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Newsletter - Issue 1 - 2011

CastoLab速 Services expanding its W&R services

New GreenBraz速 brazing rods range

Wear & Fusion Technology with Service and Quality


Content Fighting to preserve Earth precious resources


CastoLab® Services Respond to Growing Demand for Services in the Waste Industry

>> Industry & Application

>> Award


Solution for refuse recycling : exceptional wear resistance on shredders with NanoAlloy® Dear Reader,

GreenBraz® : the best for both Environment and Productivity


Green products made in Green Ireland

>> Production

>> Environment


>> News



Breathe a Good Aire

The theme for this new edition is the environment and Castolin Eutectic continuous tradition of fighting to reduce waste and preserve the Earth precious resources and recognizes its champions. Today we also need to reduce the input of fumes in providing adequate solutions to our customers so we have orientated our R&D resources in eliminating Boric acid and Cadmium from our brazing products in order to optimize their safety properties. We have also drastically reduced our power and waste consumption in our consumables production compensating it with the highest technology and have developed a range of fume exhausting systems to create an inoffensive environment for all welders. We are also providing innovative wear protection technology to improve the efficiency of the Waste and Recycling plants, allowing recycling more waste with less energy and for an extended time. Good reading

News about our Distribution activities Gary Heath VP Marketing & Product Management

Impressum Editor >> Dr. Gary Heath E-mail >> Contributors for this edition >> Dr. Gary Heath, Dr. Jeff Luster, John Dalton, Patricia Nigg, Clément Kermarrec, Tony Nogaredes . Graphist >> Gilles Wenger | Pi-Com For more information or contact addresses, please visit our websites or


SOLUTIONS - Customer Information - Newsletter - Issue 1 - 2011

Fighting to

>> Award

preserve Earth precious resources

1st conservationist award in 1973

The Conservationist of the year Award being presented to Busatis in Austria

Castolin Eutectic’s fundamental concept of repairing worn parts is a recycling concept by itself! It avoids companies to throw their old parts away and to buy expensive new ones when they could be repaired and reused. The fact of throwing those parts away is extremely harmful for the environment because the parts will need to be replaced by new manufactured ones that will waste energies and resources for the production as well as creating new garbage to be recycled, but also simply beRecycling has been a common practice for most of human history, with recorded advocates as far back as Plato in 400 BC. When resources were scarce, archaeological studies of ancient waste dumps show less household waste (such as ash, broken tools and pottery) - implying more waste was being recycled in the absence of new material.

cause resources will have to be used to recycle the worn parts. In order to reward the companies having a real engagement for the environment, the “Conservationist Award� has been created by Castolin Eutectic in 1973 and still remains an important trophy as we can see on the pictures above. Castolin Eutectic is also a member of the International Solid Waste Association, in which our expertise and technical resources are demanded as we work towards solving a new generation of waste disposal problems. Resource shortages caused by the World Wars and other world-changing occurrences greatly encouraged recycling, urging citizens to donate metals and conserve fibre, as a matter of significant patriotic importance.

Providing our customers with solutions to repair all components and parts is our aim, and of course it involves deep research by experts who are constantly developing new processes and technologies in order to bring solutions to repair all types of metal under all conditions. This is our engagement, focusing our energy to support companies so that they are able to repair all their worn parts, but what about you, do you think about recycling your parts or components before purchasing new ones? The next big investment in recycling occurred in the 1970s, due to rising energy costs and today due to the climate changes, all companies have to be more sensitive about the resource consumption. This means that we are bringing the recycling to a new level.

Industrialisation spurred demand for affordable materials; aside from rags, ferrous scrap metals were coveted as they were cheaper to acquire than virgin ore. Railroads both purchased and sold scrap metal in the 19th century, and the growing steel and automobile industries purchased scrap in the early 20th century.

Wear & Fusion Technology with Service and Quality


CastoLab® Services Respond to Growing >> Industry

Demand for Services Of the many types of waste treated today, incineration of household waste and biomass are some of the most interesting as they provide us an opportunity to efficiently manage natural resources. Unfortunately, they are also very demanding on mechanical equipment to process, transport and burn them since the composition of waste to be burned is always varying. Increasing conversion from simple incineration to incineration for power generation puts further critical demands on the installations. The global network of CastoLab® Services workshops are continually investing in equipment and people to provide you the main technologies used to extend the lifetime of your machinery and protect critical components. These include the production of wear parts using mass produced welded or powder wear plates, core-wire welding and application of dense powder coatings using the ‘”spray and fuse” Eutalloy RW process.

in the Waste Industry

Screw wearfaced in our workshop

The examples of applications that have been carried out in the various stages of the waste incineration process are endless: Shredding and processing: shredders, knives, sieves, hammers, housing, etc Transport: feed screws, rotary valves, piping, feed claws, fans Boiler: protection of water panels, combustion chamber walls, superheater tubes, pressure cleaning tubes, etc Ash treatment: transport, deashing, cyclones, grates, dryers Rotary valve with powder wear plate

Not only does the waste content vary depending on the chemical content and hardness of the items contained, but the design of the installations is also unique.


Ventilator with powder wear plate

Chute with CDP® wear plate

Welded shredder with cored-wire

Boiler tubes coated with spray & fuse

SOLUTIONS - Customer Information - Newsletter - Issue 1 - 2011

This is why there is no single solution recommended for each typical application; your CastoLab® Service technician will recommend the optimum solution for your operating conditions and wear challenges. In most cases, an increase of the service life of 2 times or more is realized.

Solution for refuse recycling : exceptional wear

resistance on shredders with NanoAlloy®

A constant need to improve production rates in Recycling plants increases the wear conditions in equipments such as grate bars, decanter or shredders. Up to now, machines were usually operating with their original parts or protected by standard alloys that provided an acceptable solution, especially where only wear from abrasion was present. Plant managers, under the pressure of cost reduction, have to increase the service life of their machines to ensure better production rates while keeping the cost at a minimum. In order to provide maximum satisfaction to its customers, Castolin Eutectic has developed a

>> Application

powerful arsenal of EnDOtec® cored wire alloys for the war on “High Load High Wear” by attacking abrasion and erosion forces. The first of a series of EnDOtec NanoAlloy® formulations, the EnDOtec® DO*390N was developed to provide outstand-

ing abrasion and erosion resistance. This was achieved by using a lower cost ferrous alloy with bulk hardness values reaching 71HRC! Let’s explore a typical application for a rotor in the refuse recycling.

ence of sand, stones, etc. The hammers of the shredder which are the critical parts of the shredder were originally coated every 30 days with a Lastek wire (2400) but this maintenance operation required production shutdown and a long intervention. Castolin Eutectic’s solution is to apply two passes of DO*390N alloy

on the hammers which provides outstanding performance/resistance and, as you can see from the cost analysis below, increases drastically its lifetime compared to the original solution.

Application In the agricultural sector, in order to increase the number of harvest, it is very useful and common to use the hothouse effect. The plastic screens used on these systems must be changed every year in order to provide a maximum efficiency. The shredder recycling these plastic devices wears out due to the pres-

Hammer protected with DO*390N Red: Lastek after 6 months with 2400 wire Yellow: DO*390N after 6 months Green: repair of Lastek after 6 months, the DO*390N has still 50% thickness more than Lastek

Cost Savings Before

With Castolin Eutectic

Price per new part

3000 €

Previous service life Downtime cost per day

30 days 20’000 €

Cost of Castolin Eutectic Procedure Actual service life Nr. of parts used annually

4000 € 90 days 12




Minimum Annual Cost Savings 20’000 €

*Life Prolonging Factor

Wear & Fusion Technology with Service and Quality



the best for both Environment and Productivity >> Environment

A newly developed range of brazing products entirely reformulated by our scientists to eliminate Boric Acid, Borax and Cadmium is now sold on the market by Castolin Eutectic.

New GreenBraz® line description The new line is called GreenBraz® and is composed of powder fluxes, paste fluxes, brazing pastes and brazing rods. The new range is available for a multitude of alloys allowing brazing specialists to braze for a wide range of applications as described below: Brass: Plumbing, heating, airconditioning, heat exchangers, surfaces contamined by rust, lap joints and pipe fittings, gauges, jigs, connections, cutting and drilling tools, augers, pincers, keys, carbide tips on drilling tools, copper roofing and containers, brass and bronze valves. CuproAluminium: Joining and repairing aluminium bronze parts or heavy alloys containing aluminium, surfaces contamined by oxidation, lap joints and pipe fittings, water tanks, york albro pipes (on ships). Silver Cadfree: Surfaces contamined by rust, lap joints and pipe fittings, surgical instruments and kitchenware.

Boric Acid & Borax free Keen to follow the current and fu-


ture REACH legislation and to find answers to environmental constraints applied to our sector, Castolin Eutectic developed a Brazing product range containing no CMR properties (Carcinogen, Mutagen, Reprotoxic). This means no boric acid or borax.

Cadmium free Cadmium is considered eco-toxic and so this is the first reason why Castolin Eutectic developed cadmium-free products. Cadmium is used in batteries, plastics, pigments and metal coatings. Cadmium can enter


What is REACH ?

The Directive on the Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment was adopted in February 2003 by the European Union. It is closely linked with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive which sets collection, recycling and recovery targets for electrical goods and is part of a legislative initiative to solve the problem of huge amounts of toxic waste. Castolin Eutectic products are certified to comply with this directive.

REACH is a new European Community Regulation on chemicals and their safe use. The aim of REACH is to improve the protection of human health and the environment through the better and earlier identification of the intrinsic properties of chemical substances. At the same time, innovative capability and competitiveness of the EU chemicals industry should be enhanced.

SOLUTIONS - Customer Information - Newsletter - Issue 1 - 2011

into the environment through landfills, poor waste disposal methods, when burning coal for energy, etc. The particles can travel far before falling to the ground or water and each year many tons of cadmium are discharged into our seas and oceans. Environmental pressures to eliminate the use of cadmium in industrial goods have been growing and the European Union created several directives to prevent the use of such hazardous substances. Furthermore, cadmium has already been banned from Aerospace, Automotive, Medical and Potable Water applications.

Some of the products of the GreenBraz® range

Green products made in Green Ireland >> Production

Not only is the new production plant in Ireland bringing with State-ofthe-Art products technology to deliver advanced powders and wires, but it does so with a reduction of its input on the environment. A “Green” program for the plant was implemented from the planning stage of the building to reduce energy and water consumption. For example, today the production has been doubled compared to the old plant but the use of water has been reduced by 900%! Castolin Eutectic Ireland manufacturing plant

Powder particles discharged to Waste

Breathe a Good Aire During the last years all over the World, laws concerning workers safety and healthy working environment are becoming key and are strictly controlled by government or dedicated institutions. The welding, soldering, thermal spraying, grinding and sanding are always creating fumes composed by dusts and gases. It is therefore necessary to respect the environment of people working near the area of smoke emission and to use appropriate fume exhausting equipment. In order to provide customers and our own welders the best protection, Castolin Eutectic has developed a complete range of torches, tables, arms and also complete systems with 4’200 m³/h capacity.

Wear & Fusion Technology with Service and Quality


>> News

New distribution products: a complete

accessories range Our philosophy of delivering complete ranges to our distributors is once again perfectly illustrated with the new accessories range that will be available for our distribution segment for the DIY and the Professional market in all European countries where Castolin Eutectic is present with the distribution activities. Hammers, brushes, electrode holders, welding masks, goggles, etc will be launched this summer by the distribution team and once again, at Castolin Eutectic, we do not sell single products, it is a complete marketing concept that is offered to the customers with our complete welding display including high quality and well positioned products using our modern packaging.

Do not wait anymore; Castolin Eutectic is your partner to develop your welding sales!

l a i c e n p o S i t o m o r P

Special Promotion: Get a tool box for free! From April 2011 until the end of June 2011, for every Arc or W MMA equipment purchased, customers will receive a Tool Box for free. This operation will be implemented in the following countries/area: France, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria and Eastern Countries.

ial c e Sp otion m Pro

1 Inside view of the tool box



A5 flyer for the W range offer

SOLUTIONS - Customer Information - Newsletter - Issue 1 - 2011

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P r e s e n te Geschenk

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