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Course Catalina

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Seed Seekers



SINCE 1972

This past Spring, the Conservancy welcomed students back in person through our longest-running education program: Course Catalina. Usually exclusive to 7th graders, some 8th grade students participated this year as they were unable to join last year due to a pandemic-related hiatus.

“It was really gratifying to be back to sharing the Island with the students in person,” said Conservancy Sr. Education Specialist Cressita Bowman. “After our time apart, it was extra special for staff and students to have the opportunity to be able to be together.” The partially privately-funded program first began in 1995 and now serves Avalon 7th graders as well as those from three overtown (mainland) middle schools in diverse and underserved communities.

“This year we were able to provide the students backpacks packed with value, as well as lunch and dinner,” added Bowman. “Participating students are selected by their teachers with an eye to how impactful the experience can be on young learners. The 600 students that attend seem to really understand what a special opportunity they've been given, and we have a wonderful day together because they are extremely interested in learning and enjoying the experience.”

The experience is making an impact. A recent evaluation demonstrated that, of the mainland youth who participated, 99 percent confirmed they learned something new about the Conservancy and 86 percent were more interested in spending time in nature. One student commented “I'm most excited to tell someone about hiking, we went through a journey together.”

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