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Special Focus: Wear Protection


lncreasing power plant effi ciency whi le decreasi ng environmental impact lf the lifetime of a repaired part can be increased over that of a new part, plant performance and availability can also be improved, leading to significant energy savings and carbon generation. Dr Gary Heath reports. ûr nl;l$v 'r'ears eflerglr rl*manrj has besn stronglv grcninq and'wi!i co*tllue.'l]te insr:riiatii:ir *1r trerç' plant capacitlt calr Itrlre vtals sÛ there is ;ln ei:*ilnous pt{issurr {lri polver

and rn'err pri)-recti{ln pârtsl i1iâl),- .sr:iuricns h:rve

be*n e{r*-elope,l ic extencl tlre i!f* Êf *r'irica! pûwfr piant comli*nînr:s {Lti'as rnucir as fir'c .! ':'nc.l. ,\ '. l, r'' iun .rl tiit.; ^ . l- 5irrJrii rei:hnakigies anrl thcir le}:rtcd ni,-piicatici:s are

plants tr: imprcvc aprlâtional $l-ltJ]11r, cfÏlcietrci' anii :rvrrilai:ilir,,'. Fltrther, there is the coilsttint recluirrr*enr t+ rc,.luce operating co.srs and the environ:nenral impact *f achi*r'ing th*sc t:rrgets. ï:e maintr:nancr: department can plai' a critical


1*rger-1*stira key cnnrpone:rts ro r:xrend ûntâqe irltcfïals and aiso reducc: unplanneti citrvn-time ariL!. in','enl orl'" i)r:r-rpcnent repair rtthe r than rrplacenlr:ni


prciluccs imnrediare c*sts savings anri illsa

*hrasii;r ansi erûsiûn resisrani:e. {-Jne t-.ithe m,lst corn;:rclensive and sucr:essilll rangcs af iii;lte


b,v seleering

r*duc*s dre irse ci:n:a{.erials, r:ncr;1' ancl t:"ansporr in producing tlres* ncrn' cûinpûnettts" .Aftri: years t{reseirrch, ficki lests and ;"tv.t;.qTllflit O" pO\\'L! pla:ri rnli ir\'rs. lr-JIi\' inncvarivt prot-im:rs hirv* b*en dcvcloped t<; suilpiirt the rnaittenance dc;-:artmenrs in *reir daiir' fighi agaitrsi r.r''e...t and corrcsii;n. Fr*nr -rveléin* anrl br;r;zir:g thrr:ugir to thern:al spr;:yicu

Fig. 2. 5l

Wear resistant plate solutions T{/eful o.l,r:lay


;rre bec*r:rin51 ptpr.:iar ',vear ;-latr':s

ch* prorecri** olti*ige surlhces agairlsr

in **al/alternatir'* ir-itl :;r:r{ ash handling. rheir usefr-rlnrss ili a };olvtr pianr can be


restrict*{i in some applicati*ns"tr,r, rhe


platr: thici<nes*., s*i:1icc raughness, laci<


products er* calli:tl {,,astr:l}r-ir l}iam*nd lllate:

(Cl]?i *,hich

inchicle specific plaies ancl a]l,;r-s to

rcsist abrasi*r-i, etosicn, in:pacr

'Ih* letclt dcvci*rpmeni

tnd coltt;siçn.


are tl-re uniq'"ie

Polvder rvear plates. The use o|-oupr:r hard

'Iungsten Carhiries l]àrt;dirs offcr- high ahrasion and r:rosii:l r*sisianc* in c*inbinati*n r-,.iih iight rvcighr, r;rinimai rhick;lfss {as k:rv as 3inn'j ':nd $moûrh srirfar:e. ,'\ nerv varilr!on whii:l-, ules a Srairles-. Steel base fir*iai all*r,vs these piafi:s to

plovide *ptimal ."r"ear- resistauc* in aggressi'.re cr:rrosi*n cnvironm*uts.'Iyplcai :r.'Éplid:3tifi ns include fa:rs, cyr:lonr:s, chures, li:rers, *tc.

Nano structural engineering "Ilie',oro rid's flrs

t l.lan +Ai il,' i'crmt llttion J


ti: pr *:,i rie r:u rsr a nditt g ab ras ion i:ltlJ\1ii,. .,1'1,r.'rinn,rri'l..ntr,.it,Ë.in Êâ!rû stlrlcrural tngin**rinu approac*-r t* aii+;' de""eioprnetrt b:s,ecl on a l*w iast f *rrt;us b;rse. Tiris science rç:rs trar:slareri into ;r ru,'*iciing rvire

dcv*is lrred

r'vhi,'h coujc! i:e çser.l ra'ith nr:rmal r'v*Liing

*riuipillr:nt in rh* ;:cra,ei pi::ni bt:r produr:ing a protecrive cverlal' with a bnik hardne ss oyer

rl {lHi.





l};1,\in r



in r*al" ask a*d abetnadvc ihe ri,!'sttûlii. lJsf ill and grinclitg iirei rr;ir-ispr:i"r a i tirnes have sl:or,'n s.-v$tems c*al erin*iing iifi: i* krr' a{lrn!-1i}i-ruj1i:s. în r,r,'t;rr irnpi*vcrnerti i:*x,"er iudr-rstr,,--

Fig.4. Âr{spriyiilg


laf!e b0!lerTiltce pàne!





tig. 3.


Special Focus: Wear Protectior

tig. 2. spe(jai Nàno s{rudure

lndustry proven boiler tube protection against corrosion and wear {l:rstolin llurectic rvâs ânrcng anc of ri:c first compirnies to d*v.:lcp ilense, tl:ermeliy spravcd coatings r() protect boiler tubes itt por';sr pianrs agair:st r,veai and ccrroslon in thc 198{.}s artl liavc clcr'*ioped a conside rable

reputatinn a.ncl *x;rericncc


cc-ratings. Success is bas*d û;r ;i coT]lLlination



deveiol:r:rent and also a speci:r1 ccarit-tg cleposition process {Sprav anii i;use). é, novel high À4ol1,b{ç'ç11111, nickel, siiicon allov rvas deveioocd ané p,rrcntrd {br severe corrosirrc/wcar envi rr: nrernrs. lh.is solution coirrbincd with thc ir*rcrent properties of sLrclr Sprav and F-used coatinEs oi n'retallursicai b<;n ding, zerc thr*trgh porosiLr' !rrooidcd improved selvicr irelfcrrrnancc ovcr all oth*r sailitions r:n ther r:arket is increasing the use ofihis apprtiacli. -lhe increasi:rg usc cf al:ernativr: firls is cxtcndins the corrosion probkms in rùste to flnergy pla;rts an<i

i*atling to new developnc,rrts. lhrough do.rlopnre rt in the e:rrly i !)9*s r:'ith

Fig. 4.

Ihe IDP :omple'e il eàrpldt€ rànge

Fiiwei cûnrFâirii:s and hlgh rempcratirr wfâr instir*tcs r lànil-; of ilo::i-t-aseti irieh tenrp*raiurc alllvs n,as de ';eloped To Frot:.t 5oilrr tiibcs fr:*r:r Itigh tcntperraiure crcsitti: *ear using thc arc lvire ieaciir-rg

spray dcp*rsitir)n plo.rss. 'ib.Jri1' thes: si:li<i industrial referc:nces are bcilg uscri firr ncç,' ellov dcve:op:aent. supported by lnrprovcrnclts in airplicatlrin rquiprncnt rû lnlrer tiie incte:ising perlirrnl;rnce dcmands. tlt n-iant

ccll/1..'aste plants, iroilcr irr[ri: cûatinc is arr estriilis]:ed

rûutc ro e:<rcld tube iifi and prcgrcssive companics ofier a rar.ge ofplotelticn aiioy: anri prûccsscs iailcrcci Lo rhe spr:rilic'v\reâï

alld corLosic;n denrarcls



pl;rrr r.

Wear protection of transport tubing '1

he rn:r.jor lvcilr afeas outriclc the boiler arc concçrc:ri

rv!th the cnrsi-,ing and lransport ol carrl/{ircl al<-i



A pleumnric ash tianspnrt iir:rn drc boilers to tLc as!:

cvilone ca*sej th; ùrisin:rl ciiror,v lif*time

ter be

incrca.:erl by a

{lcror i;f rhrce bv using a ncw design

and tir* usr of


'.r'earllat: sc,iuti*n.

Conclusions (lastoliu llutcctic's therrnal pcrver plaut lep:ir strviclr pack;rge includcs: a widc range olrinlovative prtrlric:s to soh.e *.ear probicms; cr-siæ irnd il our w.olkshcp rcfurbishl::rnt possi l:il i tics; incrcasr:ci ser.ii cc ii f e over ccnve:rtir:nai

*'eiiling ellcys; làst anrl efi:ectivc

de..clcpnreut llnci inior,ise nra:rufàcruring.V,'iren a por,r,et pi;r:rt's crirical parts er* {oc iarsc tc L,e inovcd tol exarnpil, C:rstr.-lin's C;stoi.al

ret$m to .rerv!rr';



,1,.i:Jil, t,;,rrlÈ.ilrll I .'+:!rr:.=:: È:






lub€ panel ready pr0dçred by spray and luse prcress



maifitinalce cxp*rts * ill visii l custon-:er's on-site. o

premises ro sclvc rirc probleur Enter 49 or

@ at www.engineerlive.com/ip

Dr Gary Heath is with Castolin Eutectic, Lausanne, Switzerland. www.Gastolin.com

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