Comedores clasicos melamina

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ESPEc:JFIC'AClOl,IS rtalc:'A$ OJl.., J-.,ltf, fn.,,bn,-.tesy1'11* de 1a1,1,,.... d• p1rtloul10 ...., de prod-melamfnlcOII, de ti'30 mm. yconform• • la ""'"'1111va em1i16n d• fomllldllhldo. ltlmllfe,{1, bl"'9,.. guwy tlr&do.... m,tljlfcot.

•""'P•• "*"


TEONCAL Sl'Ec:JFICGIONS sHlm, f.a,i., sholveond tap baords m,.lit Df p,rtide baord =-wd with nwl,minic� tr,/JtJmm1hiclr. in-d,....with1h• EIA'apoWI rwgul..tia,1 far fa.m.1l.lithy.lit mnwnt1. Nui., bclU and ..:- hilg-.. 9u.-and � and m.rlAI Mndltt..


En C>1:1lcn•AIJSOyCElEZO. Opd6n h,tes.., f1N15HING

In a.lD<lr,, AUSO ar CEREZO. Optia, frcnb in low s._.. ond doas +lV law, WHITE. f1NmCIN

En C>l:lulein, ALISO li1 CEREZO. Option ftont:11 dans btl-tiren et poti. + � ,V. BLANC.

TE<HIICAl Sl'ECIFICll110NS C..ISSIOn. c6tt;\. ��et pla!UUltffl f*l,-¡J¡de pffllcules-ns -. délp!'Odults mel.nlnlques, �-res 1(1:!0 rm,, ij!Jcn nonneséuro�ne1; én rallf)(ll1 A r-mloslon defonnaldthlde1o. Vluerle. <111mleres. gllsslkeset polgn!!es IM1lllll ques. AU50

i,.,;,. pu-yu)on•+blJQllVen BLANCO.




BLANCO S61o en 1'renW t,eJos douj_y __


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