Psy 450 complete class week 1 5 includes all individual & team a

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PSY 450 Complete Class Week 1-5 Includes All Individual & Team A to purchase

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PSY 450 Week 1 - Individual Cross-Cultural Psychology Paper

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you analyze cross-cultural psychology. Use the Electronic Reserve Readings (ERR) for this course, the University Library, or other resources to locate at least 4 articles concerning these issues. Please use research articles with authors and websites that meet the UOP criteria for websites (official versus non-official – if you have doubts, please ask).

As a part of your analysis, be sure to address the following items:

Define cultural and cross-cultural psychology. Analyze the relationship between cultural and cross-cultural psychology. Discuss the role of critical thinking in cross-cultural psychology.

Discuss the methodology associated with cross-cultural research.

Discussion Questions:

1-What is ethnocentrism? Is it possible to avoid ethnocentrism? If so, how? If not, why not?

2-Cultural Globalization and Separation Debate:

In this thread we will discuss the impact of cultural globalization and cultural separation on cross cultural psychology.

As discussed in your textbook, there are two trends that are valuable for cross cultural psychology: cultural globalization and cultural separation. Cultural globalization refers to the increasingly interconnectivity of the world society, while global separation refers to separation of cultures and ethnic groups. Which trend do you think is the most compelling? Do you think that cultures will eventually merge together, or that they will become more separate from each other?

PSY 450 Week 2 - Team Traditional and Non Traditional Culture

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you compare and contrast your selected traditional and nontraditional cultures. Use the Electronic Reserve Readings (ERR) for this course, the University Library, or other resources to locate at least 4 articles concerning these issues. Please use research articles with authors and websites that meet the UOP criteria for websites (official versus non-official – if you have doubts, please ask).

As a part of your paper, be sure to explain the differences among values, beliefs, and behaviors for your selected cultures.

Discussion Questions:

1-What is stress? Why do some ethnic groups have higher stress levels than others? How do individuals manage stress?

2-How does the way in which your perception of the world influence your own personal

thought process? How does this tie in to the research provided? Provide a specific example in your response. What other factors do you think impact your thought process?

PSY 450 Week 3 - Individual Intelligence Testing Article Analysis

Use the Electronic Reserve Readings (ERR) for this course, the University Library, or other resources to locate at least 4 articles concerning these issues. Please use research articles with authors and websites that meet the UOP criteria for websites (official versus non-official – if you have doubts, please ask).

Use your selected articles to prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address the following items:

Analyze at least two theories of intelligence related to the content of your selected articles. Evaluate the effectiveness of intelligence testing.

Discussion Questions:

1-What are the three key developmental domains? Which one of the domains do you feel is the most important? Why?

2-I would like each of us to share which of the domains might explain your developmental progress along the years? Please remember the criteria for initial posts.

The concept of normalcy. Please remember to make a connection with the readings in your initial post.

As discussed in your Week Three readings, abnormal behavior cannot be defined without considering the continuum between normality and abnormality. However, it is difficult to draw the line between what is normal and what is abnormal. One of the things that blurs the line is the media. How has television, including reality television shows, sitcoms, dramatic presentations, and news reporting, impacted our concept of normalcy? Mainly focus on the seemingly abnormal behaviors listed in the chapter and those that in your experience seem alike (i.e. - has TV skewed our view of depression, schizophrenia, eating disorders?) Use Ch 8, 9, and supplemental readings - these are important.

PSY 450 Week 4 - Individual Psychological Disorder Paper (Major Depressive Disorder)

Select a type of psychological disorder.

Attain faculty approval of your selected disorder before beginning this assignment.

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you examine your selected psychological disorder. Use the Electronic Reserve Readings (ERR) for this course, the University Library, or other resources to locate at least 4 articles concerning these issues. Please use research articles with authors and websites that meet the UOP criteria for websites (official versus non-official – if you have doubts, please ask).

As a part of your examination, be sure to discuss the relationship between human development and socialization. How does your selected psychological disorder affect human development and socialization?

Discussion Questions:

1-What is the relationship between conformity and obedience? Provide an example from our society.

2-What is fundamental attribution error? Provide an example from the real world. Why do you think individuals make attribution error?

PSY 450 Week 5 - Individual Ethnic Group Conflict Paper

Select two ethnic groups that are at war with each other.

Attain faculty approval of your selected groups before beginning this assignment. Use the Electronic Reserve Readings (ERR) for this course, the University Library, or other resources to locate at least 4 articles concerning these issues. Please use research articles with authors and websites that meet the UOP criteria for websites (official versus non-official – if you have doubts, please ask).

Prepare a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper examining the similarities and differences between your selected ethnic groups. As a part of your examination, address the following items:

Discuss the concept of conformity and how it relates to your selected ethnic groups.

Explain the relationship between social perception and social cognition, and how these concepts apply to your selected ethnic groups.

Discuss the social perceptions that will need to be addressed in order to resolve the conflict between your selected ethnic groups.

PSY 450 Week 5 - Team Cross-Cultural Psychology Presentation

Prepare a 10- to 12-Microsoft速 PowerPoint速 slide presentation examining at least two emerging issues in cross-cultural psychology. Discuss the application of cross-cultural psychology to other disciplines.

Discussion Questions:

1-As you explore the news and other media or your own conversations with others, what are some examples of emerging issues in cross-cultural psychology? Which of these issues do you feel is the most crucial and why? Please remember to make a connection to the readings in your initial post.

2-What is advocacy? Do you believe that it is optional in our society/world? Why or why not? Please remember to make a connection to the readings in your initial post.?

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