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Catholic Service in the Legal
Catholic Service in the Legal Profession: Pettitte & Armand
THE NATURALLY ORDERED CIVIL SOCIETY is founded on truth, built up in justice, and animated by love. Accordingly, it is appropriate that those who administer and adjudicate the rule of law should participate in promoting the common good. Two local Catholics are engaged in these very endeavors: Larry W. Pettiette, Jr., and Don Armand, Jr. currently serve as President of the Shreveport Bar Foundation, and President of the Shreveport Bar Association, respectively.
Pettiette and Armand are principals at the Shreveport law firm Pettiette, Armand, Dunkelman, Woodley & Cromwell, LLP. It is significant that they both hold positions of such importance and esteem in the Shreveport Bar Association. In fact, for the first time in the history of the Shreveport Bar, attorneys from the same law firm are presidents in the same year.
Pettiette and his wife, Janey, have been members of Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Shreveport since 1980. Pettiette has provided legal services for the church and was instrumental in obtaining the church’s designation on the National Register of Historic Places. He is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, lector, and past member of the Parish Pastoral Council.
Armand was born and raised in Alexandria, Louisiana, and graduated from Menard Catholic High School. He and his wife Lori are long-time members of Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Shreveport. He currently serves on the Parish Finance Council.
Pettiette and Armand are two local Catholics who truly exemplify the responsible exercise of service in their chosen profession, as they work to strengthen the values of the rule of law tempered by their Catholic faith hopefully inspiring confidence of the members our civil society who put themselves at the service of others.