBC man and local legend Graham


Percy over my shoulder. It’s a walk from the city centre up to my house in Forest Fields that gets waylaid by the beery roadblocks of Mansfield Road. (“I was held up by a poacher,” I’ll tell my wife. “From Lincolnshire.”) And it’s the Vat and Fiddle. My first flat sat on the edge of The Meadows, just over the road from the Vat, which became my first local. I’d sit in there, supping a pint of what was then called Meadows Gold, arguing with a workmate about who’d win in a fight between a lion, a tiger and a shark with lasers. (That friend is now a high-ranking journalist on a national newspaper. The correct answer is of course “a shark with lasers.”) This would be a different kind of story if my 11 years had involved trying to see how much beer I could get down my neck. It was never about that, and in my writings on beer for the Post I always tried to save some of my angriest criticism for the places who kept the beer freezing, the music loud and the seating minimal. In 11 years I learned about beer, but also about community. The Petersens are going to travel the US a bit; the longer-term plan is to relocate to Seattle in the north-west. It’s one of the biggest cities in the surging US independent beer scene, so I’ll still be able to find a decent tipple.

Castle Rock Brewery has been a major sponsor of the RHBCF for many years now and we are proud to be involved with such a fantastic event. It is noteworthy that Castle Rock was fairly instrumental in campaigning to have the festival moved from its original location in Sneinton Baths to the Castle; certainly a decision that has resulted in the perfect site. We have a lot of history with the RHBCF – and many great memories. Our core IPA, Screech Owl, was launched at the festival back in 2008 where it became the SIBA Midlands Supreme Champion – followed by National Champion Bitter. Our flagship blonde beer, Harvest Pale also debuted at the festival - under the alias “Trammie Dodger” to celebrate the Nottingham Tram – we don’t need to tell you that the beer has been a huge success since! With two bars (The “Castle Rock Tavern” and the Main Bar) we certainly have a great presence at the festival, and use it as a springboard to showcase both our core range of beers and our diverse specials and seasonals. This year look out for our Nottinghamian Celebration Ale ‘Carl Froch’, which is a dark lager style cask ale, plus “Hedgehog”, a bonfire bitter with notes of caramel. Ticket pre-purchase is essential – don’t be disappointed! Buy your tickets now from the Nottingham CAMRA website:

Wherever I land, I’ll need to find a Vat.

We look forward to seeing you again this year at the Robin Hood Beer and Cider Festival. With the record breaking number of beers, continental street-style food and expansive cider and wine range – all to the classic backdrop of the Nottingham Castle there’s something for everyone!

Erik Petersen - former journalist with the Nottingham Post.

The Festival runs between Wednesday 8th and Saturday 11th October 2014

But I will need more than that. I’ll need a place that respects the product, and that respects the punters. A place that makes its community better.

Drinks in Focus

Discover World Beers @DiscoverWBeers Wayne Harvey, Castle Rock’s world beer buyer, is back again, sharing his favourites this quarter from the Discover World Beer range The Discover World Beers project has become even bigger and better since our last issue. DWB has now been introduced into the Willowbrook and the New Barrack Tavern, alongside those at the Canalhouse, the Kean’s Head, the Lincolnshire Poacher and the Hop Loft. Wayne has been busy training staff, sourcing the best beers possible, and generally lusting over this exciting industry. He’s back this issue to share his current favourites from the DWB range, but these beers are fleeting, so follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date.

Rodenbach – Grand Cru This Flanders red ale is tart with oaky, winelike characteristics. Sour beer isn’t for everyone but approach with an open mind and you’ll be pleasantly surprised. There are hints of cherry, red berries, oak, and balsamic vinegar. These flavours come together to create an extremely complex ale. Although vastly different from what we perceive to be traditional English beer the blending and barrel-ageing techniques used by the Rodenbach family were learned in England. Founders – Breakfast Stout This top-rated stout hails from Grand Rapids, Michigan and it really is something else. Brewed with 2 types of coffee and sweetened chocolate, it clocks in at a pretty impressive 8.3% abv, so it’s definitely one to be reckoned with. The huge coffee and dark chocolate flavours completely mask its strength while the addition of flaked oats creates a smooth mouth-feel. Founder’s say that they’re not sure if ‘this is some kind of coffee cake or a beer’ – I would agree wholeheartedly.

The Kernel – India Pale Ale Ok, this isn’t from anywhere overly exotic (Bermondsey, South London to be exact) but The Kernel’s everchanging IPAs are world class. Inspired by American IPAs whilst working in New York, head brewer Evin O’Riordain started to create his own and eventually opened a commercial brewery underneath a railway arch in SE16. The focus for the IPA range is to harness the aromas and bitterness of big, pungent New World hop varieties. Expect tropical fruit, pine resin and citrus aromas a-plenty. Schneider Weisse ‘Tap 7’ Original Schneider & Sohns is one of the finest weissbier breweries in Germany. The Tap 7 variety is incredibly complex and extremely refreshing. It pours a dark tan colour, cloudy and with a thick foamy head. Aromas of banana, clove and nutmeg dominate. There’s a touch of bitterness and a citric tartness that refreshes your palate. The mouth feel is velvety whilst the carbonation lifts all the flavours and sparkles on your tongue. This beer is perfect for lounging outside in the summer sun.

Our new website – NOW LIVE! After eight months of development and consideration, our new website went live in May It has been designed and crafted with you, our valued customers, in mind. We wanted to make the website as useful, informative and simple to use as possible – as well as being attractive of course! Along with many other things, the website offers comprehensive information on our beers (including tasting notes) and pubs (including maps, opening times and facilities). There’s also a heritage section where you can view the history to date of Castle Rock, as well as book a brewery tour or find out about the brewing process. In addition to

this, the new website also features an area for our customers in the trade – with downloads, beer availability and more. The sleek new website stands alongside our Facebook and Twitter feeds to complete Castle Rock’s online presence; if you ever want to get in touch or find out more about Castle Rock then you have plenty of ways to do so! As with everything we do, constructive feedback about the new website is most welcome. As we progress through the first few months please allow for teething issues as we make some tweaks, however if you have any issues

or suggestions please email us ( or use the form on the website. Visit Castle Rock’s brand new website at


In Focus

The Alexandra Hotel Birthplace of Derby CAMRA in 1974, The Alexandra Hotel prides itself on being a ‘Real Ale Oasis’ Management couple Ralf and Anna took over ‘the Alex’ in 2010. We chatted to Ralf about how he came to be running a Castle Rock Pub at the relatively tender age of just twenty-five. ‘I’d always been interested in beer, I did my school work-experience at Burton Bridge Brewery, and I thought ‘Yeah, this is cool, I could get into this.’ It went from there. I did a Culinary Arts Management degree in Birmingham, which was kind of half ‘how to chop an onion’ and half business.’ After university, Ralf worked at the Brunswick Inn, situated next to the Alex, and spent three and a half years learning about the pub trade. After a few pushes from friends, he and partner Anna decided to approach Steve Bramley, Castle Rock’s then Operations Director. Steve recalls, ‘Anna was very outgoing and caring, and Ralf not only had the experience but was really active in the local CAMRA branch. For me, they ticked all the boxes.’ The Alexandra Hotel has a rich history in itself. Built around 1890, it was initially the ‘Midland Coffee House’, serving the local

Above: At home behind the bar of the ‘Alex’ - birhplace of Derby CAMRA Anna and Ralf took over the reins at our Derby pub in 2010 railway workers. After becoming a Shipstones tied house, the pub closed for demolition in 1987. Luckily, a group of bright-eyed Castle Rock folk came along and rescued the building. Since then not only has the pub developed into a beer lovers haven, it’s also provided a home to a growing collection of old railway memorabilia. Above the bar hangs an enormous station clock, the walls are adorned in railway photographs, and the garden features not only National Rail benches but, as of summer 2013, a 48-year-old diesel locomotive cab, with enormous local and cultural significance.

Speaking of outdoors, Ralf and his partner Anna live onsite, in the accommodation above the pub. We had to ask ‘does it ever feel like you’re living in a bubble?’ Ralf assured us, on most days he does venture out on to the pavement to put out the blackboard… We talk about old and new pubs, and the importance of holding on to tradition. Ralf explains that people seem to enjoy the choice between historic cosiness and shiny modernism. The bar offering demonstrates his thinking. Alongside traditional cider and seven or eight cask ales at any one time, the Alex offers craft keg beer and over 50 bottles of world beer. And alongside the British pub classic the pickled egg, is a selection of “cool kid” treats, like Merry Berry Chocolate. It’s a pleasing mix of the timeless and these times. Next time you visit Derby, take a short stroll from the railway station and visit the Alex. If the history of the place, the excellent drinks selection, the smiles and conversation from Ralf and Anna, or the memorabiliaembellished walls don’t charm you - Amber sure will. And just who is Amber? Well, bring along a bag of carrots and see for yourself…

In the next issue we feature…the Eagle at Boston, Lincolnshire



A Summer of Sports! Castle Rock pubs are ready to go, with everything you need to make the most of 2014’s Summer of Sports

Cricket Events There’ll be a specially created menu of Indian Food paired with English Beer at the Lincolnshire Poacher Fish & Chips V Curry at the Bread & Bitter

Test Match and ODI When international cricket comes to Nottingham it always brings with it an air of excitement. Visitors and Nottinghamians alike are drawn to the events at Trent Bridge (and Castle Rock pubs) and a special vibe grips the city for the full five-day duration of the Test Match, or the one-day international. It only seems like yesterday that the Red Arrows flew over the Castle Rock brewery and Trent Bridge to mark the opening day of the Ashes series last summer. That flyover heralded five days of exceptional weather with cricket to match it, and all capped with a fitting result too! What a difference a year makes; twelve months have passed with the Ashes both won and lost. Trent Bridge again provides the curtain raiser for a 2014 Test Match Series and this year India are the opponents.

Test Match breakfasts, lunch boxes and special dishes will be available at the Stratford Haven

Castle Rock is once again perfectly placed to add to the occasion with special events, good beer, great food and excellent post-match banter. We hope with this mix we can get the crowd to give the support England need to get off to another flying start!

The Vat & Fiddle will be serving full English breakfasts at £5.95 from 9am for every day of the July Test match and the August One-Day International. Book ahead on 0115 985 0611 Join us for breakfast and you’ll be entered into a daily raffle to WIN A GALLON OF CASTLE ROCK BEER There’s also a BBQ from 6pm every evening.

Many Castle Rock pubs in the vicinity will open their doors much earlier to provide a hearty breakfast for spectators and we are there too for the lunches, teas, breaks in play and for the buzz of the aftermath for everyone who gets drawn into the atmosphere that World Class cricket brings with it. We hope you make the most of it!

Tuesday 8th July Guest Speaker & Cricketing Legend

The Poppy & Pint, 15 minutes from Trent Bridge Stratford Haven 5 minutes from Trent Bridge Vat & Fiddle 2 minutes from Nottingham Train Station Canalhouse 2 minutes from Nottingham Train Station

ALEC STEWART Chilli and Curry alongside jugs of Castle Rock beer for each table Charity Raffle Tickets £20 available from the Poppy & Pint Limited Availability!

The World Cup at Castle Rock Please note that due to licensing restrictions some pubs will not be showing the later games - see table below for more details. Pub Canalhouse Fox & Crown Golden Eagle

Location City Centre, Nottingham Newark Lincoln

Games Shown All England and other select games All All England plus final stages

The Maze New Barrack Tavern Poppy & Pint Stratford Haven Vat & Fiddle

Mansfield Road, Nottingham Sheffield Lady Bay, Nottingham West Bridgford, Nottingham City Centre, Nottingham

All All All (time appropriate) All (time appropriate) All


Gedling, Nottingham


PLUS Food specials A burger challenge is taking place throughout Food specials during matches including BBQ, Chilli & Curry Themed food available during each match Special food matching during selected games A burger challenge is taking place throughout World Cup Quiz (date TBC) plus BBQ (during time appropriate matches!) World Cup themed menu

WORLD CUP FREE ZONES Don’t want anything to do with the World Cup? Seek solace at one of our World Cup free pubs and enjoy a football free environment! Pub Location Bread & Bitter Mapperley, Nottingham Kean’s Head Lace Market, Nottingham Lincolnshire Poacher Mansfield Road, Nottingham

For more information, visit our website


In Focus

Canalhouse Manager Yvette Storey - nicknamed Y-bird by her team - speaks to us about running one of the most unique and challenging pubs in Nottingham. Back in 2006 I was running a bar in Lincoln, when Castle Rock’s former chairman Chris Holmes approached me about a ‘new venture’ in Nottingham. It was intriguing, so I agreed to take a look at this mysterious new pub. As soon as I walked into the building I fell in love with the place and, back at work the next day, I found myself handing in my notice

I took over the Canalhouse in the summer of 2006. The pub was established as a popular canal-side “watering hole” to people of Nottingham and visitors alike, but there was still so much exciting potential. With my wealth of knowledge of the pub trade and a fair share of travelling around England running bars in the historic cities of Lincoln, York and Blackpool (famous in its own right…), I was definitely ready for a fresh new challenge: The Canalhouse. A former Canal museum, the Canalhouse occupies Yvette Storey - our manager at the Canalhouse in Nottingham the bottom two of four eat and drink alfresco, which the people of storeys. Famous for actually having a canal basin within the venue - home to two resident Nottingham certainly do (in their masses!) when the clouds part. narrow boats - it’s not often you have to manoeuvre yourself over a bridge to get to About two years ago, we made some big the bar! The large function room can cater changes to turn the Canalhouse into an allfor up to 200 people and can be used for any year-round destination. Our range of 60 events, from weddings to quiz nights to Belgian beers were instantly popular and with corporate meetings. Last year we did over the Discover World Beers concept we were forty weddings alone…phew. able to increase our stocks and meet the demand for something new. We extended the With its large outside space, the Canalhouse bar to fit in two more bottled beer fridges garden is a real “sun trap”. There’s and set about filling them with the best beers something very European about being able to from around the world. Currently we stock over 180 different bottles in a beer list that is ever-changing and we try to source examples that have never been seen in Nottingham before. Last year we installed ten craft beer lines and brought kegged craft beer to the bar, as well as utilising some of our new bar space for traditional cider. We now stock thirteen ‘trad’ ciders at any one time. I also have to add that our bar staff are just as diverse as our drinks range: there is no other team as unique and spectacular as the Canalhouse Warriors - C.H.Ws, I salute you. Hopefully you’ll like the changes we have made but we are always open to new ideas and products – just let us know and, if we can get it, we will stock it!


Up & Coming Brews As Nottingham’s most prolific brewer, there is always something exciting available alongside our core range of classics. Whether it be our monthly beer in support of the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, quarterly beer to celebrate Nottingham’s great heroes and heroines, specials to commemorate the First World War, or our one-off, seasonal and Traffic Street Special ranges. JULY




SKYLARK • No. 74b • 4.6% abv

Our refreshing wheat beer for the year; naturally cloudy with an authentic German aroma – suitable for vegans!


CRAYFISH • No. 123b • 6.0% abv

The immensely popular strong IPA returns – golden beer with citrus zest flavours and a distinct herbal bitterness.

SEPTEMBER BITTERN • No. 76b • 4.1% abv Honey in beer works so well and Bittern is a great example of it! Tawny in colour and brewed with local honey.

We celebrate Digby Pearson’s continuing contribution to the local music scene – as well as the hardcore metal scene.


Digby’s beer is an American-style red ale, brewed with “New World” hops providing a powerful tropical fruit and citrus character. 4.2%

Also look out for...

This year marks the centenary of the start of the First World War. In commemoration, we are brewing a special range of twelve beers over the next five years.

Tommy Atkins: A Call to Arms The second in our unique collection marking the centenary of the First World War, Tommy Atkins is proudly a traditional English bitter. 4.2%

You can find out more about this range on page 14

With donations to Combat Stress

In addition to our dynamic range of monthly, quarterly and seasonal beers, we are also releasing a range of small brews designed to challenge a few conventions! Each recipe has been carefully considered to produce an interesting, unique or even extreme tasting beer - with the added idiosyncrasy of being unfined (cloudy). Each Traffic Street Special brew is very limited in amount, but will be coming thick and fast this year, so if you spot one be sure to give it a try!


My favourite Castle Rock beer TOP COMMENTS Thanks for all your tweets, retweets, follows, likes, and lovely comments. Keep them coming!

Local Ducks with impeckable tast e! #NiceWeatherforDucks @Nottswildlife @WestBridgfdW ire @CRBrewery @ElsieMocrb (@Poppyand Pint)

We love to hear your feedback about our beers, and even more so when there is a story behind it! We’re on a quest over the next few issues to find out what our customers’ favourite Castle Rock tipples are – and why!

Screech Owl Name: Daniel Clayton Local: Bread & Bitter Favourite Beer: Screech Owl Screech Owl once again proves popular with one of our locals at the B&B!

Teatime@TheLionBasford ld @CRBrewery Havest Pale in wor M RAY CAM ottm @N on diti class con y@NNottsCAMRA @AmberValle le) eop ubp hep Camra (@t #ErinsBigBikeRide naturally included a visit to our Wildlife Guardian @CRBrewery Refreshed at the Fox & Crown! (nottswildlife)

“Enjoyed a cracking Black Gold at The Parcel Yard Kings Cross station.....cheers” (Nick Parrish –Facebook)

“As my palate matures I have started looking for a different taste to the lagers on offer, of which you have a fine selection. After consult ing Ben the barman at the Bread & Bitter I was advised of a variety of beers suitable for a lager drinker. After trying quite a few, Screech Ow l was definitely the one! It’s most refreshing, wh ich I didn't expect - and fla voursome too!”

We are back in Brown! You can be forgiven for not understanding why the headline is important but you’ll notice from now onwards that your favourite bottled beer Harvest Pale will be back in brown bottles. Our initial switch to clear glass was dictated to us by the supermarket buyers who were looking to only stock lines that were in clear glass. Their market research indicated that customers want to see the colour of the beer they are buying and, many brewers including Castle Rock, gave in and complied. So why have we changed back to brown? Well, clear glass can be problematic; the contents are exposed to sunlight, which in turn triggers a chemical reaction with the hop oils. The result can be “skunky” off flavours that, strangely, are similar to cardboard. This


Screech Owl is our superbly balanced India Pale Ale at 5.5%. Brewed with two American hops, this citrussy beer is offset by a smooth malt character.

No more Lightstrike for CRB

phenomenon is known to brewers as ‘Lightstrike’. Whilst these off flavours are not harmful, they are clearly (pun intended) undesirable. Colin Wilde, MD, explains, “In truth I’m perhaps a bit annoyed with myself for getting talked into going into clear glass in the first place, but I was responding directly to what our customers were asking for…… perhaps this shows that the customer isn’t always right,” he smiles. “Whilst the supermarkets still want clear glass I’m afraid they’ll be having Castle Rock’s beers in brown glass from now onwards.” “Great beer in great pubs is where our passion lies and whilst supermarket sales are useful they are certainly not essential to us.

If people want to buy beer for consumption at home then we believe they should have beer that is as good as it possibly can be, so we will no longer pander to the supermarket buyer! Supermarkets will now get our beer at its best whether they like it or not! Remember, this isn’t just beer, it is Castle Rock beer and we hope you ‘taste the difference’ because ‘every little helps’!” DON’T FORGET TO LOOK OUT FOR OUR IN-PUB BOTTLE CASE DEALS AND DRAUGHT BEERS IN BULK FOR YOUR BBQ OR PARTY To find out more about Lightstruck beer visit

What’s Cooking? The Kean’s Head

FRIDAY 4th JULY Eat, drink and celebrate American Independence Day • Belly-Busting Burgers & American Desserts at the Bread & Bitter, 11am-close • Ultimate USA Menu and Beer of the Hour at the Lincolnshire Poacher, 11am-close • American Craft Beers & Burgers at the Poppy & Pint, with live music from the Little Giants 11am-close

A New Season, A New Menu Sam Skinner-Watts, Manager of the Kean’s Head in the Lace Market, explains the process behind creating his new Spring and Summer Menu Following Christmas 2013, we decided our food menu needed a revamp. And so we started the long process of breaking down exactly what we were offering, and what we should be offering. The first step tackling the actual menu; we realised that our menus needed to be on par with the presentation of our food - just as well thought out and executed. Many hours of research and customer feedback were involved, including discussions with our regulars as well as visiting other pubs and bars as far afield as Brussels. From all of this we were able to discern what our customers want, and how we could best deliver it. The solution was a new style of menu previously unseen within Castle Rock pubs; a sleeker, easier to read and better presented menu. With a contemporary template in place, we set to work on the fun part creating the dishes! The Kean’s Head Spring/Summer menu boasts a whole host of new creations as well as traditional favourites for all to enjoy. The new menu encompasses the things we believe to be fundamental to any thriving public house with a love of food: Locality we use local suppliers, seasonality - our menus change with the seasons, and finally sustainability - we believe a balanced diet and menu can be achieved without resorting to using forced farming methods and soya based products. The biggest innovation in our menu, and probably the most enjoyable aspect for me, is our changing Cheeseboard. Having been to one of my favourite English country pubs, I discovered the joys of a locally-sourced and beautifully presented cheeseboard. We took this idea, developed it and applied it the Kean’s. The cheese, artisan crackers, boards and even the knives are sourced from our friends at that awesome deli just down the road. These are just a few of the changes we hope that you, the customer, being the most

Rum & Bratwurst Day! We’ve combined the two celebrations with a special menu - think rum, cocktails and the mighty mighty Bratwurst! Kean’s Head, food served from midday FRIDAY 22th - MONDAY 25th AUGUST Summer BBQ Weekend If the sun is shining, we are firing up the grill! Bread & Bitter, 11am-close Weather Permitting

important element in everything we do, will appreciate and will keep you coming back time and time again. Many thanks for your continued support and welcome to those that have yet to stumble on the delights of our friendly little pub in the Lace Market.


SATURDAY 20th SEPTEMBER SUNDAY 5TH OCTOBER British Food Fortnight The Best of British food, locally sourced and freshly prepared Special menu with 2 courses for £11 or 3 for £15 at The Willowbrook Special menu of Best of British at the Stratford Haven Special Best of British menu at the Canalhouse paired with World Beers


The CAMRA LocAle Scheme promotes pubs stocking locally brewed real ale. Castle Rock is committed to supporting the scheme, offering diversity in our guest beer range and giving small breweries a route to the consumer market. Another LocAle brewery greatly supported by the Castle Rock pub estate is Magpie Brewery, a six barrel plant with a core range of seven beers. Situated near the Notts County football ground (hence the name, Magpie brewery has been on the Nottingham brewing scene since 2005, when it was established by three friends who had quit their ‘day jobs’. The brewery has a good presence in the city of Nottingham – with a hugely enhanced profile following the opening of their brewery tap, the Crafty Crow, near Nottingham Castle.

Magpie prides itself on using only British hops and malt. Utilising solely British hops is an admirable trait especially as many brewers are now choosing European and US varieties over examples produced in Britain. The brewery continue to prove that English hop varieties are just as diverse, unique and interesting as their international counterparts, and it’s great to see more and more experimental hops coming out of our fair isle. It’s this stance that sets Magpie apart from the crowd, and Castle Rock customers always enjoy their beers when they appear at our pubs. Look out for the distinct pump clips and beer names across Nottingham (especially in Castle Rock pubs!) and join us in supporting local beer – something we feel very strongly about. The more we support our local brewers, the healthier the scene becomes and the more diversity you will enjoy.


Editor’s Picks

Upcoming Events July 2014

Full listings on our website updated daily

Don’t Forget! - The Willowbrook Proudly Presents

Ladies Night - Wed 30th Jul • Wed 27th August • Wed 24th September Saturday 19th

Friday 22nd

World Cup Burger Challenge

Kean’s Turns Ten

Ladies Night

Put away the gigantic Wealth Burger in less than 30 minutes and enjoy a free pint of Harvest Pale. Best times join the Leader Board to win a free gallon of CRB beer! The Fox & Crown and the Stratford Haven. Follow us to find out more!

We turn back the clocks and put our cask beer prices back by ten years. Hourly drinks specials, chosen as staff favourites, from past and present. BAKE A CAKE AND WIN A MEAL FOR TWO Bake Us a Cake competition & we’ll treat the winner to a slap-up dinner for two, including beer or wine Kean’s Head, 11am-close

Cocktails, butlers in the buff and beauty products. The Hoploft, £5, call to book now!

Thursday 3rd

Mini Commonwealth Games An afternoon of traditional British games with prizes to be won. Including Egg & Spoon and Three-legged Race! Stratford Haven, 3pm Saturday 5th - Sunday 6th

Mini Beer Festival The Poppy continues the US Independence Day Celebrations and combines it with Test Match celebrations. An American and Indian Pale Ale Weekend! Poppy & Pint, follow @PoppyandPint to stay updated Saturday 12th - Wednesday 16th

Great British Beer Festival Not going to make it to GBBF? Enjoy the mini beer fest at the Fox & Crown and enjoy 10% off British beer at the Hop Loft! Sunday 13th

Funhouse Comedy Club Edinburgh Festival Preview (Part 1) A special comedy show in the beautiful beer garden. Six shows throughout the afternoon, watch as many as you like for just £6 Food and pass-outs available all day New Barrack Tavern, 2-9pm

Sunday 20th

Saturday 6th - Monday 8th

It ain’t Nothin’ but the Blues

September 2014

Monday 21st- Monday 28th

Sunday 7th

Halfway House Charity Day

A special Belgian food menu paired with the best Belgian beers from Nottingham’s biggest World Beer bar! The Canalhouse, 11am-close Saturday 26th

Arts & Crafts Fair & Fete A Crafts Revival with BBQ on the terrace Families welcome! The Swan in the Rushes, 12pm Saturday 26th - Sunday 27th

Open Mic Weekend With food & kids’ games The Golden Eagle

Cowboys & Indians! The Canalhouse celebrates its 8th birthday Come down to the Saloon by the waterside! Free shot of Bourbon for any customer who dresses up. The Canalhouse, 6pm-close

Edinburgh Festival Preview A special comedy show in the beautiful beer garden. Six shows throughout the afternoon, watch as many as you like for just £6 Food and pass-outs available all day New Barrack Tavern, 2-9pm

August 2014 Thursday 21st - Sunday 24th

August Beer & Cider Festival Celebrating the Great British Beer Festival with the best of British Beer & Cider. Lincolnshire Poacher & the Poppy & Pint, 11am-close

The Canalhouse Acoustic Sessions, every Thursday from 6:30pm


Celebrating Newark Blues Festival with live music all weekend. The Fox & Crown

Belgian Week

Sunday 27th

Cask Ale Week

The New Barrack and Balls to Cancer bring you a weekend of music. Raffle with all proceedings going to Balls to Cancer. New Barrack Tavern, follow on Facebook to find out more.

Edinburgh Festival Preview A special comedy show in the beautiful beer garden. Six shows throughout the afternoon, watch as many as you like for just £6 Food and pass-outs available all day New Barrack Tavern, 2-9pm

Funhouse Comedy Club (Part 3)

No one gets more excited about Cask Ale week than we do at Castle Rock. It’s what we do best. Think ale is not for you? You just haven’t found ‘the one’ yet. Celebrate at your Castle Rock Local and find the beer of your dreams!

Ballin’ Music Festival

Funhouse Comedy Club (Part 2)

Thursday 17th

25th Sept- 5th October

Friday 22nd - Sun 24th

Charity Day Festival with Dog show. Local stalls, great food and Marquee Beer Fest. The Golden Eagle, 2pm Tuesday 16th

We’re getting Hot & Spicy! Celebrating Mexican Independence Day with 2 for 1 Tequila shots and fiery Mexican dishes! Bread & Bitter, 11am-close Sat 20th September-Sun 5th October

Oktoberfest! It’s that time of year again - one of Castle Rock’s favourite annual events. Celebrating German beer festival Oktoberfest in many Castle Rock Pubs We’ll source as many official Oktoberfest beers as we can! You might even spot a few homemade pretzels, alongside homemade German Sharing Platters. Follow @DiscoverWBeers to stay updated Friday 26th - Sunday 28th

Apple Weekend Cider Festival Outdoor cider festival with themed apple grub & live music The Golden Eagle, 2pm-close Sunday 28th

Running the Robin Hood Marathon? Get 20% off your total food bill at the Stratford Haven • Enjoy your first pint for free at the Bread & Bitter • Indulge with 10% off all food and drink at the Canalhouse

September is Jack Daniels’ Birthday month! We are raising a glass to our ol’ favourite JD with promotions throughout!

Finishes Sunday 13th July

Drinks in Focus

So what is Craft Beer? The whole world is talking about craft beer. But what is craft beer? What separates it from the rest? No one seems to be able to reach a conclusion, including us, but here are some points we think you should keep in mind… Is it about the size of the brewery? America links the definition to the ‘small’ size of the brewery. However, the difference between this and the British microbrewery is vast. An American ‘craft brewery’ can easily be much larger than UK’s breweries like Marston’s and Fullers. The ‘craft’ definition has been, to an extent, lost in the Atlantic.

Is it made by people who care about beer? Of course, but that doesn’t separate it from the wider market. Even the global breweries have passionate brewers at their core. Besides, any brewer that isn’t embracing consistency is pretty much “winging it”…

Is it in cask or keg? Craft beer can be found in keg, cask, and bottles. Think of Oakham Ales and their delicious Green Devil IPA, which you can enjoy from any of the three. Why does pouring it from a keg make it more of a ‘craft’?

Is it about innovation? Absolutely, and it’s this innovation that is getting people talking.

Don’t Forget

However innovation needs to be balanced with preserving great tradition.

Is it about the beer itself? Yes, but is all craft beer good? No. Always be open to trying new things and continue to explore your beer drinking options - there are plenty of beer styles with unique characteristics for you to explore. Yet like everything in life, it won’t always be right for you, and there are some beers that are very extreme. What do we think? We think craft beer is a state of mind; one of dedication and adventure. It’s about respecting customers, using the best available ingredients, being professional and enjoying the brewing industry.

Merchandise Castle Rock sells a range of branded merchandise from t-shirts to shorts to rugby shirts. You can find a limited selection on our eBay shop, or you can order from Castle Rock pubs.

Brewery Tours Join the Club! In the previous edition of the CRQ we reminded you about our special members clubs – the Hop Loft Club and the Castle Rock Club. If you’d like to know more about joining, ask at your Castle Rock local and at the Hop Loft.

Remember you can find out where your favourite Castle Rock beer was made by booking a brewery tour! For more information, check our website, email or call the Vat & Fiddle on 0115 985 0611.

Come Fly With Us! Flying from East Midlands Airport this summer? Don’t forget our Castle Rock Kitchen & Taproom is now open in the first floor departure lounge. Remember - it’s never too early for Harvest Pale, the ideal breakfast beer!


Social Media

Follow Us

There’s always something happening in the Castle Rock estate, and you can get even more involved, learn of upcoming events and benefit from offers just by following our social media feeds!

Simply search for the below accounts on Facebook or Twitter and click “Like”, “Follow” or “Add Friend”

Alexandra Hotel


Poppy & Pint


Bread Bitter


The Rook and Gaskill


Canal House


Stratford Haven


The Derby Tup


Swan Rushes


The Eagle


Vat Fiddle


The Maze


The Wetmore Whistle


The Fox & Crown, Newark


The Willowbrook


Castle Rock Brewery


The Golden Eagle Free House @GoldenEaglePub The Hop Loft


Kean’s Head


Our beers talk too!

Lincolnshire Poacher


Elsie Mo


New Barrack Tavern


Sheriff Tipple


The Newshouse


Screech Owl


On The Bar The Commemoration Collection Castle Rock is proud to introduce the Commemoration Collection, honouring the centenary of the Great War. This special range of remembrance beers will be brewed over the next five years, each one marking a significant event of the First World War. We hope the Commemoration Collection gives you an opportunity to re-ignite your interest in the events whichtook place a hundred years ago, and offers you a chance to remember over a pint of lovingly brewed beer.


Everything in this range, as with all our beers, has been created with respect, consideration and dedication; we hope this is evident, from the hand-painted artwork, to the beer names, to the charities we are donating to. Over the coming years, these beers and associated events will be raising money for three amazing charities: Nottinghamshire Royal British Legion, Combat Stress - the Veterans’ Mental Health Charity, and Amnesty International UK. Our big fundraising event will take place on 2nd August with a Peace Celebration Street Party, Find out the details on our website and please come along!

The second beer of the range will be available in August, and entitled ‘Tommy Atkins: A Call to Arms’, in remembrance of the British men who set off for the ‘adventure’ of the Great War.

In Focus The Willowbrook is officially open! A great new Castle Rock pub at the heart of the community On 23rd April, after three exhausting months of refurbishment, the ‘new’ Willowbrook finally opened its doors! It felt like a lifetime of late nights, early mornings, hammers and power tools, dusty air and design ‘discussions’, but it was definitely worth it! Before we get a little boastful about the results, we’d like to say thank you to some people: First to John and Mike Harman and their team for months of hard work; to Director Peter Brettell for his strident support; and to Business Development Manager Sarah Halpin for being the glue that held the entire project together. We’d especially like to thank Pete Hopwell, manager of the Willowbrook and his team, for working so hard and becoming invaluable Finally, we’d like to thank you; our customers. We loved having you with us every step of the way and appreciate your patience and loyalty during the chaotic moments. The official launch night was a huge success, with visits from Councillor Bob Collis, Mayor of Gedling Borough and the Lady Mayoress, Ann Collis, along with Nottingham’s official Robin Hood, and a swarm of customers from the community showing their support.

Come down to the Willowbrook and see for yourself, we’d love to hear your thoughts! The bar has been extended, the main lounge opened up and the formal-dining room turned into a soft furnished snug. Wooden flooring, art deco lighting, leather topped bar stalls, and flecks of glitter in the bar top all come together to create something harmonious and contemporary, with a nod to yesteryear. If you’ve yet to try the food on offer, please do! A fantastic new chef has joined the team and the new food menu is delicious- we are still working our way through it!

If you were familiar with the Willowbrook prior to its refurbishment, then you will be astounded by the change.

Big developments for Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust •Thanks to a successful fundraising appeal, NWT now has the required funds to extend its popular Skylarks reserve, which is just a short walk from the Poppy & Pint. Situated on Adbolton Lane, just north of the National Watersports Centre, the reserve is a great place to see ducks and other water birds. • Over the next two years the charity will transform the adjacent Blott’s Pit to create an even wider range of habitats for wildlife. Guided walks around Blott’s Pit will take place on the 5th July and 9th August. For further details visit

• Family Friendly • Weekend Breakfasts • Sunday Roasts • Function Room • Castle Rock’s Core Range and Guest Ales

• Traditional Cider • World Beers • Wine List • Homemade Food • Two Beer Gardens

• Back in May, NWT’s Head of Communications, Erin McDaid successfully cycled between all 67 of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust’s Nature Reserves to raise funds for the charity’s work in Sherwood Forest. To learn more about his journey or to sponsor him visit


Castle Rock Pubs






153-155 Woodthorpe Dr, Mapperley, NG3 5JL

Tel: 0115 960 7541

48-52 Canal Street, Nottingham NG1 7EH

203 Siddals Road, Derby DE1 2QE

Tel: 01332 293993


Tel: 0115 955 5060


First Floor Departure Lounge, East Midlands Airport






email: • web:

387 Sheffield Rd, Chesterfield S41 8LS

Tel: 01246 454316

144 West Street, Boston, Lincs PE21 8RE

Tel: 01205 361116

257 Mansfield Road, Nottingham NG1 3FT

Tel: 0115 947 5650







4-6 Appletongate, Newark, Notts NG24 1JY

Tel: 01636 605820


21 High Street, Lincoln LN5 8BD

Tel: 01522 521058

21 The Rushes, Loughborough, LE11 5BE

Tel: 01509 217014

46 St. Mary’s Gate, Nottingham NG1 1QA

161-163 Mansfield Road, Nott’m NG1 3FR






Tel: 0115 947 4052

Tel: 0115 941 1584

601 Penistone Road, Sheffield S6 2GA

Tel: 0114 234 9148







123 Canal Street, Nottingham NG1 7HB

Tel: 0115 952 3061

Pierrepont Road, Lady Bay, Notts NG2 5DX

Tel: 0115 981 9995

12 Lawrence Street, York YO10 3WP

Tel: 01904 655450

SWAN IN THE RUSHES 21 The Rushes, Loughborough LE11 5BE

12-14 Queensbridge Rd, Nottingham NG2 1NB




2 Stratford Rd, W. Bridgford, Nott’m NG2 6BA

Tel: 0115 982 5981

Tel: 01509 217014


(The Brewery Tap)


Tel: 0115 985 0611







Dovecote Lane, Beeston, Nott’m NG9 1JG

Tel: 0115 925 4049

93 Wetmore Road, Burton on Trent, DE14 1SH

Tel: 01283 541064

13 Main Rd, Gedling, Nottingham NG4 3HQ

Tel: 0115 987 8596

Core Castle Rock Beers 3.4%






Brewed to be a traditional A national award-winning A well balanced, awardA full-bodied premium bitter Blonde and beautiful single A national champion. Strong session ale with a malty bitter golden beer. American hops winning dark mild with some India Pale Ale. Lots of of typical East Midlands malt golden ale refreshing on the palate. taste. give a refreshingly crisp, bitterness. Full-bodied but everything so proceed with character. Perfect bittercitrus finish. caution. not overly sweet. sweet balance.

5.2% Our Craft Keg beer A golden IPA, with all American hops and dry hopped again at the end with Chinook

Next issue.... No:3 Autumn 2014 published September


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