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Around our diocese
A most enjoyable weekend visit to the parishes in Narborough and Lutterworth, Leics. I’m grateful for the warm welcome I received from Fr Joel and Deacon Kevin and parishioners, and also for the Sunday lunch hospitality offered by retired priests Frs John Joe and Jim. Bishop Patrick

Bishop Patrick an invitation to speak on the contribution of Catholicism to the local community at a Festival of Faiths hosted at Notts County Hall and the opportunity to listen to speakers from the Church of England and from other faiths. An excellent initiative which was well supported!

It is awesome to be at The Becket School this morning to thank students for their generosity in their recent Give a Gift project in school.
Over the last half term, students have raised over £3000 to buy World Gifts, thank you so much!

Canon Stephen Dye and Fr Colin Patey celebrating 25 years of priestly ministry are presented with Papal Blessings to mark their Jubilee anniversary of ordination.
Congratulations and Ad multos annos!