Wear Management Solutions
On-Site Services: The Reliability Experts
Protective Coatings for Industrial Fans and Housings t iis th it service i di i i off Castolin t li E t ti Th di i i offers ff a highly h i d inspection, i ti bili ti Whertec the on-site division Eutectic. The division organized mobilization, welding and thermal spray service covering a wide range of industrial applications. Every job is covered by a pre- and post-project report that can be used to assess future preventative maintenance requirements and evaluate in-service performance of key component parts. Whertec operates with stringent health and safety standards and has established a reputation for efficiency and reliability. The combination of Castolin Eutectic’s product and application expertise with a world-class site mobilization team offers customers the best possible solution for on-site projects – test the reliability experts with your demanding repair or material conservation projects.
Typical Industries Served using Eutectic Solutions...
Power Generation
YOUR RESOURCE FOR PROTECTION, REPAIR AND JOINING SOLUTIONS Eutectic Corporation N94 W14355 Garwin Mace Drive Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 USA P 800-558-8524 • F 262-255-5542 www.eutectic.com
CastoLab Services Workshop 12300 Carmen Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53225 USA P 800-558-8524 • F 262-255-5542
Whertec Technology Center 5409 Highway Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32254 USA P 866-207-6503 • F 904-213-8126 www.whertec.com
Statement of Liability: Due to variations inherent in specific applications, the technical information contained herein, including any information as to suggested product applications or results, is presented without representation or warranty, expressed or implied. Without limitation, there are no warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. Each process and application must be fully evaluated by the user in all respects, including suitability, compliance with applicable law and non-infringement of the rights of others, and Eutectic Corporation and its affiliates shall have no liability in respect thereof. FANS 9-14 © 2008, Eutectic Corporation, ® Reg. T.M., Printed in the U.S.A.
• Erosion • Abrasion • Cavitation • Corrosion • Impact • High Temperature
18X 1
Extend Service Life with CDP® XuperWave® Wear Plate
18X 1
Lightweight plate with hard nickel alloy matrix and tungsten carbide particles.
18X 1
Critical equipment, that’s subjected to extreme conditions, needs the best hardfacing solution!
22X 2
Lightweight plate with hard nickel/ iron alloy matrix and tungsten carbide particles.
13X 1
Localized abrasion on blade section
65% tungsten carbide on a hard nickel alloy matrix.
Complex carbides and borides. High-temperature.
10X 1
Extreme erosion on blades
Worn-out blade
Chromium carbide.
NanoAlloy® nano size ultra hard phases.
• Ideal for parts exposed to fine particles at high velocity • Maximum protection against linear erosive wear • Prevents fine particle tracking at points most susceptible to wear such as the stress cracks and weld bead overlap
Straight Str St aigh aig i ht Bead
10 mm3
7mm (5/16”)
12 mm3
10mm (3/8”)
12 mm3
6mm (1/4”)
12 mm3
6mm (1/4”)
17 mm3
23 mm3
Higher Wear Resistance Compared to AR 400
Do These Pictures Look Familiar?
Worn-out impeller
Common Enemies of Valuable Fans & Housings
10mm (3/8”)
10mm (3/8”)
13mm (1/2”)
19mm (3/4”)
13mm (1/2”)
19mm (3/4”)
13mm (1/2”)
19mm (3/4”)
BTC Thermal spray protective coatings applied using proprietary processes. Solutions tailored to protect Solutions against combinations of abrasion, erosion and corrosion, even at high temperatures.
Lower Wear Resistance Compared to AR 400
• Reduces wear by up to 30% over conventional weld bead pattern
Workshop Case Study
• Smooth, flat bead profile for easy balancing and overall increased fan performance
Fans - Steel and Iron Works
XuperWave Be Bead ad d
8mm (5/16”)
9mm (3/8”)
WEAR PROBLEM: Iron and steel works fans suffer from extreme erosive wear caused by fine oxide particles in the steel making process.
XuperWave Weld Quality Plates produced with multiple torch heads, will have an uneven surface, illustrated below. Eutectic XuperWave is made using a single torch which produces flat, even weld beads across the entire plate. This welding process is cooler which minimizes distortion and dilution and maintains the maximum in wear resistant properties of the alloy. Also, smooth, flat plate is critical to balance and optimal air flow which ensures the best possible wear resistance and overall fan performance.
PREVIOUS SOLUTION: Fabricate impeller blades of a steel baghouse fan from basic chromium carbide (CrC) plate in 1/4” + 1/4” thickness. The fan lasted 12 months in service. EUTECTIC SOLUTION: To increase service life, Eutectic recommended fabricating the blades from CDP 4666 XuperWave complex carbide plate in 1/2” total thickness. RESULTS: Eutectic solution is still in service after 2 years, with minimal wear!
Competitor solution lasted just 12 months (left), while CDP blades (right) are still in service after 2 years.
20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2
Conventional wear plates exhibit uneven welds
XuperWave welds remain smooth and even
Stronger, with Eutectic www.eutectic.com
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic Stronger, with Eutectic www.eutectic.com
• Erosion • Abrasion • Cavitation • Corrosion • Impact • High Temperature
18X 1
Extend Service Life with CDP® XuperWave® Wear Plate
18X 1
Lightweight plate with hard nickel alloy matrix and tungsten carbide particles.
18X 1
Critical equipment, that’s subjected to extreme conditions, needs the best hardfacing solution!
22X 2
Lightweight plate with hard nickel/ iron alloy matrix and tungsten carbide particles.
13X 1
Localized abrasion on blade section
65% tungsten carbide on a hard nickel alloy matrix.
Complex carbides and borides. High-temperature.
10X 1
Extreme erosion on blades
Worn-out blade
Chromium carbide.
NanoAlloy® nano size ultra hard phases.
• Ideal for parts exposed to fine particles at high velocity • Maximum protection against linear erosive wear • Prevents fine particle tracking at points most susceptible to wear such as the stress cracks and weld bead overlap
Straight Str St aigh aig i ht Bead
10 mm3
7mm (5/16”)
12 mm3
10mm (3/8”)
12 mm3
6mm (1/4”)
12 mm3
6mm (1/4”)
17 mm3
23 mm3
Higher Wear Resistance Compared to AR 400
Do These Pictures Look Familiar?
Worn-out impeller
Common Enemies of Valuable Fans & Housings
10mm (3/8”)
10mm (3/8”)
13mm (1/2”)
19mm (3/4”)
13mm (1/2”)
19mm (3/4”)
13mm (1/2”)
19mm (3/4”)
BTC Thermal spray protective coatings applied using proprietary processes. Solutions tailored to protect Solutions against combinations of abrasion, erosion and corrosion, even at high temperatures.
Lower Wear Resistance Compared to AR 400
• Reduces wear by up to 30% over conventional weld bead pattern
Workshop Case Study
• Smooth, flat bead profile for easy balancing and overall increased fan performance
Fans - Steel and Iron Works
XuperWave Be Bead ad d
8mm (5/16”)
9mm (3/8”)
WEAR PROBLEM: Iron and steel works fans suffer from extreme erosive wear caused by fine oxide particles in the steel making process.
XuperWave Weld Quality Plates produced with multiple torch heads, will have an uneven surface, illustrated below. Eutectic XuperWave is made using a single torch which produces flat, even weld beads across the entire plate. This welding process is cooler which minimizes distortion and dilution and maintains the maximum in wear resistant properties of the alloy. Also, smooth, flat plate is critical to balance and optimal air flow which ensures the best possible wear resistance and overall fan performance.
PREVIOUS SOLUTION: Fabricate impeller blades of a steel baghouse fan from basic chromium carbide (CrC) plate in 1/4” + 1/4” thickness. The fan lasted 12 months in service. EUTECTIC SOLUTION: To increase service life, Eutectic recommended fabricating the blades from CDP 4666 XuperWave complex carbide plate in 1/2” total thickness. RESULTS: Eutectic solution is still in service after 2 years, with minimal wear!
Competitor solution lasted just 12 months (left), while CDP blades (right) are still in service after 2 years.
20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2
Conventional wear plates exhibit uneven welds
XuperWave welds remain smooth and even
Stronger, with Eutectic www.eutectic.com
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic Stronger, with Eutectic www.eutectic.com
Wear Management Solutions
On-Site Services: The Reliability Experts
Protective Coatings for Industrial Fans and Housings t iis th it service i di i i off Castolin t li E t ti Th di i i offers ff a highly h i d inspection, i ti bili ti Whertec the on-site division Eutectic. The division organized mobilization, welding and thermal spray service covering a wide range of industrial applications. Every job is covered by a pre- and post-project report that can be used to assess future preventative maintenance requirements and evaluate in-service performance of key component parts. Whertec operates with stringent health and safety standards and has established a reputation for efficiency and reliability. The combination of Castolin Eutectic’s product and application expertise with a world-class site mobilization team offers customers the best possible solution for on-site projects – test the reliability experts with your demanding repair or material conservation projects.
Typical Industries Served using Eutectic Solutions...
Power Generation
YOUR RESOURCE FOR PROTECTION, REPAIR AND JOINING SOLUTIONS Eutectic Corporation N94 W14355 Garwin Mace Drive Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 USA P 800-558-8524 • F 262-255-5542 www.eutectic.com
Eutectic Services 12300 Carmen Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53225 USA P 800-558-8524 • F 262-255-5542
Whertec Technology Center 5409 Highway Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32254 USA P 866-207-6503 • F 904-213-8126 www.whertec.com
Statement of Liability: Due to variations inherent in specific applications, the technical information contained herein, including any information as to suggested product applications or results, is presented without representation or warranty, expressed or implied. Without limitation, there are no warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. Each process and application must be fully evaluated by the user in all respects, including suitability, compliance with applicable law and non-infringement of the rights of others, and Eutectic Corporation and its affiliates shall have no liability in respect thereof. FANS 1-15 © 2008, Eutectic Corporation, ® Reg. T.M., Printed in the U.S.A.