“Tough Environments Demand Exceptional Performance” Wear Management Solutions for the Oil Industry
Protective Services for Mud Motor Rotors Hardbanding Hardb Har db dbanding dba db and hardfacing DrilTec® brazing alloys
Plasma transferred arc coatings
Laser cladding Protective wear coatings for stabilizers
“Hot” and “Cold” thermal spray applications
United Kingdo gdo do om
Mexico xico co co
Dub bai ai
Singapore ore
Eutectic USA Carlos Esteves Tel: +1 262 532 4602 carlos.esteves@eutecticusa.com
Eutectic Services Mexico Ricardo Dueñas Tel: +52 81 8675 7040 rduenas@eutectic.com.mx
Middle East, Services Caryn Dwelle Tel: +971 55 471 0288 caryn@monitorcoatings.com
UK, Services Derek Jackson Tel: +44 (0)7894697903 derek@monitorcoatings.com
Singapore, Services Natalie Thompson Tel: +65 9220 1043 natalie@MCLA.com.sg
“Tough Environments Demand Exceptional Performance” Global Leaders in the Development and Application of Wear Resistant Alloys 1906
Foundation of Castolin in Lausanne, Switzerland by Jean-Pierre Wasserman
Foundation of Eutectic Welding Alloys Corporation in New York
Start of Castolin workshops
1960’s Development and production of water atomized powders
Foundation of Monitor Coatings in the UK. Specializing in Mud Motor Rotor repair p
Development and production of the World’s first gas atomized powder
The first NanoAlloy® welding consumable
Monitor Coatings receives NADCAP accreditation
Acquisition of Monitor Coatings (UK) with facilities in the UK, Singapore and China
Advanced Dublin powder production facility opens. ISO9001: 2000 Certified
Replicate Mud Motor Rotor repair process technology in Mexico and Dubai
Eutectic Canada enhances its facilities to produce high quality gas atomized powders
Surface engineering and advanced coatings applied to new and used d mud motor rotors or as a replacement for hard chrome plating 3. “Services based on demanding aerospace specifications”
“Maximize your rotor life, reduce replacement costs, and add value”
1. Strip p and repair p rotor defects. defects defe
Prepare ep pare re th the surface by grit blasting, blastin critical ritical to to maximize m bond strength. I Inspect t damaged d d pa partt and d prepa prepare for processing.
Bond nd Strength Min.: 75 MPa (10.8 ksi)
Strict HVOF powder quality ality contro control ol from Castolin Eutectic Eutectic, the world’s leading powder manufacturer.
Deposit cermet or carbide bide compos composite site coatings using HVOF process derived from aerospace industry specifications.
7. 8.
Finished rotor ready for service. service Surface finish to customer specifications or Min. 0.5 μm.
Polish with diamond abrasives abrasives, smooth finish reduces friction. Complete SealPlex® densification densification p process to increase toughness and completely shield rotor from high chloride, corrosive environments.
Inspect and measure coating qual quality during process.
A l proprietary Apply prietary i t SealPlex® SealPle S lPl ® sealer l tto fill micro-porosity.
Stronger, with Eutectic www.eutectic.com
Porosity: Less than 1% Oxides: Less than 2% Micro Hardness: Greater than 900 Hv Less than 1300Hv
Stronger, with Eutectic www.eutectic.com
“Tough Environments Demand Exceptional Performance” Global Leaders in the Development and Application of Wear Resistant Alloys 1906
Foundation of Castolin in Lausanne, Switzerland by Jean-Pierre Wasserman
Foundation of Eutectic Welding Alloys Corporation in New York
Start of Castolin workshops
1960’s Development and production of water atomized powders
Foundation of Monitor Coatings in the UK. Specializing in Mud Motor Rotor repair p
Development and production of the World’s first gas atomized powder
The first NanoAlloy® welding consumable
Monitor Coatings receives NADCAP accreditation
Acquisition of Monitor Coatings (UK) with facilities in the UK, Singapore and China
Advanced Dublin powder production facility opens. ISO9001: 2000 Certified
Replicate Mud Motor Rotor repair process technology in Mexico and Dubai
Eutectic Canada enhances its facilities to produce high quality gas atomized powders
Surface engineering and advanced coatings applied to new and used d mud motor rotors or as a replacement for hard chrome plating 3. “Services based on demanding aerospace specifications”
“Maximize your rotor life, reduce replacement costs, and add value”
1. Strip p and repair p rotor defects. defects defe
Prepare ep pare re th the surface by grit blasting, blastin critical ritical to to maximize m bond strength. I Inspect t damaged d d pa partt and d prepa prepare for processing.
Bond nd Strength Min.: 75 MPa (10.8 ksi)
Strict HVOF powder quality ality contro control ol from Castolin Eutectic Eutectic, the world’s leading powder manufacturer.
Deposit cermet or carbide bide compos composite site coatings using HVOF process derived from aerospace industry specifications.
7. 8.
Finished rotor ready for service. service Surface finish to customer specifications or Min. 0.5 μm.
Polish with diamond abrasives abrasives, smooth finish reduces friction. Complete SealPlex® densification densification p process to increase toughness and completely shield rotor from high chloride, corrosive environments.
Inspect and measure coating qual quality during process.
A l proprietary Apply prietary i t SealPlex® SealPle S lPl ® sealer l tto fill micro-porosity.
Stronger, with Eutectic www.eutectic.com
Porosity: Less than 1% Oxides: Less than 2% Micro Hardness: Greater than 900 Hv Less than 1300Hv
Stronger, with Eutectic www.eutectic.com
“Tough Environments Demand Exceptional Performance” Wear Management Solutions for the Oil Industry
Protective Services for Mud Motor Rotors Hardb Har db dbanding dba db Hardbanding and hardfacing DrilTec® brazing alloys
Plasma transferred arc coatings
Laser cladding Protective wear coatings for stabilizers
“Hot” and “Cold” thermal spray applications
United Kingdo gdo do om
Mexico xico co co
Dub bai ai
Singapore ore
Eutectic USA Carlos Esteves Tel: +1 262 532 4602 carlos.esteves@eutecticusa.com
Eutectic Services Mexico Ricardo Dueñas Tel: +52 81 8675 7040 rduenas@eutectic.com.mx
Middle East, Services Caryn Dwelle Tel: +971 55 471 0288 caryn@monitorcoatings.com
UK, Services Derek Jackson Tel: +44 (0)7894697903 derek@monitorcoatings.com
Singapore, Services Natalie Thompson Tel: +65 9220 1043 natalie@MCLA.com.sg