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Fiscal Year 2022: Financial Overview
To every CATA supporter and partner—thank you! You kept arts programs going for hundreds of people with disabilities.
Throughout our 2022 fiscal year, CATA held true to our core mission and vision: Fueled by your support, we met the needs of our community with robust, innovative programs for people with disabilities of all ages, carefully stewarding CATA’s finances and resources all the way.
Many CATA artists have faced tremendous isolation and loss since the onset of the pandemic, and demand for CATA programs is at an all-time high. Your generosity helped CATA artists explore their talents and discover who they can be.
CATA deepened our core commitment to accessibility, providing more programs for reduced costs—and waiving fees when needed. Generous donors like you stepped forward to bridge the gap: contributed income made up 87% of our overall income. Your gifts directly supported programs for low-income CATA artists who crave and deserve creative outlets, opening the door for more people with disabilities to participate.
As always, programs serving artists with disabilities were our primary expense. An outpouring of support from 1,083 individuals, businesses, and foundations made these vital programs possible. Your generosity sustained workshops, exhibits, and performances that provide life-changing opportunities for CATA artists.
Fiscal Year 2022: September 1, 2021 - August 31, 2022
Grants/Foundations: $460,797
Earned* $250,658
*including program fees and art sales Total Income: $1,877,530
258 paintings byCATAartists framed and exhibited
112 dance solos performed by CATA artists
112,080 minutes of inclusive arts workshops
800 CATAservedartists brought CATA to life in 2022!
50 program partnerships
80 pounds of clay molded into sculptures
7,125+ people witnessed the talents of CATA artists in performances and exhibits
1,083 donorsinclusionsupporting
6,000+ yoga poses by CATA artists