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Bishop’s Column
In his column this month, Bishop Terry has some suggestions to enhance our Holy Week observations...
We begin our Holy Week celebrations. The procession Gospel sets the scene. Then Isaiah tells us of the suffering servant. Jesus now fulfils this role. The second reading is from St Paul’s letter to the Philippians. As the reading is proclaimed you experience the Kenosis/Christ’s self-emptying, then the upward movement of Jesus to the glory of the resurrection. The Gospel is the Passion reading. The different voices add to this drama. We enter the scene. Perhaps we could imagine which character we identify with as we continue our journey through this Holy Week.
The Passover is proclaimed at this Mass. It relays the Exodus event, full of drama and details of how to prepare, cook and eat this meal. This is celebrated each year and Jesus celebrated it at the Last Supper. It reminds us of a journey, being fed and nourished and led by God’s actions. In the second reading, St Paul gives us the first account of what Jesus did at the Last Supper. We are set free from the slavery of sin. “He took, blessed, broke and gave.” All these actions we encounter in the Eucharist. The Gospel is St John’s account of the washing of the feet. This action offers us the challenge to do the same. Then the transfer of the Blessed Sacrament helps us experience that emptiness. Spending time in prayer helps us enter more deeply into this celebration.