Catholic Life October 2018

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Catholic Life Publication of the Diocese of Sale

October 2018


Time to have your say Plenary Council

This issue highlights

By Sophy Morley

AS the journey of the Church in Australia towards the historic Plenary Council in 2020 gains momentum in parishes and schools across the country, Sale Diocese is also gearing up to provide people aims to encourage everyone to have their say in shaping the future of the Church This month, as the next stage in our journey towards the Plenary Council 2020, we begin the series of Listening and Dialogue Sessions with Bishop Pat O’Regan. We began this journey in January this year with the appointment by the Bishop, of a Diocesan Plenary Team, the Gaudium et Spes (Joy and Hope) team to assist the diocese in its preparation for the Plenary Council. From February through to June, the Bishop travelled to each parish to present an open parish meeting with information about meaning and purpose of the Plenary Council. Over 1000 people attended these gatherings and they were an opportunity to learn more about the Plenary Council. After the official national launch of the Plenary preparation process at Pentecost in May, we have completed the training for Plenary animators and teams around the diocese over the past two months. Now, parishes and schools all over Australia, including in our diocese, are gearing up to host Listening and Dialogue Encounters within their communities and with small groups, such as prayer groups, adult faith groups, youth groups and others. These gatherings give people the opportunity to reflect on the important question “What do you think God is asking of us in Australia at this time?”


Priest celebrates 60 years on job - Page 3 Deacon Stanly is ordained - Page 5 Year of Youth event soon - Page 7

A REGIONAL trainging session for parish Plenary teams at Narre Warren. This is a time of personal reflection, listening carefully to others and speaking from our hearts. We are also being asked to submit questions for the Plenary Council to consider in 2020. The notes collected from discussion and questions at these gatherings will form the basis of the submissions made online to the Plenary Council by parishes, schools, small groups and individuals. This stage of the process will conclude on Ash Wednesday, March 6, 2019. People are invited to have discussions about the future of the Catholic Church in Australia with their families, neighbors, friends, work colleagues and faith communities. People can participate in as many Listening and Dialogue sessions as they wish. They are also able to put in a personal submission online to the Plenary Council website http:// As part of this Listening

A new priest to be ordained - Page 8 The Church is changing - Page 9 Trinity Families handouts soon - Page 10

and Dialogue phase that we are currently in, the Bishop is inviting everyone to participate in one of the five Listening and Dialogue Sessions with the Bishop to be held around the diocese in October and November. • 7.30pm, Wednesday October 24, St Ita’s Primary School hall, Victoria St, Drouin. • 7.30pm Thursday October 25, Sacred Heart School hall, Wilson St, Morwell. • 7.30 pm Tuesday October30, The Old Church, St Michael’s

Primary School, High St, Berwick. • 7.30pm Thursday November 1, St Laurence’s Parish Centre, cnr Bromley and Ogilvy Sts, Leongatha. • 7.30pm Thursday November 13, Chapter House, St Mary’s Cathedral, Pearson St, Sale. The gatherings will follow the Plenary Listening and Dialogue process with time for an open forum for discussion and questions afterwards. • Several stages in the Plenary journey, Page 4.

Elder financial abuse is real - Page 11 State champions at St Thomas’s - Page 16

We help charities to help those in need Trinity Families needs your support to help families in our diocese to receive welfare and charitable services. Every dollar you can give helps us to fund more worthwhile programs in our region

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Page 2 - Catholic Life, October 2018

The signal and the static; a bird on the hand AS I write these lines it is the feast of the Korean Martyrs. Were I ever given to be despondent, which I am not, a reading of their story is always encouraging. The ever helpful Universalis says of this day, in part, “For centuries, Korea was closed to all outside influences, and all contact with foreigners was forbidden. No missionaries went there. Nevertheless, a number of laypeople sought to find out all that they could about the outside world, through the annual embassy to Peking. Some books about Christianity fell into their hands, and they were converted.” For most of this period, the church in Korea had no priests and was an entirely lay phenomenon. The first priest, a Frenchman, entered the country in 1836 and was beheaded three years later. Andrew Kim Taegon, the first Korean priest, secretly trained in Macao, entered Korea in 1845 and was executed in 1846, together with his father. A lay apostle, St Paul Chong Hasang, and many others perished at the same time. A further major persecution occurred in 1866. In all, 103 of the Korean martyrs are celebrated today: they are mostly lay men and women: some married, some not; some old, some young, some even children. “The Korean Church is unique because it was founded entirely by laypeople. This fledgling

Church, so young and yet so strong in faith, withstood wave after wave of fierce persecution. Thus, in less than a century, it could boast of 10,000 martyrs. The death of these many martyrs became the leaven of the Church and led to today’s splendid flowering of the Church in Korea. Even today their undying spirit sustains the Christians of the Church of Silence in the north of this tragically divided land.”– Pope John Paul II at the canonisation of the Korean Martyrs, May 6, 1984. I’M just old enough to remember having a small transistor set, which as far as I remember succeeded crystal sets. This was a small radio receiver where the wide world was beamed into one’s own living room. On the side there was a small wheel which allowed you to tune into a particular channel. This was not always easy and it depended upon the time of day and the kind of weather that was raging at the time. If you hadn’t correctly tuned in or the atmospheric conditions were a little tricky you got lots of static; the message was garbled. However if you hit the sweet spot the signal came in loud and clear. It seems to me that the Christian life is like this as well. In the 21st century, was it really any different in time past? It is certainly true that there is a lot of static noise around, that which results

Catholic Life PO Box 1410, Warragul Vic. 3820 Phone: (03) 5622 6688

The Diocese and

by Bishop Pat O’Regan from improperly tuning in to the correct signal. So much so that at times we can be accustomed to listening to the static and not the signal; we can attach to the static more importance than to the signal itself. Sometimes of course, it can be important to listen to the static, for it provides us with a purifying, annoying desire to get to the full signal. Nevertheless most times the static distracts, changes our focus onto the inconsequential, and takes precious time and resources away. RECENTLY I celebrated confirmation in St Mary’s Church in Yarram for six young parishioners. In my trips to St Mary’s, I have been fascinated by the stained glass window which is the dominant feature on the Eastern end of the Church. After the recent confirmation I had a chance to look at it again. I say that I am ‘fascinated’ by it because this window has a particular style which is reminiscent of a mosaic. It is made up of many small pieces of stained glass. In other words it takes some time for the eye to adjust to the image and to

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DAVID HASTIE General Manager

Editor: Colin Coomber Published 6 times a year Deadline for advertising copy and editorial contributions for our next issue is December 3. Issues distributed free through parishes and schools from December 12. Published by the Catholic Diocese of Sale. Printed by Express Print, Morwell. Member of Australasian Catholic Press Association


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form the pattern of what the image conveys. It is of the Holy Family. Unlike other depictions of the Holy Family which are generally set inside in a carpenters shop, this one is set outside, at one with nature. A quick look at this window does not suffice to immediately grasp what it’s saying to us, you have to stay with it. Further staying with the image you begin to see the child Jesus, in the centre of the window, holding something that has a rather iridescent orange color. This is rather small thing

and eventually the eye makes it easily to it. It is small bird, gently perched on the outstretched left hand of the child Jesus. It takes some looking and seeing and an effort to stay with it but the effort is generously rewarded. When next in Yarram, do call in; do say a prayer and do take time to contemplate the Holy Family of Yarram. Well that’s all very nice but what’s that go to do with the price of fish you might say? This time next year we shall have had our own Diocesan Assembly as part of the lead up to and preparation for the Plenary Council in 2020 and 2021. This is an important local event, and it will take place on September 13-14, 2019, mark your diaries. In some ways it will be more pertinent to the Diocese of

Sale than other aspects of the Plenary Council process, for it will be our chance to help set the course of our decisions and planning for the years to come. The sheer diversity of the Diocese of Sale is one of its strengths and challenges. How we create, foster and celebrate a deeper sense of the diocese has emerged as a recurring theme throughout the initial stages of consultation that have been carried out. The two above mentioned skills will be needed. In the first instance, we need to have the ability to listen to the signal and not be distracted by the static. We need to be able to discern what is static and what is signal, if we are to ‘listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches’. This has never been easy. It is the task of each of us who are baptised; it is the task of each family, which is the domestic Church; it is the task of each parish, it is the task of us as a diocese. In the second instance we need to focus on the image that God presents before us, to take the time for the image to form and see more deeply the elements that are there. To give too casual or quick a glance at it risks not seeing it at all, or not seeing it properly. If we are listening not just to our voices and our hurts, as important as this rightly is, we often forget to make room for what God is saying to us. Both of these are important. We do not want to miss the signal by only listening to the static, we do not want to miss the small iridescent orange bird resting gently on the left hand of the child Jesus either. I encourage you to be part of your parish journey to the Plenary Council and our diocesan one. Later this month and in November, I shall be attending regional sessions as part of our next step. Do come along. Remember, God is good, Good indeed. - Bishop Pat O’Regan Bishop of Sale

Catholic Life, October 2018 - Page 3

Fr John Davine notches up 60 years as priest FR John Davine, Warragul, celebrated the diamond jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood on September 21. Although “retired” from parish duties for more than a decade, he continues to say weekend Masses in Warragul and Drouin parishes, and also celebrates Mass three or four mornings a week at the diocesan headquarters, Sion House. Sixty years in the priesthood has not dimmed his enthusiasm for being part of the faith journey of parishioners. He was raised in Warragul, and almost followed the family tradition of a legal profession, but withdrew from legal studies at Melbourne University to follow his desire to become a priest and serve the people. He initially joined the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, doing his novitiate at Sorrento in 1952, and then he moved to Ireland to study at the Oblate seminary

at Piltown, Kilkenny, and was ordained a priest there in 1958. He returned to Australian and served in Oblate parishes at Sorrento, then South Australia and Queensland before returning to Moe in Gippsland. After 18 months there he left the Oblates and became a diocesan priest for Sale Diocese in June 1965. He served in various parishes all over the diocese, the last one before retiring to lighter duties was at Wonthaggi. Fr Davine had two parish celebrations, one at Neerim South and the other at Warragul. At Neerim South parishioners gathered in the local hotel after the Saturday evening Mass and the children from St Joseph’s Chorale sang him a blessing. Next day at Warragul there was a barbecue lunch at the Marian Room at St Joseph’s Church attended by about 130 people.

New NW principal begins ELIZABETH Jones began as principal this week at Mary MacKillop Primary School, Narre Warren North. She was previously deputy principal at Trinity Primary School, Narre Warren South. She has a broad range

of teaching and leadership experience within both the Diocese of Sale and the Archdiocese of Melbourne. Peter Fernley-Sander has been acting principal at Mary MacKillop for the first three terms this year.

FR John Davine prepares for Mass at Sion House on the 60th anniversary of his ordination.

Emmaus walking retreat to be held in Sth Gippsland again THE Emmaus Spirituality Group will again hold a week long walking retreat through South Gippsland next year. The Emmaus Walking Retreat is being organised through the Campion Centre of Ignation Spirituality and will be led by Geraldine Naismith and Narre Warren parish priest Fr Brendan Hogan, who also took part earlier this year. The walk is planned from March 24-31 and will go from San Remo to Welshpool. The route includes the George Bass Coastal Walk, the Bass Coast Rail Trail and the Great Southern Rail Trail. The guided retreat is an opportunity to spend some reflective time walking in a small community. The disciples on the Road to Emmaus contemplated their own journey, having walked with Jesus in their lives.

Similarly, participants are invited to explore their own spiritual journey, walking with Jesus. A reasonable degree of fitness is required of participants as the distances covered each day range from 15km to 24km. Participants receive the itinerary and a prayer guide. Motel accommodation and transports is provided in the $1500 cost, however, meals are not included. There is a 10 percent early bird discount if registration is paid by December 10, otherwise registration closes on January 9. To find out more information about this walking retreat or to book contact the Campion Centre on 9854 8110, or email The centre is also planning a pilgrimage In the Footsteps of


Ignatius next September and October The pilgrimage from Paris to Spain, then to Rome and Venice in Italy will be from September 27 to October 15. It will be led by Sr Colleen Leonard sgs and Geraldine Naismith in collaboration with Mission Travel. Price per adult, twin share, including airfares is $8569, with a single room supplement of $1215. For those wishing to make their own travel arrangements the cost is reduced to $6435. More information is available from the contacts above. Those interested should email Campion as soon as possible to register interest. More information will be available at a session at Campion, 99 Studley Park Rd, Kew, on Sunday, October 21 at 2.30pm. Emmaus Spirituality Centre at Newborough held a spring retreat this week and will hold two more Thursday Prayer sessions this year. These will be between 7pm and 9pm on November 7 and December 5 at 48-50 Monash Rd., Newborough. Cost is $25 per person and you can phone 0477 474 848 for more details. Emmaus Spirituality Centre is a joint ministry of the Campion Centre of Ignation Spirituality and the Diocese of Sale.

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Page 4 - Catholic Life, October 2018

Holy Smoke MPs prayer THE move by the Greens to oust the Lord’s Prayer from opening proceedings in the Australian Senate fizzled out when the Senate committee found it still had a place in our nation’s House of Review. Idealogical pushes to force religion into the background of Australian society seem to be growing more frequent. With attendances falling at most churches, the prayer might yet get ousted if in the next national census Christianity falls behind the combined weight of “no religious affiliation” and other faiths. Interestingly, the Diocese of Sale of Sale bucked national trends by having a growing number of Catholics.


DID you know there’s a theory William Shakespeare helped with the translation of the King James Bible and encoded part of Psalm 46 to show he played a part.

The Bible was completed in 1611 when Shakespeare was 46 and the 46th word is “shake” and 46 words from the end is “spear”. A wonderful theory but if you look at the first English translation, the 1534 Tyndale Bible, it has the same wording but can’t be pointing to Shakespeare because he was not born until 1564.

Never too late

FORMER Governor-General and ex-Labor leader Bill Hayden turned a few heads when he decided at age 85 to become a Catholic. Hayden, a former died-inthe-wool athiest, took the step last month in Ipswich and was baptised in St Mary’s Church. While his conversion no doubt shocked a few of his old collegues, it is not as if the Church had been totally absent from his life beforehand. His mother was a practising Catholic and he attended a primary school run by the Ursuline Sisters in Brisbane.

Several stages in journey OUR Plenary 2020 Journey involves several stages: 2018 is the Year of Listening where we spend time with each other sharing topics close to our hearts and listening to the experiences of others. 2019 is the Year of Discerning where we will take time discern more deeply the topics that are emerging from the discussions that are taking place all around the country. In our diocese, we will be hosting the National Plenary Facilitator, Lana TurveyCollins on March 15-16, 2019 for gatherings of our clergy and parish/school plenary teams. Later in the year, on September 13-14, 2019, Bishop O’Regan will host a Diocesan Assembly which enable the diocesan community to together discern and reflect on what God is asking of us in our diocese and what our future may look like. 2020 is the Year of Proposing: The Plenary Council 2020 will be held in Adelaide in October, with bishops, clergy, religious, university staff, laity and heads of major Catholic agencies attending. Draft documents and the program for the Plenary Council will be prepared by working parties from the results of the discussions and submissions

Of all the decisions we make in our lifetime, making a valid will is among the most important.

This final testament speaks loudly of the values, causes and possessions we hold most dear. We bequest personal treasures and mementos to special friends and loved ones and ask them to care for them after our passing. If you hold the Church dear, you may consider leaving a percentage of your estate or a specific amount to the Diocese of Sale. The Diocese is grateful for the support of its benefactors, who have enabled the Church to grow in its service of its people, and invite you to share in this rich heritage.

GAUDIUM et Spes member Michelle Grimsted lights the Plenary candle. from around the country. 2021 is the Year of Action: There will be a second gathering of the Plenary Council around the time of Pentecost to consider specific pastoral strategies and recommendations. What can you do and how can you be involved? • Find out when your parish, school or small group will be hosting Listening and Dialogue sessions and join in the discussion. • Host a small group yourself: have a discussion with your family, your friends, your neighbours and submit the discussion notes online. Download the Listening and Dialogue guide from http:// resources/read/ • Send in a personal submission to the Plenary Council online. If you don’t

have access to the internet, you may ask your parish to send in your submission or you may send your letter to the Diocesan Plenary Team (see convenor’s details below). • Subscribe to Plenary Post e-news to keep up to date with what’s happening. • Pray for our Church as we journey towards the Plenary • Use the Plenary Prayer at Mass and at your meetings and for personal prayer. For more information: contactr the diocesan plenary convenor Sophy Morley at or phone 5622 6677 The Plenary Council website will enable people to keep up to date with videos, podcasts, prayers and resources, and also to have a say online.

Course on celebrating Catholic funerals THE Diocese of Sale, in conjunction with the Centre for Liturgy at Australian Catholic University, is presenting a very useful and practical course for the Diocese of Sale ‘From Death to New Life: Preparing and Celebrating Catholic Funerals’. The course is held over two Saturdays, this Saturday October 13 and November 10 at St Patrick’s Parish Centre, Pakenham. Course content includes: • Raised to new life – a Christian theology of dying and death presented by Professor Clare Johnson (Director, ACU Centre for Liturgy) • Celebrating death the Catholic way – the Order of

Christian Funerals. • Collaborating in care – funeral directors and priests in dialogue: Fr Denis O’Bryan and Tobin Brothers Funeral representative Wendy Goy • A fitting conclusion – preparing your Catholic funeral led by Professor Clare Johnson This course is practically based and designed for clergy, pastoral associates, parish staff, bereavement teams, and funeral directors. When this course was held in Melbourne and Geelong, funeral directors took the opportunity to attend the seminars. Course Fee is $60 for the two sessions which run from 9.30am to 1.3pm.

Catholic Life, October 2018 - Page 5

Deacon’s family travels from India for ordination THE Diocese of Sale welcomed its newest deacon with the ordination of Stanly Devasia at St Mary’s Cathedral on September 22. He was ordained by Bishop of Sale Pat O’Regan. The diocese now has three transitional deacons but this will be short-lived as the other two will be ordained priests in the next three months. Deacon Devasia will be ordained a priest late next year. The new deacon is 32-yearsold and was born in Kerala, India. His parents, a brother, sister and his uncle Fr Mathew Joseph TOR travelled from India to attend the ordination. Deacon Devasia said he had been drawn to the priesthood at an early age and at 15 he joined the Franciscan junior seminary and studied for his novitiate with the Third Order Regulars, the same order as his uncle who was serving temporarily in Sale Diocese at the time. After taking his first vows as a Franciscan, he continued studies for four years, majoring in chemistry.

He said that before taking his final vows, he left the Franciscans and studied business and corporate governance, but at the end of those studies found that the call to be a priest was still strong. Around this time he met then Bishop of Sale Christopher Prowse who was in India looking for suitable candidates to study in Melbourne to become priests for Sale Diocese. He said the decision to come to the diocese was made easier by his uncle’s good experiences here and the fact that a cousin had come a year earlier to study at the seminary. That cousin, Deacon Avinash George who is now serving in Sale, will become a priest on January 5 when he is ordained back in India where his many family members can attend. Bishop O’Regan and several clergy and seminarians from Sale Diocese will also travel to the ceremony. The next ordination in Sale will be when Deacon Hiep Nguyen is ordained a priest at St Mary’s Cathedral on December 15.

DEACON Stanly Devasia and Bishop Pat O’Regan with Stanley’s parents, a sister and brother who all travelled from India for the ordination.

SEMINARIANS from Corpus Christi College, Melbourne, filled the front rows on one side of the cathedral.

BISHOP Pat O’Regan ordains Deacon Stanly Devasia.

VOCATIONS Priests & Deacons Are you considering a vocation as a priest or deacon for the Diocese of Sale? If so please contact

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Page 6 - Catholic Life, October 2018

OUR FAMILIES NEED YOUR HELP Times are tough for many families in our region with many suffering uncertain employment prospects. Government assistance only goes part-way to easing their burden. What happens when a family member has special needs, requires drug, alcohol, family or relationship counselling, needs bereavement support, suicide prevention, emergency accommodation, or assistance with an at-risk adolescent? Trinity Families has invested more than $1.4 million in funding other charities who run such projects and we could have given three times that amount if we had access to the funds. We are appealing to all families and businesses to donate generously to boost our trust fund so that we can assist even more families. Trinity Families only allocates funds for projects run by charities in this region, so you can be sure that your donation is giving great value to our families. Your donation goes on earning funds to distribute year after year – a gift that goes on giving! Make a donation by visiting Or send your cheque or credit card donations on the form below to: Trinity Families, PO Box 1410 FAMILIES WARRAGUL 3820


You can also visit us on Facebook or Phone 5622 6688 All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. Trustees of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Sale Charitable Fund ABN 85 334 135 693

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What would you like to write about?

Reflections by Jim Quillinan

I READ a story recently about a famous and very successful author, if books sales are any indication. How does she do it? She simply sits down and asks herself: what would I like to write about? As another year nears an end, what would you like to write about? How would you like to ‘gracefully’ exit this year, how should you let it go? What would you highlight, what would you perhaps prefer to forget? Such endings provide an opportunity for us to gracefully review the past and its lessons for the present, for today and to look to the future where we know God will continue to walk with us. How would you describe this year’s blessings, this year’s losses, sadnesses, its challenges? What was your greatest achievement, who was the person who influenced you the most? What would you like to change? Why ‘gracefully’? Grace helps us to recognise what is good in our lives, what events hold within them God’s favor and blessing, it helps us to recognise the people who have blessed us by their presence and their love and how they may have affirmed and consoled us, how they have walked with us, how they may have challenged us.

Grace helps us to recognise where we may have fallen short, ‘in what I have done, and in what I have failed to do’; where God was present through the people we have met or worked with or who needed us, the events we planned and those that ‘just happened’, the ideas and dreams we had during the year and those that we acted on or those we did not. And in what ways have I been a vehicle of grace for others? That can be a challenging question but God not only works through others but through me as well. A yearly review is a way to slow down and help you to ensure you take the time to appreciate all the little and big things that were a part of your life in the past year, and where you found happiness and satisfaction and where you didn’t. It is easy to forget or simply take for granted those people who have been supportive, the unsung heroes in our lives. When we look back over the year, where have the graced moment been? Where was God at work? Sometimes God may have showed up in surprising ways, surprising, unexpected people, sometimes in the slow unfolding of a situation, but God always showed up, even though it may be hard to recognise at times. And it may be time to give thanks for that.

Marist brother gaol on indecent assaults MARIST Brother Gerald Joseph McNamara has been gaoled for 36 months, mainly suspended, on indecent assault charges against students of St Paul’s College, Traralgon, in the 1970s. McNamara pleaded guilty in Melbourne Magistrates Court on March 19 to indecent assault against five former students at the college between 1970-75. Impact statements from the victims were presented to the Melbourne County Court on July 18 and then Judge Duncan Allen sentenced McNamara on September 3. He ordered that McNamara must serve nine months in custody and the remainder would be served as a suspended

sentence. McNamara was previously given a 16 month suspended gaol sentence in 2016, after pleaded guilty to indecent assault against another two St Paul’s students in 1975. In 2005 he received a 36 month suspended gaol term after pleading guilty to offences against another seven victims of St Paul’s in 1972-73. St Paul’s was a boys’ school which amalgamated with the Traralgon girls’ school Kildare College, and then coeducational colleges in Moe and Newborough to form what is now Lavalla Catholic College. St Paul’s is now the junior campus.

Catholic Life, October 2018 - Page 7

Year of Youth closure event at St Peter’s, Cranbourne older are welcome to attend. Bishop of Sale Pat O’Regan will attend the celebrations which begin with reghistration and ice-breaker games at 8.30am. The bishop will then lead a preparatory session before Mass at 10am, followed by songs of praise, reflective exercises and group discussions. After lunch there will be karaoke, a group report and interactive session, a

presentation by The LAMP group. Reconciliation, adoration and prayer. Bishop O’Regan will close the Year of Youth and give the final blessing prior to the celebrations ending around 4.30pm. Registration can be accessed on the website https:// home or the Facebook page TheL.A.M.P.Sale. Cost is $5 which is payable on the day.

Aboriginal spirituality day

STAFF file through the smoke as part of the traditional smoking ceremony. STAFF at the Catholic this land for thousands of years. Education Office, Warragul, “We acknowledge the had a focus on Aboriginal continued deep spiritual spirituality during a seminar at attachment and relationship Sion House last month. of Aboriginal and Torres After Mass which had a Strait Islander peoples to this special focus through prayer country and commit ourselves and hymn on the Aboriginals, to the ongoing journey of Gunai Kurnai elder Nicky Reconciliation.” Moffatt, Bruthen, conducted a smoking ceremony on the front lawn attended by all Sion House staff. Other activities during the day included tying dozens of brightly colored ribbons in the colors of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait flags to trees on the rear lawn. A plaque produced by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has recently been installed at the front door of Sion House was be blessed by Bishop Pat O’Regan. It reads: “We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians who have walked upon and cared for

Water Capsules 2

Saving a precious resource


n the Gospel of John (Jn 4:1-23) Jesus encounters the Samaritan Woman at the well. He wants to quench his thirst. He equates the well to a wellspring that will give life. She is amazed at his prophetic knowledge about her. She expresses her desire to be drawing from HIS wellspring so that she will never thirst. The website is dedicated to Water and the campaign for saving this precious resource. The average use per person of water on a DAILY basis is in Ethiopia 5 litres; in the UK 104 litres ; in the USA 595 litres ; in Australia…? The statistics don’t matter. The task is to save water and to keep asking yourself how much do you waste? Let us take only as much water in the tumbler that we can drink at the time, or keep it covered and drink it the next time. - Fr Xavier Pinto CSsR, Bairnsdale

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CRANBOURNE – With the Year of Youth drawing to a close, the LAMP youth group in the western region of Sale Diocese is holding a full day celebration and is inviting youth from all over the diocese to attend. The LAMP Ablaze will be held at St Peter’s College, 1005 Cranbourne-Frankston Rd, Cranbourne West on November 17. All youth aged 13 years or

THIS is the second in a series of short “Water Capsules” written by Fr Xavier Pinto CSsR, Bairnsdale. This fits with what Pope Francis has proclaimed in His encyclical Laudato Si. – subtitled :“On care of our common home “ - the care of the Earth. We also pray “Help us to restore the soil, the water and the air.”

Page 8 - Catholic Life, October 2018

Grandfather inspired Hiep to become a priest By Colin Coomber DEACON Hiep Nguyen, 40, will be the first of two new priests for Sale Diocese when he is ordained in St Mary’s Cathedral on December 15. He was ordained a deacon at the cathedral last year in a joint ceremony with Avinash George, who will be ordained a priest in India in January (more on that next issue). Hiep was born and raised in Vietnam and came to Australia to study for the priesthood for our diocese. The third of five children in his family, he had positive experiences growing up in the Catholic faith. His grandfather had inspired him to become a priest when he was about 11-years old, when he commented that it would be wonderful if one of his grandsons would become a priest some day. Hiep said that at the time he had no intention of following his grandfather’s wishes but slowly his desire for a vocation changed. In 2000 he graduated with a Bachelor of Education and became a secondary school teacher near his home. On Sundays he became involved with teaching catechism to young Catholics in the parish.

In 2003, shortly before his grandfather died, he was urged to live a good Christian life and to try to share the mission of the Church. Hiep said he struggled at the time to discern whether God was calling him to a priestly vocation or married life, and so he sought spiritual guidance from a priest. After some time, and with the support of his family, Hiep realised that his ultimate joy and fulfilment would be found in responding to God’s call to the priesthood. He applied to enter the seminary to become a priest in his local Diocese of Vinh but unfortunately government restrictions that only 20 men can enter the seminary in Vietnam each year meant he missed out. In 2007 he met former Sale priest Fr Michael McKenna, now Bishop of Bathurst, who invited him to Australia to visit and perhaps enter the seminary here as a student for the priesthood in Sale Diocese. In 2008 he came on a visitor visa to see our country and attended the World Youth Day in Sydney with the Sale Diocese group. He returned to Vietnam to begin English studies, finally returning in 2011 to study at Corpus Christi Seminary in


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Deacon Hiep Nguyen Carlton. However, he had come on the wrong visa and so had to return to Vietnam to apply for a new visa but the Australian embassy rejected his application. With the aid of Fr Peter Slater he successfully appealed the rejection but by the time the new visa was issued he had missed too much of first year studies. It had been a hard journey but he finally entered the seminary in 2012. Since being ordained a deacon last year he has continued his studies at the seminary while serving in the Warragul parish where he has had the opportunity to conduct a funeral, celebrate some baptisms, visit nursing homes

and practice homilies at some Masses. His parents and eldest brother have applied for visas and it is hoped that they will be allowed to come to Australia for his ordination by Bishop Pat O’Regan on December 15. He will also have strong support from his fellow

seminarians and Vietnamese migrant friends who he has met since being in Australia. His first Mass will be at St Joseph’s, Warragul, on December 16 at 9am, followed by a Vietnamese language Mass at St Vincent Liem Centre, 95 Mt Alexander Rd., Flemington at 5pm.

Two changes in diocesan staff SINCE last issue of Catholic Life the diocese has farewelled two staff members. Business manager Paul Velten, who was also deputy director of Catholic education, left mid-September to take up the position of director of finance and corporate services with the Melbourne Archdiocese. He had been with the diocese since the move of the office from Sale to Sion House, Warragul, in 2011. Pat Smart, who has worked for the diocese in various

administrative roles since 2001, retired on September 27. She was instrumental in assisting with the smooth transition of the Sale Catholic Development Fund to the Melbourne Catholic Development Fund during the 2013 amalgamation and the ongoing running of the finance office. She is well-known to many schools and parishes who she worked with for CDF loans for schools and parishes and also in the areas of parish finances and compliance.

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Catholic Life, October 2018 - Page 9

Church is changing - Royal Commission response CATHOLIC leaders accepted 98 per cent of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and have vowed that the Church’s shameful history will never be repeated. President of Catholic Religious Australia Sr Monica Cavanagh rsj and Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference president Archbishop Mark Coleridge released a joint response, expressing their deep sorrow that vulnerable children were abused, weren’t believed and weren’t supported when seeking justice. Sr Monica said the Royal Commission “was an important and necessary period for the Australian community” and expressed gratitude to the survivors “whose courage in coming forward and telling their stories will mean that the Church and society will be safer in the future”. “The process is already under way to reform the Church’s practices to ensure that safeguarding is integral in all that we do as part of our ministry and outreach in the community,” Sr Monica said. “Making the Church a safer place for our children and vulnerable persons is at the heart of our commitment to mission.” Archbishop Coleridge said many changes had been made since the horrific reality of child sexual abuse became known, but they were sometimes too slow and too timid. “Too many priests, brothers, sisters and lay people in Australia failed in their duty to protect and honou the dignity of all, including, and especially, the most vulnerable – our children and our young people,” Archbishop Coleridge said. “Many bishops failed to listen, failed to believe, and failed to act. Those failures allowed some abusers to offend again and again, with tragic and sometimes fatal consequences. The bishops and leaders of religious orders pledge today: Never again. “There will be no cover-up. There will be no transferring of people accused of abuse. There will be no placing the reputation of the Church above the safety of children.” Sr Monica said the Church has already begun to change a number of practices, including in the screening and formation of those training to be priests or religious sisters and brothers, and more is being done to ensure the ongoing formation of priests and religious men and women. “Today is not about us saying ‘we will do the bare minimum’ in responding to the Royal Commission’s important recommendations,” she said. “Today is about telling parents and telling the community that the Church has learned, it is changing and it will continue to change. Changing the culture

of our Church to be answerable and open is part of the action that needs to occur.” Archbishop Coleridge said the Catholic Church’s response to the Royal Commission’s recommendations is “a plan of action; it is our pledge to the Australian people; it is our promise of transparency and accountability”. The Royal Commission recommendation which would require priests to report incidents of reported or suspected abuse which were revealed in the confessional was not accepted by the bishops. Since the final report

some states and territories have moved to introduce legislation which will make it an offence for the priest not to report indicents revealed in the confessional. The joint response from Catholic Religious Australia and the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference can be found at www. or www. au. The Truth, Justice and Healing Council reports can be found at au

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*CDF Community Fund has evolved from the Catholic Development Fund Melbourne (formerly Schools Provident Fund), which has been serving the Catholic community since 1956. This advertisement does not constitute financial advice. You should consider seeking advice before making investment decisions. Disclosure Statement: Your investment with the CDF Community Fund ABN 94 380 397 118 (Fund) will be used to generate a return to the Fund that will be applied to further the charitable works of the Catholic Church. Accordingly, the Fund is required by law to tell you that your investment with the Fund is not comparable to those with banks, finance companies or fund managers. The Fund has been granted certain exemptions by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Under these exemptions, the Fund is required by law to tell you: • The Fund is not prudentially supervised by APRA. Therefore, an investor in the Fund will not receive the benefit of the financial claims scheme or the depositor protection provisions in the Banking Act 1959. Investments in the Fund are intended to be a means for investors to support the charitable purposes of the Fund. • Investments that the Fund offers are not subject to the usual protections for investors under the Corporations Act 2001 or regulation by ASIC. • Investment in the Fund is only intended to attract investors whose primary purpose for making their investment is to support the charitable purposes of the Fund. • The Fund has an identification statement which contains information about the Fund which may be viewed at aboutus. • The Fund does not operate under an Australian Financial Services Licence. The Fund has entered into an intermediary authorisation with an Australian financial services licensee, CDFCF AFSL Limited ABN 49 622 976 747, AFSL No. 504202 which has an authorisation to issue and deal in debentures which will enable the Fund to rely upon the licensing exemption contained in section 911A(2)(b) of the Corporations Act 2001. The Fund is required by law to tell you that you may be unable to get your money back. However, CDPF Limited, a company established by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, has indemnified the Fund against any liability arising out of a claim by investors in the Fund. In practice, this means your investment is backed by the assets of Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.

Page 10 - Catholic Life, October 2018

CatholicCare extends services By Mark Tanti CATHOLICCARE Gippsland has extended its delivery of counselling services across Gippsland. There are now five staff offering counselling across three locations in Gippsland (Pakenham, Warragul and Traralgon). Recently, two new counsellors have joined the team who

are specialists in children’s counselling. Early intervention with children and young people is very important. Prolonged periods of stress have been shown to impact on children and young people’s emotional and social development. People bring their children to counselling for all sorts of reasons; challenges at school, problems with peer groups,

problems coping with changes brought on by separation and divorce. CatholicCare is there to help all families (not just Catholic families) to deal with these life changes. I feel very privileged to work with such a capable and experienced team. We are Gippslanders, helping Gippslanders “Live Life to the Full”.

Trinity Families considers TRINITY Families received a record 26 applications for funding this year totalling over $390,000. Seven applications were from charities who have never applied before. The applications have been assessed and the committee has made recommendations to the trustees who will meet later this month. It is expected that eight successful charities will share

Your Guide to What’s On & When OCTOBER Ordinary General Assembly of Bishops, Vatican City 13 – Public rosary St Brendan’s Church, Lakes Entrance, 16 – World Food Day 13 – Australian Catholic University short course of celebrating Catholic funerals (sessions 1 and 2, St Patrick’s parish centre, Pakenham, 9.30am to 1.30pm 18 – Valley Region meeting, St Mary’s, Newborough, noon 20 – Caulfield Cup 21 – Mission Sunday 21 – Special collection at all Masses for Catholic Mission 23 – Consultors meeting, Sion House, Warragul, 1pm 23 – Roman Catholic Trust Corporation for the Diocese of Sale meeting, Sion House, Warragul, 4pm 24 - Toward the Plenary 2020, Listening and Dialogue session, St Ita’s Church, Victoria St., Drouin, 7.30 24 – United Nations Day 25 - Toward the Plenary 2020, Listening and Dialogue session, Sacred Heart School hall, Morwell, 7.30pm 26-28 – Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix, Phillip Island 28 – St Sofia Italian Festival, St John the Baptist, Koo Wee Rup with Italian Mass at 9.30. 30 - Toward the Plenary 2020, Listening and Dialogue session, St Michael’s Church, Berwick, 7.30pm

NOVEMBER 1 – All Saints 1 - Toward the Plenary 2020, Listening and Dialogue session, St Laurence parish centre, Leongatha, 7.30pm 2 – All Souls 4 – St Brendan’s School fete, Lakes Entrance 6 – Melbourne Cup Public Holiday 7 - Emmaus Spirituality Group Thursday prayer, 48 Monash Rd., Newborough, 7pm 9 – Chancery staff meeting, Sion House, Warragul, 11am 10 – Catholic Charismatic Renewal Day, Warragul 10 – The 2ofUS marriage education course, Warragul 10 - Australian Catholic University short course of celebrating Catholic funerals (sessions 3 and 4, St Patrick’s parish centre, Pakenham, 9.30am to 1.30pm 11 – Annual Friends of Sion gathering and Mass, St Mary’s Cathedral, Sale, 9am 12 – Diocese of Sale Secondary Principals’ Association meeting, Metung

13 – East Region meeting, Orbost, 10am 13 – Council of Priests meeting, St Mary’s Cathedral, Sale, 9.30am 13 – Consultors meeting, St Mary’s Cathedral, Sale, 1pm 13 - Toward the Plenary 2020, Listening and Dialogue session, St Mary’s Cathedral Chapter House, Sale, 7.30pm 14 – Newman College meeting, Melbourne University 14 – West Region meeting, Pakenham, 10.30am 15 – Diocesan feast day for Our Lady of Perpetual Help 17 - Year of Youth closing event, St Peter’s College, 1105 CranbourneFrankston Rd., Cranbourne West, 8.30am to 4.30pm 20 - Trinity Families disbursement function, Sion House, Warragul, 11am 20 – Diocesan Finance Council meeting, Sion House, Warragul, 5.30pm 21 – Presentation of the BVM 21 – Clergy reflection day for Advent, Sion House, Warragul, 10am 22 – Meeting of newly elected school leaders, Sion House, Warragul 24 – Victorian State elections 23-Dec 2 – Bishop at Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference plenary meeting, Sydney 25 – End of the Year of Youth 25 – Christ the King

about $108,500 which is similar to last year. All applicants will be advised of their outcomes at the end of this month. Cheques will be presented to charities at a function to be held at Sion House, Warragul, at 11.30am on, November 20. Since being established, Trinity Families will have disbursed more than $1.5 million to programs aiding families.

Email your events to or phone 5622 6688 11 – St Benedict 15 – Term three begins 22 – St Mary Magdalene 23 – St Brigid 25 St James

22019 JANUARY UAR RY 1 –New Year’s Day 1 – Solemnity of Mary Mother of God 5 – Ordination of Deacon Avinash George to Sale Diocese priesthood, India 6 – Epiphany 13 – Baptism of the Lord 17 – St Anthony 26 – Australia Day 29 – Term one begins 31 – St John Bosco

AUGUST 6 – Transfiguration of the Lord 8 – St Mary of the Cross (Mary MacKillop) 15 – Assumption of the BVM 22 – Queenship of Mary 28 – St Augustine 31 – Closing date for applications for funding from Trinity Families



13-14 – Diocesan assembly 21 – School holidays begin 21 – St Matthew 23 – St Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) 27 – St Vincent de Paul

2 – Presentation of the Lord 11 – Our Lady of Lourdes


MARCH 5 – Shrove Tuesday 6 – Ash Wednesday, beginning of Lent 8 – St John of God 11 – Labor Day holiday 17 – St Patrick’s Day 19 – St Joseph the Spouse 24-31 - Emmaus Walking Retreat, San Remo to Welshpool 25 – Annunciation of the Lord



2 – 1st Sunday of Advent 3 – St Francis Xavier 3 – Catholic Life deadline 4 – Consultors meeting, Sion House, Warragul 1pm 4 – Roman Catholic Trusts Corporation for the Diocese of Sale meeting, Sion House, Warragul, 4pm 5 - Emmaus Spirituality Group Thursday prayer, 48 Monash Rd., Newborough, 7pm 6 – St Nicholas 6 – Valley Region Christmas lunch 8 – Immaculate Conception 12 – Catholic Life published 12 – Chancery staff meeting, Sion House, Warragul, 11am 15 – Ordination to priesthood of Deacon Hiep Nguyen, St Mary’s Cathedral, Sale, 11am 21 – Christmas holidays begin for primary schools (tbc) 21 – Sion House closes for ChristmasNew Year break 24 – Christmas Eve 25 – Christmas Day 26 – Boxing Day Public Holiday 30 – The Holy Family 31 – New Year’s Eve

6 – School holidays begin 14 – Palm Sunday 18 – Holy Thursday 19 – Good Friday 20 – Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil 21 – Easter Sunday 22 – Easter Monday public holiday 23 – Term two begins 25 – Anzac Day 28 – Divine Mercy Sunday 29 – St Catherine of Siena

MAY Parish collections for Trinity Families 1 – St Joseph the Worker 24 – Our Lady Help of Christians 31 – Visitation of the BVM

JUNE 2 – The Ascension of the Lord 9 – Pentecost Sunday 10 – Queen’s Birthday public holiday 16 – The Holy Trinity 28 – Sacred Heart of Jesus 29 Sts Peter and Paul 29 – School holidays begin

JULY 3 – St Thomas the Apostle

1 – St Therese of the Child Jesus (Therese of Lisieux) 4 – St Francis of Assisi 7 – Our Lady of the Rosary 7 – Term four begins 11 – St John XXIII 13 – Caulfield Guineas 18 – St Luke 20 – Caulfield Cup 22 – St John Paul II

NOVEMBER 1 – All Saints 2 – All Souls 5 – Melbourne Cup public holiday 24 – Christ the King 30 – St Andrew

DECEMBER 1 – Advent begins 3 – St Francis Xavier 6 – St Nicholas 20 – School holidays begin 25 – Christmas Day 26 – Boxing Day 28 – Holy Innocents 29 – The Holy Family 31 – New Year’s Eve NOTE: Dates, times and venues may change without notice being given to Catholic Life to make amendments. School holiday dates can vary from school to school depending on teacher in-service and other student-free days etc. Major sporting events, local agricultural shows and festivals are included so clashes can be avoided when planning parish or school events.

Catholic Life, October 2018 - Page 11

Catholic Mission:

Linking the past with the present

THE Australian Church is experiencing a time of change. Across the country, faith communities are engaged in listening and dialogue sessions to gather accumulated thoughts on what it means to be Church today. The process leading to the 2020 Plenary Council fills some with excitement and others with scepticism, but one thing all can agree on: this is a Spirit-filled moment, and all are called to engage. For almost 200 years, Catholic Mission globally has responded to God’s call by working at the grass roots and reached out to those in need. Today we have an instrumental role in the 2020 Plenary because of our closeknit connection with parishes and schools. Nationally, our Formation Team is a significant part of the planning process involved - ensuring a dynamic and consultative process for 2020. Catholic Mission’s historical roots illustrate the importance of healthy partnerships between laity and religious. Our early beginnings were forged by a young French laywoman, Pauline Jaricot. In today’s contemporary world, it is worth taking a moment to remind ourselves that change happens when people of faith act. In 1822 at just 23 years of age, Pauline was so disturbed by the poverty and struggling areas in remote parts of the world that she began asking people for their “loose change!” This tradition continues today in the celebration of World Mission Sunday. From such a small beginning, Pauline established a global network of care, love and support. Over the next 93 years, three more tiers were added. In 1844, a bishop Charles de Frobin, so overwhelmed by the number of abandoned children in China led to founding the second tier: Children’s Mission. In 1889, a mother and daughter, Stephanie and Jeanne

Bigard, extremely affected by a significant personal tragedy (suicide of husband and father, and a brother accidently burnt to death) left a lasting and radical legacy:

The Society of St Peter the Apostle (for the training of clergy and religious in “mission countries”). In 1916, the fourth and final tier was brought into being. An Italian PIME priest, Paolo Manna, so passionate about training religious for mission, became the catalyst that led to the Pontifical Missionary Union (which provides formation for laity, seminarians, and religious). The story of Catholic Mission is one of partnership between laity and clergy responding through faith and vision to promote sustainable development in places where people face poverty, conflict, struggling health and education systems, lack of easy access to electricity, clean water and transport. Catholic Mission now works across 160 countries, including remote Australia, and has a unique strength in that it can work within the global structure of the Church in the countries that are the poorest. In Australia, Catholic Mission was established in 1837. Through our grassroots work, Catholic Mission is in a better position than ever to reach out and give life to millions of those in need. We wish to thank all who are supporting us through prayerful and financial support. We also look forward to developing a stronger relationship with priests, parishioners and schools in Sale Diocese as together we reach out locally and globally, to answer God’s call.

Elder financial abuse is a real problem for many A FEW years ago I mentioned in an article, elder financial abuse. Not long after, the Federal Government announced an enquiry into elder abuse more broadly. Recently the government announced a Royal Commission into Aged Care. While not the same they are linked and as I am involved with aged care and see a fair bit of elder financial abuse in my role as a financial adviser and planner, I think it’s time to revisit the matter of elder financial abuse more specifically. From the report of the Enquiry: “Financial abuse is another common type of elder abuse and includes: incurring bills for which an older person is responsible; stealing money or goods; and abusing power of attorney arrangements. Other behaviours that may, in some circumstances, be financial abuse include: refusing to repay a loan; living with someone without helping to pay for expenses; failing to care for someone after agreeing to do so in exchange for money or property; and forcing someone to sign a will, contract or power of attorney document.” To me that’s a good definition of abuse, and it’s something I’ve seen far too often. It happens, and it’s perpetrated most commonly by close family members. Part of it is the attitude that the children have a right to inherit the money or other assets so that they can treat the money as “theirs” a little bit earlier. Part of it is the resentment that they must care for an ageing parent when they have better things to do. Much of it though, is the attitude that parents are obligated to look after their children forever. And that’s the rub – quite often the abuse is aided and abetted by the elder person believing they have an obligation to their children, even though the children may be 60 years old… There have been cases of people being evicted from residential aged care establishments because their child has sold the house and spent all their money. In one notorious case a daughter and son-in-law of a woman locked her in a shipping container to stop her finding out that they’d gone through all her assets. She died of hypothermia. There are plenty more of these stories, too. Unfortunately I expect that this type of abuse will happen to some of my readers sometime in the future. There are ways to minimise the opportunity for abuse, and as always, prevention is better than cure. Don’t lend money or property to adult children without


and $ense by David Wells secure and legally binding documentation in place that protects your interests; don’t invest in their business at all; don’t let them live in your home without paying rent (if they can’t live anywhere else, they probably qualify for rent assistance) too. Anything which transfers control of your assets to your children before it’s truly necessary is a danger. As we age, an Enduring Power of Attorney should be a requirement, but this also constitutes the biggest opportunity for abuse. A Power of Attorney (POA) confers all rights of an individual to another person, which, let’s face it, can be an enormous temptation. So the first thing is to make sure that it’s difficult for anyone to give into that temptation. POAs can be limited to financial matters if necessary (there are health and general POAs too) and even more narrowly can be limited to certain sorts of transactions – investments, aged care payments etc, which would only allow the attorney to do those things. Anyone acting on instructions from an attorney must by law, see the authority, so if the POA document didn’t cover the actions, they would know. A POA should be very specific. A very broad based POA carries incredible risk to the grantor.

There is scope for joint Powers of Attorney, where both attorneys must agree on any course of action. While this may make some things a little harder, it also minimises the opportunity of abuse, provided that the attorneys are not directly linked, such as a son and his wife. A solicitor may also be appointed as a joint attorney. While this may be seen as expensive, it does provide an excellent protection, especially as most financial matters can be set up on continuing basis so that the solicitor is needed only occasionally. While a majority of attorneys discharge their obligations honestly and fairly, a very significant minority do not. Whether you are granting a POA to a family member or another person, making sure you’re protected financially is not an insult to your child or trusted relative– it’s just common sense. The Federal Government is moving to make financial abuse an offence, and abuse of a POA a criminal offence. The sooner the better in my view. • This report is intended to provide general advice. In preparing this advice, David Wells and Shaw and Partners did not take into account the investment objective, the financial situation and particular needs of any particular person. Before making an investment decision on the basis of this advice, you need to consider, with or without the assistance of an adviser, whether the advice is appropriate in light of your particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances.

Investments made simple. Personal advice Unrivalled experience Buy and sell shares, portfolio managememt Investment research and daily market information Investment advice for self managed super funds For all your investment needs please contact: David Wells W , Senior Investment Adviser on 03 9268 1157 or toll free 1800 150 009 or

Page 12 - Catholic Life, October 2018

Only 40 attend pilgrimage

SALE - The annual diocesan pilgrimage to the icon of our Lady of Perpetual Help at St Mary’s Cathedral was held last month with 40 people attending. Due to the weather conditions the pilgrimage was held inside the cathedral. At each stop there was

scripture passage proclaimed followed by a sung litany to Mary and then a decade of the one of the luminous mysteries of the rosary prayed. There was a ritual of handwashing symbolic of the end of a pilgrimage journey followed by the placing of

Book Week fun at St Therese’s

flowers in front of the icon of Our Lady. Pilgrims then gathered in the cathedral for a Liturgy of the Word. It was pleasing that attendees came from parishes across the diocese from Narre Warren to Bairnsdale.

Parishioners in stitches

RIDEY Singh Gill, Blake Guiao and Chieng Goc from Class Foundation H parade their Book Week costumes. CRANBOURNE NORTH Students from St Therese’s Primary School celebrated Book Week with a book parade, combined with their annual Grandparents Day on August 30. While teachers chose to acknowledge the theme of this year’s Book Week “Find your Treasure”, dressing as pirates and fairy tale princesses, students came dressed as their favorite characters. There were perennial

favorites, such as Dorothy, Willy Wonka, Where’s Wally and comic strip superheroes, to new favorites such as Diary of a Wimpy Kid’s Greg, Captain Underpants and Terry from Andy Griffiths’ Treehouse series. After the parade grandparents joined their grandchildren in classrooms for an activity, before being treated to a performance from the school’s Japanese Taiko drummers at a morning tea.

Child protection day at Newborough THE neatly packaged shawls, complete with prayer cards. A GROUP of parishioners from to her as a farewell gift from St Wonthaggi and Inverloch have Simon’s in Rowville. taken up their knitting needles She explained that the Prayer and crochet hooks to produce Shawl Ministry had started in lovely shawls, and knee rugs. the United States but had now Last year a parishioner was spread elsewhere in the world. spotted wearing a blue shawl There was interest in starting a which she explained was given local group and some members

Bishops at Raymond Island ecumenical day BISHOP of Sale Pat O’Regan will join with his newly ordained Anglican counterpart, Bishop of Gippsland Richard Treloar to co-host an ecumenical day at The Abbey retreat centre on Raymond Island. It will be held from 10.30am to about 3.30pm on Thursday, December 6. Theme of the seasonal Bible study day is Advent Conversation and is open to both clergy and laypeople. The conversation will be led by two eminent biblical scholars, professors Fr Frank Moloney SDB from the

Catholic Theological College and Canon Dorothy Lee who is the Frank Woods research professor in the New Testament at Trinity College. The day will conclude with a short ecumenical service. Further information and bookings should be made with The Abbey on 5156 6580 or email Those attending should factor in extended travel times due to roadworks between Traralgon and Bairnsdale, and the fact that to get to Raymond Island you need to take the car ferry at Paynesville.

visited Rowville. The aim of the group is to come together as a community to knit or croquet a shawl or knee rug. When finished, the products are folded, wrapped in cellophane, tied in colored ribbon and then a short prayer card is attached. Once a month the missionary group prays together for those to whom they are going to give the gifts. When a number of shawls are finished they are placed before the altar at Sunday Mass and the priest blesses them. They are then passed to those who need some comfort - the sick, elderly and those who have been enduring hard times. Small shawls in white and blue or pink are being made for babies. The ministry is expanding with new ideas as patterns are shared and new stitches are taught to willing members. Afternoon tea with a new recipe for a slice or muffin adds to the enjoyment.

YOUNG students in their pyjamas display their child protection messages. NEWBOROUGH - St Mary’s in protecting children by Primary School recently building stronger communities participated in National Child and creating those safe Protection Week. environments both at home, The day coincided with their school and in the community.” annual pyjama day. Each class The children wrote down their were invited to discuss what safety network people and had makes them feel safe. The aim a presentation at their assembly of National Child Protection to reinforce that message that Week is to promote the safety we all have a right to feel safe and wellbeing of children by all of the time, a spokesperson promoting the message that from the school said. safety is everyone’s business. “We all have a part to play

Catholic Life, October 2018 - Page 13

Photos from around the diocese

DANCERS in their colorful dresses perform at the annual migrant Mass, which was hosted this year by St Thomas the Apostle parish at St Peter’s College east campus at Cranbourne East.

TEAM leaders deep in discussions at a Plenary 2020 training session at Warragul.

SALE Diocese clergy celebrating significant ordination anniversaries are recognised each year. Some of this year’s batch are (from left) Fr Mark Godridge, 30 years, Fr Bernard Buckley, 25 years, Deacon Tony Aspinall, 20 years, Fr John Davine, 60 years, Fr Peter Kooloos, 50 years and Fr Joseph Abutu, 10 years. Absent were Fr Edwin Ogbuka and Fr Nadeem Nadeem OMI who are both celebrating 10 years.

ENJOYING hearty breakfasts at the Father’s Day breakfast at St Joseph’s Primary School, Trafalgar are Simon Balfour with his children, Matthew and Bridie Balfour.

BISHOP Pat O’Regan, led by parish priest Fr Brendan Hogan, blesses the new church and parish facilities at Narre Warren last month.

BISHOP Pat O’Regan (centre) discusses the Sale Diocese’s unique geographic and demographic challenges with Deacon Hiep Nguyen and Avinash George, who will both be ordained priests in the coming months.

JOANNE Sequiera, Lanie Romeril and Grace Anaya lead Class 1B in the Book Week parade at St Therese’s Primary School, Cranbourne North.

Page 14 - Catholic Life, October 2018

For the Young and Young at Heart RECENTLY some German scientists were drilling into the earth and discovered small pieces of copper wire 10m below the surface. They reported this to the government which discussed if for some time and then announced that German technology had always been well advanced because their scientists had found proof that 2000 years ago the country had a nationwide telephone network. Not be outdone the British government ordered its scientists to drill down. They found some slivers of glass 20m down and promptly report this. The government announced that they had proof that in ancient Britain the people were so advanced that they had a nationwide fibre-optic telephone network. The Irish government decided that it would also do some research and ordered the scientists to start drilling. They drilled down 30m, then 40m, 50m and finally stopped digging when they hit solid rock 60m below the surface. They found absolutely nothing and reported this to the government. The President and cabinet discussed this finding for days before announcing that they had proof that the Irish people were so technologically advanced that even back in the earliest days of human habitation of the island, that there was a mobile phone network.

everyone was around the breakfast table, the youngest grandson asked “When are you going to do your trick dad?” “What’s trick?” replied the father. “You know. You said you’d climb the wall if grandma stayed one more night.”

A MAN was talking to his mate and said his wife had the terrible habit of staying up until 2am. “I just can’t get her to break the habit and she is always in a cranky mood at breakfast time.” The friend asked “What on earth does she do sitting up so late?” “Oh, she’s always waiting for me to get home from the club.”

WHY don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts.

Colour finding the pirate treasure

WHAT do you get if you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite. A DOCTOR took a home call one Saturday morning and was asked by a colleague if he could go to the golf club to make up a foursome as one of the regular players was unable to play. “Yes, I’ll rush right over,” came the reply. Overhearing this, the doctor’s wife quickly gathered his medical bag and coat and asked him “Is it important dear?” “Yes, I could be some time. There are three doctors there already!” WHAT do prisoners use to call each other? Cell phones THE priest told the organist that he was going to ask those who could donate $100 to the church renovation fund to strand up at the end of Mass. “I’d like you to play some appropriate music,” he said. “What sort of music?” “Start with the National Anthem!”

AN elderly man was driving along the road in his vintage sports car when a police car up behind him and pulled him over. “What’s wrong officer?” “I just want to tell you that your wife fell out of the car when you went around the roundabout five kilometres back.” A WOMAN was arranging “Thank God for that,” for her husband’s death replied the driver. “I thought notice to go in the paper. I must have gone deaf.” The girl at the newspaper office pointed out that she THE policeman pulled could add four more words over a man driving the wrong for no extra cost. way up a one way street. “In that case,” said the “Where do you think women, “Just add ‘Golf you are going?” asked the clubs for sale’.” policeman. “I don’t know for sure,” WHAT did the fish say said the elderly driver “but when it swam into the wall? I must be late because Dam. everyone is coming back already.” GRANDMA was spending a few days with her son and WHAT did the echidna say family and on the fourth to the cactus? morning of her stay, when “Is that you mummy?”


Catholic Life, October 2018 - Page 15

Valley youth celebrating that God is alive GOD’S not Dead was the title of the song that ended the Mass at the Celebrate Youth of the Valley event last month. The event itself was a testimony that God is alive, and the spirit is moving through the Diocese of Sale. To mark the Year of Youth this year, Traralgon parish priest Fr Francis Otobo had a vision to hold an event to celebrate all the gifts and the talents our youth have. St Michael’s Church youth co-ordinator Jen Hanratty and members of their youth council, Ella Hill, Josh Hanratty, Tanya Wandue, Sarah Rickwood and Jim Townsend got busy planning a day, that was to be a celebration for the young ones, and to help them feel the love of Jesus Christ. As plans got underway and the vision grew, the team started visiting all the Catholic schools in the Latrobe Valley to invite families to this fun-filled, family celebration. The youth council did a marvelous job advertising the event and organising fundraisers to raise money through a sausage sizzle after Mass, a parish pie drive, speaking at Mass to ask for donations and approaching businesses for sponsorship. The team worked hard to make sure all youth were

represented and included in various ways from a concert full of performers to leading the ministries in the youth Mass, to helping serve pizzas, fairy floss, slushies and popcorn in the party/disco afterwards. They had a plenary wall at the event where anyone was invited to post a sticky note on the wall answering the question: What is God asking of us in Australia at this time? A varied response came in from the youth. Music was a popular theme along with more youth events, but also female roles in the church and better connection with schools. This was a great way to see what the youth are thinking. There were 16 different performances, ranging from solos to duets and multipleartists, from Lavalla, Kurnai (Churchill), St Michael Primary School, St Gabriel’s Primary School, Morwell parish, Warragul-Drouin parish, and of course St Michael’s Church youth ministry. The music department of St Michael’s Church youth ministry was fantastic, not to talk of the role of the young youth council leaders. They managed the event from start to finish, to the admiration of everyone present. One striking thing about this event is that these young

ST Michael’s youth group leaders with the Plenary Wall showing sticky notes with suggestions for the once-in-a-lifetime Plenary Council in 2020. ones showed their talents and leadership skills within the context of faith in the giver of those skills and talents. There was clergy representation all the way from Maffra to Warragul-Drouin. Local families present and

Classifieds prayer HOLY SPIRIT You who makes me see everything and shows me the way to reach my ideals, you who gives me a divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me; in this short dialogue I want to thank you for everything and affirm once more that I never want to be separated from you, no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in Your perpetual Glory. (Mention your request). Thank you Holy Spirit for your love towards me and my loved one. Amen This prayer should be said for three consecutive days. After the 3rd day the request will be granted, no matter how difficult it may be. While making the request one must either promise to publish on granting the favor or promise to circulate copies of it to as many people as possible. This is to spread the wonder of the Holy Spirit. READERS please note that published prayers reflect the beliefs of those who place the advertisements. We ask readers to judge for themselves, especially in regards to suggested fulfilment of requests made in these prayers.


families from around the valley and beyond were absolutely thrilled at the event and especially at the organisation of the young youth leaders and the talents of the performers. What an amazing celebration! What’s even more amazing is that people are asking for more of this, more youth events, more celebrations, more inclusive

environments where we can meet people where they are and journey alongside them. The team is already starting to plan for the event next year and with God’s help they hope to continue to work together to provide experiences for our young ones to encounter God because God’s not dead, He is surely alive.

Faith in action day

public notices

St Jude NOVENA. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be loved, adored, glorified and made renowned throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us, Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us. Thanks St Jude for prayers answered. Say this prayer nine times a day for nine days. By the eighth day your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised.

VOCATIONS Priests & Deacons Are you considering a vocation as a priest or deacon for the Diocese of Sale? If so please contact

Fr Michael Willemsen 5152 3106

wanted known

Your will be done Trinity Families asks you to consider assisting our work in funding charitable projects across the diocese. Remembering Trinity Families in your will by making a bequest is an effective way of ensuring that you do something to help those struggling families in our midst. If you need more information on bequests contact: PO Box 1410, Warragul 3820 Ph: 56 22 6688 ABN 85 334 135 693

MICHELLE Grimsted from St Mary’s, Bairnsdale (left) helps load meals destined for drought-affected communities with Frontier Services’ community worker Rowena Harris. BAIRNSDALE - As part of the faith formation curriculum, especially for those receiving the sacrament of Confirmation, all the Grade 6 students of St Mary’s Primary, Bairnsdale and three catechist students from local Bairnsdale State Schools participated in a reflection day held at the St Mary’s Parish Centre. The day was centred around activities which students and teachers focused on the theme “Faith in action is love and love in action is service.” The local mission was cooking meals for families in our community, which have since been donated to the farmers in East Gippsland who are being affected by the drought.

The international mission was focused on making stationery packs for school children in Fiji, whose school was destroyed by hurricanes last year. All participated with an attitude of enthusiasm and joy, with the intent to make a difference in someone else’s world. The activities had a very positive impact that created great camaraderie among the students. It is a powerful reminder of the invisible God becoming visible through the actions of students and teachers. The body of Christ becoming one through the love and support of all who were involved. It was such a privilege and blessing to be part of this aweinspiring cause.

Page 16 - Catholic Life, October 2018

St Thomas’s girls win state AFL championship SALE - St Thomas’s Primary School Girls AFL Team came home victorious at the recent State Championships winning the grand final by a nailbiting two points to St Roberts Primary School from Geelong. The girls played against regional and metropolitan winners from across the state and were undefeated in their games against Woodlands PS, Auburn PS and St Joseph’s PS from Warrnambool, which lead them to the grand final against a talented St Robert’s from Newtown, Geelong. Despite being a goal down at half time, the girls received calm instruction by their experienced coach Shane Fyfe and were buoyed on by their

huge support crew to eventually take the game by two points. Ashley Centra was named player of the match and carnival for the exceptional skill and leadership she demonstrated all day as key onballer and team captain. The girls have also won the opportunity to meet and take on the Collingwood Football Club at the Holden Centre in November, where women’s and men’s AFL players will join the girls for a showcase match. THE team with Grace Duffield (team manager) Ashley Centra (captain) and Shane Fyfe (coach) in the centre)

Netballers finish 3rd in state

Queen’s wobbly bottom

ST Mary’s netballers Emma Best, Chloe McInnes, Ashlee Mierendorff, Alyssa Light, India Dean, Ainsley Trotter, Sienna Wynd and Tayli Dimarco. The girls made it through the the state final was impressive SALE - St Mary’s Primary and the girls showed they could School Sale has finished third regional round undefeated. in Victoria at the SSV school At the state final they match it with the best schools in netball championships, open finished on top of their pool the state. to primary schools across the after convincing wins over “The St Mary’s girls played state. Genazanno FJC 18-15, EMR some great netball to finish on St Mary’s lost just one game 25-15 and Sacred Heart Colac top of their pool,” she said. for the entire series, in its knock 20-13. “Working as a team, we out semi final against eventual They crossed St Monica’s showed even a small school gold medallist St Monica’s Wodonga in the semi final, can match it with anyone.” Wodonga. with the winner of that final St Monica’s Wodonga The year 5/6 girls team progressing to the grand final. defeated Genazzano FJC in the includes Sienna Wynd, Chloe St Mary’s was 11-3 down at grand final. McInnes, Alyssa Light, Ashlee half time and despite a strong St Mary’s Sale had defeated Mierendorff, India Dean, Tayli fightback went down 21-16. Genazzano twice from two Dimarco, Emma Best and Coach Jo Crawford-Wynd encounters throughout the Ainsley Trotter. said the standard of netball at series.

PHILLIP Gwynne narrates whilst Ben, Abbey and Alana act out the Queen with the Wobbly Bottom. TRARALGON - Australian author, Phillip Gwynne best known for his 1998 debut novel, ‘Deadly, Unna?’ recently spoke with grades 1-6 students at St. Michael’s School. Gwynne was born in Melbourne and grew up in rural areas in Victoria and South Australia. He graduated from university with a degree in Marine Biology and he didn’t write his first book until he was 35. Phillip shared some of his

inspiration for his books with the children as well as some of his life experiences. When asked about Phillip, Ashley from grade 5 commented , I liked the comedy that he used and how he got his ideas for his books.” Arlo in grade 6 remarked, “Phillip was pretty funny. I enjoyed his sense of humour. I liked how we got to re-enact his picture story book, The Queen with the Wobbly Bottom. He was very entertaining.”

St Brendan’s parish is full of activities for all LAKES ENTRANCE - St Brendan’s Parish has had some wonderful Masses recently in which different themes were deliberately chosen. In June there was a parish/ school/family Mass with those candidates who had recently received the sacrament of First Eucharist receiving special invitations given to them by Fr Anthony Phillips. The theme was Giving Thanks and many wrote on pieces of paper what they were thankful for. These gave much food for thought and insight. In August there was a football themed Mass with everyone invited to attend in their football teams colors. Adults and youth alike took up this challenge. It was tempting to have the recessional hymn When The Saints Go Marching In but the

temptation was resisted! The homily and the theme for the night was Who is the ultimate team captain, and parishioners looked at the qualities of that captain who of course was Jesus Christ. At both of these Masses supper was supplied at the conclusion which gave those present the chance to get to know each other just a little better. On September 14 there was a Mass of Healing, in response to the crisis of abuse and betrayal in the Church. The theme, together with the readings and music aimed to allow people to come together in prayer; to prayerfully address victimisation and betrayal; to prayerfully call for healing; to focus on the “voice” of the faithful being raised and heard

first and foremost at worship; to model a Church that strives to reveal Christ in our midst and that is responsive to and respectful of the contemporary needs and issues of the faithful people of God. Fr Xavier Pinto from St Mary’s, Bairnsdale, joined Fr Phillips for this Mass which was reflective in many ways and at which we were also offered an anointing of the sick. Those who attended were also offered the chance to write on slips of paper provided what they needed healing for and place this slips into a basket at the foot of a statue of Mary, and these prayers were also mentioned in the prayers of the faithful. A final special themed Mass is at this stage planned for Saturday November 10 at 5pm,

with a barbecue to follow. All those school children who have received a sacrament this year will especially be invited as will the parents and godparents of babies who have received baptism. Theme for this Mass will be the Year for Youth and it is expected this to also give food for thought as the parish continues to strive for a more inclusive welcoming community. The parish has been saddened in recent months by the death of some of beloved parishioners. A public rosary is being held at the front of St Brendan’s is being planned for this Saturday, October 13 at 11am. This is also being led by members of the liturgy team and those attending are asked to take their own chair.

Two Lakes Entrance parishioners are planning to attend the Life to Death, two short sessions put on by the ACU Centre for Liturgy on how to help with planning a Catholic funeral which are being held in Pakenham in October and November. St Brendan’s Parish is looking forward to Plenary Council 2020 and all that it can offer, with several parishioners as well as Fr Phillips attending another meeting in Bairnsdale recently and bringing feedback. St Brendan’s School biannual fete is being held on Sunday November 4 so all are encouraged to come along and support this major fundraiser for the school. Nothing quite beats the atmosphere of a St Brendan’s school fete and the morning teas come highly recommended.

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