1 minute read
You 昀nd time to explore your faith, to learn about yourself and to make you will for life ” Young Pilgrim
Our Youth Section of the diocesan pilgrimage travel overland
Thursday 20th – Saturday 29th July 2023. There will be pick-up points in the North and South of the Diocese. Applications are open to all young people aged 15 (Y10) - 21 The cost is £695 which includes travel, meals, Sanctuary levy and Youth programme. A training date has been scheduled for Saturday 17th June 2023 (venue to be announced)
Do you wish to serve others? Learn more about your faith? Meet other young people? If so, then Youth to Lourdes could be for you…
Calling our faithful Supporters Could you support a young person to go on pilgrimage? All donations for the Youth Section of the pilgrimage should be sent to HSBC, Account Name: Lancaster Diocesan Pilgrimage Trust, Sort Code: 40-27-02, Account No: 81656430.
All cheques should be made payable to Lancaster Diocesan Pilgrimage Trust, and sent to The Director of Operations, 22 Clifton Drive, Blackpool, Lancashire FY4 1NX. Reg Charity no. 106099.
Read about this
2023 on Pages 8, 9 and 10 >>
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