1 minute read
More volunteers needed for SVP charity shop
Could you help us?
We are a small friendly shop that relies solely on donations of men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, bric-à-brac, toys, and almost everything in between.
We try to make sure our prices reflect the needs of the people in the area, at the same time trying to uphold the ethos of the SVP. We can also put people in touch with local SVP volunteers if they need further support. Many of our donors pay tax gift aid their items, and this is a major source of our income and helps to pay for the shop’s running costs.
We desperately need more volunteers to work even two or three hours once a week. Roles vary, depending on what you feel most comfortable doing.
If you would be happier just chatting to customers or simply sorting donations in the stock room, that would be thankfully received.
Whatever your skills, there is a place for you, and you would be most welcome.
If you have a few hours to spare, please consider joining our friendly team.
The shop is at 430 Marton Road, Belle Vue, Middlesbrough, TS4 2PT.
Please contact Ruth on 01642 821816 or email ruths@svp.org.uk.
Frances Gilchrist