3 minute read
from Caterhamian 2020
ur award-winning
Owellbeing team led on all matters wellbeing at the UK and international education show BETT at London’s Excel centre on Tuesday 21 January.
Mrs Griffiths, Miss Smith and Mr Moore presented to a packed theatre on securing wellbeing as part of the curriculum with fantastic feedback from all present. They concentrated on the Caterham ‘we’re all in this together’ philosophy of teachers and bursarial staff all engaged in the wellbeing of the pupils.
In the afternoon, Mrs Griffiths chaired the Education Arena discussion across a range of wellbeing topics with representatives from UK independent, secondary and primary schools.
Mrs Griffiths said: “To be able to share our best practice with UK and global schools is really important. We can all learn from each other as wellbeing is a priority for anyone involved in education – the welfare of our young people is what underpins a brighter future for everyone.“
In the week beginning 15 June our Wellbeing Ambassadors launched a new podcast series which will hear them discuss a range of topics.
They will be sharing their experiences and giving advice on what has helped them. In the first episode, David, Shreya, Lauren and Alyssa discuss lockdown and how they have been coping with the changes. They would love to hear what you’d like them to @caterhamwellbeing

discuss in future episodes, so feel free to send a direct message to @ caterhamwellbeing on Instagram with any suggestions you may have. We hope you enjoy listening!
Our Wellbeing Ambassadors are pupils who have received special training and take a leading role in supporting fellow pupils as part of Caterham’s award-winning wellbeing approach.
At the end of term our Second Year pupils were looking back at their time in the Lower School and reminiscing about their highlights.
They have all achieved so much and it is great to see so many fond memories! Favourites include winning the Surrey Lacrosse tournament, the Sports Tour to Dubai, the French Trip to Paris, the Christmas Fair and toasting marshmallows in outdoor learning lessons. Friendship, positivity and new experiences- there is so much to be proud of and it has been wonderful to witness it all!

for Sixth Form Pupils
A new series of voluntary wellbeing lunchtime sessions where put in place in response to Sixth Form feedback, these sessions will address practical issues and equip them with some life skills.

Caterham’s innovative and sector leading approach to Wellbeing has been recognised once again, this time through recognising the contribution that our Deputy Head (Pastoral & Wellbeing) is making to the independent sector!
or her work around
FWellbeing in education Mrs Sarah Griffiths has made it onto the ‘i25’, a list of the top 25 independent sector’s leading influencers and innovators who have made an impact to pupil experience and independent education in the UK.
This latest accolade follows the National Children’s Bureau backed Wellbeing Award for
Schools (WAS) which was awarded The theme for the first session was “First aid for your mates” led by Mrs Lesley Paine, the school Health Centre Manager. It covered skills to provide students with an appropriate response to a situation including, being able to read signs and symptoms, how to help and assess a situation, what to say, what to do, when it is necessary to call 999 and what to do whilst waiting for emergency services.
to Caterham earlier this year. Following a rigorous 16-month-long assessment, which included input from pupils, parents and staff, Caterham’s pioneering approach to Wellbeing was endorsed by the WAS inspector who commented: “Wellbeing is embedded in the curriculum and across the whole school. Pupils and staff have incredibly positive things to say about the climate of the school and how they have been personally supported.”
The specialist award recognises the leading whole-school approach at Caterham which promotes mental health and wellbeing across the entire school community. Individuals at every level of the school’s community are proactively involved in supporting Wellbeing: from pupils in Kindergarten up to Sixth Form, to the school’s Trustees, the teaching and support staff and parents.