Applied Institute for Disaster Excellence held in December 2019 s
Catholic Charities USA hosted the 11th annual Applied Institute for Disaster Excellence (AIDE) December 2-6, 2019, in Jacksonville, Fla. Sixty-two Catholic Charities agencies and 41 Catholic Charities partners from 27 states and two U.S. territories sent 251 participants to the institute. Partner organizations included St. Vincent de Paul, Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Mutual Group, Tzu Chi, International Orthodox Christian Charities, National VOAD, State and Federal Emergency Management departments and other nonprofit organizations active in disaster response efforts. Sixty-five percent of participants were first-time attendees.
AIDE trains staff from local Catholic Charities agencies in the provision of disaster services. Participants gain a greater understanding of how to initiate and sustain disaster services in their particular agency. They also receive excellent resources and form relationships with their peers facing similar situations. AIDE is recommended for all Catholic Charities personnel, including directors, programmatic staff, and other employees having a role in disaster or emergency situations.
Photos: Elias Kontogiannis
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