Single Stage Steam Turbines
Introduction You might have heard about Turbines, which is used to produce electricity by converting the energy of a fluid into mechanical energy. Steam turbines are one classification of the turbines which converts kinetic energy(heat) into mechanical energy. Some classifications of steam turbine generators based on stages are â—? Single stage steam turbines â—? Multi-stage steam turbines
Serving Industries The industries which this type of turbines serves are: ● Oil and gas ● Food and Chemical processing ● Pharmaceutical ● Steel, Paper, Sugar, Fertilizer and Rice etc. Single stage steam turbines come with a robust construction but it creates good efficiency. Coming to its design feature, turbine bearings are eliminated and coming to the power transmission,high-speed coupling is eliminated.
Operating parameters Also have a look through Operating parameters of this kind of turbines â—? Inlet steam pressure and temperature varies from 32 to 45 Bar(g) and 360 to 450 Degree Celsius â—? Exhaust steam pressure and temperature varies from 10 to 20 Bar(g) and 275 to 380 Degree Celsius â—? Power capacity varies from 1000 kW to 2000 kW
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The advantages of single steam turbine generators: Less mechanical loses that improves turbine efficiency Improved thermal efficiency which results in energy savings Minimal installation size More life span Operations and Maintenance is simple due to high automation
Disadvantages The disadvantages of single steam turbine generators: ● Sometimes it requires reduction gear to run the turbine at high speed at high efficiency. ● A steam turbine has a slow load change behavior, which means once running the turbine cannot be stopped quickly. ● Slight imbalance of rotor can lead to vibrations. ● Some turbines requires longer startups. ● Some response less to changes in power demand
NCON Turbo Tech