Catherine Schmidt
Department of Landscape Architecture, College of Architecture and Planning, Ball State University
Degrees: Major: Landscape Architecture Minors: Spanish, International Resources Management, Sustainability Honors College Dean’s List, College of Architecture and Planning Dean’s List, 3.5 GPA Study Abroad Experience: Tirimbina Biological Reserve, La Virgen, Costa Rica; Spring Semester 2010
Table of Contents Sakai Village – Community Design LEED ND Community Design with hand graphics
Color and Personality Garden – Garden Design Demonstration garden with planting design
Quahog Nature Center – Stormwater Management Design Site grading plan and AutoCAD
INASLA Landscape Architecture Month Brochure – ContestWinning Graphic Design Graphic Design
Internship Experience - Indiana Wildlife Federation, Indianapolis Parks Foundation Indy Light Rail – Public Design Transit Stop site design with LID neighborhood context
A New Tradition: Portland, IN – Comprehensive Project Small town revitalization and streetscape design.
This community design project involved achieving LEED ND certification. Design elements such as access to public spaces, bicycle network, reduced automobile dependence, school proximity, floodplain avoidance, and wetland conservation earned the community 40 credits.
Commercial Core
TwoStory Duplexes 30’ x 30’
Tiered Agriculture Community Green
Community Center
Bicycle Storage
Townhomes 25’ x 50’
Community Plan
House Design
Sakai Village, Bainbridge Island, WA
Water Filtration
Public Space
Community Character Street Design
3rd Year, Community Design Studio
Process Diagrams Planting Plan
3rd Year, Planting Design Studio
Color and Personality
Color and Personality Plan This project design is a demonstration of how colors effect feelings and personalities are drawn to different colors. The design creates unique spaces for people of with the personality type that favors the color.
Quahog Nature Center
4th Year, Engineering Project
INASLA Brochure Design Contest, Winning Design
Outer fold of Mailer
Winning Design, Spring 2008
Summer 2009, Indiana Wildlife Federation Intern
Spread the Word
Celebration of the Parks Opposite: While at my internship at the Indiana Wildlife Federation I worked on educational pieces for the public to learn about native options of yard plantings. I also did a large booklet for Habitat Friendly Development Guidelines.
This project was to highlight the work that the Indianapolis Parks Foundation has down since their beginning in 1991. I went through their files, compiled their paper database into an electronic database and assessed the progress of each park property the organization has affected. This poster was for the 20th Anniversary celebration to display IPF’s accomplishments.
Summer 2010, Indianapolis Parks Foundation Intern
22nd Street View East from the Monon
Conceptual Diagram
Institutional Retail Residential/Live-Work Units Offices
3rd Year, Community Design Studio
22nd Street Light Rail Stop on the Monon Retail with Office Above Retail 22nd Street Cafe Project School Community Center
Train Stop
Habitat for Humanity
Daycare Section
Design Factory
Live/Work Units
21st St. Pedestrian connection
Kiss-and-ride and Apartment Entrance Kiss-andride
Goals and Objectives Improve physical fitness of all citizens of Portland, Indiana. Redevelop the current pedestrian infrastructure. Add new bicycle paths throughout the community. Foster community pride in Portland, Indiana. Create well-designed public gathering areas. Celebrate culture and heritage of Portland. Economically revitalize the Meridian Street and Main Street corridors. Infill vacant buildings with vibrant new businesses and amenities. Improve the aesthetics of the Meridian Street and Main Street corridors. Introduce enhancements in the streetscapes.
5th Year, Comprehensive Project
A New Tradition: Portland, IN
Looking across Main Street from the jail to the former Tom and Rod’s Restaurant, there is potential for an outdoor café and roof-top patio for a second-floor apartment. New apartments would provide a wall and create plaza space. Main and Meridian Facing west
Master Plan
Family and Residential Corner - Ship Street and Main Street
The family zone would cater to the families and young professionals in the new buildings that would border the site, as well as to those living in the neighborhood adjacent to the park area. Both Ship and Main Streets are streets where bike lanes would be marked, allowing people from farther away to bike to the park and café. The park would extended
across the street with street trees that create separate spaces while bringing the entire site together in a parklike atmosphere. Second story apartments above the café and other businesses on Main Street and Meridian would be a great opportunity to use existing buildings to bring more residences into downtown.