Health Benefits Of Yacon Syrup Revealed - Pure Yacon Syrup Plus _____________________________________________________________________________________
By Sairiya -
Yacon syrup is getting popular in the health and wellness community, and this is for a good reason. It is derived from the root of yacon, a plant that is originally from the Andean valleys in South America. The root has a sweet taste similar to fruit, so it is often made available in syrup form and usually used as a sweetener. But, unlike other sweeteners, it is very low on the glycemic index scale. The glycemic index is a measurement of how fast blood sugar levels go up after eating a certain food. Moreover, the syrup has been proven to have various health benefits. Learn More About Pure Yacon Syrup Plus
Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels As mentioned, yacon syrup is very low on the glycemic index scale. This makes it an ideal alternative to sugar for diabetic people or those who are aiming to decrease the amount of sugar in their diet. The main reason for its ability to lower blood sugar is that it contains fructooligosaccharides (FOS), the natural sweetener which the body is not able to easily break down. Because it is not metabolized or broken down, it goes through the digestive system and it does not provide calories to the body.
Natural Weight Loss : The syrup's low glycemic index also makes it prevent unhealthy weight gain. Moreover, it suppresses appetite by making those who take it feel for a longer period of time. In fact, a
study published in Clinical Nutrition found that the subjects (overweight women) who took three to four teaspoons of the syrup per day for 120 days lost an average of thirty-three pounds and four inches from their waste.
Digestive Health Moreover, yacon syrup improves digestive health as it also acts as a prebiotic. This means that it stimulates good bacteria in the gut, improving digestion and immune system. In addition, it has been found to have "washout effect" as it allows regular elimination of waste from the body.
So‌ What’s Next ? To learn more about Pure Yacon Syrup Plus, Click Here: