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Cantonese Mass and Lunar New Year Gathering at Holy Spirit Church, West Bridgford

On January 28, 2023, the Hong Kong community gathered together at the Holy Spirit Church, West Bridgford, for a special Mass celebrated by Fr Ka Fai Lee.

Jan 28, the seventh day of the first lunar month, is named renri` (Traditional Chinese: 人日), which is literally Human Day and the birthday of common men. Traditionally, people gather together to celebrate and share food. On this auspicious occasion we organized a special Mass with Fr Lee, and a Lunar New Year gathering at the Holy Spirit Social Center. Parishioners brought in and shared homemade delicacies customarily shared in Hong Kong. There were crafting stations including one for traditional Chinese Calligraphy and hand crafting. It was all part of the celebrations in welcoming the Chinese New Year of Rabbit. It was a wonderful event and everyone enjoyed the mass and the opportunity to catch up with each other.
During mass, Fr Lee reminded us to keep praying as God is merciful and would heed our prayers. He spoke of how God would lead and guide us through the journey of life.
Fr John and Fr Liam were keen to express their appreciation towards the Hong Kong

Community whose efforts have contributed greatly to the enrichment and development of our local community.
We would like to thank the clergy team of the
Holy Spirit, Fr John, and Fr Liam, and Jim, as well as the administrators Catherine and Margaret who have all been very supportive and helpful towards the parishioners of the Hong Kong community.