Power of the Past Building for the Future Bishop Machebeuf High School Programming Announcements Classical Track Course Enhancements Opportunity Tui9on Assistance Model Deacon Marc F. Nestorick, Principal
Power of the Past Building for the Future
Prayer for Catholic Schools
O Christ, our Teacher, You invite Your faithful people to make disciples in Your name and to announce good news to the poor. We thank You for the gift of Catholic schools, where The message of Your life, death, and resurrection is proclaimed, Christian community is experienced, Service to our brothers and sisters is modeled, And worship of You is cultivated. Increase our zeal for ensuring that all children and families can benefit from a high quality Catholic education, and that Catholic schools grow in their ability to nurture the soul of our nation. We ask this through the intercession of Our Lady, Mother of Catholic Schools. Amen. hAps://ace.nd.edu/advocates/take-ac9on/pray-for-catholic-schools
Programming Announcements • Classical Track Star9ng With The Class of 2021 • Upper Classmen Opportuni9es for Course Enhancements • Transparent Tui9on Assistance Model
Classical Track Star=ng With The Class of 2021 Classical educa9on aims at forming the minds and reshaping the souls of the young. The purpose is not to train students to become skilled, or servile workers. The purpose is to cul.vate wisdom and virtue. Students learn truth, encounter beauty, and experience goodness leading to a deeper rela.onship with God. While ďŹ gh9ng against the modern trend of rela9vism, the classical method aims to reconnect students with the true no9ons and purpose of nature, man, and ul9mately, God.
Why are we doing this? • Supports our school’s mission and values • Proven success over 9me (Centuries) • Expand opportuni9es to provide a Catholic high school experience to more students • Community driven - Request and funding came from the community
Classical Track- 3 Components • Humani.es Core: Uni9ng the studies of history and literature, the humani9es core enables students to see the inner-connectedness of the two disciplines. Star9ng from Ancient 9mes, students will progress through history gaining a knowledge of not just events, but of the thoughts, movements, and people of ages past. The humani9es core at Machebeuf will be a twoblock period during the school day. • Trivium: La9n for a “mee9ng of three ways,” the tradi9onal Trivium consists of Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric. The three studies teach students how to compose sentences and paragraphs, how to form valid and sound thoughts, and how to argue or speak persuasively. Students in the Classical Track will take at least one semester dedicated to each course. • La.n Requirement: Being the language of the Romans and the Catholic Church, La9n instruc9on is essen9al for a well-formed Catholic classical educa9on.
Classical Track – Possible Course Sequence Freshman Year
Sophomore Year
Junior Year
Senior Year
Humani9es Block- Classical History and Lit.
Humani9es Block- Rise of Humani9es Block- Christendom American History and Lit.
Humani9es Block- Modern History and Lit.
Theology I
Theology II
Theology III
Theology IV
Grammar and Composi9on
Speech and Rhetoric
American Government
La9n I
La9n II
La9n III and/or Greek I
La9n IV or Greek I/II
Science Elec9ve(s)
Algebra or Geometry
Geometry or Algebra II
Algebra II or Pre-Calculus
Pre-Calculus or Calculus
Classical Track- The Logis=cs • Hiring a Program Director/Teacher with a Classical background • Implementa9on star9ng with this year’s incoming Freshmen • Targe9ng a cohort of 20-25 students for first year with adding an addi9onal cohort group every year for four years • Students will have four periods classes as a cohort group (Humani9es [English and Social Studies], La9n, and Trivium class). Students will have three periods of classes integrated with the en9re school (Science, Theology, and Mathema9cs). • Students who complete four years of the program will receive a diploma and a Classical Cer9ficate. • BMHS tui9on rates apply. The students will have an annual book fee as they will keep their books, due to personal notes wriAen on the pages.
Programming Announcements • Classical Track Star9ng With The Class of 2021 • Upper Classmen Opportuni9es for Course Enhancements • Transparent Tui9on Assistance Model
Upper Classman Opportuni=es for Course Enhancements • There are mul9ple reasons students leave BMHS prior to gradua9ng, including: • • • •
Not a good fit Financial Move Curriculum opportuni9es (We are a small school with limited course offerings)
• BMHS will …
• Con9nue and expand our dual-credit program with universi9es • Partnering with Catholic Virtual High School to offer self paced on-line courses that are not offered currently to our students
• By offering on-line learning opportuni9es, we will enhance our course offerings
Upper Classmen Opportuni=es for Course Enhancements
• How will it work????
• Catholic Virtual High School offers over 150 accredited high school courses that are on-line and self-paced. This opens up a lot of elec9ves that our students desire to take, in addi9on to core classes (example – Probability and Sta9s9cs) and AP courses. • Star9ng in August, we will be contrac9ng with them for 200 seats in these courses. This will allow, at the minimum, every Junior and Senior to take a class that is currently not offered at our school. • Depending upon demand, Juniors and Seniors may be allowed to take two courses a year through this program. We will also, depending upon availability, allow underclassmen to take classes to maximize their schedule, or courses, they desire. • Students who take these classes would take this class in place of one of their school based classes. • Policies will be worked out to determine if students can take these courses off-campus, or on campus.
Programming Announcements • Classical Track Star9ng With The Class of 2021 • Upper Classmen Opportuni9es for Course Enhancements • Transparent Tui9on Assistance Model
Transparent Tui=on Assistance • Access • How do we ensure that Catholic families see the possibility of sending their child to a Catholic High School as an affordable op9on?
• Transparency • How do we have a tui9on assistance program that is transparent, so families know prior to applying, the assistance that may be available?
• Objec.vity • How do we minimize the perceived subjec9vity of a tui9on assistance program?
Goal of the Tui=on Plan • Con9nue to ensure financial responsibility on the part of the school. • Ins9tute a system for tui9on assistance that minimizes and/or eliminates subjec9vity. • Ins9tute a system that provides tui9on assistance in a manner that is as fair as possible with respect to a family’s income. • Be transparent with tui9on assistance so that all families know that Bishop Machebeuf High School is an affordable and viable op9on.
Bishop Machebeuf High School will be transi=oning to a new tui=on assistance model for 2017-18 • The system will provide access, transparency, and objec9vity. • The system will be in place for all incoming new students. • The system will be grandfathered in for exis9ng students. Exis9ng students can either stay with their current alloca9on,or u9lize the new system based upon the family’s preference. • The system also ensures that we work within the funds available to us for tui9on assistance. • It compliments the system the diocese is moving toward.
The Plan
• Base tui9on assistance on the family’s Adjusted Gross Income
• Parish affiliated families will be required to pay tui9on at a rate of 8% of their AGI up to the full tui9on rate with a minimum tui9on of $2,500 • U9lize scholarships and tui9on assistance from outside agencies as resources for tui9on assistance • To par9cipate in the Tui9on Assistance Program, a family must:
• Provide a copy of their 2015, or 2016, tax return, to the BMHS business office, or a leAer from an employer outlining annual income if the family does not file a tax return. (Parents no longer will have to pay the FAIR fee unless they want to use that agency instead of providing returns.) • Agree to par9cipate in outside scholarship programs and provide necessary documenta9on to support par9cipa9on.
Tui=on Rates • Parish Affiliated Rate
• 8% of AGI or $10,800 (whichever is lower) with a minimum tui9on of $2,500 • $500 Registra9on Fee
• Non-Parish Affiliated Rate
• 9.5% of AGI or $11,800 (whichever is lower) with a minimum tui9on of $3,500 • $500 Registra9on Fee
• Interna9onal Students
• $16,000 which includes enrollment in the Interna9onal Services Program (ELL) • $1000 Registra9on Fee
Notes: • New students pay a one-9me assessment fee of $175 • There is a mul9-student discount of $500 for every child aper the first child
Financial Responsibility • We have to work within the financial budget we have as a school. • Therefore, we have a limited number of seats available within each tui9on assistance range: Tui.on Assistance Provided
Tui.on Range
Typical Class Student Count
> $2,500
$8,300 – $6,400
$2,501 – $5,400
$6,400 – $3,700
$5,401 – $8,100
$3,700 - $0
$8,101 - $10,800
• We will no9fy all applicants at the 9me of acceptance as to the level of assistance they will qualify for under this model (assuming the necessary documents were provided); that tui9on will not be guaranteed un9l the registra9on fee is received and space availability at that tui9on level is confirmed at that 9me the registra9on fee is provided. • These range limits will not apply to students currently enrolled in the school.
Programming Announcements • Classical Track Star9ng With This Year’s Incoming Freshmen • Course Enhancements Opportuni9es for Upper Classmen • Transparent Tui9on Assistance Model
Power of the Past Building for the Future