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‘Baptised into Christ’ day explores our Christian ministry
This year’s Inspirational and Commissioning Day for Ministers of the Word and Holy Communion is at Scarborough Spa on Saturday September 16.
“Baptised into Christ” will help us explore how our baptism calls us to ministry and to realise our ministry is rooted in the call of God in our lives. It enables us to know we live on holy ground, and we are blessed. There will be music and clips from films and stories and reflections to help us on our way. Your parish priest or parish coordinator should have the booking information. If they haven’t yet spoken to you, then have a chat with them.
Once again, we will combine the Inspirational and Commissioning aspects. This means if you could not attend last year’s day, or if you are a new minister, you will be commissioned in your ministry during Mass. If you attended last year, please still come to this day. You won’t be commissioned again as your commissioning lasts five years.
Liverpool priest Father Chris Thomas will lead our day. Archbishop Patrick Kelly released him from parish work in 2002, and the Irenaeus Project was born.
The project is an attempt to highlight the whole area of spirituality, and not just for those who can afford the luxury of a retreat centre.
Father Chris works all over the Archdiocese of Liverpool and further afield to help people to pray, explore the scriptures, reflect on what it means to be human and alive and know the truth that God is with us.
The project also outreaches to those with mental health issues, dementia, food poverty, those who struggle with loneliness, asylum seekers, refugees and anyone who just needs a listening ear.
Father Chris has spoken all over the British Isles and in mainland Europe and is the author of 12 books that are full of encounters with people and their spiritual journeys.
If you are a Minister of the Word or Holy Communion, come along and meet Father Chris!
The deadline for bookings is mid-August. Return booking forms by email to adultformation@rcdmidd.org.uk or by post to the Curial Office, 50a The Avenue, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough TS5 6QT.
David Cross Adult Formation Coordinator