1 minute read

Instructions for authors

If you are interested in participating in the magazine, you should take into account the following guidelines:

All manuscripts or works must be sent to the official Catártica mail, with their corresponding translation into English or Spanish. All papers received will be submitted for review by the members of Catártica for their selection and publication.

If the editor deems it pertinent, he may make changes and corrections in the writing and style of the manuscripts.

The file must follow the following format:

Microsoft Word

Arial font

Font size in twelve points

The upper and lower margins should be 2.5 centimeters and the left and right must be 3 centimeters.

The line spacing should be 1.5

The images and illustrations must be cited in APA format and in addition to sending them in the file, attach them in JPG, PNG or PDF format

@catarticarevista catarticarevista@outlook.com catarticarevista@gmail.com

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