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SVP – What We Do The SVP and Humility
This month’s article from the SVP is a reflection penned by Jon Cornwall, the Director of Membership for the SVP.
“Let him think of [humility] not as selfforgetfulness but as a certain kind of opinion, namely a low opinion of one’s own talents and character… Fix in his mind the idea that humility consists in trying to believe those talents to be less valuable than he believes them to be… By this method thousands of humans have been brought to live out a humility which means that pretty women now believe that they are ugly and clever men are certain that they are really fools whose own beliefs could well be manifest nonsense. Let us raise a generation who do not believe that they can succeed, and let’s keep them second guessing, changing their minds constantly as being fixed with one opinion would not be humble. Let them be ashamed of perfection and do all they can to avoid its pursuit.”
C S Lewis would elsewhere say that “Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less”.

As Vincentians we commit ourselves to a great number of values, being Christ-centred, respectful, generous accountable and confidential among others. The formation of the Society relies on these virtues and in dignifying the experience of our Beneficiaries it needs a true and real devotion to humility. The best version of humility lived out by the Society views our role as in partnership with God and in devotion to the Poor.
A Message from the Editor
After more than 24 years editing this newspaper I feel it is time to take a step back and retire. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the contributors for their interesting and informative articles over the years. I would also like to thank the many priests and other religious for their kind encouragement and especially past Bishops James, and Malcolm and our current Bishop Patrick.
Most of all many thanks to you, our loyal readers and our advertisers. May God bless us all
John Clawson