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Old Cat News
HOCKEY OLYMPIC HOPEFUL ZACH WALLACE (OC 2003 – 2009) What a year 2019 was for Zach. Voted ‘man of the match’ for the anniversary of GB’s Olympic gold medal winning match in Seoul 1988 and the Olympic qualifying game v Malaysia to secure GB’s place at the Olympic games in Tokyo next summer. Zach is currently the youngest member of the GB hockey squad, joining aged 18. Recently he was shortlisted as one of five worldwide hockey players as ‘Rising Star’ for the International Hockey Federation Star Awards.
CAT SIMPSON (OC 2002) In her debut wearing the GB vest, Cat ran the IAU 24 Hour World Championships in Albi, France. She covered 220.30km to finish 23 out of 147 women and came 2nd in the GB team. Zach’s international appearances – 2019 EuroHockey Championships – 2019 Olympic Games Qualifying Tournament – 2018 World Cup – Caps: 39 – Shirt No: 32 – Position: Midfielder

Please do contact the Alumni Office, email: oldcats@caterhamschool.co.uk tel: 01883 335091) to share your news and memories of your time at the School.

MICHAEL GIBBINS (OC 2015) Another great year for Michael which ended with winning one of the fastest UK sports car series at some of the UK and Europe’s finest circuits, the Sports 2000 Championship with a double win at Silverstone.
WILL MOY (OC 2001) As Chief Executive of Full Fact (the UK’s independent fact checking charity which has pioneered automated fact checking) Will was certainly kept busy with 2019 election. He has led Full Fact since work began in 2008. Will has served on advisory groups for the ESRC, Ofcom, the Pew Charitable Trusts, and the Treasury, and regularly gives evidence to select committee and other inquiries.
Full Fact fights bad information. They are a team of independent fact checkers and campaigners who find, expose and counter done by mistruths. You can find out more and follow their latest findings at fullfact.org

RORY MOORE (OC 2019) Rory was seen on the BBC News last September speaking on how ‘MPs should learn from young people’. As a member of the UK Youth Parliament, he reflected on Westminster politics following the stormy debate as MPs returned to Parliament after a Supreme Court decision that the suspension of Parliament was unlawful. The UK Youth Parliament is a non-party political organisation and has 369 seats for elected members, aged 11-18.
AUTHOR OF MUDLARKING LARA MAIKLEM (OC 1989) Mudlark (/‘mAdla;k/) noun A person who scavenges for usable debris in the mud of a river or harbour
Lara Maiklem has scoured the banks of the Thames for over fifteen years, in pursuit of the objects that the river unearths: from Neolithic flints to Roman hair pins, medieval buckles to Tudor buttons, Georgian clay pipes to Victorian toys. These objects tell her about London and its lost ways of life. As she has discovered, it is often the tiniest objects that tell the greatest stories.
The book has been published in UK, US, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Following this success, Lara made many UK, US and Australian TV and Radio appearances and has written for The Spectator and The Guardian.
Paperback due out in March 2020 Favourably reviewed by numerous newspapers and publications, home and abroad, including Washington Post, New York Times, Literary Review, Wall Street Journal, Sydney Morning Herald and El Pais, amongst many others…
Mudlarking received huge critical acclaim last year as: – Sunday Times Bestseller – BBC Radio 4 Book of the Month and Book of the Year – Apple Book of the Month and Book of the Year – Observer Book of the Year – Foyles Book of the Month – Daily Express Book of the Year

‘Maiklem’s description of the fog is worthy of Dickens or Joseph Conrad, “a great white cloud of damp river breath, tick and consuming, filling ears, curling down throats and settling on lungs.”’ Sunday Telegraph
‘Fascinating. There is nothing that Maiklem does not know about the history of the river or the thingyness of things.’ The Guardian
AUTHOR OF THE DEAD WORLD OF LANTHORNE GHULES GERALD KILLINGWORTH (FORMER STAFF) Gerald joined Caterham School in 1991 and was Head of English for 21 years. During that period he always managed to find time to write and he published two novels for children, Lord of the Silver Hand and Mister Misery (not autobiographical, of course), and an adult fantasy Hy Brazil, which had its launch at the School.
Gerald’s new book for children, The Dead World of Lanthorne Ghules was published at Halloween and is a spooky read for the dark winter nights. Edwin the 12 year-old central character is forced to undertake a dangerous quest in a cold, terrifying, twilit world parallel to our own. The book was selected from 249 submitted to the Pushkin Press last year on an open submissions day.
Gerald has also nearly completed a PhD on the Elizabethan writer Robert Greene and in 1992, to mark 400 years since Greene’s death, he directed Greene’s Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay as the Caterham School play. Caterham was almost certainly the only place in the world that marked this particular anniversary.

AUTHOR OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS IN KASHMIR: HEADMASTER ON A MISSION OC JOHN RAY OBE (OC 1946) This book contains John Ray’s personal life account as Principal of the Biscoe School in the heart of Srinagar between 1962 and 1986. Intended as ‘something to give leaving students’, it touches on people and events in a very different age. Hippies, chief ministers, bishops and Kashmiri people of every background crowd the stage, set against the background of a school extraordinary in its range of adventurous activities. Jyoti Sahi’s drawings picture the now vanished Kashmiri scene and Wajahat Habibullah’s sobering foreword recalls the narrative from stories of a time gone by to consideration of the harsh realities of the present. Anyone concerned for Kashmir, or indeed for the pressures of living across cultures in today’s identity-seeking landscape, will find much interest here.

MAX ALESHIN (OC 2014) Max is living back in St. Petersburg after graduating from Edinburgh and has recently established a culinary school to train a new generation of Russian chefs.
OC RUSSIA GATHERING Last November Nick Mills (Housemaster, Viney) travelled to Russia and was delighted to meet up with OCs in St.Petersburg and Moscow.
Pictured in the bottom photo (left to right) are Nikita Tomilin (2015) and Artem Korytko (2017) and Gor Melkonyan (OC 2015). Gor’s wedding photo is also feature on page 47.

OXBRIDGE EVENING TUESDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 2019 Lucie Prego (OC 2016), Sophie Dawson (OC 2018), Amy Hill (OC 2018) and Anna Gardner (OC 2019) formed a panel of Oxbridge undergraduates so that pupils from the Fourth and Fifth Years could find out what to expect if they apply to Oxford or Cambridge Universities, and to inspire the pupils to expand their academic horizons through taking advantage of the many curricular and co-curricular opportunities at school. All of us were greatly impressed by their clarity of thought and the breadth of advice they gave, all delivered with wonderful good humour! There are currently 62 OCs studying at Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
MEDICS TALK MONDAY 16 SEPTEMBER Dr Hannah Wright (OC 2010) and Dr Richard Wright introduced the Lower Sixth pupils to medicine. They delivered a super insight into the work of medicine, from medical training at university, to junior doctor years and then seeing generations of family members come through a GP surgery. The talks were very well received and students were humbled by their dedication and experiences.

CAREERS EVENING THURSDAY 10 OCTOBER 2019 Nine Old Cats came back to inspire and advise the current pupils on a range of professions including careers in advertising, event management and marketing.
Left to right: Indy Chatwell (OC 2006), Harry McInley (OC 2011), Jeremy May (OC 2003), Nick Horton (OC 2015), Freddie Marryat (OC 2012), Alex Tasker (OC 2009), Rachel Milliams (OC 2015), Lauren Noble (OC 2013) and Rosie Riches (OC 2015)
DEGREE APPRENTICESHIP EVENING THURSDAY 28 NOVEMBER 2019 Alex Paul (OC 2017) and Elise Miller (OC 2018) shared their experiences and insights into Degree Apprenticeships. Alex is currently completing an apprenticeship at KPMG, and Elise is an Associate Trainee at PwC.

Old Cats returned to School as teachers last September
Left to right: Shaocheng Ma Pippa Waterman Charlie Hammond
SHAOCHENG MA (OC 2010) Caterham School is always one of the best places in my mind. I had two years full of happiness and cheerfulness when I came to study at Caterham.
It was also the place I met my wife, so we share many good memories of school. Being back is fantastic, I enjoy every single day as a teacher here. I can inspire the next generation and they are a group of lovely kids.
There has not been much change in the infrastructure of the school, apart from the new Centre for Performing Arts. Although many teachers who taught me have left Caterham, there are a number of teachers still here, namely Ms Dawrant, Mr Mills, Mr Keyworth and Mr Todd. They were my teachers when I was a boarder but now they have become very supportive colleagues, which made my first term as a teacher here much easier. I have fun memories of boarding at Caterham. I enjoyed the times spent in the boarding house, studying, playing games, watching football and ordering takeaways together. I also enjoyed the lessons with fun experiments. I made many lifetime friends in Caterham, with whom I am still in touch. Overall, Caterham has a unique and special place in my heart.

CHARLIE HAMMOND (NÉE STIMMLER) (OC 2004) Returning to Caterham School 15 years after leaving has been a strange, but wonderful time. In some regards, nothing has changed. The ethos and ideal for children to follow a holistic curriculum is ever-present – the drive for academic success never overshadowing the desire for pupils to participate in all aspects of the wider school life. Teaching Biology in the new(ish!) Davey Building in beautiful labs with walls covered with the most fascinating student projects is a real privilege. One of the biggest changes is the innovative use of technology in the pupils’ education. There is always a risk when introducing iPads within a school that these will hinder pupils’ teamwork and communication abilities, but I have seen nothing but improvement through using these in my lessons.
I have many fond memories from my time at Caterham School, whether it was performing in the school orchestra (as a lonely oboist), in many of the productions – including the amazing Dracula Spectacular, representing the school in netball, lacrosse, athletics and rounders (there weren’t as many talented pupils to select from in the early 2000s!) or just enjoying lessons with the teachers who inspired me to become a teacher myself – some of whom I now have the pleasure of working with. I loved my time at school then, and I am loving it again now! Sadly (and happily!) I am leaving at the end of the Autumn Term to have a baby, but I hope I’ll be back again soon!

PIPPA WATERMAN (OC 2014) It is great being back in the Caterham buzz. It has always had such a good atmosphere and continues to do so coming back as a member of staff. All of the pupils and staff are great to work with and give 100 per cent in everything that they do.
Having left six years ago, there isn’t too much that has changed, except the new Humphreys Hall. Everything is very similar to how it was, including many members of staff who have been incredibly friendly and welcoming since I came back.
Some of the best memories from being at Caterham were being part of CCF and getting the opportunity to complete DofE. However, my favourite memories would definitely be being part of the sports teams and travelling to Surrey tournaments and national schools. It is brilliant coming back and watching the same buzz amongst the girls in the build up to major competitions. However, sometimes it is tough, and I wish I could go back and do it all again, particularly Sixth Form.
Congratulations to the following OCs…

t Double congratulations to Samantha Moore (OC 2010) who married Wayne Jones on 21 December 2018. Pictured here with her fellow Old Cats from Beech Hanger. Samantha and Wayne then welcomed Freddie Jones on 18 November 2019 (see page 50).
L–R: Sasha, Alina, Laura, Sam, Kirstie, Alina, Claudia, Emily.

u Lucy May (OC 2005) and Josh Higginson (OC 2010) were married on 6 July 2019 in Catalonia, Spain surrounded by many of their Old Cat friends.

t Nick Simpson (OC 2004) married Perdie Alder at the beautiful Château de Brametourte in Lautrèc, France on 7 September 2019. “It was so much fun! It was a full weekend so the whole thing was just perfect – everyone super relaxed and having a good time in the sun. I think the pizza night on the Friday and the pool party on Sunday book ended the wedding day perfectly so everyone was in holiday mode and wasn’t worrying about leaving. Wish we could do it all again!”
q Emma-Louise Cross Vetriano (OC 2006) married Dino George Waldren Junior in November 2019. The ceremony was held at Pennyhill Park in Surrey. Emma is currently Celebrity Partnerships Manager at EA SPORTS and Dino is a professional international rugby player. “We will be having a honeymoon in Hawaii, after the rugby season finishes, this summer.”

q Gor Melkonyan (OC 2015) married Anna in Yerevan, Armenia. The wedding was attended by a number of Old Cats including Egor Lyasko, Georgi Paunov and Max Aleshin.

q Matthew Fenton (OC 2010) and Rowena Spurgeon (OC 2010) married at Chiddingstone Castle on 6 July 2019. It was a wonderful day with many Old Cats attending, including three of Rowena’s bridesmaids! Matthew and Rowena have been together since the Upper Sixth at Caterham. Matthew graduated in 2016 from The University of Birmingham with a degree in Medicine and is now a doctor in London and the South East, training towards becoming an oncologist. Rowena graduated in 2014 from The University of Leeds with a degree in French and Music and is now working for Frazer Jones in HR Recruitment in London. They have recently bought their first home together in Tonbridge.

t Tara Masilamani (OC 2007) married Edward Hughes in a civil ceremony at Chelsea Old Town Hall on 5 October 2019. “This was just a small celebration before we move to New York in January. Ed will be moving to the New York office of Goldman Sachs and I will be taking a break from training as a gynaecologist to pursue medical research. We will be having the ‘wedding’ in Dorset on 19 December 2020.“

t Myles Waud (OC 2007) married Hannah Graham of Rugby School on 24 August 2019. Pictured below is the grooms’ party which includes five Old Cats.
Back Row: Middle left – Myles Waud (OC 2007), middle right – Charles Waud (OC 2005) and far right – James Gooden (OC 2007) Front Row: Far left – Adam Foulds (OC 2007) and far right – Jack Farley (OC 2007)

u Hannah Whiteford (OC 2002) married James Carey at Gate Street Barn in Guildford on 26 October 2019. The service was officiated by Rick Mearkle, former Chaplain of Caterham School.

u Matt Mill (2009) married Ellie in Rutland on 12 October 2019. A number of OCs were there to celebrate with the happy couple.
L–R: Simon Atkins (OC 2005), Hannah Shaw (OC 2009), Izzy O’Connor (OC 2009), Nicola Shiplee (OC 2009), Rob Salem (current teacher), Lisa Mill (OC 2011)

t Alex Moore (OC 2008) married Megan at Bellingham Castle in County Louth, Ireland on 1 August 2019. Many Old Cats were there to celebrate with him (see photo below).

Back row (L–R): Alex Johnson, Jonny Cross, Toby Virno and Mark Lane. Front row (L–R): Jim Bulley, Alex Moore, Doug Waldron and Matt Lunn.
u Kendra Leaver-Rylar (OC 2007) welcomed Aurora on 3 September 2019. Born at the Chelsea and Westminster, the obstetrician who delivered her baby was fellow Old Cat Tara Masilamani (OC 2007)! Tara is also Aurora’s godmother, four weeks after her birth Tara got married and Kendra and Aurora attended as bridesmaid and flower girl.

p Emma Gooden (née Fuller) (OC 2007) and James Gooden (OC 2007) welcomed baby Martha Joy Gooden on 2 November 2019.

p Anna Biset (née Richards) (OC 2007) and Benjamin welcomed baby Luca William Biset on 26 April 2019.
q Rosie Craine (née May) (OC 2007) and Alex celebrated the birth of Emmie Jane Craine on the 11 September 2019.

p Samantha Jones (née Moore) (OC 2010) and Wayne welcomed Freddie Jones on 18 November 2019.

Please do contact the Alumni Office, email: oldcats@caterhamschool.co.uk tel: 01883 335091) to share your news and memories of your time at the School.