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Poole school celebrates positive, ambitious and happy school community following OFSTED inspection

St Edward’s School in Poole was recently visited by Ofsted for its second ungraded inspection since the last full inspection in May 2013 and its first inspection since the pandemic. St Edward’s is celebrating the fact that the school continues to be ‘Good’, with inspectors finding excellent practice on nearly all fronts, and having no concerns about the fantastic quality of provision.

The recent inspection found kindness and hard work to be at the centre of a ‘positive learning community’ with an ‘ambitious and challenging curriculum’ which is adapted where necessary. Students are ‘happy, friendly and polite’ and Ofsted saw ‘positive and respectful relationships between staff and students’ helping to ensure that ‘students felt safe’ at the school.

Headteacher, Michael Antram said; “We take great pride in our students and the achievements they secure for themselves each day within our school environment. We continue to secure fantastic academic outcomes due to our excellent teachers and staff who are such a strength of our school. Ofsted recognised the special ethos and values that permeate our school; and the dedication, care, and hard work that our staff put in day in and day out for our students.”

The inspection found that teachers have high expectations of every student, and that leaders ensure that the curriculum challenges students academically, ensuring excellent outcomes on a range of fronts.

Mr Antram continued; “We have much to celebrate and will continue to grow and improve to provide our students with academic excellence as well as opportunities for self-development for each individual. I would like to thank our whole school community; students, staff, governors and our families, following this inspection which encourages us to become ever better as a school.”

The inspection found that the school has a ‘well planned personal development curriculum’ with ‘helpful guidance’ on students’ future choices in employment or further education. There is a ‘wide range of extra-curricular opportunities open to them’ however, it was felt improvement could be made on building a better understanding on the uptake of these opportunities to ensure all students are aware of and accessing the fantastic extra-curricular opportunities available.

St Edward’s draws on its Christian ethos to inform a holistic educational experience for each of its students, which the inspection reports evidence of across the board. St Edward’s is focussed on the formation of each of its students as a whole person to achieve not only academically but individually too, preparing them to live life to the full. The school, which celebrates its 60th anniversary this year, is unique being one of the few ecumenical schools across the country; bringing the Catholic Church and Church of England together with the shared values of Unity, Faith and Achievement.

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