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St John XXIII Preston Cluster Lenten Service
St Joseph’s church was the venue for our annual cluster Lenten service. St Augustine’s Catholic Primary, St Ignatius’s Catholic Primary, St Teresa’s Catholic Primary, Christ the King Catholic High School and St Joseph’s Catholic Primary all come together to sing, pray and watch.
During the service each school portrays the Way of the Cross with song, drama and readings from Jesus’s glorious entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Trial and 昀nally to the Cruci昀xion. The children were fantastic and led us through the service respectfully and as a worshipping community. It is an opportunity for the Parish and Schools to come together to celebrate the season of Lent. The schools value this service as an outward expression of and witness to our faith.
Pope Francis has said that “Catholic education is also evangelization: bearing witness to the joy of the Gospel and its power to renew our communities and provide hope and strength in facing wisely the challenges of the present time.”
Our Lenten service, so well received by the parents, sta昀 and pupils is living out the Pope’s mission.
Catherine Monaghan,Headteacher, St Joseph’s RC Primary School