1 minute read
World Day of Prayer
On the 昀rst Friday of March well over one hundred people including His Worship the Mayor and Mayoress of Fylde took part in a World Day of Prayer service at St. Joseph’s Ansdell. The service was prepared by the women of Taiwan during the hard days of the pandemic. The theme was ‘I have heard about your faith’. We learned a little about the beautiful island of Taiwan also known as the kingdom of the orchids and some of the issues they face.
We began by greeting one another in Taiwanese: “Ping-an” which means “May God grant you peace, a peaceful relationship with God and with one another.”
Our reading was taken from St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians 1: 15-19 followed by a Meditation and Letters of Encouragement to women facing su昀ering and injustice outlining actions being taken day to day on the island. And our display depicted the beautiful sky and sea, trees and mountains of the island plus many orchids alongside a map of Taiwan
We were blessed with readers and women from the many churches in Lytham St. Annes; by the singing and energy of the children of St. Peter’s school, Lytham, accompanied by two guitars; beautiful organ accompaniment by Nigel Ogden and a 昀nal blessing by Fr. Peter Clarke.
Following the service there was time to sit and chat and make new friends over a cup of tea and freshly baked cakes.

Next year the service will be at the United Reformed Church in St. Annes and the theme will be “I beg you, bear with one another in love” prepared by the Christian women of Palestine.